Self-Regulatory Organizations; Chicago Board Options Exchange, Incorporated; Notice of Filing of a Proposed Rule Change and Amendment Nos. 1 and 2 Relating to the Processing of Complex Orders in the Hybrid Trading System, 33011-33017 [E6-8801]
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 109 / Wednesday, June 7, 2006 / Notices
(B) Self-Regulatory Organization’s
Statement on Burden on Competition
Amex does not believe that the
proposed rule change will impose any
burden on competition that is not
necessary or appropriate in furtherance
of the purposes of the Act.
(C) Self-Regulatory Organization’s
Statement on Comments on the
Proposed Rule Change Received From
Members, Participants, or Others
No written comments were solicited
or received by Amex with respect to the
proposed rule change.
III. Date of Effectiveness of the
Proposed Rule Change and Timing for
Commission Action
Within thirty-five days of the date of
publication of this notice in the Federal
Register or within such longer period:
(i) as the Commission may designate up
to ninety days of such date if it finds
such longer period to be appropriate
and publishes its reasons for so finding;
or (ii) as to which the self-regulatory
organization consents, the Commission
(A) By order approve such proposed
rule change or
(B) Institute proceedings to determine
whether the proposed rule change
should be disapproved.
IV. Solicitation of Comments
Interested persons are invited to
submit written data, views, and
arguments concerning the foregoing,
including whether the proposed rule
change is consistent with the Act.
Comments may be submitted by any of
the following methods:
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES
Electronic Comments
• Use the Commission’s Internet
comment form (
rules/sro.shtml) or
• Send an e-mail to Please include File
Number SR–Amex–2006–40 in the
subject line.
Paper Comments
• Send paper comments in triplicate
to Nancy M. Morris, Secretary,
Securities and Exchange Commission,
100 F Street, NE., Washington, DC
All submissions should refer to File
Number SR–Amex–2006–40. This file
number should be included on the
subject line if e-mail is used. To help the
Commission process and review your
comments more efficiently, please use
only one method. The Commission will
post all comments on the Commission’s
Internet Web site (
rules/sro.shtml). Copies of the
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submission, all subsequent
amendments, all written statements
with respect to the proposed rule
change that are filed with the
Commission, and all written
communications relating to the
proposed rule change between the
Commission and any person, other than
those that may be withheld from the
public in accordance with the
provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be
available for inspection and copying in
the Commission’s Public Reference
Section, 100 F Street, NE., Washington,
DC 20549. Copies of such filings also
will be available for inspection and
copying at the principal office of Amex
and on Amex’s Web site, https:// All comments received
will be posted without change; the
Commission does not edit personal
identifying information from
submissions. You should submit only
information that you wish to make
available publicly. All submissions
should refer to File Number SR–Amex–
2006–40 and should be submitted on or
before June 28, 2006.
For the Commission by the Division of
Market Regulation, pursuant to delegated
Jill M. Peterson,
Assistant Secretary.
[FR Doc. E6–8817 Filed 6–6–06; 8:45 am]
[Release No. 34–53909; File No. SR–CBOE–
Self-Regulatory Organizations;
Chicago Board Options Exchange,
Incorporated; Notice of Filing of a
Proposed Rule Change and
Amendment Nos. 1 and 2 Relating to
the Processing of Complex Orders in
the Hybrid Trading System
May 31, 2006.
Pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934
(‘‘Act’’),1 and Rule 19b–4 thereunder,2
notice is hereby given that on August
24, 2005, the Chicago Board Options
Exchange, Incorporated (‘‘CBOE’’ or
‘‘Exchange’’) filed with the Securities
and Exchange Commission
(‘‘Commission’’) the proposed rule
change as described in Items I, II, and
III below, which Items have been
prepared by the CBOE. The CBOE filed
Amendment Nos. 1 and 2 to the
proposal on March 13, 2006, and April
11 17
CFR 200.30–3(a)(12).
U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).
2 17 CFR 240.19b–4.
1 15
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27, 2006, respectively.3 The
Commission is publishing this notice to
solicit comments on the proposed rule
change, as amended, from interested
I. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
Statement of the Terms of Substance of
the Proposed Rule Change
CBOE proposes to amend its
procedures applicable to trading
complex orders on the Hybrid Trading
System (‘‘Hybrid System’’) to provide
for an automated Request for Responses
(‘‘RFR’’) auction process for certain
eligible complex orders (‘‘COA’’
process). CBOE is also proposing to
make various changes to the existing
routing and execution processes
applicable to the complex order book
(‘‘COB’’) and various changes to its rules
pertaining generally to the minimum
increments applicable to complex
orders. The text of the proposed rule
change appears below. Additions are
italicized; deletions are [bracketed].
Chicago Board Options Exchange,
Rule 6.9. Solicited Transactions
A member or member organization
representing an order respecting an
option traded on the Exchange (an
‘‘original order’’), including a spread,
combination, or straddle order as
defined in Rule 6.53, a stock-option
order as defined in Rule 1.1(ii) [or], a
security future-option order as defined
in Rule 1.1(zz), or any other complex
order as defined in Rule 6.53C, may
solicit a member or member
organization or a non-member customer
or broker-dealer (the ‘‘solicited person’’)
to transact in-person or by order (a
‘‘solicited order’’) with the original
order. In addition, whenever a floor
broker who is aware of, but does not
represent, an original order solicits one
or more persons or orders in response to
an original order, the persons solicited
and any resulting orders are solicited
persons or solicited orders subject to
this Rule. Original orders and solicited
orders are subject to the following
(a)–(f) No change.
* * * Interpretations & Policies:
.01–.02 No change.
.03 In respect of any solicited order
that is a spread, straddle or combination
order as defined in Rule 6.53, or any
other complex order as defined in Rule
3 Amendment No. 2 replaces and supersedes the
original filing and Amendment No. 1 in their
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 109 / Wednesday, June 7, 2006 / Notices
6.53C, the terms ‘‘bid’’ and ‘‘offer’’ as
used in subparagraphs (a)–(d) of this
Rule 6.9 mean ‘‘total net debit’’ and
‘‘total net credit,’’ respectively.
.04–.07 No change.
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Rule 6.42. Minimum Increments for Bids
and Offers
(1)–(2) No change.
(3) Bids and offers on spread,
straddle, or combination orders as
defined in Rule 6.53, or any other
complex order as defined in Rule 6.53C,
may be expressed in any increment, and
the legs of such an order may be
executed in one cent increments,
regardless of the minimum increments
otherwise appropriate to the individual
legs of the order. Notwithstanding the
foregoing sentence, bids and offers on
spread, straddle, [or] combination, or
other complex orders as defined in Rule
6.53C, in options on the S&P 500 Index
or on the S&P 100 Index, except for box
spreads, shall be expressed in decimal
increments no smaller than $0.05.
Spread, straddle, [or] combination, or
other complex orders as defined in Rule
6.53C expressed in net price increments
that are not multiples of the minimal
increment are not entitled to the same
priority under Rule 6.45 as such orders
expressed in increments that are
multiples of the minimum increment.
* * * Interpretations & Policies:
No change.
Rule 6.45. Priority of Bids and Offers—
Allocation of Trades
(a)–(d) No change.
(e) Complex Order Priority Exception:
A spread, straddle, combination, or ratio
order (or a stock-option order or security
future-option order, as defined in Rule
1.1(ii)(b) and Rule 1.1(zz)(b),
respectively), or any other complex
order as defined in Rule 6.53C, may be
executed at a net debit or credit price (in
a multiple of the minimum increment)
with another member without giving
priority to equivalent bids (offers) in the
trading crowd or in the book provided
at least one leg of the order betters the
corresponding bid (offer) in the book.
Stock-option orders and security futureoption orders, as defined in Rule
1.1(ii)(a) and Rule 1.1(zz)(a)
respectively, have priority over bids
(offers) of the trading crowd but not over
bids (offers) of public customers in the
limit order book.
Rule 6.45A.—Priority and Allocation of
Equity Option Trades on the CBOE
Hybrid System
(a) No change.
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(b) Allocation of Orders Represented
in Open Outcry: The allocation of orders
that are represented in open outcry by
floor brokers or PAR Officials shall be
as described below in subparagraphs
(b)(i) and (b)(ii). With respect to
subparagraph (b)(ii), the floor broker or
PAR Official representing the order
shall determine the sequence in which
bids (offers) are made.
(i)–(ii) No change.
(iii) Exception: Complex Order
Priority: A spread, straddle,
combination, or ratio order (or a stockoption order or security future-option
order, as defined in Rule 1.1(ii)(b) and
Rule 1.1(zz)(b), respectively), or any
other complex order as defined in Rule
6.53C, may be executed at a net debit or
credit price (in a multiple of the
minimum increment) with another
member without giving priority to
equivalent bids (offers) in the trading
crowd or in the book provided at least
one leg of the order betters the
corresponding bid (offer) in the book.
Stock-option orders and security futureoption orders, as defined in Rule
1.1(ii)(a) and Rule 1.1(zz)(a)
respectively, have priority over bids
(offers) of the trading crowd but not over
bids (offers) of public customers in the
limit order book.
(iv) No change.
(c)–(e) No change.
* * * Interpretations and Policies:
No change.
Rule 6.45B—Priority and Allocation of
Trades in Index Options and Options on
ETFs on the CBOE Hybrid System
(a) No change.
(b) Allocation of Orders Represented
in Open Outcry: The allocation of orders
that are represented in the trading
crowd by floor brokers or PAR Officials
shall be as described below in
subparagraphs (b)(i) and (b)(ii). With
respect to subparagraph (b)(ii), the floor
broker or PAR Official representing the
order shall determine the sequence in
which bids (offers) are made.
(i)–(ii) No change.
(iii) Exception: Complex Order
Priority: A member holding a spread,
straddle, or combination order (or a
stock-option order or security futureoption order as defined in Rule 1.1(ii)(b)
and Rule 1.1(zz)(b), respectively), or any
other complex order as defined in Rule
6.53C, and bidding (offering) on a net
debit or credit basis (in a multiple of the
minimum increment) may execute the
order with another member without
giving priority to equivalent bids (offers)
in the trading crowd or in the electronic
book provided at least one leg of the
order betters the corresponding bid
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(offer) in the book. Stock-option orders
and security future-option orders, as
defined in Rule 1.1(ii)(a) and Rule
1.1(zz)(a), respectively, have priority
over bids (offers) of the trading crowd
but not over bids (offers) of public
customers in the limit order book.
(c)–(d) No change.
* * * Interpretations and Policies:
No change.
Rule 6.53C. Complex Orders on the
Hybrid System
RULE 6.53C. (a)–(b) No change.
(c) Complex Order Book
(i) No change.
[(ii) Priority of Complex Orders in the
COB: Orders from public customers
have priority over orders from nonpublic customers. Multiple public
customer complex orders at the same
price are accorded priority based on
[(iii)] (ii) Execution of Complex
Orders in the COB: Notwithstanding the
provisions of Rule 6.42, the appropriate
Exchange committee will determine on
a class-by-class basis whether complex
orders that are routed to or resting in the
COB may be expressed on a net price
basis in a multiple of the minimum
increment (i.e., $0.05 or $0.10, as
applicable) or in a one cent increment.
All pronouncements regarding COB
increments will be announced to the
membership via Regulatory Circular.
Complex orders resting in the COB may
be executed without consideration to
prices of the same complex orders that
might be available on other exchanges,
and the legs of a complex order may be
executed in one cent increments,
regardless of the minimum quoting
increments otherwise appropriate to the
individual legs of the order. Complex
orders resting in the COB may trade in
the following way:
(1) Orders and Quotes in the
[Electronic Book (‘‘]EBook[’’)]: A
complex order in the COB will
automatically execute against individual
orders or quotes residing in EBook
provided the complex order can be
executed in full (or in a permissible
ratio) by the orders and quotes in
(2) Orders in COB: Complex orders in
the COB that are marketable against
each other will automatically execute.
The allocation of a complex order
within the COB shall be pursuant to the
rules of trading priority otherwise
applicable to incoming electronic orders
in the individual component legs.
(3) Market participants, as defined in
[CBOE] Rule 6.45A or 6.45B, as
applicable, may submit orders or quotes
to trade against orders in the COB. The
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 109 / Wednesday, June 7, 2006 / Notices
allocation of complex orders among
market participants shall be done
pursuant to CBOE Rule 6.45A(c) or
6.45B(c), as applicable.
[(iv)] (iii) Complex orders in the COB
may be designated as day orders or
good-til-cancelled orders. Only those
complex orders with no more than four
legs and having a ratio of one-to-three or
lower, as determined by the appropriate
Exchange committee, are eligible for
placement into the COB.
(d) Process for Complex Order RFR
Auction: Prior to routing to the COB or
once on PAR, eligible complex orders
may be subject to an automated request
for responses (‘‘RFR’’) auction process.
(i) For purposes of paragraph (d):
(1) ‘‘COA’’ is the automated complex
order RFR auction process.
(2) A ‘‘COA-eligible order’’ means a
complex order that, as determined by
the appropriate Exchange committee on
a class-by-class basis, is eligible for a
COA considering the order’s
marketability (defined as a number of
ticks away from the current market),
size and complex order type, as defined
in paragraph (a) above. All
pronouncements regarding COA
eligibility will be announced to the
membership via Regulatory Circular.
Complex orders processed through a
COA may be executed without
consideration to prices of the same
complex orders that might be available
on other exchanges.
(3) The ‘‘Response Time Interval’’
means the period of time during which
responses to the RFR may be entered.
(ii) Initiation of a COA: On receipt of
a COA-eligible order and request from
the member representing the order that
it be COA’d, the Exchange will send an
RFR message to all members who have
elected to receive RFR messages. The
RFR message will identify the
component series, the size of the COAeligible order and any contingencies, if
applicable, but will not identify the side
of the market.
(iii) Bidding and Offering in Response
to RFRs: Each Market-Maker with an
appointment in the relevant option
class, and each member acting as agent
for orders resting at the top of the COB
in the relevant options series, may
submit responses to the RFR message
(‘‘RFR Responses’’) during the Response
Time Interval.
(1) RFR Response sizes will be limited
to the size of the COA-eligible order for
allocation purposes and may be
expressed on a net price basis in a
multiple of the minimum increment
(i.e., $0.05 or $0.10, as applicable) or in
a one cent increment as determined by
the appropriate Exchange committee on
a class-by-class basis. RFR Responses
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will not be visible (other than by the
COA system).
(2) The appropriate Exchange
committee will determine the length of
the Response Time Interval on a classby-class basis; provided, however, that
the duration shall not exceed three (3)
All pronouncements regarding COA
increments and the Response Time
Interval will be announced to the
membership via Regulatory Circular.
(iv) Processing of COA-Eligible
Orders: At the expiration of the
Response Time Interval, COA-eligible
orders will be allocated in accordance
with subparagraph (v) below or routed
in accordance with subparagraph (vi)
(v) Execution of COA-Eligible Orders:
COA-eligible orders may be executed
without consideration to prices of the
same complex orders that might be
available on other exchanges, and the
legs of a COA-eligible order may be
executed in one cent increments,
regardless of the minimum quoting
increments otherwise appropriate to the
individual legs of the order. COAeligible orders will trade first based on
the best net price(s) and, at the same net
price, will be allocated in the following
(1) The individual orders and quotes
residing in the EBook shall have first
priority to trade against a COA-eligible
order provided the COA-eligible order
can be executed in full (or in a
permissible ratio) by the orders and
quotes in the EBook. The allocation of
a COA-eligible order against the EBook
shall be consistent with the UMA
allocation described in Rule 6.45A or
6.45B, as applicable.
(2) Public customer complex orders
resting in the COB before, or that are
received during, the Response Time
Interval and public customer RFR
Responses shall, collectively have
second priority to trade against a COAeligible order. The allocation of a COAeligible order against the public
customer complex orders resting in the
COB shall be according to time priority.
(3) Non-public customer orders
resting in the COB before the Response
Time Interval shall have third priority to
trade against a COA-eligible order. The
allocation of a COA-eligible order
against non-public customer orders
resting in the COB shall be pursuant to
the UMA allocation described in Rule
6.45A or 6.45B, as applicable.
(4) Non-public customer orders
resting in the COB that are received
during the Response Time Interval and
non-public customer RFR responses
shall, collectively, have fourth priority.
The allocation of a COA-eligible order
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against these opposing orders shall be
consistent with the CUMA allocation
described in Rule 6.45A or 6.45B, as
(vi) Routing of COA-Eligible Orders: If
a COA-eligible order cannot be filled in
whole or in a permissible ratio, the
order (or any remaining balance) will
route to the COB or back to PAR, as
(vii) Firm Quote Requirement for
COA-Eligible Orders: RFR Responses
represent non-firm interest that can be
modified or withdrawn at any time prior
to the end of the Response Time
Interval. At the end of the Response
Time Interval, RFR Responses shall be
firm only with respect to the COAeligible order for which it is submitted,
provided that RFR Responses that
exceed the size of a COA-eligible order
are also eligible to trade with other
incoming COA-eligible orders that are
received during the Response Time
Interval. Any RFR Responses not
accepted in whole or in a permissible
ratio will expire at the end of the
Response Time Interval.
(viii) Handling of Unrelated Complex
Orders: Incoming complex orders that
are received prior to the expiration of
the Response Time Interval for a COAeligible order (the ‘‘original COA’’) will
impact the original COA as follows:
(1) Incoming complex orders that are
received prior to the expiration of the
Response Time Interval for the original
COA that are on the opposite side of the
market and are marketable against the
starting price of the original COAeligible order will cause the original
COA to end. The processing of the
original COA pursuant to
subparagraphs (d)(iv) through (d)(vi)
remains the same. For purposes of this
Rule, the ‘‘starting price,’’ shall mean
the better of the original COA-eligible
order’s limit price or the best price, on
a net debit or credit basis, that existed
in the EBook or COB at the beginning of
the Response Time Interval.
(2) Incoming COA-eligible orders that
are received prior to the expiration of
the Response Time Interval for the
original COA that are on the same side
of the market, at the same price or worse
than the original COA-eligible order and
better than or equal to the starting price
will join the original COA. The
processing of the original COA pursuant
to subparagraphs (d)(iv) through (d)(vi)
remains the same with the addition that
the priority of the original COA-eligible
order and incoming COA-eligible
order(s) shall be according to time
(3) Incoming COA-eligible orders that
are received prior to the expiration of
the Response Time Interval for the
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 109 / Wednesday, June 7, 2006 / Notices
original COA that are on the same side
of the market and at a better price than
the original COA-eligible order will join
the original COA, cause the original
COA to end, and a new COA to begin
for any remaining balance on the
incoming COA-eligible order. The
processing of the original COA pursuant
to subparagraphs (d)(iv) through (d)(vi)
remains the same with the addition that
the priority of the original COA-eligible
order and incoming COA-eligible order
shall be a according to time priority.
* * * Interpretations and Policies:
.01–.02 No change.
.03 With respect to the initiation of
a COA (as described in Rule
6.53C(d)(ii)), members routing complex
orders directly to the COB may request
that the complex orders be COA’d on a
class-by-class basis and members with
resting complex orders on PAR may
request that complex orders be COA’d
on an order-by-order basis.
.04 A pattern or practice of
submitting orders that cause a COA to
conclude early will be deemed conduct
inconsistent with just and equitable
principles of trade and a violation of
Rule 4.1.
.05 Disseminating information
regarding COA-eligible orders to third
parties will be deemed conduct
inconsistent with just and equitable
principles of trade and a violation of
Rule 4.1 and other Exchange Rules.
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Rule 6.74. Crossing Orders
(a)–(f) No change.
* * * Interpretations & Policies:
.01–.02 No change.
.03 Spread, straddle, stock-option
(as defined in Rule 1.1(ii)), interregulatory spread as defined in Rule
1.1(ll) (including security future-option
orders as defined in Rule 1.1(zz) [or],
combination orders, or any other
complex orders as defined in Rule 6.53C
on opposite sides of the market may be
crossed, provided that the Floor Broker
holding such orders proceeds in the
manner described in paragraphs (a) or
(b) above as appropriate. Members may
not prevent a spread, straddle, stockoption, inter-regulatory spread
(including a security future-option
order), [or] combination, or any other
complex order cross from being
completed by giving a competing bid or
offer for one component of such order.
.04–.08 No change.
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II. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
Statement of the Purpose of, and
Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule
In its filing with the Commission, the
CBOE included statements concerning
the purpose of, and basis for, the
proposed rule change and discussed any
comments it received on the proposed
rule change. The text of these statements
may be examined at the places specified
in Item IV below. The CBOE has
prepared summaries, set forth in
Sections A, B, and C below, of the most
significant aspects of such statements.
A. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
Statement of the Purpose of, and
Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule
1. Purpose
The Commission recently approved
Exchange Rule 6.53C, ‘‘Complex Orders
on the Hybrid System,’’ which sets forth
the procedures for trading complex
orders on CBOE’s Hybrid System.4 As
an enhancement to the current COB
system, CBOE intends to develop a COA
process, which the Exchange believes
will, in turn, facilitate more automated
handling of complex orders. The
purpose of this proposed rule change is
to adopt corresponding revisions to
Exchange Rule 6.53C. In addition, CBOE
is proposing to make certain changes to
the existing COB provisions contained
in Exchange Rule 6.53C to better
describe the allocation methodology for
executing orders in the COB. Lastly,
CBOE is proposing to make certain
modifications and clarifications to its
rules generally pertaining to complex
order minimum increments.
a. Automated RFR Auction Process for
Complex Orders
Exchange Rule 6.53C sets forth the
process for trading complex orders in
the Hybrid System, including whether
complex orders will be routed to a PAR
workstation (for manual handling) or
the complex order book (for automated
handling) and, once in the COB, the
manner in which complex orders
execute against the electronic book (‘‘the
EBook’’), orders resting in the COB, and
market participants’ orders submitted to
trade against the COB. The proposed
COA-related amendments will
introduce new functionality that will
give certain eligible complex orders an
opportunity for price improvement
before being booked in the COB or once
4 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 51271
(February 28, 2005), 70 FR 10712 (March 4, 2005)
(order approving File No. SR–CBOE–2004–45).
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on PAR.5 Proposed paragraph (d) of
Exchange Rule 6.53C will describe the
COA process. The proposed rule change
will give the appropriate Exchange
committee the authority to determine on
a class-by-class basis what incoming
complex orders are eligible for a COA
based on marketability (defined as a
number of ticks away from the current
market), size and the complex order
type (‘‘COA-eligible orders’’).6
Upon receiving a COA-eligible order
and a request by the member
representing the order that it be COA’d,7
the Exchange will send an RFR message
to CBOE members with an interface
connection to CBOE that have elected to
receive such RFR messages. This RFR
message will identify the component
series, the size of the COA-eligible order
and any contingencies, if applicable.
However, the RFR message will not
identify the side of the market (i.e.,
whether the COA-eligible order is to buy
or to sell).
Market-Makers with an appointment
in the relevant options class, and
members acting as agent for orders
resting at the top of the COB in the
relevant options series, may
electronically submit responses (‘‘RFR
Responses’’), and modify or withdraw
them, at any time during the request
response time interval (the ‘‘Response
Time Interval’’). RFR Responses must be
in a permissible ratio, and may be
expressed on a net price basis in a
multiple of the minimum increment
(i.e., $0.05 or $0.10, as applicable) or in
a one-cent increment as determined by
the appropriate Exchange committee on
a class-by-class basis. In addition, RFR
Response sizes will be limited to the
size of the COA-eligible order for
allocation purposes. RFR Responses will
not be visible (other than by the COA
system). The applicable Response Time
Interval will be determined by the
appropriate Exchange committee on a
5 Currently, stock-option orders, security futuresoption orders, and conversions and reversals are not
eligible for routing to COB and, similarly, will not
be eligible for routing to COA.
6 For example, the appropriate Exchange
committee could determine that spread orders are
eligible for a COA to the extent they are less than
two ticks away from the ‘‘top of the book,’’ which
would be the best price considering the net prices
available in the complex order book and the
individual component legs quoted in the CBOE
market. All pronouncements, including changes
thereto, regarding COA eligibility and Response
Time Intervals will be announced to the
membership via Regulatory Circular.
7 Systemically, members will be able to make this
request for incoming orders routing directly to COB
on a class-by-class basis and for resting PAR orders
on an order-by-order basis. If an incoming order is
not COA-eligible or not designated for a COA, it
will be routed to either PAR or the COB in
accordance with Exchange Rule 6.53C(c)(i).
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 109 / Wednesday, June 7, 2006 / Notices
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES
class-by-class basis and, in any event,
will not exceed three seconds.8
When the Response Time Interval
expires, the COA-eligible order will be
executed and allocated to the extent it
is marketable, or routed to the COB or
back to PAR to the extent it is not
marketable.9 If executed, the rules of
trading priority will provide that the
COA-eligible order be executed based
first on net price and, at the same net
price: (i) The individual component
orders and quotes in the EBook shall
have first priority to trade against the
COA-eligible order; (ii) public customer
complex orders resting in the COB
before, or that are received during, the
Response Time Interval and public
customer RFR Responses shall,
collectively, have second priority; (iii)
non-public customer complex orders
resting in the COB before the Response
Time Interval shall have third priority;
and (iv) non-public customer complex
orders resting in the COB that are
received during the Response Time
Interval and non-public customer RFR
Responses shall, collectively, have
fourth priority.10 Allocations within the
first category above (orders residing in
the EBook) shall be based upon the
Hybrid System ultimate matching
algorithm (‘‘UMA’’) pertaining to equity
options or index/exchange-traded fund
options in Exchange Rules 6.45A and
6.45B, respectively, as applicable.11
Allocations within the second category
above (public customer complex orders
resting in the COB and public customer
RFR Responses) shall be based on time
when multiple public customer
8 For example, the appropriate Exchange
committee could determine to set the timer for a
particular class to a random time interval
determined by the Exchange system between two
and three seconds.
9 For example, if no RFR Responses are received
in the Response Time Interval and the COA-eligible
order is not marketable against the individual
orders and quotes in the EBook, the COA-eligible
order would be routed to the COB or, as applicable,
back to PAR at the expiration of the Response Time
Interval. If routed to COB, the order would then be
subject to execution in accordance with the
provisions of Exchange Rule 6.53C(c)(iii) (proposed
to be renumbered as Exchange Rule 6.53C(c)(ii)). If
routed back to PAR, the member holding the order
would have the ability to represent the order in
open outcry, trade the order against the COB in
accordance with Exchange Rule 6.53C(c)(iii)(3)
(proposed to be renumbered as Exchange Rule
6.53C(c)(ii)(3)), or route the order to COB in
accordance with Exchange Rule 6.53C(c)(i).
10 RFR Responses that exceed the size of the COAeligible order are also eligible to trade with other
marketable COA-eligible orders that may be
received during the Response Time Interval. See
proposed Exchange Rule 6.53C(d)(vii) and (viii).
11 Exchange Rule 6.45A pertains to the priority
and allocation of trades in equity options on the
Hybrid System. Exchange Rule 6.45B pertains to the
priority and allocation of trades in index options
and options on exchange-traded funds on the
Hybrid System.
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complex orders or RFR Responses exist
at the same price. Allocations within the
third category above (non-public
customer orders resting in the COB
before the Response Time Interval) shall
be based on the applicable UMA
algorithm. Allocations within the fourth
category above (non-public customer
orders received during the Response
Time Interval in the COB and nonpublic customer RFR Responses) shall
be based on the Hybrid System ultimate
matching algorithm in Exchange Rule
6.45A or 6.45B, as applicable, which
caps the maximum quote size to be no
greater than the underlying order for
allocation purposes (‘‘CUMA’’).
The following is an example of a
COA: assume the CBOE’s derived
spread market, considering the
individual series prices in the EBook, is
offered at $1.15 for 20 contracts. In
addition, assume a public customer
order resting in the COB is offered at
$1.15 for five contracts and two nonpublic customer orders resting in the
COB are offered at $1.15 for five
contracts each (for a total of 10
contracts). A COA-eligible order is then
received to buy 100 spreads at $1.15.
COA will auction the order. An RFR
message is sent to members indicating
the complex order series and 100
contracts (but not the side of the
market). The Response Time Interval for
submitting RFR Responses will be for no
more than three seconds. Before the
conclusion of the Response Time
Interval, the following RFR Responses
on the offer side are received: Public
customer RFR Responses to sell five at
a price of $1.14 and five at a price of
$1.15; and non-public customer RFR
Responses to sell 15 at a price of $1.13,
35 at a price of $1.14, and 100 at a price
of $1.15. The execution of the COAeligible order will proceed as follows:
• 15 contracts get filled at $1.13
(against non-public customer RFR
• 40 contracts get filled at $1.14 (five
contracts against public customer RFR
Responses, then 35 contracts against
non-public customer RFR Responses);
• 45 contracts get filled at $1.15 (20
contracts against the individual series
legs in the EBook allocated by UMA,
then 10 contracts against the public
customer orders in COB and public
customer RFR Responses allocated by
time priority, then 10 contracts against
the non-public customer orders resting
in the COB before the COA began
allocated by UMA, then five contracts
against the non-public customer RFR
Responses allocated via CUMA).
The proposed rule change also
describes the handling of unrelated
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incoming complex orders that may be
received prior to the expiration of a
COA.12 Specifically, the proposed rule
change provides the following:
• An incoming complex order
received prior to the expiration of the
Response Time Interval for a pending
COA (the ‘‘original COA’’) that is on the
opposite side of the original COAeligible order and is marketable against
the starting price 13 of the original COAeligible order will cause the original
COA to end. The processing of the
original COA pursuant to proposed
subparagraphs (d)(iv) through (d)(vi) of
Exchange Rule 6.53C is the same.
Specifically, the COA-eligible order will
be allocated in accordance with
proposed subparagraph (d)(v) of
Exchange Rule 6.53C or, if the COAeligible order cannot be filled in whole
or in a permissible ratio, the order (or
any remaining balance) will route to the
COB or back to PAR, as applicable, in
accordance with proposed subparagraph
(d)(vi) of Exchange Rule 6.53C.14
• Incoming COA-eligible orders that
are received prior to the expiration of
the Response Time Interval for the
original COA that are on the same side
12 See proposed Exchange Rule 6.53C(d)(viii).
The COA system cannot be used to trade a COAeligible order against a facilitated or solicited order.
Instead, facilitations and solicitations of complex
orders are subject to Interpretations and Policies .01
and .02 of Exchange Rule 6.45A (with respect to
equity options) and Interpretations and Policies .01
and .02 of Exchange Rule 6.45B (with respect to
index options and options on exchange-traded
funds). These rules also apply to complex orders
that are COA’d. Interpretation and Policy .01 of
both Exchange Rules 6.45A and 6.45B pertains to
principal transactions and prohibit an order entry
firm from executing as principal against an order it
represents as agent unless: (1) The agency order is
first exposed on the Hybrid System for at least three
seconds; (2) the order entry firm has been bidding
or offering for at least three seconds prior to
receiving an agency order that is executable against
such bid or offer; or (3) the order entry firm
proceeds in accordance with the crossing rules in
Exchange Rule 6.74. Interpretation and Policy .02
of both Exchange Rules 6.45A and 6.45B pertains
to solicitation orders and requires an order entry
firm to expose for at least three seconds an order
it represents as agent before the order may be
executed electronically via the electronic execution
mechanism of the Hybrid System, in whole or in
part, against orders solicited from members and
non-member broker-dealers to transact with the
13 The ‘‘starting price,’’ which is not visible (other
than by the COA system), is the better of the
original COA-eligible order’s limit price or the best
price, on a net debit or credit basis, that existed in
the EBook or COB at the beginning of the Response
Time Interval. See proposed Exchange Rule
14 For example, assume that a COA-eligible order
to buy with a net price of $1.20 is received when
the starting price is a net price of $1.10. A COA will
be initiated at a net price of $1.10. An incoming
order to sell at a price less than or equal to $1.10
will cause the COA to end. To the extent possible,
the original COA-eligible order will be filled and
any remaining balance would route to COB or back
to PAR.
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 109 / Wednesday, June 7, 2006 / Notices
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES
of the market, at the same price or worse
than the original COA-eligible order and
that are better than or equal to the
starting price, will join the original
COA. The processing of the original
COA pursuant to proposed
subparagraphs (d)(iv) through (d)(vi) of
Exchange Rule 6.53C is the same (as
described above) with the addition that
the priority of the original COA-eligible
order and incoming COA-eligible
order(s) shall be according to time
• An incoming COA-eligible order
that is received prior to the expiration
of the Response Time Interval for the
original COA that is on the same side of
the market and at a better price than the
original COA-eligible order will join the
COA, cause the original COA to end,
and a new COA to begin for any
remaining balance on the incoming
COA-eligible order. The processing of
the original COA pursuant to proposed
subparagraphs (d)(iv) through (d)(vi) of
Exchange Rule 6.53C is the same (as
described above), with the addition that
the priority of the original COA-eligible
order and incoming COA-eligible order
shall be according to time priority.16
A pattern or practice of submitting
unrelated orders that cause a COA to
conclude early will be deemed conduct
inconsistent with just and equitable
principles of trade and a violation of
Exchange Rule 4.1, ‘‘Just and Equitable
Principles of Trade.’’ Dissemination of
information related to COA-eligible
orders to third parties will also be
deemed conduct inconsistent with just
and equitable principles of trade and a
violation of Exchange Rule 4.1 and other
Exchange rules.
In addition, the CBOE notes that
COA-eligible orders may be executed
without consideration of prices of the
15 For example, assume that a COA-eligible order
to buy with a net price of $1.20 is received when
the starting price is a net price of $1.10. A COA will
be initiated at a net price of $1.10. Incoming orders
to buy at net prices ranging from $1.10 to $1.20 will
join the COA. To the extent possible, the original
COA-eligible order will be filled and then the
incoming COA-eligible order will be filled. Any
remaining balance on either the original COAeligible order or the incoming COA-eligible order
will route to COB or back to PAR.
16 For example, assume that a COA-eligible order
to buy with a net price of $1.20 is received when
the starting price is a net price of $1.10. A COA will
be initiated at a net price of $1.10. An incoming
order to buy at a net price higher than $1.20 will
join the COA, cause the COA to end, and a new
COA to begin for any remaining balance of the
incoming order. To the extent possible, the original
COA-eligible order will be filled, and then the
incoming COA-eligible order will be filled. Any
remaining balance on the original COA-eligible
order will route to COB or back to PAR. Any
remaining balance on the incoming COA-eligible
order will be subject to a new COA.
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same complex orders that might be
available on other exchanges.17
Finally, CBOE is proposing that RFR
Responses be firm only to the extent
they may exist at the end of the
Response Time Interval and only with
respect to COA-eligible orders. As such,
RFR Responses that collectively exceed
the size of a COA-eligible order would
be eligible to trade with other incoming
COA-eligible orders that are received
prior to the expiration of the Response
Time Interval. Any RFR Response not
accepted to trade against COA-eligible
orders either in whole or in a
permissible ratio would expire at the
end of the Response Time Interval and
would not be eligible to trade with the
EBook or the COB.
b. Revisions to the Complex Order Book
CBOE is also proposing to make
certain revisions to the existing complex
order execution procedures to better
describe the allocation algorithm
applicable to the trading of complex
orders that are entered into the COB.
With respect to complex orders that
trade against the EBook, the filing will
clarify in renumbered paragraph
(c)(ii)(1) of Exchange Rule 6.53C that the
‘‘EBook’’ consists of electronic orders
and quotes residing in the Hybrid
System, which would include public
and non-public orders and market
participants’ quotes. With respect to
complex orders that trade with other
orders in the COB, renumbered
paragraph (c)(ii)(2) of Exchange Rule
6.53C will provide that such trades will
be allocated based on the rules of
trading priority otherwise applicable to
the individual component leg series in
the EBook. With respect to the
allocation of complex orders among
market participants’ orders submitted to
trade against the COB, renumbered
paragraph (c)(ii)(3) of Exchange Rule
6.53C will provide that market
participants may enter both orders and
quotes and that resulting trades will be
allocated based on the rules of trading
otherwise applicable to the interaction
of quotes and/or orders with orders in
the EBook in the individual component
leg series contained in Exchange Rules
6.45A(c) or 6.45B(c), as applicable.
Currently the rule text makes specific
reference to only Exchange Rule
6.45A(c). The Exchange believes that
these revisions will help to clarify and
simplify the COB rules such that similar
priority and allocation algorithms apply
whether trading an individual series or
a complex order.
17 This principle also applies currently to
complex orders that are executed through the COB.
See Exchange Rule 6.53C(c)(iii).
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The Exchange is also proposing to
make some clarifications with respect to
the minimum increments applicable to
the pricing and trading of complex
orders in the COB. Exchange Rule
6.42(3), ‘‘Minimum Increments for Bids
and Offers,’’ currently provides that
complex orders may be entered in any
increment. This provision also applies
to orders entered into the COB.
However, CBOE is proposing to include
a clarification in Exchange Rule 6.53C to
provide that complex orders that are
routed to, or resting in, the COB may be
expressed on a net price basis only in
a multiple of the minimum increment
(i.e., $0.05 or $0.10, as applicable) or in
a one-cent increment as determined by
the appropriate Exchange committee. As
discussed further below, the Exchange
is also proposing to clarify that the
individual legs of a complex order
entered into COB may be executed in
one-cent increments.
c. Revisions Related to Complex Order
Minimum Increments
The Exchange is proposing to revise
and clarify the minimum increments
that are permissible for bids and offers
on complex orders. CBOE believes these
changes will facilitate the orderly
execution of complex orders in open
outcry and via the COB and COA
systems. With respect to minimum
increments, Exchange Rule 6.42(3)
currently provides that complex orders
may generally be expressed in any
increment, regardless of the minimum
increment otherwise appropriate to the
individual legs of the order. Thus, for
example, a complex order could be
entered at a net debit or credit price of
$1.03 even though the standard
minimum increment for the individual
series is generally $0.05 or $0.10. As an
exception to this provision, Exchange
Rule 6.42(3) also provides that complex
orders in options on the S&P 500 Index
(‘‘SPX’’) that are not box spreads 18 are
to be expressed in decimal increments
no smaller than $0.05. The Exchange is
proposing to amend this provision of
Exchange Rule 6.42(3) to provide that
complex orders in options on the S&P
100 Index (‘‘OEX’’) that are not box
18 A ‘‘box spread’’ (also referred to as a ‘‘box/roll
spread’’) means ‘‘an aggregation of positions in a
long call option and short put option with the same
exercise price (‘buy side’) coupled with a long put
option and short call option with the same exercise
price (‘sell side’ all of which have the same
aggregate current underlying value, and are
structured as either: (A) a ‘long box spread’ in
which the sell side exercise price exceeds the buy
side exercise price or (B) a ‘short box spread’ in
which the buy side exercise price exceeds the sell
side exercise price.’’ See Exchange Rule 6.42,
Interpretation and Policy .05, and Exchange Rule
rwilkins on PROD1PC63 with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 109 / Wednesday, June 7, 2006 / Notices
spreads must be expressed in decimal
increments no smaller than $0.05. Thus,
the minimum increment applicable to
OEX options will be the same as that
which is currently applicable to SPX
options. The Exchange believes that this
change is appropriate given the
complexity of these orders and the size
of the underlying S&P 100 Index. As
discussed above, the Exchange is also
proposing to clarify in Exchange Rule
6.53C that complex orders entered into
and resting in the COB may be
expressed on a net price basis in a
multiple of the minimum increment
(i.e., $0.05 or $0.10, as applicable) or in
a one-cent increment as determined by
the appropriate Exchange committee on
a class-by-class basis.
The Exchange is also proposing to
make some clarifications with respect to
the execution of the individual legs of
a complex order. By way of background,
after a complex order has been executed
at the total net debit or credit price, the
contract quantity and price for each
individual component leg of the trade
are reported as executions. However, the
Exchange’s rules are silent as to the
minimum increment in which these
resulting legs may be reported for
execution. In the past, when a complex
order was expressed in increments
smaller than $0.05 or $0.10 in open
outcry, each of the component legs of a
resulting trade typically would be
reported in ‘‘split’’ prices in order to
reach the quoted debit or credit price.
However, with the introduction of the
COB, that system may report the legs of
a resulting trade in one-cent increments.
Because the Exchange rules do not
specifically address the minimum
increment in which the legs of a
resulting complex order transaction are
to be reported, CBOE is proposing to
include language in Exchange Rules
6.42 and 6.53C to clarify that the legs of
a complex order may be executed in
open outcry, via COB or via a COA in
one-cent increments, regardless of the
minimum quoting increments otherwise
appropriate to the individual legs of the
order. This change applies a consistent
standard for reporting the legs of a
complex order transaction whether the
transaction takes place in open outcry or
via electronic trading, and the Exchange
believes that it will enable members to
more efficiently execute transactions
with less component parts in the
Lastly, the Exchange is proposing to
update the provisions of its rules that
refer to the trading of various types of
complex orders such as spreads,
straddles and combinations. These
provisions will now include a cross
reference to the various other types of
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17:54 Jun 06, 2006
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Paper Comments
• Send paper comments in triplicate
to Nancy M. Morris, Secretary,
2. Statutory Basis
Securities and Exchange Commission,
The Exchange believes the proposed
100 F Street, NE., Washington, DC
rule change is consistent with Section
19 in general, and furthers
6(b) of the Act,
All submissions should refer to File
the objectives of Section 6(b)(5) of the
Number SR–CBOE–2005–65. This file
20 in particular, in that it is designed
to promote just and equitable principles number should be included on the
of trade, to remove impediments to, and subject line if e-mail is used. To help the
Commission process and review your
perfect the mechanism of, a free and
comments more efficiently, please use
open market and a national market
system, and to protect investors and the only one method. The Commission will
post all comments on the Commission’s
public interest.
Internet Web site (
B. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
rules/sro.shtml). Copies of the
Statement on Burden on Competition
submission, all subsequent
amendments, all written statements
CBOE does not believe that the
with respect to the proposed rule
proposed rule change will impose any
burden on competition not necessary or change that are filed with the
Commission, and all written
appropriate in furtherance of the
communications relating to the
purposes of the Act.
proposed rule change between the
C. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
Commission and any person, other than
Statement on Comments on the
those that may be withheld from the
Proposed Rule Change Received From
public in accordance with the
Members, Participants or Others
provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be
No written comments were solicited
available for inspection and copying in
or received with respect to the proposed the Commission’s Public Reference
rule change.
Room. Copies of the filing also will be
available for inspection and copying at
III. Date of Effectiveness of the
the principal office of the Exchange. All
Proposed Rule Change and Timing for
comments received will be posted
Commission Action
without change; the Commission does
Within 35 days of the date of
not edit personal identifying
publication of this notice in the Federal information from submissions. You
Register or within such longer period (i) should submit only information that
as the Commission may designate up to
you wish to make available publicly. All
90 days of such date if it finds such
submissions should refer to File
longer period to be appropriate and
Number SR–CBOE–2005–65 and should
publishes its reasons for so finding or
be submitted on or before June 28, 2006.
(ii) as to which the Exchange consents,
For the Commission, by the Division of
the Commission will:
Market Regulation, pursuant to delegated
(A) By order approve such proposed
rule change, or
J. Lynn Taylor,
(B) Institute proceedings to determine
Assistant Secretary.
whether the proposed rule change
[FR Doc. E6–8801 Filed 6–6–06; 8:45 am]
should be disapproved.
complex orders defined in Exchange
Rule 6.53C.
IV. Solicitation of Comments
Interested persons are invited to
submit written data, views, and
arguments concerning the foregoing,
including whether the proposed rule
change is consistent with the Act.
Comments may be submitted by any of
the following methods:
Electronic Comments
• Use the Commission’s Internet
comment form (
rules/sro.shtml); or
• Send an e-mail to Please include File
Number SR–CBOE–2005–65 on the
subject line.
19 15
20 15
PO 00000
U.S.C. 78f(b).
U.S.C. 78f(b)(5).
Frm 00105
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[Release No. 34–53922; File No. SR–CBOE–
Self-Regulatory Organizations;
Chicago Board Options Exchange,
Incorporated; Notice of Filing and
Order Granting Accelerated Approval
of a Proposed Rule Change Extending
the Exchange’s Preferred MarketMaker Pilot Program
June 1, 2006.
Pursuant to section 19(b)(1) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934
21 17
Sfmt 4703
CFR 200.30–3(a)(12).
[Federal Register Volume 71, Number 109 (Wednesday, June 7, 2006)]
[Pages 33011-33017]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E6-8801]
[Release No. 34-53909; File No. SR-CBOE-2005-65]
Self-Regulatory Organizations; Chicago Board Options Exchange,
Incorporated; Notice of Filing of a Proposed Rule Change and Amendment
Nos. 1 and 2 Relating to the Processing of Complex Orders in the Hybrid
Trading System
May 31, 2006.
Pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
(``Act''),\1\ and Rule 19b-4 thereunder,\2\ notice is hereby given that
on August 24, 2005, the Chicago Board Options Exchange, Incorporated
(``CBOE'' or ``Exchange'') filed with the Securities and Exchange
Commission (``Commission'') the proposed rule change as described in
Items I, II, and III below, which Items have been prepared by the CBOE.
The CBOE filed Amendment Nos. 1 and 2 to the proposal on March 13,
2006, and April 27, 2006, respectively.\3\ The Commission is publishing
this notice to solicit comments on the proposed rule change, as
amended, from interested persons.
\1\ 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).
\2\ 17 CFR 240.19b-4.
\3\ Amendment No. 2 replaces and supersedes the original filing
and Amendment No. 1 in their entirety.
I. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement of the Terms of Substance
of the Proposed Rule Change
CBOE proposes to amend its procedures applicable to trading complex
orders on the Hybrid Trading System (``Hybrid System'') to provide for
an automated Request for Responses (``RFR'') auction process for
certain eligible complex orders (``COA'' process). CBOE is also
proposing to make various changes to the existing routing and execution
processes applicable to the complex order book (``COB'') and various
changes to its rules pertaining generally to the minimum increments
applicable to complex orders. The text of the proposed rule change
appears below. Additions are italicized; deletions are [bracketed].
* * * * *
Chicago Board Options Exchange, Incorporated
Rule 6.9. Solicited Transactions
A member or member organization representing an order respecting an
option traded on the Exchange (an ``original order''), including a
spread, combination, or straddle order as defined in Rule 6.53, a
stock-option order as defined in Rule 1.1(ii) [or], a security future-
option order as defined in Rule 1.1(zz), or any other complex order as
defined in Rule 6.53C, may solicit a member or member organization or a
non-member customer or broker-dealer (the ``solicited person'') to
transact in-person or by order (a ``solicited order'') with the
original order. In addition, whenever a floor broker who is aware of,
but does not represent, an original order solicits one or more persons
or orders in response to an original order, the persons solicited and
any resulting orders are solicited persons or solicited orders subject
to this Rule. Original orders and solicited orders are subject to the
following conditions.
(a)-(f) No change.
* * * Interpretations & Policies:
.01-.02 No change.
.03 In respect of any solicited order that is a spread, straddle or
combination order as defined in Rule 6.53, or any other complex order
as defined in Rule
[[Page 33012]]
6.53C, the terms ``bid'' and ``offer'' as used in subparagraphs (a)-(d)
of this Rule 6.9 mean ``total net debit'' and ``total net credit,''
.04-.07 No change.
* * * * *
Rule 6.42. Minimum Increments for Bids and Offers
(1)-(2) No change.
(3) Bids and offers on spread, straddle, or combination orders as
defined in Rule 6.53, or any other complex order as defined in Rule
6.53C, may be expressed in any increment, and the legs of such an order
may be executed in one cent increments, regardless of the minimum
increments otherwise appropriate to the individual legs of the order.
Notwithstanding the foregoing sentence, bids and offers on spread,
straddle, [or] combination, or other complex orders as defined in Rule
6.53C, in options on the S&P 500 Index or on the S&P 100 Index, except
for box spreads, shall be expressed in decimal increments no smaller
than $0.05. Spread, straddle, [or] combination, or other complex orders
as defined in Rule 6.53C expressed in net price increments that are not
multiples of the minimal increment are not entitled to the same
priority under Rule 6.45 as such orders expressed in increments that
are multiples of the minimum increment.
* * * Interpretations & Policies:
No change.
* * * * *
Rule 6.45. Priority of Bids and Offers--Allocation of Trades
(a)-(d) No change.
(e) Complex Order Priority Exception: A spread, straddle,
combination, or ratio order (or a stock-option order or security
future-option order, as defined in Rule 1.1(ii)(b) and Rule 1.1(zz)(b),
respectively), or any other complex order as defined in Rule 6.53C, may
be executed at a net debit or credit price (in a multiple of the
minimum increment) with another member without giving priority to
equivalent bids (offers) in the trading crowd or in the book provided
at least one leg of the order betters the corresponding bid (offer) in
the book. Stock-option orders and security future-option orders, as
defined in Rule 1.1(ii)(a) and Rule 1.1(zz)(a) respectively, have
priority over bids (offers) of the trading crowd but not over bids
(offers) of public customers in the limit order book.
* * * * *
Rule 6.45A.--Priority and Allocation of Equity Option Trades on the
CBOE Hybrid System
(a) No change.
(b) Allocation of Orders Represented in Open Outcry: The allocation
of orders that are represented in open outcry by floor brokers or PAR
Officials shall be as described below in subparagraphs (b)(i) and
(b)(ii). With respect to subparagraph (b)(ii), the floor broker or PAR
Official representing the order shall determine the sequence in which
bids (offers) are made.
(i)-(ii) No change.
(iii) Exception: Complex Order Priority: A spread, straddle,
combination, or ratio order (or a stock-option order or security
future-option order, as defined in Rule 1.1(ii)(b) and Rule 1.1(zz)(b),
respectively), or any other complex order as defined in Rule 6.53C, may
be executed at a net debit or credit price (in a multiple of the
minimum increment) with another member without giving priority to
equivalent bids (offers) in the trading crowd or in the book provided
at least one leg of the order betters the corresponding bid (offer) in
the book. Stock-option orders and security future-option orders, as
defined in Rule 1.1(ii)(a) and Rule 1.1(zz)(a) respectively, have
priority over bids (offers) of the trading crowd but not over bids
(offers) of public customers in the limit order book.
(iv) No change.
(c)-(e) No change.
* * * Interpretations and Policies:
No change.
* * * * *
Rule 6.45B--Priority and Allocation of Trades in Index Options and
Options on ETFs on the CBOE Hybrid System
(a) No change.
(b) Allocation of Orders Represented in Open Outcry: The allocation
of orders that are represented in the trading crowd by floor brokers or
PAR Officials shall be as described below in subparagraphs (b)(i) and
(b)(ii). With respect to subparagraph (b)(ii), the floor broker or PAR
Official representing the order shall determine the sequence in which
bids (offers) are made.
(i)-(ii) No change.
(iii) Exception: Complex Order Priority: A member holding a spread,
straddle, or combination order (or a stock-option order or security
future-option order as defined in Rule 1.1(ii)(b) and Rule 1.1(zz)(b),
respectively), or any other complex order as defined in Rule 6.53C, and
bidding (offering) on a net debit or credit basis (in a multiple of the
minimum increment) may execute the order with another member without
giving priority to equivalent bids (offers) in the trading crowd or in
the electronic book provided at least one leg of the order betters the
corresponding bid (offer) in the book. Stock-option orders and security
future-option orders, as defined in Rule 1.1(ii)(a) and Rule
1.1(zz)(a), respectively, have priority over bids (offers) of the
trading crowd but not over bids (offers) of public customers in the
limit order book.
(c)-(d) No change.
* * * Interpretations and Policies:
No change.
* * * * *
Rule 6.53C. Complex Orders on the Hybrid System
RULE 6.53C. (a)-(b) No change.
(c) Complex Order Book
(i) No change.
[(ii) Priority of Complex Orders in the COB: Orders from public
customers have priority over orders from non-public customers. Multiple
public customer complex orders at the same price are accorded priority
based on time.]
[(iii)] (ii) Execution of Complex Orders in the COB:
Notwithstanding the provisions of Rule 6.42, the appropriate Exchange
committee will determine on a class-by-class basis whether complex
orders that are routed to or resting in the COB may be expressed on a
net price basis in a multiple of the minimum increment (i.e., $0.05 or
$0.10, as applicable) or in a one cent increment. All pronouncements
regarding COB increments will be announced to the membership via
Regulatory Circular. Complex orders resting in the COB may be executed
without consideration to prices of the same complex orders that might
be available on other exchanges, and the legs of a complex order may be
executed in one cent increments, regardless of the minimum quoting
increments otherwise appropriate to the individual legs of the order.
Complex orders resting in the COB may trade in the following way:
(1) Orders and Quotes in the [Electronic Book (``]EBook['')]: A
complex order in the COB will automatically execute against individual
orders or quotes residing in EBook provided the complex order can be
executed in full (or in a permissible ratio) by the orders and quotes
in EBook.
(2) Orders in COB: Complex orders in the COB that are marketable
against each other will automatically execute. The allocation of a
complex order within the COB shall be pursuant to the rules of trading
priority otherwise applicable to incoming electronic orders in the
individual component legs.
(3) Market participants, as defined in [CBOE] Rule 6.45A or 6.45B,
as applicable, may submit orders or quotes to trade against orders in
the COB. The
[[Page 33013]]
allocation of complex orders among market participants shall be done
pursuant to CBOE Rule 6.45A(c) or 6.45B(c), as applicable.
[(iv)] (iii) Complex orders in the COB may be designated as day
orders or good-til-cancelled orders. Only those complex orders with no
more than four legs and having a ratio of one-to-three or lower, as
determined by the appropriate Exchange committee, are eligible for
placement into the COB.
(d) Process for Complex Order RFR Auction: Prior to routing to the
COB or once on PAR, eligible complex orders may be subject to an
automated request for responses (``RFR'') auction process.
(i) For purposes of paragraph (d):
(1) ``COA'' is the automated complex order RFR auction process.
(2) A ``COA-eligible order'' means a complex order that, as
determined by the appropriate Exchange committee on a class-by-class
basis, is eligible for a COA considering the order's marketability
(defined as a number of ticks away from the current market), size and
complex order type, as defined in paragraph (a) above. All
pronouncements regarding COA eligibility will be announced to the
membership via Regulatory Circular. Complex orders processed through a
COA may be executed without consideration to prices of the same complex
orders that might be available on other exchanges.
(3) The ``Response Time Interval'' means the period of time during
which responses to the RFR may be entered.
(ii) Initiation of a COA: On receipt of a COA-eligible order and
request from the member representing the order that it be COA'd, the
Exchange will send an RFR message to all members who have elected to
receive RFR messages. The RFR message will identify the component
series, the size of the COA-eligible order and any contingencies, if
applicable, but will not identify the side of the market.
(iii) Bidding and Offering in Response to RFRs: Each Market-Maker
with an appointment in the relevant option class, and each member
acting as agent for orders resting at the top of the COB in the
relevant options series, may submit responses to the RFR message (``RFR
Responses'') during the Response Time Interval.
(1) RFR Response sizes will be limited to the size of the COA-
eligible order for allocation purposes and may be expressed on a net
price basis in a multiple of the minimum increment (i.e., $0.05 or
$0.10, as applicable) or in a one cent increment as determined by the
appropriate Exchange committee on a class-by-class basis. RFR Responses
will not be visible (other than by the COA system).
(2) The appropriate Exchange committee will determine the length of
the Response Time Interval on a class-by-class basis; provided,
however, that the duration shall not exceed three (3) seconds.
All pronouncements regarding COA increments and the Response Time
Interval will be announced to the membership via Regulatory Circular.
(iv) Processing of COA-Eligible Orders: At the expiration of the
Response Time Interval, COA-eligible orders will be allocated in
accordance with subparagraph (v) below or routed in accordance with
subparagraph (vi) below.
(v) Execution of COA-Eligible Orders: COA-eligible orders may be
executed without consideration to prices of the same complex orders
that might be available on other exchanges, and the legs of a COA-
eligible order may be executed in one cent increments, regardless of
the minimum quoting increments otherwise appropriate to the individual
legs of the order. COA-eligible orders will trade first based on the
best net price(s) and, at the same net price, will be allocated in the
following way:
(1) The individual orders and quotes residing in the EBook shall
have first priority to trade against a COA-eligible order provided the
COA-eligible order can be executed in full (or in a permissible ratio)
by the orders and quotes in the EBook. The allocation of a COA-eligible
order against the EBook shall be consistent with the UMA allocation
described in Rule 6.45A or 6.45B, as applicable.
(2) Public customer complex orders resting in the COB before, or
that are received during, the Response Time Interval and public
customer RFR Responses shall, collectively have second priority to
trade against a COA-eligible order. The allocation of a COA-eligible
order against the public customer complex orders resting in the COB
shall be according to time priority.
(3) Non-public customer orders resting in the COB before the
Response Time Interval shall have third priority to trade against a
COA-eligible order. The allocation of a COA-eligible order against non-
public customer orders resting in the COB shall be pursuant to the UMA
allocation described in Rule 6.45A or 6.45B, as applicable.
(4) Non-public customer orders resting in the COB that are received
during the Response Time Interval and non-public customer RFR responses
shall, collectively, have fourth priority. The allocation of a COA-
eligible order against these opposing orders shall be consistent with
the CUMA allocation described in Rule 6.45A or 6.45B, as applicable.
(vi) Routing of COA-Eligible Orders: If a COA-eligible order cannot
be filled in whole or in a permissible ratio, the order (or any
remaining balance) will route to the COB or back to PAR, as applicable.
(vii) Firm Quote Requirement for COA-Eligible Orders: RFR Responses
represent non-firm interest that can be modified or withdrawn at any
time prior to the end of the Response Time Interval. At the end of the
Response Time Interval, RFR Responses shall be firm only with respect
to the COA-eligible order for which it is submitted, provided that RFR
Responses that exceed the size of a COA-eligible order are also
eligible to trade with other incoming COA-eligible orders that are
received during the Response Time Interval. Any RFR Responses not
accepted in whole or in a permissible ratio will expire at the end of
the Response Time Interval.
(viii) Handling of Unrelated Complex Orders: Incoming complex
orders that are received prior to the expiration of the Response Time
Interval for a COA-eligible order (the ``original COA'') will impact
the original COA as follows:
(1) Incoming complex orders that are received prior to the
expiration of the Response Time Interval for the original COA that are
on the opposite side of the market and are marketable against the
starting price of the original COA-eligible order will cause the
original COA to end. The processing of the original COA pursuant to
subparagraphs (d)(iv) through (d)(vi) remains the same. For purposes of
this Rule, the ``starting price,'' shall mean the better of the
original COA-eligible order's limit price or the best price, on a net
debit or credit basis, that existed in the EBook or COB at the
beginning of the Response Time Interval.
(2) Incoming COA-eligible orders that are received prior to the
expiration of the Response Time Interval for the original COA that are
on the same side of the market, at the same price or worse than the
original COA-eligible order and better than or equal to the starting
price will join the original COA. The processing of the original COA
pursuant to subparagraphs (d)(iv) through (d)(vi) remains the same with
the addition that the priority of the original COA-eligible order and
incoming COA-eligible order(s) shall be according to time priority.
(3) Incoming COA-eligible orders that are received prior to the
expiration of the Response Time Interval for the
[[Page 33014]]
original COA that are on the same side of the market and at a better
price than the original COA-eligible order will join the original COA,
cause the original COA to end, and a new COA to begin for any remaining
balance on the incoming COA-eligible order. The processing of the
original COA pursuant to subparagraphs (d)(iv) through (d)(vi) remains
the same with the addition that the priority of the original COA-
eligible order and incoming COA-eligible order shall be a according to
time priority.
* * * Interpretations and Policies:
.01-.02 No change.
.03 With respect to the initiation of a COA (as described in Rule
6.53C(d)(ii)), members routing complex orders directly to the COB may
request that the complex orders be COA'd on a class-by-class basis and
members with resting complex orders on PAR may request that complex
orders be COA'd on an order-by-order basis.
.04 A pattern or practice of submitting orders that cause a COA to
conclude early will be deemed conduct inconsistent with just and
equitable principles of trade and a violation of Rule 4.1.
.05 Disseminating information regarding COA-eligible orders to
third parties will be deemed conduct inconsistent with just and
equitable principles of trade and a violation of Rule 4.1 and other
Exchange Rules.
* * * * *
Rule 6.74. Crossing Orders
(a)-(f) No change.
* * * Interpretations & Policies:
.01-.02 No change.
.03 Spread, straddle, stock-option (as defined in Rule 1.1(ii)),
inter-regulatory spread as defined in Rule 1.1(ll) (including security
future-option orders as defined in Rule 1.1(zz) [or], combination
orders, or any other complex orders as defined in Rule 6.53C on
opposite sides of the market may be crossed, provided that the Floor
Broker holding such orders proceeds in the manner described in
paragraphs (a) or (b) above as appropriate. Members may not prevent a
spread, straddle, stock-option, inter-regulatory spread (including a
security future-option order), [or] combination, or any other complex
order cross from being completed by giving a competing bid or offer for
one component of such order.
.04-.08 No change.
* * * * *
II. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement of the Purpose of, and
Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule Change
In its filing with the Commission, the CBOE included statements
concerning the purpose of, and basis for, the proposed rule change and
discussed any comments it received on the proposed rule change. The
text of these statements may be examined at the places specified in
Item IV below. The CBOE has prepared summaries, set forth in Sections
A, B, and C below, of the most significant aspects of such statements.
A. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement of the Purpose of, and
Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule Change
1. Purpose
The Commission recently approved Exchange Rule 6.53C, ``Complex
Orders on the Hybrid System,'' which sets forth the procedures for
trading complex orders on CBOE's Hybrid System.\4\ As an enhancement to
the current COB system, CBOE intends to develop a COA process, which
the Exchange believes will, in turn, facilitate more automated handling
of complex orders. The purpose of this proposed rule change is to adopt
corresponding revisions to Exchange Rule 6.53C. In addition, CBOE is
proposing to make certain changes to the existing COB provisions
contained in Exchange Rule 6.53C to better describe the allocation
methodology for executing orders in the COB. Lastly, CBOE is proposing
to make certain modifications and clarifications to its rules generally
pertaining to complex order minimum increments.
a. Automated RFR Auction Process for Complex Orders
Exchange Rule 6.53C sets forth the process for trading complex
orders in the Hybrid System, including whether complex orders will be
routed to a PAR workstation (for manual handling) or the complex order
book (for automated handling) and, once in the COB, the manner in which
complex orders execute against the electronic book (``the EBook''),
orders resting in the COB, and market participants' orders submitted to
trade against the COB. The proposed COA-related amendments will
introduce new functionality that will give certain eligible complex
orders an opportunity for price improvement before being booked in the
COB or once on PAR.\5\ Proposed paragraph (d) of Exchange Rule 6.53C
will describe the COA process. The proposed rule change will give the
appropriate Exchange committee the authority to determine on a class-
by-class basis what incoming complex orders are eligible for a COA
based on marketability (defined as a number of ticks away from the
current market), size and the complex order type (``COA-eligible
\4\ See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 51271 (February 28,
2005), 70 FR 10712 (March 4, 2005) (order approving File No. SR-
\5\ Currently, stock-option orders, security futures-option
orders, and conversions and reversals are not eligible for routing
to COB and, similarly, will not be eligible for routing to COA.
\6\ For example, the appropriate Exchange committee could
determine that spread orders are eligible for a COA to the extent
they are less than two ticks away from the ``top of the book,''
which would be the best price considering the net prices available
in the complex order book and the individual component legs quoted
in the CBOE market. All pronouncements, including changes thereto,
regarding COA eligibility and Response Time Intervals will be
announced to the membership via Regulatory Circular.
Upon receiving a COA-eligible order and a request by the member
representing the order that it be COA'd,\7\ the Exchange will send an
RFR message to CBOE members with an interface connection to CBOE that
have elected to receive such RFR messages. This RFR message will
identify the component series, the size of the COA-eligible order and
any contingencies, if applicable. However, the RFR message will not
identify the side of the market (i.e., whether the COA-eligible order
is to buy or to sell).
\7\ Systemically, members will be able to make this request for
incoming orders routing directly to COB on a class-by-class basis
and for resting PAR orders on an order-by-order basis. If an
incoming order is not COA-eligible or not designated for a COA, it
will be routed to either PAR or the COB in accordance with Exchange
Rule 6.53C(c)(i).
Market-Makers with an appointment in the relevant options class,
and members acting as agent for orders resting at the top of the COB in
the relevant options series, may electronically submit responses (``RFR
Responses''), and modify or withdraw them, at any time during the
request response time interval (the ``Response Time Interval''). RFR
Responses must be in a permissible ratio, and may be expressed on a net
price basis in a multiple of the minimum increment (i.e., $0.05 or
$0.10, as applicable) or in a one-cent increment as determined by the
appropriate Exchange committee on a class-by-class basis. In addition,
RFR Response sizes will be limited to the size of the COA-eligible
order for allocation purposes. RFR Responses will not be visible (other
than by the COA system). The applicable Response Time Interval will be
determined by the appropriate Exchange committee on a
[[Page 33015]]
class-by-class basis and, in any event, will not exceed three
\8\ For example, the appropriate Exchange committee could
determine to set the timer for a particular class to a random time
interval determined by the Exchange system between two and three
When the Response Time Interval expires, the COA-eligible order
will be executed and allocated to the extent it is marketable, or
routed to the COB or back to PAR to the extent it is not marketable.\9\
If executed, the rules of trading priority will provide that the COA-
eligible order be executed based first on net price and, at the same
net price: (i) The individual component orders and quotes in the EBook
shall have first priority to trade against the COA-eligible order; (ii)
public customer complex orders resting in the COB before, or that are
received during, the Response Time Interval and public customer RFR
Responses shall, collectively, have second priority; (iii) non-public
customer complex orders resting in the COB before the Response Time
Interval shall have third priority; and (iv) non-public customer
complex orders resting in the COB that are received during the Response
Time Interval and non-public customer RFR Responses shall,
collectively, have fourth priority.\10\ Allocations within the first
category above (orders residing in the EBook) shall be based upon the
Hybrid System ultimate matching algorithm (``UMA'') pertaining to
equity options or index/exchange-traded fund options in Exchange Rules
6.45A and 6.45B, respectively, as applicable.\11\ Allocations within
the second category above (public customer complex orders resting in
the COB and public customer RFR Responses) shall be based on time when
multiple public customer complex orders or RFR Responses exist at the
same price. Allocations within the third category above (non-public
customer orders resting in the COB before the Response Time Interval)
shall be based on the applicable UMA algorithm. Allocations within the
fourth category above (non-public customer orders received during the
Response Time Interval in the COB and non-public customer RFR
Responses) shall be based on the Hybrid System ultimate matching
algorithm in Exchange Rule 6.45A or 6.45B, as applicable, which caps
the maximum quote size to be no greater than the underlying order for
allocation purposes (``CUMA'').
\9\ For example, if no RFR Responses are received in the
Response Time Interval and the COA-eligible order is not marketable
against the individual orders and quotes in the EBook, the COA-
eligible order would be routed to the COB or, as applicable, back to
PAR at the expiration of the Response Time Interval. If routed to
COB, the order would then be subject to execution in accordance with
the provisions of Exchange Rule 6.53C(c)(iii) (proposed to be
renumbered as Exchange Rule 6.53C(c)(ii)). If routed back to PAR,
the member holding the order would have the ability to represent the
order in open outcry, trade the order against the COB in accordance
with Exchange Rule 6.53C(c)(iii)(3) (proposed to be renumbered as
Exchange Rule 6.53C(c)(ii)(3)), or route the order to COB in
accordance with Exchange Rule 6.53C(c)(i).
\10\ RFR Responses that exceed the size of the COA-eligible
order are also eligible to trade with other marketable COA-eligible
orders that may be received during the Response Time Interval. See
proposed Exchange Rule 6.53C(d)(vii) and (viii).
\11\ Exchange Rule 6.45A pertains to the priority and allocation
of trades in equity options on the Hybrid System. Exchange Rule
6.45B pertains to the priority and allocation of trades in index
options and options on exchange-traded funds on the Hybrid System.
The following is an example of a COA: assume the CBOE's derived
spread market, considering the individual series prices in the EBook,
is offered at $1.15 for 20 contracts. In addition, assume a public
customer order resting in the COB is offered at $1.15 for five
contracts and two non-public customer orders resting in the COB are
offered at $1.15 for five contracts each (for a total of 10 contracts).
A COA-eligible order is then received to buy 100 spreads at $1.15. COA
will auction the order. An RFR message is sent to members indicating
the complex order series and 100 contracts (but not the side of the
market). The Response Time Interval for submitting RFR Responses will
be for no more than three seconds. Before the conclusion of the
Response Time Interval, the following RFR Responses on the offer side
are received: Public customer RFR Responses to sell five at a price of
$1.14 and five at a price of $1.15; and non-public customer RFR
Responses to sell 15 at a price of $1.13, 35 at a price of $1.14, and
100 at a price of $1.15. The execution of the COA-eligible order will
proceed as follows:
15 contracts get filled at $1.13 (against non-public
customer RFR Responses);
40 contracts get filled at $1.14 (five contracts against
public customer RFR Responses, then 35 contracts against non-public
customer RFR Responses); and
45 contracts get filled at $1.15 (20 contracts against the
individual series legs in the EBook allocated by UMA, then 10 contracts
against the public customer orders in COB and public customer RFR
Responses allocated by time priority, then 10 contracts against the
non-public customer orders resting in the COB before the COA began
allocated by UMA, then five contracts against the non-public customer
RFR Responses allocated via CUMA).
The proposed rule change also describes the handling of unrelated
incoming complex orders that may be received prior to the expiration of
a COA.\12\ Specifically, the proposed rule change provides the
\12\ See proposed Exchange Rule 6.53C(d)(viii). The COA system
cannot be used to trade a COA-eligible order against a facilitated
or solicited order. Instead, facilitations and solicitations of
complex orders are subject to Interpretations and Policies .01 and
.02 of Exchange Rule 6.45A (with respect to equity options) and
Interpretations and Policies .01 and .02 of Exchange Rule 6.45B
(with respect to index options and options on exchange-traded
funds). These rules also apply to complex orders that are COA'd.
Interpretation and Policy .01 of both Exchange Rules 6.45A and 6.45B
pertains to principal transactions and prohibit an order entry firm
from executing as principal against an order it represents as agent
unless: (1) The agency order is first exposed on the Hybrid System
for at least three seconds; (2) the order entry firm has been
bidding or offering for at least three seconds prior to receiving an
agency order that is executable against such bid or offer; or (3)
the order entry firm proceeds in accordance with the crossing rules
in Exchange Rule 6.74. Interpretation and Policy .02 of both
Exchange Rules 6.45A and 6.45B pertains to solicitation orders and
requires an order entry firm to expose for at least three seconds an
order it represents as agent before the order may be executed
electronically via the electronic execution mechanism of the Hybrid
System, in whole or in part, against orders solicited from members
and non-member broker-dealers to transact with the order.
An incoming complex order received prior to the expiration
of the Response Time Interval for a pending COA (the ``original COA'')
that is on the opposite side of the original COA-eligible order and is
marketable against the starting price \13\ of the original COA-eligible
order will cause the original COA to end. The processing of the
original COA pursuant to proposed subparagraphs (d)(iv) through (d)(vi)
of Exchange Rule 6.53C is the same. Specifically, the COA-eligible
order will be allocated in accordance with proposed subparagraph (d)(v)
of Exchange Rule 6.53C or, if the COA-eligible order cannot be filled
in whole or in a permissible ratio, the order (or any remaining
balance) will route to the COB or back to PAR, as applicable, in
accordance with proposed subparagraph (d)(vi) of Exchange Rule
\13\ The ``starting price,'' which is not visible (other than by
the COA system), is the better of the original COA-eligible order's
limit price or the best price, on a net debit or credit basis, that
existed in the EBook or COB at the beginning of the Response Time
Interval. See proposed Exchange Rule 6.53C(d)(viii)(1).
\14\ For example, assume that a COA-eligible order to buy with a
net price of $1.20 is received when the starting price is a net
price of $1.10. A COA will be initiated at a net price of $1.10. An
incoming order to sell at a price less than or equal to $1.10 will
cause the COA to end. To the extent possible, the original COA-
eligible order will be filled and any remaining balance would route
to COB or back to PAR.
Incoming COA-eligible orders that are received prior to
the expiration of the Response Time Interval for the original COA that
are on the same side
[[Page 33016]]
of the market, at the same price or worse than the original COA-
eligible order and that are better than or equal to the starting price,
will join the original COA. The processing of the original COA pursuant
to proposed subparagraphs (d)(iv) through (d)(vi) of Exchange Rule
6.53C is the same (as described above) with the addition that the
priority of the original COA-eligible order and incoming COA-eligible
order(s) shall be according to time priority.\15\
\15\ For example, assume that a COA-eligible order to buy with a
net price of $1.20 is received when the starting price is a net
price of $1.10. A COA will be initiated at a net price of $1.10.
Incoming orders to buy at net prices ranging from $1.10 to $1.20
will join the COA. To the extent possible, the original COA-eligible
order will be filled and then the incoming COA-eligible order will
be filled. Any remaining balance on either the original COA-eligible
order or the incoming COA-eligible order will route to COB or back
to PAR.
An incoming COA-eligible order that is received prior to
the expiration of the Response Time Interval for the original COA that
is on the same side of the market and at a better price than the
original COA-eligible order will join the COA, cause the original COA
to end, and a new COA to begin for any remaining balance on the
incoming COA-eligible order. The processing of the original COA
pursuant to proposed subparagraphs (d)(iv) through (d)(vi) of Exchange
Rule 6.53C is the same (as described above), with the addition that the
priority of the original COA-eligible order and incoming COA-eligible
order shall be according to time priority.\16\
A pattern or practice of submitting unrelated orders that cause a
COA to conclude early will be deemed conduct inconsistent with just and
equitable principles of trade and a violation of Exchange Rule 4.1,
``Just and Equitable Principles of Trade.'' Dissemination of
information related to COA-eligible orders to third parties will also
be deemed conduct inconsistent with just and equitable principles of
trade and a violation of Exchange Rule 4.1 and other Exchange rules.
In addition, the CBOE notes that COA-eligible orders may be
executed without consideration of prices of the same complex orders
that might be available on other exchanges.\17\
\16\ For example, assume that a COA-eligible order to buy with a
net price of $1.20 is received when the starting price is a net
price of $1.10. A COA will be initiated at a net price of $1.10. An
incoming order to buy at a net price higher than $1.20 will join the
COA, cause the COA to end, and a new COA to begin for any remaining
balance of the incoming order. To the extent possible, the original
COA-eligible order will be filled, and then the incoming COA-
eligible order will be filled. Any remaining balance on the original
COA-eligible order will route to COB or back to PAR. Any remaining
balance on the incoming COA-eligible order will be subject to a new
\17\ This principle also applies currently to complex orders
that are executed through the COB. See Exchange Rule 6.53C(c)(iii).
Finally, CBOE is proposing that RFR Responses be firm only to the
extent they may exist at the end of the Response Time Interval and only
with respect to COA-eligible orders. As such, RFR Responses that
collectively exceed the size of a COA-eligible order would be eligible
to trade with other incoming COA-eligible orders that are received
prior to the expiration of the Response Time Interval. Any RFR Response
not accepted to trade against COA-eligible orders either in whole or in
a permissible ratio would expire at the end of the Response Time
Interval and would not be eligible to trade with the EBook or the COB.
b. Revisions to the Complex Order Book
CBOE is also proposing to make certain revisions to the existing
complex order execution procedures to better describe the allocation
algorithm applicable to the trading of complex orders that are entered
into the COB. With respect to complex orders that trade against the
EBook, the filing will clarify in renumbered paragraph (c)(ii)(1) of
Exchange Rule 6.53C that the ``EBook'' consists of electronic orders
and quotes residing in the Hybrid System, which would include public
and non-public orders and market participants' quotes. With respect to
complex orders that trade with other orders in the COB, renumbered
paragraph (c)(ii)(2) of Exchange Rule 6.53C will provide that such
trades will be allocated based on the rules of trading priority
otherwise applicable to the individual component leg series in the
EBook. With respect to the allocation of complex orders among market
participants' orders submitted to trade against the COB, renumbered
paragraph (c)(ii)(3) of Exchange Rule 6.53C will provide that market
participants may enter both orders and quotes and that resulting trades
will be allocated based on the rules of trading otherwise applicable to
the interaction of quotes and/or orders with orders in the EBook in the
individual component leg series contained in Exchange Rules 6.45A(c) or
6.45B(c), as applicable. Currently the rule text makes specific
reference to only Exchange Rule 6.45A(c). The Exchange believes that
these revisions will help to clarify and simplify the COB rules such
that similar priority and allocation algorithms apply whether trading
an individual series or a complex order.
The Exchange is also proposing to make some clarifications with
respect to the minimum increments applicable to the pricing and trading
of complex orders in the COB. Exchange Rule 6.42(3), ``Minimum
Increments for Bids and Offers,'' currently provides that complex
orders may be entered in any increment. This provision also applies to
orders entered into the COB. However, CBOE is proposing to include a
clarification in Exchange Rule 6.53C to provide that complex orders
that are routed to, or resting in, the COB may be expressed on a net
price basis only in a multiple of the minimum increment (i.e., $0.05 or
$0.10, as applicable) or in a one-cent increment as determined by the
appropriate Exchange committee. As discussed further below, the
Exchange is also proposing to clarify that the individual legs of a
complex order entered into COB may be executed in one-cent increments.
c. Revisions Related to Complex Order Minimum Increments
The Exchange is proposing to revise and clarify the minimum
increments that are permissible for bids and offers on complex orders.
CBOE believes these changes will facilitate the orderly execution of
complex orders in open outcry and via the COB and COA systems. With
respect to minimum increments, Exchange Rule 6.42(3) currently provides
that complex orders may generally be expressed in any increment,
regardless of the minimum increment otherwise appropriate to the
individual legs of the order. Thus, for example, a complex order could
be entered at a net debit or credit price of $1.03 even though the
standard minimum increment for the individual series is generally $0.05
or $0.10. As an exception to this provision, Exchange Rule 6.42(3) also
provides that complex orders in options on the S&P 500 Index (``SPX'')
that are not box spreads \18\ are to be expressed in decimal increments
no smaller than $0.05. The Exchange is proposing to amend this
provision of Exchange Rule 6.42(3) to provide that complex orders in
options on the S&P 100 Index (``OEX'') that are not box
[[Page 33017]]
spreads must be expressed in decimal increments no smaller than $0.05.
Thus, the minimum increment applicable to OEX options will be the same
as that which is currently applicable to SPX options. The Exchange
believes that this change is appropriate given the complexity of these
orders and the size of the underlying S&P 100 Index. As discussed
above, the Exchange is also proposing to clarify in Exchange Rule 6.53C
that complex orders entered into and resting in the COB may be
expressed on a net price basis in a multiple of the minimum increment
(i.e., $0.05 or $0.10, as applicable) or in a one-cent increment as
determined by the appropriate Exchange committee on a class-by-class
\18\ A ``box spread'' (also referred to as a ``box/roll
spread'') means ``an aggregation of positions in a long call option
and short put option with the same exercise price (`buy side')
coupled with a long put option and short call option with the same
exercise price (`sell side' all of which have the same aggregate
current underlying value, and are structured as either: (A) a `long
box spread' in which the sell side exercise price exceeds the buy
side exercise price or (B) a `short box spread' in which the buy
side exercise price exceeds the sell side exercise price.'' See
Exchange Rule 6.42, Interpretation and Policy .05, and Exchange Rule
The Exchange is also proposing to make some clarifications with
respect to the execution of the individual legs of a complex order. By
way of background, after a complex order has been executed at the total
net debit or credit price, the contract quantity and price for each
individual component leg of the trade are reported as executions.
However, the Exchange's rules are silent as to the minimum increment in
which these resulting legs may be reported for execution. In the past,
when a complex order was expressed in increments smaller than $0.05 or
$0.10 in open outcry, each of the component legs of a resulting trade
typically would be reported in ``split'' prices in order to reach the
quoted debit or credit price. However, with the introduction of the
COB, that system may report the legs of a resulting trade in one-cent
increments. Because the Exchange rules do not specifically address the
minimum increment in which the legs of a resulting complex order
transaction are to be reported, CBOE is proposing to include language
in Exchange Rules 6.42 and 6.53C to clarify that the legs of a complex
order may be executed in open outcry, via COB or via a COA in one-cent
increments, regardless of the minimum quoting increments otherwise
appropriate to the individual legs of the order. This change applies a
consistent standard for reporting the legs of a complex order
transaction whether the transaction takes place in open outcry or via
electronic trading, and the Exchange believes that it will enable
members to more efficiently execute transactions with less component
parts in the transaction.
Lastly, the Exchange is proposing to update the provisions of its
rules that refer to the trading of various types of complex orders such
as spreads, straddles and combinations. These provisions will now
include a cross reference to the various other types of complex orders
defined in Exchange Rule 6.53C.
2. Statutory Basis
The Exchange believes the proposed rule change is consistent with
Section 6(b) of the Act,\19\ in general, and furthers the objectives of
Section 6(b)(5) of the Act,\20\ in particular, in that it is designed
to promote just and equitable principles of trade, to remove
impediments to, and perfect the mechanism of, a free and open market
and a national market system, and to protect investors and the public
\19\ 15 U.S.C. 78f(b).
\20\ 15 U.S.C. 78f(b)(5).
B. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement on Burden on Competition
CBOE does not believe that the proposed rule change will impose any
burden on competition not necessary or appropriate in furtherance of
the purposes of the Act.
C. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement on Comments on the Proposed
Rule Change Received From Members, Participants or Others
No written comments were solicited or received with respect to the
proposed rule change.
III. Date of Effectiveness of the Proposed Rule Change and Timing for
Commission Action
Within 35 days of the date of publication of this notice in the
Federal Register or within such longer period (i) as the Commission may
designate up to 90 days of such date if it finds such longer period to
be appropriate and publishes its reasons for so finding or (ii) as to
which the Exchange consents, the Commission will:
(A) By order approve such proposed rule change, or
(B) Institute proceedings to determine whether the proposed rule
change should be disapproved.
IV. Solicitation of Comments
Interested persons are invited to submit written data, views, and
arguments concerning the foregoing, including whether the proposed rule
change is consistent with the Act. Comments may be submitted by any of
the following methods:
Electronic Comments
Use the Commission's Internet comment form (https://; or
Send an e-mail to Please include
File Number SR-CBOE-2005-65 on the subject line.
Paper Comments
Send paper comments in triplicate to Nancy M. Morris,
Secretary, Securities and Exchange Commission, 100 F Street, NE.,
Washington, DC 20549-1090.
All submissions should refer to File Number SR-CBOE-2005-65. This file
number should be included on the subject line if e-mail is used. To
help the Commission process and review your comments more efficiently,
please use only one method. The Commission will post all comments on
the Commission's Internet Web site (
sro.shtml). Copies of the submission, all subsequent amendments, all
written statements with respect to the proposed rule change that are
filed with the Commission, and all written communications relating to
the proposed rule change between the Commission and any person, other
than those that may be withheld from the public in accordance with the
provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be available for inspection and
copying in the Commission's Public Reference Room. Copies of the filing
also will be available for inspection and copying at the principal
office of the Exchange. All comments received will be posted without
change; the Commission does not edit personal identifying information
from submissions. You should submit only information that you wish to
make available publicly. All submissions should refer to File Number
SR-CBOE-2005-65 and should be submitted on or before June 28, 2006.
\21\ 17 CFR 200.30-3(a)(12).
For the Commission, by the Division of Market Regulation,
pursuant to delegated authority.\21\
J. Lynn Taylor,
Assistant Secretary.
[FR Doc. E6-8801 Filed 6-6-06; 8:45 am]