Self-Regulatory Organizations; New York Stock Exchange LLC; Order Granting Approval of Proposed Rule Change and Amendment No. 1 Thereto, and Notice of Filing and Order Granting Accelerated Approval To Amendment No. 2, Relating to Listing and Trading Shares of the iShares GSCI Commodity Indexed Trust Under New Rules 1300B and 1301B, et seq., 36372-36380 [E6-9985]
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 122 / Monday, June 26, 2006 / Notices
including whether the proposed rule
change is consistent with the Act.
Comments may be submitted by any of
the following methods:
Electronic Comments
• Use the Commission’s Internet
comment form (
rules/sro.shtml); or
• Send an e-mail to Please include File
Number SR–NYSE–2006–43 on the
subject line.
Paper Comments
• Send paper comments in triplicate
to Nancy M. Morris, Secretary,
Securities and Exchange Commission,
Station Place, 100 F Street, NE.,
Washington, DC 20549–1090.
[Release No. 34–54013; File No. SR–NYSE–
Self-Regulatory Organizations; New
York Stock Exchange LLC; Order
Granting Approval of Proposed Rule
Change and Amendment No. 1
Thereto, and Notice of Filing and Order
Granting Accelerated Approval To
Amendment No. 2, Relating to Listing
and Trading Shares of the iShares
GSCI Commodity Indexed Trust Under
New Rules 1300B and 1301B, et seq.
June 16, 2006.
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES
On March 7, 2006, the New York
Stock Exchange LLC (‘‘NYSE’’ or
‘‘Exchange’’) filed with the Securities
and Exchange Commission
(‘‘Commission’’), pursuant to section
19(b)(1) of the Securities Exchange Act
All submissions should refer to File
of 1934 (‘‘Act’’) 1 and Rule 19b–4
Number SR–NYSE–2006–43. This file
thereunder,2 a proposal to adopt rules
number should be included on the
that would provide for and govern the
subject line if e-mail is used. To help the
trading of Commodity Trust Shares,
Commission process and review your
including shares (‘‘Shares’’) of the
comments more efficiently, please use
iShares GSCI Commodity—Indexed
only one method. The Commission will Trust (‘‘Trust’’). On March 24, 2006, the
post all comments on the Commission’s Exchange filed Amendment No. 1 to the
Internet Web site (
proposed rule change. The proposed
rules/sro.shtml). Copies of the
rule change, as amended, was published
submission, all subsequent
for comment in the Federal Register on
amendments, all written statements
April 24, 2006.3 On June 15, 2006, the
with respect to the proposed rule
Exchange filed Amendment No. 2 to the
change that are filed with the
proposed rule change.4 The Commission
Commission, and all written
received one comment letter.5 On May
12, 2006, the Exchange filed a response
communications relating to the
to those comments.6 This order
proposed rule change between the
Commission and any person, other than approves the proposed rule change, as
amended by Amendment No. 1.
those that may be withheld from the
Simultaneously, the Commission
public in accordance with the
provides notice of filing of Amendment
provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be
available for inspection and copying in
1 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).
the Commission’s Public Reference
2 17 CFR 240.19b–4.
Room. Copies of such filing also will be
3 Securities Exchange Act Release No. 53659
available for inspection and copying at
(April 17, 2006), 71 FR 21074 (‘‘Notice’’).
4 In Amendment No. 2, the Exchange states that:
the principal office of the Exchange. All
(1) The Sponsor (defined below) has informed the
comments received will be posted
Exchange that the Trustee (also defined below) for
without change; the Commission does
the Trust will make the net asset value (‘‘NAV’’) for
not edit personal identifying
the Trust available to all market participants at the
same time; (2) if the NAV is not disseminated to all
information from submissions. You
market participants at the same time, the Exchange
should submit only information that
will halt trading in the Shares; and (3) if the NAV
you wish to make available publicly. All is not disseminated to all market participants at the
same time, the Exchange will immediately contact
submissions should refer to File
Number SR–NYSE–2006–43 and should the Commission staff to discuss measures that may
be appropriate under the circumstances.
be submitted on or before July 17, 2006.
5 See letter from Kevin Rich, Director and Chief
For the Commission, by the Division of
Market Regulation, pursuant to delegated
Nancy M. Morris,
[FR Doc. E6–9984 Filed 6–23–06; 8:45 am]
6 17
CFR 200.30–3(a)(12).
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Executive Officer, DB Commodity Services LLC
(‘‘DB’’), to Nancy M. Morris, Secretary,
Commission, dated March 17, 2006 (‘‘Rich Letter’’).
That letter is available for review on the
Commission’s Web site at:
6 See letter from Mary Yeager, Assistant Secretary,
NYSE, to Nancy M. Morris, Secretary, Commission,
dated May 12, 2006 (‘‘Yeager Letter’’). That letter
also is available for review on the Commission’s
Web site at:
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No. 2, grants accelerated approval of
Amendment No. 2, and solicits
comments from interested persons on
Amendment No. 2.
I. Description of Proposal
The NYSE proposes to adopt rules
that would provide for and govern the
trading of Commodity Trust Shares. A
Commodity Trust Share is defined as
A security that: (a) Is issued by a trust
(‘‘Trust’’) which (i) is a commodity pool that
is managed by a commodity pool operator
registered as such with the Commodity
Futures Trading Commission, and (ii) which
holds positions in futures contracts on a
specified commodity index, or interests in a
commodity pool which, in turn, holds such
positions; (b) when aggregated in some
specified minimum number may be
surrendered to the Trust by the beneficial
owner to receive positions in futures
contracts on a specified index and cash or
short term securities.
Proposed NYSE Rule 1300B(a). In
addition, Proposed NYSE Rule 1301B
sets forth guidelines for specialists in
Commodity Trust Shares and other
products whose price is based, in whole
or in part, on: (a) The price of a
commodity or commodities; (b) any
futures contracts or other derivatives
based on a commodity or commodities;
or any indexed based on either (a) or (b),
Pursuant to Proposed NYSE Rule
1300B, et seq., the Exchange proposes to
list and trade Shares, which fall within
the definition of Commodity Trust
Shares (as mentioned above) and are
linked to the performance of the GSCI
Total Return Index (‘‘Index’’ or ‘‘GSCI–
Description of the Shares
The Shares will constitute units of
beneficial interest representing
fractional undivided beneficial interests
in the net assets of the Trust (described
below). The performance of the Shares
is designed to correspond generally to
the performance of the Index before
payment of the Trust’s and the Investing
Pool’s expenses and liabilities. The
investment objective of the Trust is for
the performance of the Shares to
correspond to the performance of the
Index before payment of the Trust’s and
Investing Pool’s expenses and liabilities.
As discussed below, the value of the
Index reflects the value of an investment
in the Goldman Sachs Commodity Index
(‘‘GSCI’’), a production-weighted index
of the prices of a diversified group of
futures contracts on physical
commodities, together with a Treasury
bill rate of interest that could be earned
on funds committed to the trading of the
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 122 / Monday, June 26, 2006 / Notices
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES
underlying futures contracts of the
Substantially all of the assets of the
Trust consist of its holdings of the
limited liability company interests
(‘‘Investing Pool Interests’’) of iShares
GSCI Commodity-Indexed Investing
Pool LLC (‘‘Investing Pool’’).7 In turn,
the Investing Pool holds long positions
in futures contracts on the GSCI Excess
Return Index (‘‘CERFs’’), which are
listed on the Chicago Mercantile
Exchange (‘‘CME’’).
The Investing Pool will hold long
positions in CERFs, which are cashsettled futures contracts listed on the
CME that have a term of approximately
five years after listing and whose
settlement at expiration is based on the
value of the GSCI Excess Return Index
(‘‘GSCI–ER’’) at that time. The Investing
Pool will also hold cash or Short-Term
Securities 8 to post as margin to
collateralize the Investing Pool’s CERF
positions.9 The Investing Pool will earn
interest on the assets used to
collateralize its holdings of CERFs.
Each CERF is a contract that provides
for cash settlement, at expiration, based
upon the final settlement value of the
GSCI–ER at the expiration of the
contract multiplied by a fixed dollar
multiplier. The final settlement value is
determined for this purpose.
Accordingly, a position in CERFs
provides the holder with the positive or
negative return on the GSCI–ER during
the period in which the position is held.
On a daily basis, most market
participants with positions in CERFs are
obligated to pay, or entitled to receive,
cash (known as ‘‘variation margin’’) in
an amount equal to the change in the
daily settlement level of the CERF from
the preceding trading day’s settlement
level (or, initially, the contract price at
which the position was entered into).
Specifically, if the daily settlement price
of the contract increases over the
previous day’s price, the seller of the
contract must pay the difference to the
buyer, and if the daily settlement price
is less than the previous day’s price, the
buyer of the contract must pay the
difference to the seller. Trading of
7 Investing Pool Interests are the only securities in
which the Trust may invest.
8 ‘‘Short-Term Securities’’ means U.S. Treasury
Securities or other short-term securities and similar
securities, in each case that are eligible as margin
deposits under the rules of the CME.
9 The Investing Pool will satisfy the 100% margin
requirement by depositing with the Clearing FCM
cash or Short-Term Securities with a value equal to
100% of the value of each long position in CERFs.
As a result of these arrangements, the Investing Pool
will be subject to substantially greater initial margin
requirements than other market participants buying
a CERF, but it will not be required to pay any
additional amounts to its FCM as variation margin
if the value of the CERFs declines.
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CERFs commenced on the CME Globex
electronic trading platform effective
March 12, 2006, for trade date March 13,
2006. CERFs are listed and traded
separately from the GSCI futures
contracts and options on futures
Management of the Trust and Investing
Both the Trust and the Investing Pool
are commodity pools managed by the
Sponsor. The Sponsor is registered as a
commodity pool operator with the
Commodity Futures Trading
Commission (‘‘CFTC’’),10 and its
primary business function is to act as
Sponsor and commodity pool operator
of the Trust and manager of the
Investing Pool (‘‘Manager’’). As
Manager, the Sponsor will serve as
commodity pool operator of the
Investing Pool and be responsible for its
administration. The Manager will
arrange for and pay the costs of
organizing the Investing Pool. The
Manager has delegated some of its
responsibilities for administering the
Investing Pool to the Administrator,
Investors Bank & Trust Company, which
in turn, has employed the Investing Pool
Administrator and the Tax
Administrator (Pricewaterhouse
Coopers) to maintain various records on
behalf of the Investing Pool.
The advisor to the Investing Pool
(‘‘Advisor’’) is Barclays Global Fund
Advisors, a California corporation and
an indirect subsidiary of Barclays Bank
PLC. The Advisor will invest all of the
Investing Pool’s assets in long positions
in CERFs and post margin in the form
of cash or Short-Term Securities to
collateralize the CERF positions (as
discussed below). Any cash that the
Investing Pool accepts as consideration
from the Trust for Investing Pool
Interests will be used to purchase
additional CERFs, in an amount that the
Advisor determines will enable the
Investing Pool to achieve investment
results that correspond with the Index,
and to collateralize the CERFs. The
Advisor will not engage in any activities
designed to obtain a profit from, or to
ameliorate losses caused by, changes in
value of any of the commodities
represented by the GSCI or the positions
or other assets held by the Investing
The trustee of the Trust (‘‘Trustee’’) is
Barclays Global Investors, N.A., a
national banking association affiliated
with the Sponsor. The Trustee is
responsible for the day-to-day
10 Neither the Trust nor the Investing Pool is an
investment company registered under the
Investment Company Act of 1940.
PO 00000
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administration of the Trust. Day-to-day
administration includes: (i) Processing
orders for the creation and redemption
of Baskets (as described below); (ii)
coordinating with the Manager of the
Investing Pool the receipt and delivery
of consideration transferred to, or by,
the Trust in connection with each
issuance and redemption of Baskets;
and (iii) calculating the net asset value
of the Trust on each Business Day.11
The Trustee has delegated these
responsibilities to the Trust
Administrator, Investors Bank & Trust
Company, a banking corporation that is
not affiliated with the Sponsor or the
The Exchange states that neither the
Trust nor the Investing Pool will engage
in any activities designed to obtain a
profit from, or to ameliorate losses
caused by, changes in the value of
CERFs or securities posted as margin.
Related Indices
The GSCI, the GSCI–ER, and the
Index are administered, calculated, and
published by Goldman, Sachs & Co.
(‘‘Index Sponsor’’),12 a subsidiary of The
Goldman Sachs Group Inc. The Index
Sponsor is a broker-dealer.13 The index
values for the three indexes, the Index,
the GSCI, and the GSCI–ER, are updated
and disseminated at least every 15
seconds by one or more major market
data vendors during the time the Shares
trade on the Exchange.14 The settlement
prices for the three indexes are also
widely disseminated by one or more
major market data vendors.
a. GSCI Index
The GSCI, upon which the Index is
based, is a proprietary index on a
production-weighted basket of principal
physical commodities that satisfy
specified criteria. The GSCI reflects the
level of commodity prices at a given
time and is designed to be a measure of
the performance over time of the
markets for these commodities. The
Exchange states that the commodities
represented in the GSCI are those
11 The Trust Registration Statement defines
‘‘Business Day’’ as any day (1) on which none of
the following occurs: (a) The NYSE is closed for
regular trading, (b) the CME is closed for regular
trading, or (c) the Federal Reserve transfer system
is closed for cash wire transfers, or (2) the Trustee
determines that it is able to conduct business.
12 See telephone conversation between Michael
Cavalier, Assistant General Counsel, NYSE, and
Florence E. Harmon, Senior Special Counsel,
Commission, on April 13, 2006 (‘‘April 13
Telephone Conversation’’).
13 Id.
14 See telephone conversation between Michael
Cavalier, Assistant General Counsel, NYSE, and
Florence E. Harmon, Senior Special Counsel,
Commission, on June 1, 2006 (‘‘ June 1 Telephone
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 122 / Monday, June 26, 2006 / Notices
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES
physical commodities on which active
and liquid contracts are traded on
trading facilities in major industrialized
countries. The commodities included in
the GSCI are weighted, on a production
basis, to reflect the relative significance
(in the view of the Index Sponsor, in
consultation with its Policy Committee
described below) of those commodities
to the world economy. The fluctuations
in the level of the GSCI are intended
generally to correlate with changes in
the prices of those physical
commodities in global markets.
The contracts to be included in the
GSCI must satisfy several sets of
eligibility criteria established by the
Index Sponsor.15 First, the Index
Sponsor identifies those contracts that
meet the general criteria for eligibility.
Second, the contract volume and weight
requirements are applied and the
number of contracts is determined,
which serves to reduce the list of
eligible contracts. At that point, the list
of designated contracts for the relevant
period is complete.
The value of the GSCI on any given
day is equal to the total dollar weight of
the GSCI divided by a normalizing
constant that assures the continuity of
the GSCI over time. The total dollar
weight of the GSCI is the sum of the
dollar weight of each index component.
The dollar weight of each such index
component on any given day is equal to:
• The daily contract reference price,
• Multiplied by the appropriate
contract production weights (‘‘CPWs’’),
• During a roll period, the
appropriate ‘‘roll weights’’ (discussed
These factors, along with the contract
daily return for each Index component,
are described in more detail in the
Notice. Additionally, this information is
publicly available each business day on
15 See GSCI Manual at
Goldman, Sachs & Co. is the Index Sponsor for both
the Index and the GSCI. See April 13 Telephone
16 If the price is not made available or corrected
by 4 p.m. New York time, the Index Sponsor, if it
deems such action to be appropriate under the
circumstances, will determine the appropriate daily
contract reference price for the applicable futures
contract in its reasonable judgment for purposes of
the relevant GSCI calculation. If such actions by
the Index Sponsor are implemented on more than
a temporary basis, the Exchange will contact the
Commission staff and, as necessary, file a proposed
rule change pursuant to Rule 19b–4, seeking
Commission approval to continue to trade the
Shares. Unless approved for continued trading, the
Exchange would commence delisting proceedings.
See ‘‘Continued Listing Criteria,’’ infra; telephone
conversation between Florence E. Harmon, Senior
Special Counsel, Commission; John Carey, Assistant
General Counsel, Exchange; and Michael Cavalier,
Assistant General Counsel, Exchange, on April 10,
2006 (‘‘April 10 Telephone Conversation’’).
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the Index Sponsor’s Web site at https:// 17 and the relevant
futures exchanges, and/or from major
market data vendors. However, if the
volume of trading in the relevant
contract, as a multiple of the production
levels of the commodity, is below
specified thresholds, the CPW of the
contract is reduced until the threshold
is satisfied. This is designed to ensure
that trading in each contract is
sufficiently liquid relative to the
production of the commodity.
The composition of the GSCI is
reviewed on a monthly basis by the
Index Sponsor and, if the multiple of
any contract is below the prescribed
threshold, the composition of the GSCI
is reevaluated, based on the criteria and
weighting procedures.18 This procedure
is undertaken to allow the GSCI to
shift from contracts that have lost
substantial liquidity into more liquid
contracts during the course of a given
year.19 As a result, it is possible that the
composition or weighting of the GSCI
will change on one or more of these
monthly Valuation Dates. In addition,
regardless of whether any changes have
occurred during the year, the Index
Sponsor reevaluates the composition of
the GSCI at the conclusion of each
year, based on the above criteria. Other
commodities that satisfy such criteria, if
any, will be added to the GSCI.
Commodities included in the GSCI
17 The CPWs are available in the GSCI manual
on the GSCI Web site (
and are published on Reuters. The roll weights are
not published but can be determined from the rules
in the GSCI Manual. See telephone conversation
between Florence E. Harmon, Senior Special
Counsel, Commission, and John Carey, Assistant
General Counsel, Exchange, on May 18, 2006 (‘‘May
18 Telephone Conversation’’).
18 The Index Sponsor, Goldman, Sachs & Co.
(‘‘Goldman Sachs’’), which calculates and
maintains the GSCI and the Index, is a brokerdealer. Therefore, appropriate firewalls must exist
around the personnel who have access to
information concerning changes and adjustment to
an index and the trading personnel of the brokerdealer. Accordingly, the Exchange states that the
Index Sponsor has represented that it: (i) Has
implemented and maintained procedures
reasonably designed to prevent the use and
dissemination by personnel of the Index Sponsor,
in violation of applicable laws, rules and
regulations, of material non-public information
relating to changes in the composition or method
of computation or calculation of the Index; and (ii)
periodically checks the application of such
procedures as they relate to such personnel of the
Index Sponsor directly responsible for such
changes. In addition, the Policy Committee
members are subject to written policies with respect
to material, non-public information. See telephone
conversation between Florence E. Harmon, Senior
Special Counsel, Commission; John Carey, Assistant
General Counsel, Exchange; and Michael Cavalier,
Assistant General Counsel, Exchange, on April 14,
2006 (‘‘April 14 Telephone Conversation II’’) and
May 18 Telephone Conversation.
19 See also ‘‘Contract Expirations’’ in Notice,
supra, note 3.
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which no longer satisfy such criteria, if
any, will be deleted.
The Index Sponsor has established a
Policy Committee to assist it with the
operation of the GSCI.20 The principal
purpose of the Policy Committee is to
advise the Index Sponsor with respect
to, among other things, the calculation
of the GSCI, the effectiveness of the
GSCI as a measure of commodity
futures market performance, and the
need for changes in the composition or
the methodology of the GSCI. The
Policy Committee acts solely in an
advisory and consultative capacity. All
decisions with respect to the
composition, calculation and operation
of the GSCI and the Index are made by
the Index Sponsor.21
b. The GSCI–TR Index
The Index, to which the performance
of the Shares is linked, was established
in May of 1991. The GSCI–TR reflects
the return of the GSCI–ER, together with
the return on specified U.S. Treasury
securities that are deemed to have been
held to collateralize a hypothetical long
position in the futures contracts
comprising the GSCI.22
c. The GSCI–ER
The GSCI–ER, to which the
performance of the CERFs held by the
Investing Pool is linked, was also
established in May of 1991. The GSCI–
ER is calculated based on the same
commodities included in the GSCI, and
it reflects the returns that are potentially
available through a rolling 23
20 The component selections for the GSCI would
obviously affect the Index. See telephone
conversation between Florence E. Harmon, Senior
Special Counsel, Commission, and Michael
Cavalier, Assistant General Counsel, Exchange, on
April 12, 2006 (‘‘April 12 Telephone
21 The Exchange states that the Index Sponsor has
represented that the Policy Committee members are
subject to written policies with respect to material,
non-public information. See telephone conversation
between Florence E. Harmon, Senior Special
Counsel, Commission, and Michael Cavalier,
Assistant General Counsel, Exchange, on May 15,
2006 (‘‘May 15 Telephone Conversation’’).
22 The Exchange states that it recently listed and
is trading another derivative product, the Barclays
iPath Exchange-Traded Notes, whose return is
based on the GSCI–TR. See Securities Exchange Act
Release No. 53849 (May 22, 2006), 71 FR 30706
(May, 30, 2006) (SR–NYSE–2006–20). The
description of the GSCI–TR in regards to that
product is comparable as that herein because it
states that the GSCI–TR reflects the ‘‘excess
returns’’ that are potentially available through an
unleveraged investment in the contracts comprising
the GSCI, which is in effect the GSCI–ER. See
telephone conversation between Florence E.
Harmon, Senior Special Counsel, Commission, and
Michael Cavalier, Assistant General Counsel,
Exchange, on June 14, 2006 (‘‘June 14 Telephone
23 Futures contracts have scheduled expirations,
or delivery months. As one contract nears
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 122 / Monday, June 26, 2006 / Notices
uncollaterized investment in the
contracts comprising the GSCI.24
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES
d. Calculation of Related Indexes
The Index Sponsor makes the official
calculations of the GSCI, the GSCI–TR,
and the GSCI–ER (collectively, ‘‘Related
Indexes’’). While the intraday and
closing values of the Related Indexes are
calculated by Goldman Sachs, a brokerdealer, a number of factors provide for
the independent verification of these
intraday and closing values.25 The
calculation methodology is public and
transparent, and the factors included in
the Index calculation, such as the CPWs,
are available in the GSCI Manual found
on GSCI’s Web site at https:// and are published on
Reuters; the roll weights are not
published but can be determined from
the rules in the GSCI Manual.26 This
calculation is performed continuously
expiration it becomes necessary to close out the
position in that delivery month and establish a
position in the next available delivery month. This
process is referred to as ‘‘rolling’’ the position
24 In the event the Trust utilizes any index that
is a successor to or similar to the GSCI–ER or the
GSCI–TR, the Exchange will file a proposed rule
change pursuant to Rule 19b–4 under the Act. Such
filing would address, among other things, the
characteristics of the successor or substitute index
and the Exchange’s surveillance procedures
applicable to such index. Unless approved for
continued trading, the Exchange would commence
delisting proceedings. See ‘‘Continued Listing
Criteria,’’ infra. Telephone conversation between
Michael Cavalier, Assistant General Counsel, NYSE,
and Florence E. Harmon, Senior Special Counsel,
Commission, on April 10, 2006 (‘‘April 10
Telephone Conference’’).
The Exchange will also file a proposed rule
change pursuant to Rule 19b–4 if GSCI substantially
changes either the Index component selection
methodology or the weighting methodology. In
addition, the Exchange will file a proposed rule
change pursuant to Rule 19b–4 whenever GSCI
adds a new component to the Index using pricing
information from a market with which the
Exchange does not have a previously existing
information sharing agreement or switches to using
pricing information from such a market with
respect to an existing component when such
component constitutes more than 10% of the
weight of the Index. Unless approved for continued
trading, the Exchange would commence delisting
proceedings. See ‘‘Continued Listing Criteria,’’
infra. April 10 Telephone Conference.
25 The Index Sponsor calculates the level of the
Related Indexes intraday and at the end of the day.
The intraday calculation is based on feeds of realtime data relating to the underlying commodities
and updates intermittently approximately every 15
seconds. In the GSCI market, trades are quoted or
settled against the end-of-day value, not against the
value at any other particular time of the day. With
respect to the end-of-day closing level of the index,
the Index Sponsor uses independent feeds from at
least two vendors for each of the underlying
commodities in the index to verify closing prices
and limit moves. A number of commodities market
participants independently verify the correctness of
the disseminated intraday Index value and closing
Index value. Additionally, the closing Index values
are audited by a major independent accounting
firm. See May 18 Telephone Conference.
26 See id.
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and is reported on Reuters page GSCI
and will be updated on Reuters at least
every 15 seconds during business hours
on each day on which the offices of the
Index Sponsor in New York City are
open for business (a ‘‘GSCI Business
Day’’).27 The settlement price for the
Index is also reported on Reuters page
GSCI on each GSCI Business Day
between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m., New York
time. The intraday and settlement prices
for the Index and GSCI–ER are also
reported on Bloomberg page GSCIER
In the event that the Exchange is open
for business on a day that is not a GSCI
Business Day, the Exchange will not
permit trading of the Shares on that
Margin and Its Impact on Return
The Investing Pool will deposit
margin with a value equal to 100% of
the value of each CERF position at the
time it is established. Interest paid on
the collateral deposited as margin, net of
expenses, will be reinvested by the
Investing Pool or, at the Trustee’s
discretion, may be distributed from time
to time to the Shareholders. The
Investing Pool’s profit or loss on its
CERF positions should correlate with
increases and decreases in the value of
the GSCI–ER, although this correlation
will not be exact.
The Exchange states that differences
between the returns of the Investing
Pool and the Index may be based on,
among other factors, any differences
between the return on the assets used by
the Investing Pool to collateralize its
CERF positions and the U.S. Treasury
rate used to calculate the return
component of the Index, timing
differences, differences between the
weighting of the Investing Pool’s
proportion of assets invested in CERFs
versus the Index, and the payment of
expenses and liabilities by the Investing
Pool. The Trust’s net asset value will
27 Thus, this intraday index value of the Index
(and the GSCI and GSCI–ER) will be updated and
disseminated at least every 15 seconds by a major
market data vendor during the time the Shares trade
on the Exchange. April 13 Telephone Conference.
The intraday information with respect to the Index
(and GSCI and GSCI–ER) reported on Reuters is
derived solely from trading prices on the principal
trading markets for the various Index components.
For example, the Index currently includes contracts
traded on ICE Futures and the LME, both of which
are located in London and consequently have
trading days that end several hours before those of
the U.S.-based markets on which the rest of the
Index components are traded. During the portion of
the New York trading day when ICE Futures and
LME are closed, the last reported prices for Index
Components traded on ICE Futures or LME are used
to calculate the intraday Index information
disseminated on Reuters.
28 See ‘‘Calculation of the Index,’’ infra.
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reflect the performance of the Investing
Pool, its sole investment.
Valuation of CERFs; Computation of
Trust’s Net Asset Value
On each Business Day on which the
NYSE is open for regular trading, as
soon as practicable after the close of
regular trading of the Shares on the
NYSE (normally, 4:15 p.m., New York
time), the Trustee will determine the
NAV of the Trust and per share as of
that time.
The Trustee will value the Trust’s
assets based upon the determination by
the Manager, which may act through the
Investing Pool Administrator, of the
NAV of the Investing Pool. The Manager
will determine the NAV of the Investing
Pool as of the same time that the Trustee
determines the NAV of the Trust.
The Manager will value the Investing
Pool’s long position in CERFs on the
basis of that day’s announced CME
settlement price for the CERF. The value
of the Investing Pool’s CERF position
(including any related margin) will
equal the product of: (i) The number of
CERF contracts owned by the Investing
Pool and (ii) the settlement price on the
date of calculation. If there is no
announced CME settlement price for the
CERF on a Business Day, the Manager
will use the most recently announced
CME settlement price unless the
Manager determines that that price is
inappropriate as a basis for evaluation.
The daily settlement price for the CERF
is established by the CME shortly after
the close of trading in Chicago at 2:40
p.m. New York time on each trading
Once the value of the CERFs and
interest earned on any assets posted as
margin and any other assets of the
Investing Pool has been determined, the
Manager will subtract all accrued
expenses and liabilities of the Investing
Pool as of the time of calculation in
order to calculate the net asset value of
the Investing Pool. The Manager, or the
Investing Pool Administrator on its
behalf, will then calculate the value of
the Trust’s Investing Pool Interest and
provide this information to the Trustee.
Once the value of the Trust’s
Investing Pool Interests have been
determined and provided to the Trustee,
the Trustee will subtract all accrued
expenses and other liabilities of the
Trust from the total value of the assets
of the Trust, in each case as of the
calculation time. The resulting amount
is the NAV of the Trust. The Trustee
will determine the NAV per Share by
dividing the NAV of the Trust by the
29 See
April 10 Telephone Conference.
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 122 / Monday, June 26, 2006 / Notices
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES
number of Shares outstanding at the
time the calculation is made.
The NAV for each Business Day on
which the NYSE is open for regular
trading will be distributed through
major market data vendors and will be
published online at https://, or any successor
thereto. The Trust will update the NAV
as soon as practicable after each
subsequent NAV is calculated. The
Trust will disseminate the NAV per
Share to all market participants at the
same time.
Creation and Redemption Process
Creation and redemption of interests
in the Trust, and the corresponding
creation and redemption of interests in
the Investing Pool, will generally be
effected through transactions in
‘‘exchanges of futures for physicals,’’ or
‘‘EFPs.’’ EFPs involve contemporaneous
transactions in futures contracts and the
underlying cash commodity or a closely
related commodity. In a typical EFP, the
buyer of the futures contract sells the
underlying commodity to the seller of
the futures contract in exchange for a
cash payment reflecting the value of the
commodity and the relationship
between the price of the commodity and
the related futures contract. According
to the Registration Statement, in the
context of CERFs, CME rules permit the
execution of EFPs consisting of
simultaneous purchases (sales) of CERFs
and sales (purchases) of Shares. This
mechanism will generally be used by
the Trust in connection with the
creation and redemption of Baskets.
Specifically, it is anticipated that an
‘‘Authorized Participant’’ (defined
below) requesting the creation of
additional Baskets typically will transfer
CERFs and cash (or, in the discretion of
the Trustee, Short-Term Securities in
lieu of cash) to the Trust in return for
The Trust will simultaneously
contribute to the Investing Pool the
CERFs (and any cash or securities)
received from the Authorized
Participant in return for an increase in
its Investing Pool Interests. If an EFP is
executed in connection with the
redemption of one or more Baskets, an
Authorized Participant will transfer to
the Trust the Basket of Shares being
redeemed, and the Trust will transfer to
the Authorized Participant CERFs, cash,
or Short-Term Securities. In order to
obtain the CERFs, cash or Short-Term
Securities to be transferred to the
Authorized Participant, the Trust will
redeem an equivalent portion of its
interest in the Investing Pool Interests.
The Trust will offer and redeem
Shares on a continuous basis on each
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business day, but only in Baskets
consisting of 50,000 Shares. Baskets will
be typically issued only in exchange for
an amount of CERFs and cash (or, in the
discretion of the Trustee, Short-Term
Securities in lieu of cash) equal to the
Basket Amount for the Business Day on
which the creation order was received
by the Trustee. Similarly, Baskets will
be redeemed only in exchange for an
amount of CERFs and cash (or, in the
discretion of the Trustee, Short-Term
Securities in lieu of cash) equal to the
Basket Amount on the Business Day the
redemption request is received by the
Trustee. The Basket Amount for a
Business Day will have a per Share
value equal to the NAV as of such day.
However, creation and redemption
orders received by the Trustee after 2:40
p.m., New York time, will be treated as
received on the next following Business
Day. The Trustee will notify the
Authorized Participants of the Basket
Amount on each Business Day prior to
the opening of the Exchange. Additional
information about the creation and
redemption process is set forth in the
Dissemination of Information Relating
to the Shares, Trust Holdings, and
Related Indices
The Web site for the Trust (https://, which will be
publicly accessible at no charge, will
contain the following information: (i)
The prior Business Day’s NAV and the
reported closing price; (ii) the mid-point
of the bid-ask price in relation to the
NAV as of the time the NAV is
calculated (the ‘‘Bid-Ask Price’’); (iii)
calculation of the premium or discount
of such price against such NAV; (iv)
data in chart form displaying the
frequency distribution of discounts and
premiums of the Bid-Ask Price against
the NAV, within appropriate ranges for
each of the four previous calendar
quarters; (v) the prospectus; (vi) the
holdings of the Trust, including CERFs,
cash and Treasury securities; (vii) the
Basket Amount; and (viii) other
applicable quantitative information. The
Exchange on its Web site at https:// will include a hyperlink
to the Trust’s Web site at https://
As described above, the NAV for the
Trust 30 will be calculated and
30 See telephone conversation between Florence
E. Harmon, Senior Special Counsel, Commission,
and Michael Cavalier, Assistant General Counsel,
Exchange, on June 15, 2006 (‘‘June 15 Telephone
Conversation’’) (authorizing change from ‘‘Fund’’ to
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disseminated daily.31 The NYSE also
intends to disseminate, during NYSE
trading hours for the Trust on a daily
basis by means of CTA/CQ High Speed
Lines information with respect to the
Indicative Value (as discussed below),
recent NAV, and Shares outstanding.
The Exchange will also make available
on daily trading
volume, closing prices, and the NAV.
Real-time information is available
about the Trust’s holdings in the
Investing Pool. Various data vendors
and news publications publish futures
prices and data. Futures quotes and last
sale information for the commodities
underlying the Index and the CERFs are
widely disseminated through a variety
of major market data vendors
worldwide, including Bloomberg and
Reuters. In addition, complete real-time
data for such futures, including the
CERFs, is available by subscription from
Reuters and Bloomberg. The futures
exchanges on which the underlying
commodities and CERFs trade also
provide delayed futures information on
current and past trading sessions and
market news generally free of charge on
their respective Web sites. The specific
contract specifications for the futures
contracts are also available from the
futures exchanges on their Web sites, as
well as other financial informational
As stated above, a major market data
vendor will disseminate at least every
15 seconds (during the time that the
Shares trade on the Exchange) updated
index values for the GSCI, the Index,
and the GSCI–ER.32 Daily settlement
values for the GSCI, the Index, and the
GSCI–ER are also widely
Indicative Value
In order to provide updated
information relating to the Trust for use
by investors, professionals, and other
persons, the Exchange will disseminate
through the facilities of Consolidated
Tape Association (‘‘CTA’’) an updated
Indicative Value on a per Share basis as
calculated by Bloomberg. The Indicative
Value will be disseminated at least
every 15 seconds from 9:30 a.m. to 4:15
p.m. New York time. The Indicative
31 In Amendment No. 2, the Exchange states that
the NAV will be distributed to all market
participants at the same time.
32 See June 1 Telephone Conversation. The value
of a Share may accordingly be influenced by nonconcurrent trading hours between the NYSE and the
various futures exchanges on which the futures
contracts based on the Index commodities are
traded. While the Shares will trade on the NYSE
from 9:30 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. New York time, the
Notice lists the trading hours for each of the Index
commodities underlying the futures contracts.
33 See April 13 Telephone Conference.
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 122 / Monday, June 26, 2006 / Notices
Value will be calculated based on the
cash and collateral in a Basket Amount
divided by 50,000, adjusted to reflect
the market value of the investments
held by the Investing Pool, i.e., CERFs.34
The Indicative Value will not reflect
price changes to the price of an
underlying commodity between the
close of trading of the futures contract
at the relevant futures exchange and the
close of trading on the NYSE at 4:15
p.m. New York time.
When the market for futures trading
for each of the Index commodities is
open, the Indicative Value can be
expected to closely approximate the
value per Share of the Basket Amount.
However, during NYSE trading hours
when the futures contracts have ceased
trading, spreads and resulting premiums
or discounts may widen, and, therefore,
increase the difference between the
price of the Shares and the NAV of the
Shares. Indicative Value on a per Share
basis disseminated during NYSE trading
hours should not be viewed as a real
time update of the NAV, which is
calculated only once a day. The
Exchange believes that dissemination of
the Indicative Value provides additional
information that is not otherwise
available to the public and is useful to
professionals and investors in
connection with the Shares trading on
the Exchange or creation or redemption
of the Shares.
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES
Continued Listing Criteria
Under the applicable continued
listing criteria, the Shares may be
delisted as follows: (i) Following the
initial twelve-month period beginning
upon the commencement of trading of
the Shares, there are fewer than 50
record and/or beneficial holders of the
Shares for 30 or more consecutive
trading days; (ii) the value of the Index
ceases to be calculated or available on
at least a 15-second basis from a source
unaffiliated with the Sponsor, the Trust
or the Trustee; (iii) the Indicative Value
ceases to be available on at least a 15second delayed basis; (iv) the NAV of
the Shares is not distributed to all
market participants at the same time; 35
or (v) such other event shall occur or
condition exist that, in the opinion of
the Exchange, makes further dealings on
the Exchange inadvisable. In addition,
the Exchange will remove Shares from
34 See telephone conservation between Michael
Cavalier, Assistant General Counsel, NYSE, and
Florence E. Harmon, Senior Special Counsel,
Commission, on April 5, 2006 (authorizing
clarification of sentence).
35 In the event that the Index value, the Indicative
Value, or simultaneous distribution of the NAV is
not available, the Exchange will immediately
contact the Commission to discuss measures that
may be appropriate.
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listing and trading upon termination of
the Trust.
Additionally, the Exchange will file a
proposed rule change pursuant to Rule
19b–4 under the Act,36 seeking approval
to continue trading the Shares and
unless approved, the Exchange will
commence delisting the Shares if:
• The Index Sponsor substantially
changes either the Index component
selection methodology or the weighting
• If a new component is added to the
Index (or pricing information is used for
a new or existing component) that
constitutes more than 10% of the weight
of the Index with whose principal
trading market the Exchange does not
have a comprehensive surveillance
sharing agreement; 37 or
• If a successor or substitute index is
used in connection with the Shares. The
filing will address, among other things
the listing and trading characteristics of
the successor or substitute index and
the Exchange’s surveillance procedures
applicable thereto.
Similarly, the Manager of the Investing
Pool will utilize the most recent CERF
settlement price to calculate NAV,
unless ‘‘extraordinary circumstances’’
arise, which unless temporary in nature,
would require Commission approval of
an Exchange proposed rule change
pursuant to Rule 19b–4.38
(‘‘Communications Between Exchange
and Members’ Offices’’), 98
(‘‘Restrictions on Approved Person
Associated with a Specialist’s Member
Organization), 104 (‘‘Dealings by
Specialists’’), 105(m) (‘‘Guidelines for
Specialists’ Specialty Stock Option
Transactions Pursuant to Rule 105’’),
460.10 (‘‘Specialists Participating in
Contests’’), 1002 (‘‘Availability of
Automatic Feature’’), and 1005 (‘‘Order
May Not Be Broken Into Smaller
Accounts’’), the Shares will be treated
similar to Investment Company Units.
When these Rules discuss Investment
Company Units, references to the word
index (or derivative or similar words)
will be deemed to be references to the
applicable commodity or commodity
index price and reference to the word
security (or derivative or similar words)
will be deemed to be references to the
Commodity Index Trust Shares.
The Exchange does not currently
intend to exempt Commodity Trust
Shares from the Exchange’s ‘‘Market-onClose/Limit-on-Close/Pre-Opening Price
Indications’’ Policy, although the
Exchange may do so by means of a rule
change in the future if, after having
experience with the trading of the
Shares, the Exchange believes such an
exemption is appropriate.
Exchange Trading Rules and Policies
Trading Halts
The Exchange states that the Shares
are subject to all applicable equity
trading rules. The Shares will trade
between the hours of 9:30 a.m. and 4:15
p.m. ET and will be subject to the equity
margin rules of the Exchange.39 A
minimum of three Baskets, representing
150,000 Shares will be outstanding at
the commencement of trading on the
Exchange. The original listing fee
applicable to the Shares will be $5,000.
The annual continued listing fee for the
Shares will be $2,000. The Exchange
states that the Trust is exempt from
corporate governance requirements in
Section 303A of the NYSE Listed
Company Manual, including the
Exchange’s audit committee
requirements in Section 303A.06.40
The Exchange is adopting new NYSE
Rule 1300B (‘‘Commodity Trust
Shares’’) to deal with issues related to
the trading of the Shares. Specifically,
for purposes of NYSE Rules 13
(‘‘Definitions of Orders’’), 36.30
With respect to trading halts, the
Exchange may consider all relevant
factors in exercising its discretion to
halt or suspend trading in the Shares.
Trading on the Exchange in the Shares
may be halted because of market
conditions or for reasons that, in the
view of the Exchange, make trading in
the Shares inadvisable. These may
include (1) the extent to which trading
is not occurring in the underlying
commodities or (2) whether other
unusual conditions or circumstances
detrimental to the maintenance of a fair
and orderly market are present. In
addition, trading in Shares is subject to
trading halts caused by extraordinary
market volatility pursuant to Exchange’s
‘‘circuit breaker’’ rule.41 The Exchange
will halt trading in the Shares if the
value of the Index is no longer
calculated or available on at least a 15second basis through one or more major
market data vendors during the time the
Shares trade on the NYSE, if the
Indicative Value per Share updated at
least every 15 seconds is no longer
calculated or available, or if the NAV
36 17
CFR 240.19b–4.
April 10 Telephone Conference.
38 See June 15 Telephone Conservation.
39 See June 1 Telephone Conference (exchange
citing NYSE Rule 431).
40 See Rule 10A–3(c)(7), 17 CFR 240.10A–3(c)(7).
37 See
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Rule 80B.
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 122 / Monday, June 26, 2006 / Notices
per Share is not available to all market
participants at the same time.42
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES
Specialists’ Trading Obligations
As a result of application of proposed
NYSE Rule 1300B(b), the specialist in a
relevant security,43 the specialist’s
member organization and other
specified persons will be prohibited
under paragraph (m) of NYSE Rule 105
Guidelines from acting as market maker
or functioning in any capacity involving
market-making responsibilities in the
physical commodities included in, or
options, futures or options on futures
on, the index underlying the relevant
security, or any other derivatives
(collectively, ‘‘derivative instruments’’)
based on such index. A specialist
entitled to an exemption under NYSE
Rule 98 from paragraph (m) of NYSE
Rule 105 Guidelines could act in a
market making capacity in physical
commodities included in, or derivative
instruments based on such index, other
than as a specialist in the same security
in another market center.
Under NYSE Rule 1301B(a), the
member organization acting as specialist
in the relevant security: (i) Will be
obligated to conduct all trading in the
specialty security in its specialist
account, (subject only to the ability to
have one or more investment accounts,
all of which must be reported to the
Exchange); (ii) will be required to file
with the Exchange and keep current a
list identifying all accounts for trading
in the physical commodities included
in, or derivative instruments based on
the relevant index, which the member
organization acting as specialist may
have or over which it may exercise
investment discretion; and (iii) will be
prohibited from trading in physical
commodities included in, or derivative
instruments based on the relevant
index, in an account in which a member
organization acting as specialist,
42 In such events, the Exchange would
immediately contact the Commission to discuss
measures that may be appropriate under the
43 New Supplementary Material .10 to proposed
NYSE Rule 1301B would apply the provisions of
proposed Rule 1300B(b) and Rule 1301B to certain
securities listed on the Exchange pursuant to
Section 703.19 (‘‘Other Securities’’) of the NYSE
Listed Company Manual. Examples of the securities
to which Supplementary Material .10 will apply are
the subjects of the following File Nos.: (i) SR–
NYSE–2006–16 (proposal to list and trade IndexLinked Securities of Barclays Bank PLC linked to
the performance of the Dow Jones-AIG Commodity
Index Total Returntm); (ii) SR–NYSE–2006–19
(proposal to list and trade Index-Linked Securities
of Barclays Bank PLC linked to the performance of
the Goldman Sachs Crude Oil Total Return
Indextm); and (iii) File No. SR–NYSE–2006–20
(proposal to list and trade Index-Linked Securities
of Barclays Bank PLC linked to the performance of
the GSCI Total Return Indextm).
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controls trading activities which have
not been reported to the Exchange as
required by proposed NYSE Rule 1301B.
Under Rule 1301B(b), the member
organization acting as specialist in a
relevant security will be required to
make available to the Exchange such
books, records or other information
pertaining to transactions by the
member organization and other
specified persons for its or their own
accounts in derivative instruments on
an index underlying such security or
any commodity included in such index,
as may be requested by the Exchange.
This requirement is in addition to
existing obligations under Exchange
rules regarding the production of books
and records.
Under proposed NYSE Rule 1301B(c),
in connection with trading derivative
instruments based on an index
underlying a relevant security in which
the member organization acts as
specialist, the specialist could not use
any material nonpublic information
received from any person associated
with a member or employee of such
person regarding trading by such person
or employee in derivative instruments
based on the underlying index or in any
commodity included in such index.
The Exchange represents that its
surveillance procedures are adequate to
properly monitor the trading of the
Shares. The Exchange will rely upon
existing NYSE surveillance procedures
governing equities with respect to
surveillance of the Shares. The
Exchange believes that these procedures
are adequate to monitor Exchange
trading of the Shares, to detect
violations of Exchange rules,
consequently deterring manipulation. In
this regard, the Exchange currently has
the authority under NYSE Rules 476
and 1301B to request the Exchange
specialist in the Shares to provide NYSE
Regulation with information that the
specialist uses in connection with
pricing the Shares on the Exchange,
including specialist proprietary or other
information regarding securities,
commodities, futures, options on futures
or other derivative instruments. The
Exchange believes it also has authority
to request any other information from its
members—including floor brokers,
specialists and ‘‘upstairs’’ firms—to
fulfill its regulatory obligations.44
44 As a general matter, the Exchange has
regulatory jurisdiction over its member
organizations and any person or entity controlling
a member organization. The Exchange also has
regulatory jurisdiction over a subsidiary or affiliate
of a member organization that is in the securities
business. A member organization subsidiary or
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With regard to the Index components,
the Exchange can obtain market
surveillance information, including
customer identity information, with
respect to transactions occurring on the
New York Mercantile Exchange
(‘‘NYMEX’’), the Kansas City Board of
Trade, ICE Futures, and the LME,
pursuant to its comprehensive
information sharing agreements with
each of those exchanges. All of the other
trading venues on which current Index
components and CERFs are traded are
members of the Intermarket
Surveillance Group (‘‘ISG’’), and the
Exchange therefore has access to all
relevant trading information with
respect to those contracts without any
further action being required on the part
of the Exchange. All these surveillance
arrangements constitute comprehensive
surveillance sharing arrangements.
Due Diligence
Before a member, member
organization, allied member or
employee thereof recommends a
transaction in the Shares, such person
must exercise due diligence to learn the
essential facts relative to the customer
pursuant to NYSE Rule 405, and must
determine that the recommendation
complies with all other applicable
Exchange and Federal rules and
regulations. A person making such
recommendation should have a
reasonable basis for believing, at the
time of making the recommendation,
that the customer has sufficient
knowledge and experience in financial
matters that he or she may reasonably be
expected to be capable of evaluating the
risks and any special characteristics of
the recommended transaction, and is
financially able to bear the risks of the
recommended transaction.
Information Memorandum
The Exchange will distribute an
Information Memorandum to its
members in connection with the trading
in the Shares. The Information
Memorandum will discuss the special
characteristics and risks of trading this
type of security. Specifically, the
Information Memorandum, among other
things, will discuss what the Shares are,
that Shares are not individually
redeemable but are redeemable only in
Baskets of 50,000 shares or multiples
thereof, how a Basket is created and
redeemed, applicable Exchange rules,
affiliate that does business only in commodities
would not be subject to NYSE jurisdiction, but the
Exchange could obtain certain information
regarding the activities of such subsidiary or
affiliate through reciprocal agreements with
regulatory organizations of which such subsidiary
or affiliate is a member.
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 122 / Monday, June 26, 2006 / Notices
the Indicative Value, dissemination
information, trading information and
the applicability of suitability rules, and
exemptive relief granted by the
Commission from certain rules under
the Act.45 The Information
Memorandum will also reference that
the Trust is subject to various fees and
expenses described in the Registration
Statement. Finally, the Information
Memorandum will also note to members
language in the Registration Statement
regarding prospectus delivery
requirements for the Shares.46 The
Information Memorandum will also
reference the fact that there is no
regulated source of last sale information
regarding physical commodities and
that the Commission has no jurisdiction
over the trading of physical
commodities or the futures contracts on
which the value of the shares is based.
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES
II. Discussion
After careful consideration, the
Commission finds that the proposed
rule change, as amended, is consistent
with the Act and the rules and
regulations thereunder applicable to a
national securities exchange.47 In
particular, the Commission finds that
the proposed rule change, as amended,
is consistent with the requirements of
section 6(b)(5) of the Act,48 which
requires, among other things, that the
Exchange’s rules be designed to promote
45 The applicable rules are: Rule 10a–1; Rule
200(g) of Regulation SHO; Section 11(d)(1) and Rule
11d1–2; and Rules 101 and 102 of Regulation M
under the Act.
46 The Registration Statement provides:
Because new Shares can be created and issued on
an ongoing basis, at any point during the life of the
Trust, a ‘‘distribution’’, as such term is used in the
Securities Act, will be occurring. Authorized
Participants, other broker-dealers and other persons
are cautioned that some of their activities may
result in their being deemed participants in a
distribution in a manner that would render them
statutory underwriters and subject them to the
prospectus-delivery and liability provisions of the
Securities Act.
For example, an Authorized Participant, other
broker-dealer firm or its client will be deemed a
statutory underwriter if it purchases a Basket from
the Trust, breaks the Basket down into the
constituent Shares and sells the Shares to its
customers; or if it chooses to couple the creation of
a supply of new Shares with an active selling effort
involving solicitation of secondary market demand
for the Shares. A determination of whether a
particular market participant is an underwriter
must take into account all the facts and
circumstances pertaining to the activities of the
broker-dealer or its client in the particular case, and
the examples mentioned above should not be
considered a complete description of all the
activities that would lead to designation as an
underwriter and subject them to the prospectusdelivery and liability provisions of the Securities
47 In approving this proposal, the Commission has
considered its impact on efficiency, competition
and capital formation. 15 U.S.C. 78c(f).
48 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(5).
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just and equitable principles of trade, to
remove impediments to and perfect the
mechanism of a free and open market
and a national market system and, in
general, to protect investors and the
public interest.
The Commission received one
comment letter on the Exchange’s
proposed rule change, in which DB
raised a number of concerns. DB argues
that CERFs were created specifically for
the Trust, have no other bona fide
economic purpose, and therefore that
the CERF market is illiquid and
susceptible to manipulation.49 In this
regard, CERFs are futures contracts on
the GSCI–ER, an index whose value is
based on the prices of the commodities
contracts that comprise the GSCI–ER.
Manipulation of the CERFs market
would drive the price of CERFs out-ofline with the price of the commodities
contracts on which its value is based,
providing a potential arbitrage
opportunity.50 Moreover, as the
Exchange also states, it has
comprehensive surveillance sharing
arrangements with futures exchanges
trading the contracts that comprise the
GSCI–ER. The Exchange also states that
the CME and the NYSE have
surveillance procedures in place to
monitor the trading of CERFs and
Shares, respectively, and through their
participation in the ISG can access
relevant trading information from each
other’s market.
DB argues that no information is
disclosed about the criteria the Manager
would use to value the Investing Pool’s
long position in CERFs if it determines
that the most recent CERF settlement
price is an inappropriate basis for
calculating NAV. According to DB,
because the most recent CERF
settlement price may not be a reliable
measurement of value as a consequence
of thin CERF trading, the Manager may
exercise his discretion frequently. In
response, the NYSE states that the
Sponsor has told the Exchange that the
alternate evaluation procedures would
be applied only in ‘‘extraordinary
circumstances,’’ such as when
commodities representing a substantial
weighting of the GSCI are experiencing
extreme volatility in the spot market,
where trading in some or all of the
futures contracts in the underlying GSCI
commodities has been suspended, or
when operational issues are causing the
dissemination of inaccurate market
49 See
Rich Letter, supra note 5, at 1–2.
is available about the NAV of the
Trust, the market value of the Shares, and pricing
information about the value of the commodities
contracts that underlie CERFs, which is reflected in
the Index, the GSCI and the GSCI–ER.
50 Information
PO 00000
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information.51 The Commission notes
that the Exchange has committed to
commence delisting of the Shares if the
Index Sponsor and the Manager of the
Investing Pool deviate from using the
most recent CERF settlement price in
calculating the Index and NAV,
respectively, except in ‘‘extraordinary
circumstances’’ on a temporary basis.
Further, DB stated that the proposed
calculation of the Indicative Value of
the Trust is flawed. This comment
references language in the original
proposal that has since been modified.
As originally proposed, the Indicative
Value was to be ‘‘calculated based on
cash and collateral in a Basket Amount
divided by 50,000, adjusted to reflect
the market value of the Index
commodities through investments held
by the Investing Pool, i.e., CERFs’’
(emphasis added). This ambiguous
language has been clarified; 52 the
Indicative Value will be calculated
based on the cash and collateral in a
Basket Amount divided by 50,000,
adjusted to reflect the market value of
the investments held by the Investing
Pool, i.e., CERFs.
A. Surveillance
The Commission finds that the
proposed rules provide the NYSE with
the tools necessary to adequately
monitor trading in the Shares and are
designed to prevent fraudulent and
manipulative acts and practices.53
Information sharing agreements with
primary markets are an important part
of a self-regulatory organization’s ability
to monitor for trading abuses in
derivative products. The Commission
believes that the Exchange’s
comprehensive surveillance sharing
agreements with the NYMEX, the
Kansas City Board of Trade, ICE
Futures, and the LME for the purpose of
providing information in connection
with trading of Commodity Trust Shares
create the basis for the NYSE to monitor
for fraudulent and manipulative trading
practices. The Exchange represents that
all of the other trading venues on which
current Index components and CERFs
are traded are members of the ISG, and
the Exchange has access to all relevant
trading information with respect to
those contracts without any further
Moreover, NYSE Rules 476 and 1301B
require Exchange specialists, upon the
Exchange’s request, to provide NYSE
Regulation with information that the
specialist uses in connection with
pricing the Shares on the Exchange,
51 See
Yeager Letter, supra at note 6, at 4.
supra at note 34.
53 15 U.S.C. 78f(b)(5).
52 See
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 122 / Monday, June 26, 2006 / Notices
including specialist proprietary or other
information regarding securities,
commodities, futures, options on
futures, or other derivative instruments.
Furthermore, the Exchange believes that
it also has the authority to request any
other information from its member—
including floor brokers, specialists and
‘‘upstairs’’ firms—to fulfill its regulatory
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES
B. Dissemination of Information
The Commission believes that
sufficient venues exist for obtaining
reliable information so that investors in
the Shares can monitor the underlying
Index relative to the Indicative Value of
their Shares. There is a considerable
amount of information about the Index
and its components and the CERFs
available through public Web sites and
professional subscription services,
including Reuters and Bloomberg. Real
time information about the trading of
the component futures contracts and the
CERFs and their daily settlement prices
are available from one or more major
market data vendors. Delayed
information is often available from
futures exchanges trading the
underlying Index components and the
CERFs. The official calculation of the
Index made by the Index Sponsor is
performed continuously and is reported
on Reuters page GSCI (or any successor
or replacement page) and will be
updated on Reuters at least 15 seconds
during business hours during the time
the Shares trade on the Exchange. The
settlement price for the Index is
reported on Reuters Page GSCI at the
end of each GSCI Business Day and on
Bloomberg page GSCIER (index). While
the Index is calculated by a brokerdealer, a number of independent
sources verify both the intraday and
closing Index values.
C. Listing and Trading
The Commission finds that the
Exchange’s proposed rules and
procedures for the listing and trading of
the proposed Shares are consistent with
the Act. The Shares will trade as equity
securities subject to NYSE rules
including, among others, rules
governing equity margins, specialist
responsibilities, account opening, and
customer suitability requirements. The
Commission believes that the listing and
delisting criteria for the Shares should
help to maintain a minimum level of
liquidity and therefore minimize the
potential for manipulation of the Shares.
Finally, the Commission notes that the
Information Memorandum that the
Exchange will distribute will inform
members and member organizations
about the terms, characteristics and
VerDate Aug<31>2005
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risks in trading the Shares, including
their prospectus delivery obligations.
D. Amendment No. 2
The changes proposed by Amendment
No. 2 are designed to ensure that certain
material information—i.e., the NAV for
the Trust—is made available to all
market participants at the same time.
The Commission believes that these
proposed changes strengthen the
proposed rule change and do not raise
any new regulatory issues. Therefore,
the Commission finds good cause to
approve Amendment No. 2 to the
proposed rule change prior to the 30th
day after the amendment is published
for comment in the Federal Register.
III. Solicitation of Comments
Interested persons are invited to
submit written data, views, and
arguments concerning the foregoing,
including whether Amendment No. 2 is
consistent with the Act. Comments may
be submitted by any of the following
Electronic Comments
• Use the Commission’s Internet
comment form (
rules/sro.shtml); or
• Send an e-mail to Please include File
No. SR–NYSE–2006–17 on the subject
Paper Comments
• Send paper comments in triplicate
to Nancy M. Morris, Secretary,
Securities and Exchange Commission,
100 F Street, NE., Washington, DC
All submissions should refer to File
Number SR–NYSE–2006–17. This file
number should be included on the
subject line if e-mail is used. To help the
Commission process and review your
comments more efficiently, please use
only one method. The Commission will
post all comments on the Commissions
Internet Web site (
rules/sro.shtml). Copies of the
submission, all subsequent
amendments, all written statements
with respect to the proposed rule
change that are filed with the
Commission, and all written
communications relating to the
proposed rule change between the
Commission and any person, other than
those that may be withheld from the
public in accordance with the
provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be
available for inspection and copying in
the Commission’s Public Reference
Room. Copies of such filing also will be
available for inspection and copying at
the principal office of the Exchange. All
PO 00000
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comments received will be posted
without change; the Commission does
not edit personal identifying
information from submissions. You
should submit only information that
you wish to make available publicly. All
submissions should refer to File
Number SR–NYSE–2006–17 and should
be submitted by July 17, 2006.
IV. Conclusion
It is therefore ordered, pursuant to
section 19(b)(2) of the Act,54 that the
proposed rule change (SR–NYSE–2006–
17), as amended by Amendment No. 1,
is hereby approved, and that
Amendment No. 2 to the proposed rule
change be, and hereby is, approved on
an accelerated basis.
For the Commission, by the Division of
Market Regulation, pursuant to delegated
Nancy M. Morris,
[FR Doc. E6–9985 Filed 6–23–06; 8:45 am]
[Release No. 34–54012; File No. SR–NYSE–
Self-Regulatory Organizations; New
York Stock Exchange, Inc. (n/k/a New
York Stock Exchange LLC); Order
Approving Proposed Rule Change as
Amended by Amendments No. 1 and 2
Amending an Interpretation of NYSE
Rule 345 (Employees—Registration,
Approval, Records)
June 16, 2006.
I. Introduction
On February 17, 2006, the New York
Stock Exchange, Inc. (n/k/a New York
Stock Exchange LLC) (‘‘NYSE’’ or
‘‘Exchange’’) filed with the Securities
and Exchange Commission
(‘‘Commission’’), pursuant to Section
19(b)(1) of the Securities Exchange Act
of 1934 (‘‘Act’’) 1 and Rule 19b-4
thereunder,2 a proposal to amend the
filing requirements in connection with
the establishment of an ‘‘independent
contractor’’ relationship between a
natural person, who is required to be
registered pursuant to NYSE Rule 345,
and a member organization. On May 3,
2006, NYSE filed Amendment No. 1 to
the proposed rule change. The proposed
rule change, as amended, was published
for comment in the Federal Register on
54 15
U.S.C. 78s(b)(2).
CFR 200.30–3(a)(12).
1 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).
2 17 CFR 240.19b–4.
55 17
[Federal Register Volume 71, Number 122 (Monday, June 26, 2006)]
[Pages 36372-36380]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E6-9985]
[Release No. 34-54013; File No. SR-NYSE-2006-17]
Self-Regulatory Organizations; New York Stock Exchange LLC; Order
Granting Approval of Proposed Rule Change and Amendment No. 1 Thereto,
and Notice of Filing and Order Granting Accelerated Approval To
Amendment No. 2, Relating to Listing and Trading Shares of the iShares
GSCI Commodity Indexed Trust Under New Rules 1300B and 1301B, et seq.
June 16, 2006.
On March 7, 2006, the New York Stock Exchange LLC (``NYSE'' or
``Exchange'') filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission
(``Commission''), pursuant to section 19(b)(1) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 (``Act'') \1\ and Rule 19b-4 thereunder,\2\ a
proposal to adopt rules that would provide for and govern the trading
of Commodity Trust Shares, including shares (``Shares'') of the
iShares[supreg] GSCI[supreg] Commodity--Indexed Trust (``Trust''). On
March 24, 2006, the Exchange filed Amendment No. 1 to the proposed rule
change. The proposed rule change, as amended, was published for comment
in the Federal Register on April 24, 2006.\3\ On June 15, 2006, the
Exchange filed Amendment No. 2 to the proposed rule change.\4\ The
Commission received one comment letter.\5\ On May 12, 2006, the
Exchange filed a response to those comments.\6\ This order approves the
proposed rule change, as amended by Amendment No. 1. Simultaneously,
the Commission provides notice of filing of Amendment No. 2, grants
accelerated approval of Amendment No. 2, and solicits comments from
interested persons on Amendment No. 2.
\1\ 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).
\2\ 17 CFR 240.19b-4.
\3\ Securities Exchange Act Release No. 53659 (April 17, 2006),
71 FR 21074 (``Notice'').
\4\ In Amendment No. 2, the Exchange states that: (1) The
Sponsor (defined below) has informed the Exchange that the Trustee
(also defined below) for the Trust will make the net asset value
(``NAV'') for the Trust available to all market participants at the
same time; (2) if the NAV is not disseminated to all market
participants at the same time, the Exchange will halt trading in the
Shares; and (3) if the NAV is not disseminated to all market
participants at the same time, the Exchange will immediately contact
the Commission staff to discuss measures that may be appropriate
under the circumstances.
\5\ See letter from Kevin Rich, Director and Chief Executive
Officer, DB Commodity Services LLC (``DB''), to Nancy M. Morris,
Secretary, Commission, dated March 17, 2006 (``Rich Letter''). That
letter is available for review on the Commission's Web site at:
\6\ See letter from Mary Yeager, Assistant Secretary, NYSE, to
Nancy M. Morris, Secretary, Commission, dated May 12, 2006 (``Yeager
Letter''). That letter also is available for review on the
Commission's Web site at:
I. Description of Proposal
The NYSE proposes to adopt rules that would provide for and govern
the trading of Commodity Trust Shares. A Commodity Trust Share is
defined as
A security that: (a) Is issued by a trust (``Trust'') which (i)
is a commodity pool that is managed by a commodity pool operator
registered as such with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission,
and (ii) which holds positions in futures contracts on a specified
commodity index, or interests in a commodity pool which, in turn,
holds such positions; (b) when aggregated in some specified minimum
number may be surrendered to the Trust by the beneficial owner to
receive positions in futures contracts on a specified index and cash
or short term securities.
Proposed NYSE Rule 1300B(a). In addition, Proposed NYSE Rule 1301B sets
forth guidelines for specialists in Commodity Trust Shares and other
products whose price is based, in whole or in part, on: (a) The price
of a commodity or commodities; (b) any futures contracts or other
derivatives based on a commodity or commodities; or any indexed based
on either (a) or (b), above.
Pursuant to Proposed NYSE Rule 1300B, et seq., the Exchange
proposes to list and trade Shares, which fall within the definition of
Commodity Trust Shares (as mentioned above) and are linked to the
performance of the GSCI Total Return Index (``Index'' or ``GSCI-TR'').
Description of the Shares
The Shares will constitute units of beneficial interest
representing fractional undivided beneficial interests in the net
assets of the Trust (described below). The performance of the Shares is
designed to correspond generally to the performance of the Index before
payment of the Trust's and the Investing Pool's expenses and
liabilities. The investment objective of the Trust is for the
performance of the Shares to correspond to the performance of the Index
before payment of the Trust's and Investing Pool's expenses and
liabilities. As discussed below, the value of the Index reflects the
value of an investment in the Goldman Sachs Commodity Index (``GSCI''),
a production-weighted index of the prices of a diversified group of
futures contracts on physical commodities, together with a Treasury
bill rate of interest that could be earned on funds committed to the
trading of the
[[Page 36373]]
underlying futures contracts of the GSCI.
Substantially all of the assets of the Trust consist of its
holdings of the limited liability company interests (``Investing Pool
Interests'') of iShares[supreg] GSCI Commodity-Indexed Investing Pool
LLC (``Investing Pool'').\7\ In turn, the Investing Pool holds long
positions in futures contracts on the GSCI Excess Return Index
(``CERFs''), which are listed on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange
\7\ Investing Pool Interests are the only securities in which
the Trust may invest.
The Investing Pool will hold long positions in CERFs, which are
cash-settled futures contracts listed on the CME that have a term of
approximately five years after listing and whose settlement at
expiration is based on the value of the GSCI Excess Return Index
(``GSCI-ER'') at that time. The Investing Pool will also hold cash or
Short-Term Securities \8\ to post as margin to collateralize the
Investing Pool's CERF positions.\9\ The Investing Pool will earn
interest on the assets used to collateralize its holdings of CERFs.
\8\ ``Short-Term Securities'' means U.S. Treasury Securities or
other short-term securities and similar securities, in each case
that are eligible as margin deposits under the rules of the CME.
\9\ The Investing Pool will satisfy the 100% margin requirement
by depositing with the Clearing FCM cash or Short-Term Securities
with a value equal to 100% of the value of each long position in
CERFs. As a result of these arrangements, the Investing Pool will be
subject to substantially greater initial margin requirements than
other market participants buying a CERF, but it will not be required
to pay any additional amounts to its FCM as variation margin if the
value of the CERFs declines.
Each CERF is a contract that provides for cash settlement, at
expiration, based upon the final settlement value of the GSCI-ER at the
expiration of the contract multiplied by a fixed dollar multiplier. The
final settlement value is determined for this purpose. Accordingly, a
position in CERFs provides the holder with the positive or negative
return on the GSCI-ER during the period in which the position is held.
On a daily basis, most market participants with positions in CERFs are
obligated to pay, or entitled to receive, cash (known as ``variation
margin'') in an amount equal to the change in the daily settlement
level of the CERF from the preceding trading day's settlement level
(or, initially, the contract price at which the position was entered
into). Specifically, if the daily settlement price of the contract
increases over the previous day's price, the seller of the contract
must pay the difference to the buyer, and if the daily settlement price
is less than the previous day's price, the buyer of the contract must
pay the difference to the seller. Trading of CERFs commenced on the CME
Globex electronic trading platform effective March 12, 2006, for trade
date March 13, 2006. CERFs are listed and traded separately from the
GSCI futures contracts and options on futures contracts.
Management of the Trust and Investing Pool
Both the Trust and the Investing Pool are commodity pools managed
by the Sponsor. The Sponsor is registered as a commodity pool operator
with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (``CFTC''),\10\ and its
primary business function is to act as Sponsor and commodity pool
operator of the Trust and manager of the Investing Pool (``Manager'').
As Manager, the Sponsor will serve as commodity pool operator of the
Investing Pool and be responsible for its administration. The Manager
will arrange for and pay the costs of organizing the Investing Pool.
The Manager has delegated some of its responsibilities for
administering the Investing Pool to the Administrator, Investors Bank &
Trust Company, which in turn, has employed the Investing Pool
Administrator and the Tax Administrator (Pricewaterhouse Coopers) to
maintain various records on behalf of the Investing Pool.
\10\ Neither the Trust nor the Investing Pool is an investment
company registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940.
The advisor to the Investing Pool (``Advisor'') is Barclays Global
Fund Advisors, a California corporation and an indirect subsidiary of
Barclays Bank PLC. The Advisor will invest all of the Investing Pool's
assets in long positions in CERFs and post margin in the form of cash
or Short-Term Securities to collateralize the CERF positions (as
discussed below). Any cash that the Investing Pool accepts as
consideration from the Trust for Investing Pool Interests will be used
to purchase additional CERFs, in an amount that the Advisor determines
will enable the Investing Pool to achieve investment results that
correspond with the Index, and to collateralize the CERFs. The Advisor
will not engage in any activities designed to obtain a profit from, or
to ameliorate losses caused by, changes in value of any of the
commodities represented by the GSCI or the positions or other assets
held by the Investing Pool.
The trustee of the Trust (``Trustee'') is Barclays Global
Investors, N.A., a national banking association affiliated with the
Sponsor. The Trustee is responsible for the day-to-day administration
of the Trust. Day-to-day administration includes: (i) Processing orders
for the creation and redemption of Baskets (as described below); (ii)
coordinating with the Manager of the Investing Pool the receipt and
delivery of consideration transferred to, or by, the Trust in
connection with each issuance and redemption of Baskets; and (iii)
calculating the net asset value of the Trust on each Business Day.\11\
The Trustee has delegated these responsibilities to the Trust
Administrator, Investors Bank & Trust Company, a banking corporation
that is not affiliated with the Sponsor or the Trustee.
\11\ The Trust Registration Statement defines ``Business Day''
as any day (1) on which none of the following occurs: (a) The NYSE
is closed for regular trading, (b) the CME is closed for regular
trading, or (c) the Federal Reserve transfer system is closed for
cash wire transfers, or (2) the Trustee determines that it is able
to conduct business.
The Exchange states that neither the Trust nor the Investing Pool
will engage in any activities designed to obtain a profit from, or to
ameliorate losses caused by, changes in the value of CERFs or
securities posted as margin.
Related Indices
The GSCI, the GSCI-ER, and the Index are administered, calculated,
and published by Goldman, Sachs & Co. (``Index Sponsor''),\12\ a
subsidiary of The Goldman Sachs Group Inc. The Index Sponsor is a
broker-dealer.\13\ The index values for the three indexes, the Index,
the GSCI, and the GSCI-ER, are updated and disseminated at least every
15 seconds by one or more major market data vendors during the time the
Shares trade on the Exchange.\14\ The settlement prices for the three
indexes are also widely disseminated by one or more major market data
\12\ See telephone conversation between Michael Cavalier,
Assistant General Counsel, NYSE, and Florence E. Harmon, Senior
Special Counsel, Commission, on April 13, 2006 (``April 13 Telephone
\13\ Id.
\14\ See telephone conversation between Michael Cavalier,
Assistant General Counsel, NYSE, and Florence E. Harmon, Senior
Special Counsel, Commission, on June 1, 2006 (`` June 1 Telephone
a. GSCI Index
The GSCI, upon which the Index is based, is a proprietary index on
a production-weighted basket of principal physical commodities that
satisfy specified criteria. The GSCI reflects the level of commodity
prices at a given time and is designed to be a measure of the
performance over time of the markets for these commodities. The
Exchange states that the commodities represented in the GSCI are those
[[Page 36374]]
physical commodities on which active and liquid contracts are traded on
trading facilities in major industrialized countries. The commodities
included in the GSCI are weighted, on a production basis, to reflect
the relative significance (in the view of the Index Sponsor, in
consultation with its Policy Committee described below) of those
commodities to the world economy. The fluctuations in the level of the
GSCI are intended generally to correlate with changes in the prices of
those physical commodities in global markets.
The contracts to be included in the GSCI[supreg] must satisfy
several sets of eligibility criteria established by the Index
Sponsor.\15\ First, the Index Sponsor identifies those contracts that
meet the general criteria for eligibility. Second, the contract volume
and weight requirements are applied and the number of contracts is
determined, which serves to reduce the list of eligible contracts. At
that point, the list of designated contracts for the relevant period is
\15\ See GSCI[supreg] Manual at Goldman,
Sachs & Co. is the Index Sponsor for both the Index and the
GSCI[supreg]. See April 13 Telephone Conversation.
The value of the GSCI[supreg] on any given day is equal to the
total dollar weight of the GSCI[supreg] divided by a normalizing
constant that assures the continuity of the GSCI[supreg] over time. The
total dollar weight of the GSCI[supreg] is the sum of the dollar weight
of each index component. The dollar weight of each such index component
on any given day is equal to:
The daily contract reference price,
Multiplied by the appropriate contract production weights
(``CPWs''), and
During a roll period, the appropriate ``roll weights''
(discussed below).\16\
\16\ If the price is not made available or corrected by 4 p.m.
New York time, the Index Sponsor, if it deems such action to be
appropriate under the circumstances, will determine the appropriate
daily contract reference price for the applicable futures contract
in its reasonable judgment for purposes of the relevant GSCI[supreg]
calculation. If such actions by the Index Sponsor are implemented on
more than a temporary basis, the Exchange will contact the
Commission staff and, as necessary, file a proposed rule change
pursuant to Rule 19b-4, seeking Commission approval to continue to
trade the Shares. Unless approved for continued trading, the
Exchange would commence delisting proceedings. See ``Continued
Listing Criteria,'' infra; telephone conversation between Florence
E. Harmon, Senior Special Counsel, Commission; John Carey, Assistant
General Counsel, Exchange; and Michael Cavalier, Assistant General
Counsel, Exchange, on April 10, 2006 (``April 10 Telephone
These factors, along with the contract daily return for each Index
component, are described in more detail in the Notice. Additionally,
this information is publicly available each business day on the Index
Sponsor's Web site at \17\ and the relevant
futures exchanges, and/or from major market data vendors. However, if
the volume of trading in the relevant contract, as a multiple of the
production levels of the commodity, is below specified thresholds, the
CPW of the contract is reduced until the threshold is satisfied. This
is designed to ensure that trading in each contract is sufficiently
liquid relative to the production of the commodity.
\17\ The CPWs are available in the GSCI[supreg] manual on the
GSCI[supreg] Web site ( and are published on
Reuters. The roll weights are not published but can be determined
from the rules in the GSCI Manual. See telephone conversation
between Florence E. Harmon, Senior Special Counsel, Commission, and
John Carey, Assistant General Counsel, Exchange, on May 18, 2006
(``May 18 Telephone Conversation'').
The composition of the GSCI[supreg] is reviewed on a monthly basis
by the Index Sponsor and, if the multiple of any contract is below the
prescribed threshold, the composition of the GSCI is reevaluated, based
on the criteria and weighting procedures.\18\ This procedure is
undertaken to allow the GSCI[supreg] to shift from contracts that have
lost substantial liquidity into more liquid contracts during the course
of a given year.\19\ As a result, it is possible that the composition
or weighting of the GSCI[supreg] will change on one or more of these
monthly Valuation Dates. In addition, regardless of whether any changes
have occurred during the year, the Index Sponsor reevaluates the
composition of the GSCI[supreg] at the conclusion of each year, based
on the above criteria. Other commodities that satisfy such criteria, if
any, will be added to the GSCI[supreg]. Commodities included in the
GSCI[supreg] which no longer satisfy such criteria, if any, will be
\18\ The Index Sponsor, Goldman, Sachs & Co. (``Goldman
Sachs''), which calculates and maintains the GSCI[supreg] and the
Index, is a broker-dealer. Therefore, appropriate firewalls must
exist around the personnel who have access to information concerning
changes and adjustment to an index and the trading personnel of the
broker-dealer. Accordingly, the Exchange states that the Index
Sponsor has represented that it: (i) Has implemented and maintained
procedures reasonably designed to prevent the use and dissemination
by personnel of the Index Sponsor, in violation of applicable laws,
rules and regulations, of material non-public information relating
to changes in the composition or method of computation or
calculation of the Index; and (ii) periodically checks the
application of such procedures as they relate to such personnel of
the Index Sponsor directly responsible for such changes. In
addition, the Policy Committee members are subject to written
policies with respect to material, non-public information. See
telephone conversation between Florence E. Harmon, Senior Special
Counsel, Commission; John Carey, Assistant General Counsel,
Exchange; and Michael Cavalier, Assistant General Counsel, Exchange,
on April 14, 2006 (``April 14 Telephone Conversation II'') and May
18 Telephone Conversation.
\19\ See also ``Contract Expirations'' in Notice, supra, note 3.
The Index Sponsor has established a Policy Committee to assist it
with the operation of the GSCI[supreg].\20\ The principal purpose of
the Policy Committee is to advise the Index Sponsor with respect to,
among other things, the calculation of the GSCI[supreg], the
effectiveness of the GSCI[supreg] as a measure of commodity futures
market performance, and the need for changes in the composition or the
methodology of the GSCI[supreg]. The Policy Committee acts solely in an
advisory and consultative capacity. All decisions with respect to the
composition, calculation and operation of the GSCI[supreg] and the
Index are made by the Index Sponsor.\21\
\20\ The component selections for the GSCI[supreg] would
obviously affect the Index. See telephone conversation between
Florence E. Harmon, Senior Special Counsel, Commission, and Michael
Cavalier, Assistant General Counsel, Exchange, on April 12, 2006
(``April 12 Telephone Conversation'').
\21\ The Exchange states that the Index Sponsor has represented
that the Policy Committee members are subject to written policies
with respect to material, non-public information. See telephone
conversation between Florence E. Harmon, Senior Special Counsel,
Commission, and Michael Cavalier, Assistant General Counsel,
Exchange, on May 15, 2006 (``May 15 Telephone Conversation'').
b. The GSCI-TR Index
The Index, to which the performance of the Shares is linked, was
established in May of 1991. The GSCI-TR reflects the return of the
GSCI-ER, together with the return on specified U.S. Treasury securities
that are deemed to have been held to collateralize a hypothetical long
position in the futures contracts comprising the GSCI.\22\
\22\ The Exchange states that it recently listed and is trading
another derivative product, the Barclays iPath Exchange-Traded
Notes, whose return is based on the GSCI-TR. See Securities Exchange
Act Release No. 53849 (May 22, 2006), 71 FR 30706 (May, 30, 2006)
(SR-NYSE-2006-20). The description of the GSCI-TR in regards to that
product is comparable as that herein because it states that the
GSCI-TR reflects the ``excess returns'' that are potentially
available through an unleveraged investment in the contracts
comprising the GSCI, which is in effect the GSCI-ER. See telephone
conversation between Florence E. Harmon, Senior Special Counsel,
Commission, and Michael Cavalier, Assistant General Counsel,
Exchange, on June 14, 2006 (``June 14 Telephone Conversation'').
c. The GSCI-ER
The GSCI-ER, to which the performance of the CERFs held by the
Investing Pool is linked, was also established in May of 1991. The
GSCI-ER is calculated based on the same commodities included in the
GSCI, and it reflects the returns that are potentially available
through a rolling \23\
[[Page 36375]]
uncollaterized investment in the contracts comprising the GSCI.\24\
\23\ Futures contracts have scheduled expirations, or delivery
months. As one contract nears expiration it becomes necessary to
close out the position in that delivery month and establish a
position in the next available delivery month. This process is
referred to as ``rolling'' the position forward.
\24\ In the event the Trust utilizes any index that is a
successor to or similar to the GSCI-ER or the GSCI-TR, the Exchange
will file a proposed rule change pursuant to Rule 19b-4 under the
Act. Such filing would address, among other things, the
characteristics of the successor or substitute index and the
Exchange's surveillance procedures applicable to such index. Unless
approved for continued trading, the Exchange would commence
delisting proceedings. See ``Continued Listing Criteria,'' infra.
Telephone conversation between Michael Cavalier, Assistant General
Counsel, NYSE, and Florence E. Harmon, Senior Special Counsel,
Commission, on April 10, 2006 (``April 10 Telephone Conference'').
The Exchange will also file a proposed rule change pursuant to
Rule 19b-4 if GSCI substantially changes either the Index component
selection methodology or the weighting methodology. In addition, the
Exchange will file a proposed rule change pursuant to Rule 19b-4
whenever GSCI adds a new component to the Index using pricing
information from a market with which the Exchange does not have a
previously existing information sharing agreement or switches to
using pricing information from such a market with respect to an
existing component when such component constitutes more than 10% of
the weight of the Index. Unless approved for continued trading, the
Exchange would commence delisting proceedings. See ``Continued
Listing Criteria,'' infra. April 10 Telephone Conference.
d. Calculation of Related Indexes
The Index Sponsor makes the official calculations of the
GSCI[supreg], the GSCI-TR, and the GSCI-ER (collectively, ``Related
Indexes''). While the intraday and closing values of the Related
Indexes are calculated by Goldman Sachs, a broker-dealer, a number of
factors provide for the independent verification of these intraday and
closing values.\25\ The calculation methodology is public and
transparent, and the factors included in the Index calculation, such as
the CPWs, are available in the GSCI Manual found on GSCI's Web site at and are published on Reuters; the roll weights
are not published but can be determined from the rules in the GSCI
Manual.\26\ This calculation is performed continuously and is reported
on Reuters page GSCI[supreg] and will be updated on Reuters at least
every 15 seconds during business hours on each day on which the offices
of the Index Sponsor in New York City are open for business (a ``GSCI
Business Day'').\27\ The settlement price for the Index is also
reported on Reuters page GSCI[supreg] on each GSCI Business Day between
4 p.m. and 6 p.m., New York time. The intraday and settlement prices
for the Index and GSCI-ER are also reported on Bloomberg page GSCIER
\25\ The Index Sponsor calculates the level of the Related
Indexes intraday and at the end of the day. The intraday calculation
is based on feeds of real-time data relating to the underlying
commodities and updates intermittently approximately every 15
seconds. In the GSCI market, trades are quoted or settled against
the end-of-day value, not against the value at any other particular
time of the day. With respect to the end-of-day closing level of the
index, the Index Sponsor uses independent feeds from at least two
vendors for each of the underlying commodities in the index to
verify closing prices and limit moves. A number of commodities
market participants independently verify the correctness of the
disseminated intraday Index value and closing Index value.
Additionally, the closing Index values are audited by a major
independent accounting firm. See May 18 Telephone Conference.
\26\ See id.
\27\ Thus, this intraday index value of the Index (and the
GSCI[supreg] and GSCI-ER) will be updated and disseminated at least
every 15 seconds by a major market data vendor during the time the
Shares trade on the Exchange. April 13 Telephone Conference. The
intraday information with respect to the Index (and GSCI[supreg] and
GSCI-ER) reported on Reuters is derived solely from trading prices
on the principal trading markets for the various Index components.
For example, the Index currently includes contracts traded on ICE
Futures and the LME, both of which are located in London and
consequently have trading days that end several hours before those
of the U.S.-based markets on which the rest of the Index components
are traded. During the portion of the New York trading day when ICE
Futures and LME are closed, the last reported prices for Index
Components traded on ICE Futures or LME are used to calculate the
intraday Index information disseminated on Reuters.
In the event that the Exchange is open for business on a day that
is not a GSCI Business Day, the Exchange will not permit trading of the
Shares on that day.\28\
\28\ See ``Calculation of the Index,'' infra.
Margin and Its Impact on Return
The Investing Pool will deposit margin with a value equal to 100%
of the value of each CERF position at the time it is established.
Interest paid on the collateral deposited as margin, net of expenses,
will be reinvested by the Investing Pool or, at the Trustee's
discretion, may be distributed from time to time to the Shareholders.
The Investing Pool's profit or loss on its CERF positions should
correlate with increases and decreases in the value of the GSCI-ER,
although this correlation will not be exact.
The Exchange states that differences between the returns of the
Investing Pool and the Index may be based on, among other factors, any
differences between the return on the assets used by the Investing Pool
to collateralize its CERF positions and the U.S. Treasury rate used to
calculate the return component of the Index, timing differences,
differences between the weighting of the Investing Pool's proportion of
assets invested in CERFs versus the Index, and the payment of expenses
and liabilities by the Investing Pool. The Trust's net asset value will
reflect the performance of the Investing Pool, its sole investment.
Valuation of CERFs; Computation of Trust's Net Asset Value
On each Business Day on which the NYSE is open for regular trading,
as soon as practicable after the close of regular trading of the Shares
on the NYSE (normally, 4:15 p.m., New York time), the Trustee will
determine the NAV of the Trust and per share as of that time.
The Trustee will value the Trust's assets based upon the
determination by the Manager, which may act through the Investing Pool
Administrator, of the NAV of the Investing Pool. The Manager will
determine the NAV of the Investing Pool as of the same time that the
Trustee determines the NAV of the Trust.
The Manager will value the Investing Pool's long position in CERFs
on the basis of that day's announced CME settlement price for the CERF.
The value of the Investing Pool's CERF position (including any related
margin) will equal the product of: (i) The number of CERF contracts
owned by the Investing Pool and (ii) the settlement price on the date
of calculation. If there is no announced CME settlement price for the
CERF on a Business Day, the Manager will use the most recently
announced CME settlement price unless the Manager determines that that
price is inappropriate as a basis for evaluation. The daily settlement
price for the CERF is established by the CME shortly after the close of
trading in Chicago at 2:40 p.m. New York time on each trading day.\29\
\29\ See April 10 Telephone Conference.
Once the value of the CERFs and interest earned on any assets
posted as margin and any other assets of the Investing Pool has been
determined, the Manager will subtract all accrued expenses and
liabilities of the Investing Pool as of the time of calculation in
order to calculate the net asset value of the Investing Pool. The
Manager, or the Investing Pool Administrator on its behalf, will then
calculate the value of the Trust's Investing Pool Interest and provide
this information to the Trustee.
Once the value of the Trust's Investing Pool Interests have been
determined and provided to the Trustee, the Trustee will subtract all
accrued expenses and other liabilities of the Trust from the total
value of the assets of the Trust, in each case as of the calculation
time. The resulting amount is the NAV of the Trust. The Trustee will
determine the NAV per Share by dividing the NAV of the Trust by the
[[Page 36376]]
number of Shares outstanding at the time the calculation is made.
The NAV for each Business Day on which the NYSE is open for regular
trading will be distributed through major market data vendors and will
be published online at, or any successor
thereto. The Trust will update the NAV as soon as practicable after
each subsequent NAV is calculated. The Trust will disseminate the NAV
per Share to all market participants at the same time.
Creation and Redemption Process
Creation and redemption of interests in the Trust, and the
corresponding creation and redemption of interests in the Investing
Pool, will generally be effected through transactions in ``exchanges of
futures for physicals,'' or ``EFPs.'' EFPs involve contemporaneous
transactions in futures contracts and the underlying cash commodity or
a closely related commodity. In a typical EFP, the buyer of the futures
contract sells the underlying commodity to the seller of the futures
contract in exchange for a cash payment reflecting the value of the
commodity and the relationship between the price of the commodity and
the related futures contract. According to the Registration Statement,
in the context of CERFs, CME rules permit the execution of EFPs
consisting of simultaneous purchases (sales) of CERFs and sales
(purchases) of Shares. This mechanism will generally be used by the
Trust in connection with the creation and redemption of Baskets.
Specifically, it is anticipated that an ``Authorized Participant''
(defined below) requesting the creation of additional Baskets typically
will transfer CERFs and cash (or, in the discretion of the Trustee,
Short-Term Securities in lieu of cash) to the Trust in return for
The Trust will simultaneously contribute to the Investing Pool the
CERFs (and any cash or securities) received from the Authorized
Participant in return for an increase in its Investing Pool Interests.
If an EFP is executed in connection with the redemption of one or more
Baskets, an Authorized Participant will transfer to the Trust the
Basket of Shares being redeemed, and the Trust will transfer to the
Authorized Participant CERFs, cash, or Short-Term Securities. In order
to obtain the CERFs, cash or Short-Term Securities to be transferred to
the Authorized Participant, the Trust will redeem an equivalent portion
of its interest in the Investing Pool Interests.
The Trust will offer and redeem Shares on a continuous basis on
each business day, but only in Baskets consisting of 50,000 Shares.
Baskets will be typically issued only in exchange for an amount of
CERFs and cash (or, in the discretion of the Trustee, Short-Term
Securities in lieu of cash) equal to the Basket Amount for the Business
Day on which the creation order was received by the Trustee. Similarly,
Baskets will be redeemed only in exchange for an amount of CERFs and
cash (or, in the discretion of the Trustee, Short-Term Securities in
lieu of cash) equal to the Basket Amount on the Business Day the
redemption request is received by the Trustee. The Basket Amount for a
Business Day will have a per Share value equal to the NAV as of such
day. However, creation and redemption orders received by the Trustee
after 2:40 p.m., New York time, will be treated as received on the next
following Business Day. The Trustee will notify the Authorized
Participants of the Basket Amount on each Business Day prior to the
opening of the Exchange. Additional information about the creation and
redemption process is set forth in the Notice.
Dissemination of Information Relating to the Shares, Trust Holdings,
and Related Indices
The Web site for the Trust (, which will be
publicly accessible at no charge, will contain the following
information: (i) The prior Business Day's NAV and the reported closing
price; (ii) the mid-point of the bid-ask price in relation to the NAV
as of the time the NAV is calculated (the ``Bid-Ask Price''); (iii)
calculation of the premium or discount of such price against such NAV;
(iv) data in chart form displaying the frequency distribution of
discounts and premiums of the Bid-Ask Price against the NAV, within
appropriate ranges for each of the four previous calendar quarters; (v)
the prospectus; (vi) the holdings of the Trust, including CERFs, cash
and Treasury securities; (vii) the Basket Amount; and (viii) other
applicable quantitative information. The Exchange on its Web site at will include a hyperlink to the Trust's Web site at
As described above, the NAV for the Trust \30\ will be calculated
and disseminated daily.\31\ The NYSE also intends to disseminate,
during NYSE trading hours for the Trust on a daily basis by means of
CTA/CQ High Speed Lines information with respect to the Indicative
Value (as discussed below), recent NAV, and Shares outstanding. The
Exchange will also make available on daily trading
volume, closing prices, and the NAV.
\30\ See telephone conversation between Florence E. Harmon,
Senior Special Counsel, Commission, and Michael Cavalier, Assistant
General Counsel, Exchange, on June 15, 2006 (``June 15 Telephone
Conversation'') (authorizing change from ``Fund'' to ``Trust'').
\31\ In Amendment No. 2, the Exchange states that the NAV will
be distributed to all market participants at the same time.
Real-time information is available about the Trust's holdings in
the Investing Pool. Various data vendors and news publications publish
futures prices and data. Futures quotes and last sale information for
the commodities underlying the Index and the CERFs are widely
disseminated through a variety of major market data vendors worldwide,
including Bloomberg and Reuters. In addition, complete real-time data
for such futures, including the CERFs, is available by subscription
from Reuters and Bloomberg. The futures exchanges on which the
underlying commodities and CERFs trade also provide delayed futures
information on current and past trading sessions and market news
generally free of charge on their respective Web sites. The specific
contract specifications for the futures contracts are also available
from the futures exchanges on their Web sites, as well as other
financial informational sources.
As stated above, a major market data vendor will disseminate at
least every 15 seconds (during the time that the Shares trade on the
Exchange) updated index values for the GSCI, the Index, and the GSCI-
ER.\32\ Daily settlement values for the GSCI, the Index, and the GSCI-
ER are also widely disseminated.\33\
\32\ See June 1 Telephone Conversation. The value of a Share may
accordingly be influenced by non-concurrent trading hours between
the NYSE and the various futures exchanges on which the futures
contracts based on the Index commodities are traded. While the
Shares will trade on the NYSE from 9:30 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. New York
time, the Notice lists the trading hours for each of the Index
commodities underlying the futures contracts.
\33\ See April 13 Telephone Conference.
Indicative Value
In order to provide updated information relating to the Trust for
use by investors, professionals, and other persons, the Exchange will
disseminate through the facilities of Consolidated Tape Association
(``CTA'') an updated Indicative Value on a per Share basis as
calculated by Bloomberg. The Indicative Value will be disseminated at
least every 15 seconds from 9:30 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. New York time. The
[[Page 36377]]
Value will be calculated based on the cash and collateral in a Basket
Amount divided by 50,000, adjusted to reflect the market value of the
investments held by the Investing Pool, i.e., CERFs.\34\ The Indicative
Value will not reflect price changes to the price of an underlying
commodity between the close of trading of the futures contract at the
relevant futures exchange and the close of trading on the NYSE at 4:15
p.m. New York time.
\34\ See telephone conservation between Michael Cavalier,
Assistant General Counsel, NYSE, and Florence E. Harmon, Senior
Special Counsel, Commission, on April 5, 2006 (authorizing
clarification of sentence).
When the market for futures trading for each of the Index
commodities is open, the Indicative Value can be expected to closely
approximate the value per Share of the Basket Amount. However, during
NYSE trading hours when the futures contracts have ceased trading,
spreads and resulting premiums or discounts may widen, and, therefore,
increase the difference between the price of the Shares and the NAV of
the Shares. Indicative Value on a per Share basis disseminated during
NYSE trading hours should not be viewed as a real time update of the
NAV, which is calculated only once a day. The Exchange believes that
dissemination of the Indicative Value provides additional information
that is not otherwise available to the public and is useful to
professionals and investors in connection with the Shares trading on
the Exchange or creation or redemption of the Shares.
Continued Listing Criteria
Under the applicable continued listing criteria, the Shares may be
delisted as follows: (i) Following the initial twelve-month period
beginning upon the commencement of trading of the Shares, there are
fewer than 50 record and/or beneficial holders of the Shares for 30 or
more consecutive trading days; (ii) the value of the Index ceases to be
calculated or available on at least a 15-second basis from a source
unaffiliated with the Sponsor, the Trust or the Trustee; (iii) the
Indicative Value ceases to be available on at least a 15-second delayed
basis; (iv) the NAV of the Shares is not distributed to all market
participants at the same time; \35\ or (v) such other event shall occur
or condition exist that, in the opinion of the Exchange, makes further
dealings on the Exchange inadvisable. In addition, the Exchange will
remove Shares from listing and trading upon termination of the Trust.
\35\ In the event that the Index value, the Indicative Value, or
simultaneous distribution of the NAV is not available, the Exchange
will immediately contact the Commission to discuss measures that may
be appropriate.
Additionally, the Exchange will file a proposed rule change
pursuant to Rule 19b-4 under the Act,\36\ seeking approval to continue
trading the Shares and unless approved, the Exchange will commence
delisting the Shares if:
\36\ 17 CFR 240.19b-4.
The Index Sponsor substantially changes either the Index
component selection methodology or the weighting methodology;
If a new component is added to the Index (or pricing
information is used for a new or existing component) that constitutes
more than 10% of the weight of the Index with whose principal trading
market the Exchange does not have a comprehensive surveillance sharing
agreement; \37\ or
\37\ See April 10 Telephone Conference.
If a successor or substitute index is used in connection
with the Shares. The filing will address, among other things the
listing and trading characteristics of the successor or substitute
index and the Exchange's surveillance procedures applicable thereto.
Similarly, the Manager of the Investing Pool will utilize the most
recent CERF settlement price to calculate NAV, unless ``extraordinary
circumstances'' arise, which unless temporary in nature, would require
Commission approval of an Exchange proposed rule change pursuant to
Rule 19b-4.\38\
\38\ See June 15 Telephone Conservation.
Exchange Trading Rules and Policies
The Exchange states that the Shares are subject to all applicable
equity trading rules. The Shares will trade between the hours of 9:30
a.m. and 4:15 p.m. ET and will be subject to the equity margin rules of
the Exchange.\39\ A minimum of three Baskets, representing 150,000
Shares will be outstanding at the commencement of trading on the
Exchange. The original listing fee applicable to the Shares will be
$5,000. The annual continued listing fee for the Shares will be $2,000.
The Exchange states that the Trust is exempt from corporate governance
requirements in Section 303A of the NYSE Listed Company Manual,
including the Exchange's audit committee requirements in Section
\39\ See June 1 Telephone Conference (exchange citing NYSE Rule
\40\ See Rule 10A-3(c)(7), 17 CFR 240.10A-3(c)(7).
The Exchange is adopting new NYSE Rule 1300B (``Commodity Trust
Shares'') to deal with issues related to the trading of the Shares.
Specifically, for purposes of NYSE Rules 13 (``Definitions of
Orders''), 36.30 (``Communications Between Exchange and Members'
Offices''), 98 (``Restrictions on Approved Person Associated with a
Specialist's Member Organization), 104 (``Dealings by Specialists''),
105(m) (``Guidelines for Specialists' Specialty Stock Option
Transactions Pursuant to Rule 105''), 460.10 (``Specialists
Participating in Contests''), 1002 (``Availability of Automatic
Feature''), and 1005 (``Order May Not Be Broken Into Smaller
Accounts''), the Shares will be treated similar to Investment Company
When these Rules discuss Investment Company Units, references to
the word index (or derivative or similar words) will be deemed to be
references to the applicable commodity or commodity index price and
reference to the word security (or derivative or similar words) will be
deemed to be references to the Commodity Index Trust Shares.
The Exchange does not currently intend to exempt Commodity Trust
Shares from the Exchange's ``Market-on-Close/Limit-on-Close/Pre-Opening
Price Indications'' Policy, although the Exchange may do so by means of
a rule change in the future if, after having experience with the
trading of the Shares, the Exchange believes such an exemption is
Trading Halts
With respect to trading halts, the Exchange may consider all
relevant factors in exercising its discretion to halt or suspend
trading in the Shares. Trading on the Exchange in the Shares may be
halted because of market conditions or for reasons that, in the view of
the Exchange, make trading in the Shares inadvisable. These may include
(1) the extent to which trading is not occurring in the underlying
commodities or (2) whether other unusual conditions or circumstances
detrimental to the maintenance of a fair and orderly market are
present. In addition, trading in Shares is subject to trading halts
caused by extraordinary market volatility pursuant to Exchange's
``circuit breaker'' rule.\41\ The Exchange will halt trading in the
Shares if the value of the Index is no longer calculated or available
on at least a 15-second basis through one or more major market data
vendors during the time the Shares trade on the NYSE, if the Indicative
Value per Share updated at least every 15 seconds is no longer
calculated or available, or if the NAV
[[Page 36378]]
per Share is not available to all market participants at the same
\41\ NYSE Rule 80B.
\42\ In such events, the Exchange would immediately contact the
Commission to discuss measures that may be appropriate under the
Specialists' Trading Obligations
As a result of application of proposed NYSE Rule 1300B(b), the
specialist in a relevant security,\43\ the specialist's member
organization and other specified persons will be prohibited under
paragraph (m) of NYSE Rule 105 Guidelines from acting as market maker
or functioning in any capacity involving market-making responsibilities
in the physical commodities included in, or options, futures or options
on futures on, the index underlying the relevant security, or any other
derivatives (collectively, ``derivative instruments'') based on such
index. A specialist entitled to an exemption under NYSE Rule 98 from
paragraph (m) of NYSE Rule 105 Guidelines could act in a market making
capacity in physical commodities included in, or derivative instruments
based on such index, other than as a specialist in the same security in
another market center.
\43\ New Supplementary Material .10 to proposed NYSE Rule 1301B
would apply the provisions of proposed Rule 1300B(b) and Rule 1301B
to certain securities listed on the Exchange pursuant to Section
703.19 (``Other Securities'') of the NYSE Listed Company Manual.
Examples of the securities to which Supplementary Material .10 will
apply are the subjects of the following File Nos.: (i) SR-NYSE-2006-
16 (proposal to list and trade Index-Linked Securities of Barclays
Bank PLC linked to the performance of the Dow Jones-AIG Commodity
Index Total Returntm); (ii) SR-NYSE-2006-19 (proposal to
list and trade Index-Linked Securities of Barclays Bank PLC linked
to the performance of the Goldman Sachs Crude Oil Total Return
Indextm); and (iii) File No. SR-NYSE-2006-20 (proposal to
list and trade Index-Linked Securities of Barclays Bank PLC linked
to the performance of the GSCI Total Return Indextm).
Under NYSE Rule 1301B(a), the member organization acting as
specialist in the relevant security: (i) Will be obligated to conduct
all trading in the specialty security in its specialist account,
(subject only to the ability to have one or more investment accounts,
all of which must be reported to the Exchange); (ii) will be required
to file with the Exchange and keep current a list identifying all
accounts for trading in the physical commodities included in, or
derivative instruments based on the relevant index, which the member
organization acting as specialist may have or over which it may
exercise investment discretion; and (iii) will be prohibited from
trading in physical commodities included in, or derivative instruments
based on the relevant index, in an account in which a member
organization acting as specialist, controls trading activities which
have not been reported to the Exchange as required by proposed NYSE
Rule 1301B.
Under Rule 1301B(b), the member organization acting as specialist
in a relevant security will be required to make available to the
Exchange such books, records or other information pertaining to
transactions by the member organization and other specified persons for
its or their own accounts in derivative instruments on an index
underlying such security or any commodity included in such index, as
may be requested by the Exchange. This requirement is in addition to
existing obligations under Exchange rules regarding the production of
books and records.
Under proposed NYSE Rule 1301B(c), in connection with trading
derivative instruments based on an index underlying a relevant security
in which the member organization acts as specialist, the specialist
could not use any material nonpublic information received from any
person associated with a member or employee of such person regarding
trading by such person or employee in derivative instruments based on
the underlying index or in any commodity included in such index.
The Exchange represents that its surveillance procedures are
adequate to properly monitor the trading of the Shares. The Exchange
will rely upon existing NYSE surveillance procedures governing equities
with respect to surveillance of the Shares. The Exchange believes that
these procedures are adequate to monitor Exchange trading of the
Shares, to detect violations of Exchange rules, consequently deterring
manipulation. In this regard, the Exchange currently has the authority
under NYSE Rules 476 and 1301B to request the Exchange specialist in
the Shares to provide NYSE Regulation with information that the
specialist uses in connection with pricing the Shares on the Exchange,
including specialist proprietary or other information regarding
securities, commodities, futures, options on futures or other
derivative instruments. The Exchange believes it also has authority to
request any other information from its members--including floor
brokers, specialists and ``upstairs'' firms--to fulfill its regulatory
\44\ As a general matter, the Exchange has regulatory
jurisdiction over its member organizations and any person or entity
controlling a member organization. The Exchange also has regulatory
jurisdiction over a subsidiary or affiliate of a member organization
that is in the securities business. A member organization subsidiary
or affiliate that does business only in commodities would not be
subject to NYSE jurisdiction, but the Exchange could obtain certain
information regarding the activities of such subsidiary or affiliate
through reciprocal agreements with regulatory organizations of which
such subsidiary or affiliate is a member.
With regard to the Index components, the Exchange can obtain market
surveillance information, including customer identity information, with
respect to transactions occurring on the New York Mercantile Exchange
(``NYMEX''), the Kansas City Board of Trade, ICE Futures, and the LME,
pursuant to its comprehensive information sharing agreements with each
of those exchanges. All of the other trading venues on which current
Index components and CERFs are traded are members of the Intermarket
Surveillance Group (``ISG''), and the Exchange therefore has access to
all relevant trading information with respect to those contracts
without any further action being required on the part of the Exchange.
All these surveillance arrangements constitute comprehensive
surveillance sharing arrangements.
Due Diligence
Before a member, member organization, allied member or employee
thereof recommends a transaction in the Shares, such person must
exercise due diligence to learn the essential facts relative to the
customer pursuant to NYSE Rule 405, and must determine that the
recommendation complies with all other applicable Exchange and Federal
rules and regulations. A person making such recommendation should have
a reasonable basis for believing, at the time of making the
recommendation, that the customer has sufficient knowledge and
experience in financial matters that he or she may reasonably be
expected to be capable of evaluating the risks and any special
characteristics of the recommended transaction, and is financially able
to bear the risks of the recommended transaction.
Information Memorandum
The Exchange will distribute an Information Memorandum to its
members in connection with the trading in the Shares. The Information
Memorandum will discuss the special characteristics and risks of
trading this type of security. Specifically, the Information
Memorandum, among other things, will discuss what the Shares are, that
Shares are not individually redeemable but are redeemable only in
Baskets of 50,000 shares or multiples thereof, how a Basket is created
and redeemed, applicable Exchange rules,
[[Page 36379]]
the Indicative Value, dissemination information, trading information
and the applicability of suitability rules, and exemptive relief
granted by the Commission from certain rules under the Act.\45\ The
Information Memorandum will also reference that the Trust is subject to
various fees and expenses described in the Registration Statement.
Finally, the Information Memorandum will also note to members language
in the Registration Statement regarding prospectus delivery
requirements for the Shares.\46\ The Information Memorandum will also
reference the fact that there is no regulated source of last sale
information regarding physical commodities and that the Commission has
no jurisdiction over the trading of physical commodities or the futures
contracts on which the value of the shares is based.
\45\ The applicable rules are: Rule 10a-1; Rule 200(g) of
Regulation SHO; Section 11(d)(1) and Rule 11d1-2; and Rules 101 and
102 of Regulation M under the Act.
\46\ The Registration Statement provides:
Because new Shares can be created and issued on an ongoing
basis, at any point during the life of the Trust, a
``distribution'', as such term is used in the Securities Act, will
be occurring. Authorized Participants, other broker-dealers and
other persons are cautioned that some of their activities may result
in their being deemed participants in a distribution in a manner
that would render them statutory underwriters and subject them to
the prospectus-delivery and liability provisions of the Securities
For example, an Authorized Participant, other broker-dealer firm
or its client will be deemed a statutory underwriter if it purchases
a Basket from the Trust, breaks the Basket down into the constituent
Shares and sells the Shares to its customers; or if it chooses to
couple the creation of a supply of new Shares with an active selling
effort involving solicitation of secondary market demand for the
Shares. A determination of whether a particular market participant
is an underwriter must take into account all the facts and
circumstances pertaining to the activities of the broker-dealer or
its client in the particular case, and the examples mentioned above
should not be considered a complete description of all the
activities that would lead to designation as an underwriter and
subject them to the prospectus-delivery and liability provisions of
the Securities Act.
II. Discussion
After careful consideration, the Commission finds that the proposed
rule change, as amended, is consistent with the Act and the rules and
regulations thereunder applicable to a national securities
exchange.\47\ In particular, the Commission finds that the proposed
rule change, as amended, is consistent with the requirements of section
6(b)(5) of the Act,\48\ which requires, among other things, that the
Exchange's rules be designed to promote just and equitable principles
of trade, to remove impediments to and perfect the mechanism of a free
and open market and a national market system and, in general, to
protect investors and the public interest.
\47\ In approving this proposal, the Commission has considered
its impact on efficiency, competition and capital formation. 15
U.S.C. 78c(f).
\48\ 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(5).
The Commission received one comment letter on the Exchange's
proposed rule change, in which DB raised a number of concerns. DB
argues that CERFs were created specifically for the Trust, have no
other bona fide economic purpose, and therefore that the CERF market is
illiquid and susceptible to manipulation.\49\ In this regard, CERFs are
futures contracts on the GSCI-ER, an index whose value is based on the
prices of the commodities contracts that comprise the GSCI-ER.
Manipulation of the CERFs market would drive the price of CERFs out-of-
line with the price of the commodities contracts on which its value is
based, providing a potential arbitrage opportunity.\50\ Moreover, as
the Exchange also states, it has comprehensive surveillance sharing
arrangements with futures exchanges trading the contracts that comprise
the GSCI-ER. The Exchange also states that the CME and the NYSE have
surveillance procedures in place to monitor the trading of CERFs and
Shares, respectively, and through their participation in the ISG can
access relevant trading information from each other's market.
\49\ See Rich Letter, supra note 5, at 1-2.
\50\ Information is available about the NAV of the Trust, the
market value of the Shares, and pricing information about the value
of the commodities contracts that underlie CERFs, which is reflected
in the Index, the GSCI and the GSCI-ER.
DB argues that no information is disclosed about the criteria the
Manager would use to value the Investing Pool's long position in CERFs
if it determines that the most recent CERF settlement price is an
inappropriate basis for calculating NAV. According to DB, because the
most recent CERF settlement price may not be a reliable measurement of
value as a consequence of thin CERF trading, the Manager may exercise
his discretion frequently. In response, the NYSE states that the
Sponsor has told the Exchange that the alternate evaluation procedures
would be applied only in ``extraordinary circumstances,'' such as when
commodities representing a substantial weighting of the GSCI are
experiencing extreme