Brake Rotors From the People's Republic of China: Extension of Time Limit for Final Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative and New Shipper Reviews, 47169 [E6-13474]
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 158 / Wednesday, August 16, 2006 / Notices
Dated: August 7, 2006.
Mark S. Plank,
Director, Engineering and Environmental
Staff, USDA/Rural Development/Utilities
[FR Doc. E6–13411 Filed 8–15–06; 8:45 am]
International Trade Administration
Brake Rotors From the People’s
Republic of China: Extension of Time
Limit for Final Results of Antidumping
Duty Administrative and New Shipper
Import Administration,
International Trade Administration,
Department of Commerce.
DATES: Effective Date: August 16, 2006.
C. Begnal or Tom Killiam, AD/CVD
Operations, Office 9, Import
Administration, International Trade
Administration, U.S. Department of
Commerce, 14th Street and Constitution
Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20230;
telephone: (202) 482–1442 or (202) 482–
5222, respectively.
On May 8, 2006, the Department of
Commerce (‘‘Department’’) published
the preliminary results of the
administrative review of the
antidumping duty order on brake rotors
from the People’s Republic of China for
the period April 1, 2004, through March
31, 2005. See Brake Rotors From the
People’s Republic of China: Preliminary
Results and Partial Rescission of the
2004/2005 Administrative Review and
Preliminary Notice of Intent To Rescind
the 2004/2005 New Shipper Review, 71
FR 26736 (May 8, 2006) (‘‘Preliminary
Results’’). The final results of this
administrative review are currently due
by September 5, 2006.
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Extension of Time Limit for Final
Pursuant to section 751(a)(3)(A) of the
Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (‘‘the
Act’’), and section 351.213(h)(1) of the
Department’s regulations, the
Department shall issue final results in
an administrative review of an
antidumping duty order within 120
days after the date on which the notice
of preliminary results is published in
the Federal Register. However, if the
Department determines that it is not
practicable to complete the review
within the specified time period, section
VerDate Aug<31>2005
20:24 Aug 15, 2006
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751(a)(3)(A) of the Act allows the
Department to extend this deadline to
180 days.
The Department has determined that
completion of the final results within
the originally anticipated time limit,
September 5, 2006, is impracticable.
The Department requires additional
time to analyze the parties’ responses to
the supplemental questionnaires issued
on June 22, 2006, as well as to address
the concerns of the interested parties as
raised in their June 19, 2006 briefs, June
27, 2006 rebuttal briefs, July 17, 2006
comments on bentonite and coal
powder usage, and July 24, 2006,
rebuttal comments on this issue.
Consequently, it is not practicable to
complete the review within the time
specified under the Act. Therefore, the
Department is extending the time limit
for completion of these final results by
45 days to October 20, 2006, in
accordance with Section 751(a)(3)(A) of
the Act.
Additionally, on April 29, 2005,
Shanxi Zhongding Auto Parts Co., Ltd.
agreed to waive the time limits of its
new shipper review, pursuant to 19 CFR
351.214(j)(3), and to have its review
conducted concurrently with the 2004/
2005 administrative review of this order
for the period April 1, 2004, through
March 31, 2005. Therefore, the final
results of this new shipper review will
also be extended by 45 days to October
20, 2006.
We are issuing and publishing this
notice in accordance with sections
751(a)(1) and 777(i)(1) of the Act.
Dated: August 10, 2006.
Stephen J. Claeys,
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Import
[FR Doc. E6–13474 Filed 8–15–06; 8:45 am]
International Trade Administration
Certain Cased Pencils from the
People’s Republic of China: Notice of
Partial Rescission of Antidumping
Duty Administrative Review
Import Administration,
International Trade Administration,
Department of Commerce.
EFFECTIVE DATE: August 16, 2006.
Brian Smith or Gemal Brangman, AD/
CVD Operations, Import
Administration, International Trade
Administration, U.S. Department of
Commerce, 14th Street and Constitution
PO 00000
Frm 00007
Fmt 4703
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Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20230;
telephone: (202) 482–1766 or (202) 482–
3773, respectively.
On December 1, 2005, the Department
published in the Federal Register a
notice of ‘‘Opportunity to Request
Administrative Review’’ of the
antidumping duty order on certain
cased pencils from the People’s
Republic of China (‘‘PRC’’) covering the
period December 1, 2004, through
November 30, 2005. See Antidumping
or Countervailing Duty Order, Finding,
or Suspended Investigation;
Opportunity to Request Administrative
Review, 70 FR 72109 (December 1,
2005). On December 30, 2005, the
petitioners1 requested an administrative
review of the antidumping duty order
for Tianjin Custom Wood Processing
Co., Ltd. (‘‘TCW’’).2 On January 3, 2006,
Orient International Holding Shanghai
Foreign Trade Corp. (‘‘SFTC’’) requested
an administrative review of its sales. On
February 1, 2006, the Department
published a notice of initiation of an
administrative review of the
antidumping duty order on certain
cased pencils from the PRC with respect
to these companies. See Initiation of
Antidumping and Countervailing Duty
Administrative Reviews, 71 FR 5241
(February 1, 2006) (‘‘Initiation Notice’’).
On February 14, 2006, SFTC
withdrew its request for review.
In response to the Department’s
February 8, 2006, quantity and value
questionnaire, TCW stated on February
22, 2006, that it had no exports, sales or
entries of subject merchandise to the
United States during the POR.
On July 24, 2006, the Department
placed on the record a list of
manufacturers/exporters of the subject
merchandise for which the Department
initiated administrative reviews, and for
which U.S. Customs and Border
Protection (‘‘CBP’’) suspended
liquidation of subject entries during the
period of review. See the July 24, 2006,
memorandum from Brian Smith to the
file entitled, ‘‘2004–2005 Administrative
Review of Certain Cased Pencils from
the People’s Republic of China: CBP List
of Exporters’’ (‘‘July 24, 2006,
1 The petitioners are Sanford L.P., Musgrave
Pencil Company, RoseMoon Inc., and General
Pencil Company.
2 The petitioners also requested a review for
China First Pencil Company, Ltd., Shanghai Three
Star Stationary Industry Corp, and its affiliates
Shanghai First Writing Instrument Co., Ltd.,
Shanghai Great Wall Pencil Co., Ltd., and China
First Pencil Fang Zheng Co.
[Federal Register Volume 71, Number 158 (Wednesday, August 16, 2006)]
[Page 47169]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E6-13474]
International Trade Administration
Brake Rotors From the People's Republic of China: Extension of
Time Limit for Final Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative and New
Shipper Reviews
AGENCY: Import Administration, International Trade Administration,
Department of Commerce.
DATES: Effective Date: August 16, 2006.
Operations, Office 9, Import Administration, International Trade
Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 14th Street and
Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20230; telephone: (202) 482-
1442 or (202) 482-5222, respectively.
On May 8, 2006, the Department of Commerce (``Department'')
published the preliminary results of the administrative review of the
antidumping duty order on brake rotors from the People's Republic of
China for the period April 1, 2004, through March 31, 2005. See Brake
Rotors From the People's Republic of China: Preliminary Results and
Partial Rescission of the 2004/2005 Administrative Review and
Preliminary Notice of Intent To Rescind the 2004/2005 New Shipper
Review, 71 FR 26736 (May 8, 2006) (``Preliminary Results''). The final
results of this administrative review are currently due by September 5,
Extension of Time Limit for Final Results
Pursuant to section 751(a)(3)(A) of the Tariff Act of 1930, as
amended (``the Act''), and section 351.213(h)(1) of the Department's
regulations, the Department shall issue final results in an
administrative review of an antidumping duty order within 120 days
after the date on which the notice of preliminary results is published
in the Federal Register. However, if the Department determines that it
is not practicable to complete the review within the specified time
period, section 751(a)(3)(A) of the Act allows the Department to extend
this deadline to 180 days.
The Department has determined that completion of the final results
within the originally anticipated time limit, September 5, 2006, is
impracticable. The Department requires additional time to analyze the
parties' responses to the supplemental questionnaires issued on June
22, 2006, as well as to address the concerns of the interested parties
as raised in their June 19, 2006 briefs, June 27, 2006 rebuttal briefs,
July 17, 2006 comments on bentonite and coal powder usage, and July 24,
2006, rebuttal comments on this issue. Consequently, it is not
practicable to complete the review within the time specified under the
Act. Therefore, the Department is extending the time limit for
completion of these final results by 45 days to October 20, 2006, in
accordance with Section 751(a)(3)(A) of the Act.
Additionally, on April 29, 2005, Shanxi Zhongding Auto Parts Co.,
Ltd. agreed to waive the time limits of its new shipper review,
pursuant to 19 CFR 351.214(j)(3), and to have its review conducted
concurrently with the 2004/2005 administrative review of this order for
the period April 1, 2004, through March 31, 2005. Therefore, the final
results of this new shipper review will also be extended by 45 days to
October 20, 2006.
We are issuing and publishing this notice in accordance with
sections 751(a)(1) and 777(i)(1) of the Act.
Dated: August 10, 2006.
Stephen J. Claeys,
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Import Administration.
[FR Doc. E6-13474 Filed 8-15-06; 8:45 am]