Notice of Amended Preliminary Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair Value: Certain Lined Paper Products from the People's Republic of China, 31159-31164 [E6-8517]
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 105 / Thursday, June 1, 2006 / Notices
Barbara E. Tillman, Director, Office of
AD/CVD Operations 6; Re: Notice of
Correction to the Federal Register Notice
for the Preliminary Results of the
Administrative Review for Hot–Rolled
Carbon Steel Flat Products from Japan,
dated March 9, 2006, the language in the
Preliminary Results stating that the
request for review for this POR came
from both Nucor Corporation (Nucor)
and Ispat Inland Inc. was incorrect. The
language in the Preliminary Results
should have stated that the review had
been requested solely by Nucor. This
oversight does not in any way affect the
margin in this review.
We determine that the following
dumping margins exist for the period
June 1, 2004, through May 31, 2005:
JFE Steel Corporation ................
Kawasaki Steel Corporation .......
wwhite on PROD1PC61 with NOTICES
Duty Assessment
The Department will determine, and
U.S. Customs and Border Protection
(CBP) shall assess, antidumping duties
on all appropriate entries, pursuant to
19 CFR § 351.212(b). We will direct CBP
to assess the dumping rate listed above
against all subject merchandise
manufactured or exported by JFE or
Kawaskai, and entered or withdrawn
from warehouse for consumption during
the POR. The Department will issue
appropriate assessment instructions
directly to CBP within 15 days of
publication of these final results of
Cash Deposit Requirements
The following cash deposit rates will
be effective with respect to all
shipments of hot–rolled steel from Japan
entered, or withdrawn from warehouse,
for consumption on or after the
publication date of these final results, as
provided for by section 751(a)(1) of the
Act: (1) for JFE and Kawasaki, the cash
deposit rate shall be 40.26 percent (the
AFA rate from the 129 Determination);
(2) for previously reviewed or
investigated companies not listed above,
the cash deposit rate will continue to be
the company–specific rate established
for the most recent period; (3) if the
exporter is not a firm covered in this
review, a prior review, or the LTFV
investigation, but the manufacturer is,
the cash deposit rate will continue to be
the rate established for the most recent
period for the manufacturer of the
subject merchandise; and (4) if neither
the exporter nor the manufacturer is a
firm covered by this review, a prior
review, or the LTFV investigation, the
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cash deposit rate shall be the all others
rate established in the section 129
redetermination of the LTFV
investigation, which is 22.92 percent.
See 129 Determination. These deposit
rates, when imposed, shall remain in
effect until publication of the final
results of the next administrative
Notification To Importers
This notice serves as a final reminder
to importers of their responsibility
under 19 CFR § 351.402(f) to file a
certificate regarding the reimbursement
of antidumping duties prior to
liquidation of the relevant entries
during this review period. Failure to
comply with this requirement could
result in the Secretary’s presumption
that reimbursement of antidumping
duties occurred and the subsequent
assessment of double antidumping
Administrative Protective Orders
This notice also serves as a reminder
to parties subject to administrative
protective orders (APOs) of their
responsibility concerning the return or
destruction of proprietary information
disclosed under APO in accordance
with 19 CFR § 351.305. Timely written
notification of the return/destruction of
APO materials or conversion to judicial
protective order is hereby requested.
Failure to comply with the regulations
and terms of an APO is a violation that
is subject to sanction.
This administrative review and notice
are issued and published in accordance
with sections 751(a)(1) and 777(i)(1) of
the Act.
Dated: May 24, 2006.
David M. Spooner,
Assistant Secretaryfor Import Administration.
[FR Doc. E6–8511 Filed 5–31–06; 8:45 am]
International Trade Administration
Notice of Amended Preliminary
Determination of Sales at Less Than
Fair Value: Certain Lined Paper
Products from the People’s Republic
of China
Import Administration,
International Trade Administration,
Department of Commerce.
EFFECTIVE DATE: June 1, 2006.
SUMMARY: On April 17, 2006, the
Department of Commerce (‘‘the
Department’’) published in the Federal
PO 00000
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Register our notice of preliminary
determination of sales at less than fair
value. We are amending our preliminary
determination to correct ministerial
errors discovered with respect to the
antidumping duty margin calculation
for Shanghai Lian Li Paper Product Co.
Ltd. (‘‘Lian Li’’). This correction also
affects the margin applied to companies
for which the Department preliminarily
granted separate–rate status.
Marin Weaver or Frances Veith, AD/
CVD Operations, Office 8, Import
Administration, International Trade
Administration, U.S. Department of
Commerce, 14th Street and Constitution
Avenue, NW., Washington, DC, 20230;
telephone: (202) 482–2336 or 482–4295,
On April 17, 2006, we published in
the Federal Register the preliminary
determination that certain lined paper
products from the People’s Republic of
China (PRC) are being, or are likely to
be, sold in the United States at less than
fair value (LTFV), as provided in section
733 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as
amended (‘‘the Act’’). See Preliminary
Determination of Sales at Less Than
Fair Value, Affirmative Critical
Circumstances, In Part, and
Postponement of Final Determination:
Certain Lined Paper Products from the
People’s Republic of China, 71 FR 16965
(April 17, 2006).
On April 17, 2006, Watanabe Paper
Product (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (‘‘Watanabe
Shanghai’’); Hotrock Stationery
(Shenzhen) Co. (‘‘Watanabe Shenzhen’’);
and Watanabe Paper Product (Linqing)
Co., Ltd. (‘‘Watanabe Linqing’’),
collectively (the ‘‘Watanabe Group’’),
filed timely allegations of significant
ministerial errors contained in the
Department’s preliminary
determination. On April 18, 2006, the
following parties also filed timely
allegations of significant ministerial
errors: the Association of American
School Paper Suppliers and its
individual members (MeadWestvaco
Corporation; Norcom, Inc.; and Top
Flight, Inc.) (‘‘Petitioner’’), Shanghai
Pudong Wenbao Paper Products Factory
(‘‘Wenbao Paper’’), Shanghai Glistar
Paper Products Co., Ltd. (‘‘Shanghai
Glistar’’), Linqing Glistar Paper Products
Co., Ltd. (‘‘Linqing Glistar’’), and
Paperline Limited (‘‘Paperline’’)
(collectively ‘‘Wenbao’’), and Maxleaf
Stationery Ltd. After reviewing the
allegations, we have determined that the
preliminary determination included
significant ministerial errors. Therefore,
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 105 / Thursday, June 1, 2006 / Notices
in accordance with 19 CFR 351.224(e),
we have made changes, as described
below, to the preliminary
wwhite on PROD1PC61 with NOTICES
Scope of Investigation
The scope of this investigation
includes certain lined paper products,
typically school supplies,1 composed of
or including paper that incorporates
straight horizontal and/or vertical lines
on ten or more paper sheets,2 including
but not limited to such products as
single- and multi–subject notebooks,
composition books, wireless notebooks,
looseleaf or glued filler paper, graph
paper, and laboratory notebooks, and
with the smaller dimension of the paper
measuring 6 inches to 15 inches
(inclusive) and the larger dimension of
the paper measuring 8–3/4 inches to 15
inches (inclusive). Page dimensions are
measured size (not advertised, stated, or
‘‘tear–out’’ size), and are measured as
they appear in the product (i.e., stitched
and folded pages in a notebook are
measured by the size of the page as it
appears in the notebook page, not the
size of the unfolded paper). However,
for measurement purposes, pages with
tapered or rounded edges shall be
measured at their longest and widest
points. Subject lined paper products
may be loose, packaged or bound using
any binding method (other than case
bound through the inclusion of binders
board, a spine strip, and cover wrap).
Subject merchandise may or may not
contain any combination of a front
cover, a rear cover, and/or backing of
any composition, regardless of the
inclusion of images or graphics on the
cover, backing, or paper. Subject
merchandise is within the scope of this
petition whether or not the lined paper
and/or cover are hole punched, drilled,
perforated, and/or reinforced. Subject
merchandise may contain accessory or
informational items including but not
limited to pockets, tabs, dividers,
closure devices, index cards, stencils,
protractors, writing implements,
reference materials such as
mathematical tables, or printed items
such as sticker sheets or miniature
calendars, if such items are physically
incorporated, included with, or attached
to the product, cover and/or backing
Specifically excluded from the scope
of this investigation are:
• unlined copy machine paper;
• writing pads with a backing
1 For purposes of this scope definition, the actual
use or labeling of these products as school supplies
or non-school supplies is not a defining
2 There shall be no minimum page requirement
for looseleaf filler paper.
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(including but not limited to
products commonly known as
‘‘tablets,’’ ‘‘note pads,’’ ‘‘legal
pads,’’ and ‘‘quadrille pads’’),
provided that they do not have a
front cover (whether permanent or
removable). This exclusion does not
apply to such writing pads if they
consist of hole–punched or drilled
filler paper;
• three–ring or multiple–ring binders,
or notebook organizers
incorporating such a ring binder
provided that they do not include
subject paper;
• index cards;
• printed books and other books that
are case bound through the
inclusion of binders board, a spine
strip, and cover wrap;
• newspapers;
• pictures and photographs;
• desk and wall calendars and
organizers (including but not
limited to such products generally
known as ‘‘office planners,’’ ‘‘time
books,’’ and ‘‘appointment books’’);
• telephone logs;
• address books;
• columnar pads & tablets, with or
without covers, primarily suited for
the recording of written numerical
business data;
• lined business or office forms,
including but not limited to:
preprinted business forms, lined
invoice pads and paper, mailing
and address labels, manifests, and
shipping log books;
• lined continuous computer paper;
• boxed or packaged writing
stationary (including but not
limited to products commonly
known as ‘‘fine business paper,’’
‘‘parchment paper,’’ and
‘‘letterhead’’), whether or not
containing a lined header or
decorative lines;
• Stenographic pads (‘‘steno pads’’),
Gregg ruled,3 measuring 6 inches by
9 inches;
Also excluded from the scope of this
investigation are the following
trademarked products:
• FlyTM lined paper products: A
notebook, notebook organizer, loose
or glued note paper, with papers
that are printed with infrared
reflective inks and readable only by
a FlyTM pen–top computer. The
product must bear the valid
trademark FlyTM.4
3 ‘‘Gregg ruling’’ consists of a single- or doublemargin vertical ruling line down the center of the
page. For a six-inch by nine-inch stenographic pad,
the ruling would be located approximately three
inches from the left of the book.
4 Products found to be bearing an invalidly
licensed or used trademark are not excluded from
the scope.
PO 00000
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• ZwipesTM: A notebook or notebook
organizer made with a blended
polyolefin writing surface as the
cover and pocket surfaces of the
notebook, suitable for writing using
a specially–developed permanent
marker and erase system (known as
a ZwipesTM pen). This system
allows the marker portion to mark
the writing surface with a
permanent ink. The eraser portion
of the marker dispenses a solvent
capable of solubilizing the
permanent ink allowing the ink to
be removed. The product must bear
the valid trademark ZwipesTM.5
• FiveStarAdvanceTM: A notebook or
notebook organizer bound by a
continuous spiral, or helical, wire
and with plastic front and rear
covers made of a blended polyolefin
plastic material joined by 300
denier polyester, coated on the
backside with PVC (poly vinyl
chloride) coating, and extending the
entire length of the spiral or helical
wire. The polyolefin plastic covers
are of specific thickness; front cover
is .019 inches (within normal
manufacturing tolerances) and rear
cover is .028 inches (within normal
manufacturing tolerances). Integral
with the stitching that attaches the
polyester spine covering, is
captured both ends of a 1’’ wide
elastic fabric band. This band is
located 2–3/8’’ from the top of the
front plastic cover and provides pen
or pencil storage. Both ends of the
spiral wire are cut and then bent
backwards to overlap with the
previous coil but specifically
outside the coil diameter but inside
the polyester covering. During
construction, the polyester covering
is sewn to the front and rear covers
face to face (outside to outside) so
that when the book is closed, the
stitching is concealed from the
outside. Both free ends (the ends
not sewn to the cover and back) are
stitched with a turned edge
construction. The flexible polyester
material forms a covering over the
spiral wire to protect it and provide
a comfortable grip on the product.
The product must bear the valid
trademarks FiveStarAdvanceTM.6
• FiveStar FlexTM: A notebook, a
notebook organizer, or binder with
plastic polyolefin front and rear
covers joined by 300 denier
polyester spine cover extending the
5 Products found to be bearing an invalidly
licensed or used trademark are not excluded from
the scope.
6 Products found to be bearing an invalidly
licensed or used trademark are not excluded from
the scope.
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 105 / Thursday, June 1, 2006 / Notices
entire length of the spine and
bound by a 3–ring plastic fixture.
The polyolefin plastic covers are of
a specific thickness; front cover is
.019 inches (within normal
manufacturing tolerances) and rear
cover is .028 inches (within normal
manufacturing tolerances). During
construction, the polyester covering
is sewn to the front cover face to
face (outside to outside) so that
when the book is closed, the
stitching is concealed from the
outside. During construction, the
polyester cover is sewn to the back
cover with the outside of the
polyester spine cover to the inside
back cover. Both free ends (the ends
not sewn to the cover and back) are
stitched with a turned edge
construction. Each ring within the
fixture is comprised of a flexible
strap portion that snaps into a
stationary post which forms a
closed binding ring. The ring fixture
is riveted with six metal rivets and
sewn to the back plastic cover and
is specifically positioned on the
outside back cover. The product
must bear the valid trademark
FiveStar FlexTM.7
Merchandise subject to this
proceeding is typically imported under
headings 4820.10.2050, 4810.22.5044,
4811.90.9090 of the Harmonized Tariff
Schedule of the United States
(HTSUS).8 The tariff classifications are
provided for convenience and customs
purposes; however, the written
description of the scope of the
proceeding is dispositive.
Analysis of Alleged Significant
Ministerial Errors
A ministerial error is defined in 19
CFR 351.224(f) as ‘‘an error in addition,
subtraction, or other arithmetic
function, clerical error resulting from
inaccurate copying, duplication, or the
like, and any other similar type of
unintentional error which the Secretary
considers ministerial.’’ With respect to
preliminary determinations, 19 CFR
351.224(e) provides that the Department
‘‘will analyze any comments received
and, if appropriate, correct any
significant ministerial error by
amending the preliminary
determination. . . .’’ A significant
ministerial error is defined as an error,
the correction of which, singly or in
combination with other errors, would
result in (1) a change of at least five
absolute percentage points in, but not
less than 25 percent of, the weighted–
average dumping margin calculated in
the original (erroneous) preliminary
determination; or (2) a difference
between a weighted–average dumping
margin of zero or de minimis and a
weighted–average dumping margin of
greater than de minimis or vice versa.
See 19 CFR 351.224(g). We have
determined that the preliminary
determination contained a ‘‘significant’’
ministerial error with respect to Lian Li.
As a result, the Department is
publishing this amendment to its
preliminary determination pursuant to
19 CFR 351.224(e).
Amended Preliminary Determination
Because the error alleged by the
petitioner regarding the margin
calculation for Lian Li was significant,
we have amended the preliminary
margin calculation for Lian Li. See
Memorandum to Wendy J. Frankel,
Director, AD/CVD Operations, Office 8,
from Charles Riggle, Program Manager,
AD/CVD Operations, Office 8:
Antidumping Duty Investigation of
Certain Lined Paper Products from the
People’s Republic of China: Allegations
of Ministerial Errors (‘‘Ministerial Error
Memo’’), dated May 17, 2006. In
addition, we have amended the
weighted–average dumping margin
applicable to companies that were
granted separate–rate status. We have
also amended the Department’s
preliminary determination in which we
denied separate–rate status to You–You
Paper Products (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.
(‘‘You–You’’) and will preliminarily
grant separate–rate status to You–You
because the Department overlooked
documentation included in You–You’s
separate–rate application. See
Ministerial Error Memo; see, also,
Memorandum to The File through
Charles Riggle, Program Manager, AD/
CVD Enforcement, Office 8, from Marin
Weaver and Paul Stolz, International
Trade Compliance Analysts, AD/CVD
Enforcement, Office 8: Certain Lined
Paper Products from the People’s
Republic of China: You–You Paper
Products (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. (‘‘You–
You’’) Separate Rate, dated May 4, 2006.
We have not amended the preliminary
determination with respect to the
Watanabe Group because we found the
Watanabe Group’s allegations do not
meet the definition of a ministerial error
as contained in 19 CFR 351.224(f). See
Ministerial Error Memo. We have also
not amended the preliminary
determination with respect to Maxleaf
or Wenbao because we found that the
allegations made by Maxleaf and
Wenbao do not meet the definition of a
ministerial error as contained in 19 CFR
351.224(f). See Ministerial Error Memo.
Finally, although no party commented
on this issue, the Department is
amending its preliminary finding of
negative critical circumstances with
respect to Excel Sheen Limited (‘‘Excel
Sheen’’). Because the Department
preliminarily denied separate–rate
status to Excel Sheen, Excel Sheen was
considered part of the PRC entity. The
Department preliminarily found
affirmative critical circumstances for the
PRC entity. Therefore, the Department’s
preliminary finding of critical
circumstances for the PRC entity
includes Excel Sheen. See Ministerial
Error Memo.
As a result of corrections of
ministerial errors, the weighted–average
dumping margins are as follows:
Watanabe Paper Product (Linqing) Co., Ltd. ..............
Watanabe Paper Product (Linqing) Co., Ltd. ..............
wwhite on PROD1PC61 with NOTICES
Watanabe Paper Product (Linqing) Co., Ltd. ..............
Hotrock Stationery (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. ....................
7 Products found to be bearing an invalidly
licensed or used trademark are not excluded from
the scope.
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Watanabe Paper Product (Linqing)
Co., Ltd.
Hotrock Stationery (Shenzhen) Co.,
Watanabe Paper Products
(Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Hotrock Stationery (Shenzhen) Co.,
8 During the investigation additional HTSUS
headings may be identified.
PO 00000
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Amended Preliminary
Margin (Percent)
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 105 / Thursday, June 1, 2006 / Notices
Hotrock Stationery (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. ....................
Watanabe Paper Product (Linqing)
Co., Ltd.
Watanabe Paper Products
(Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Watanabe Paper Products
(Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Hotrock Stationery (Shenzhen) Co.,
Watanabe Paper Product (Linqing)
Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Lian Li Paper Products
Co., Ltd.
Sentian Paper Products Co., Ltd
Shanghai Miaopaofang Paper
Products Co., Ltd
Shanghai Pudong Wenbao Paper
Products Co., Ltd.
Changshu Changjiang Printing Co.,
Shanghai Loutang Stationery Factory
Shanghai Beijia Paper Products Co.,
Ningbo Guangbo Plastic Products
Manufacture Co., Ltd.
Yalong Paper Products (Kunshan)
Co., Ltd
Hotrock Stationery (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. ....................
Watanabe Paper Products (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. .........
Watanabe Paper Products (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. .........
Watanabe Paper Products (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. .........
Shanghai Lian Li Paper Products Co., Ltd. .................
Shanghai Lian Li Paper Products Co., Ltd. .................
Shanghai Lian Li Paper Products Co., Ltd. .................
Shanghai Lian Li Paper Products Co., Ltd. .................
Shanghai Lian Li Paper Products Co., Ltd. .................
Shanghai Lian Li Paper Products Co., Ltd. .................
Shanghai Lian Li Paper Products Co., Ltd. .................
Ningbo Guangbo Imports and Exports Co. Ltd. ..........
Yalong Paper Products (Kunshan) Co., Ltd ................
Suzhou Industrial Park Asia Pacific Paper Converting
Co., Ltd. ....................................................................
Sunshine International Group (HK) Ltd. ......................
Sunshine International Group (HK) Ltd. ......................
Sunshine International Group (HK) Ltd. ......................
Suzhou Industrial Park You–You Trading Co., Ltd. ....
Suzhou Industrial Park You–You Trading Co., Ltd. ....
Suzhou Industrial Park You–You Trading Co., Ltd. ....
Suzhou Industrial Park You–You Trading Co., Ltd. ....
Suzhou Industrial Park You–You Trading Co., Ltd. ....
Suzhou Industrial Park You–You Trading Co., Ltd. ....
Suzhou Industrial Park You–You Trading Co., Ltd. ....
Suzhou Industrial Park You–You Trading Co., Ltd. ....
You–You Paper Products (Suzhou) Co. Ltd. ..............
Planet International Company Ltd. ..............................
Planet International Company Ltd. ..............................
Planet International Company Ltd. ..............................
Planet International Company Ltd. ..............................
Planet (Hong Kong) International Company Ltd. ........
Planet (Hong Kong) International Company Ltd. ........
Planet (Hong Kong) International Company Ltd. ........
Planet (Hong Kong) International Company Ltd. ........
wwhite on PROD1PC61 with NOTICES
Planet (Hong Kong) International Company Ltd. ........
Planet (Hong Kong) International Company Ltd. ........
Planet (Hong Kong) International Company Ltd. ........
Haijing Stationery (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. .......................
VerDate Aug<31>2005
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PO 00000
Suzhou Industrial Park Asia Pacific
Paper Converting Co., Ltd.
Dongguan Shipai Tonzex Electronics
Plastic Stationery Factory;
Dongguan Kwong Wo Stationery
Co., Ltd.;
Hua Lian Electronics Plastic
Stationery Co., Ltd.
Linqing YinXing Paper Co., Ltd.
Jiaxing Seagull Paper Products Co.,
Shenda Paper Product Factory
Lianyi Paper Product Factory
Changhang Paper Product Factory
Tianlong Paper Product Factory
Rugao Paper Printer Co., Ltd.
Yinlong Paper Product Factory
Rugao Paper Printer Co. Ltd.
Shanghai Gloves & Headwear I/E
Co., Ltd.
Shanghai East Best Arts & Crafts
Co., Ltd.
Mengcheng County No. 3 Printing
Shanghai Huhui Paper Product
Shanghai Gloves & Headwear I/E
Co., Ltd.
Shanghai East Best Arts & Crafts
Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Arts & Crafts Imp. & Exp.
Shanghai Pudong Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Xin Zhi Liang Cultural
Product Co., Ltd.
Mengcheng County No. 3 Printing
Shanghai Huhui Paper Product
Shanghai Hongxiang Material Sales
Haijing Stationery (Shanghai) Co.,
Frm 00021
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Amended Preliminary
Margin (Percent)
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 105 / Thursday, June 1, 2006 / Notices
Orient International Holding Shanghai Foreign Trade
Co., Ltd. ....................................................................
Orient International Holding Shanghai Foreign Trade
Co., Ltd. ....................................................................
International Holding Shanghai Foreign Trade
Ltd. ....................................................................
International Holding Shanghai Foreign Trade
Ltd. ....................................................................
Shanghai Foreign Trade Enterprise Co., Ltd. .............
Shanghai Foreign Trade Enterprise Co., Ltd. .............
Shanghai Foreign Trade Enterprise Co., Ltd. .............
Shanghai Foreign Trade Enterprise Co., Ltd. .............
Anhui Light Industries International Co., Ltd. ..............
Anhui Light Industries International Co., Ltd. ..............
Fujian Hengda Group Co., Ltd., ..................................
Changshu Changjiang Printing Co., Ltd. .....................
Jiaxing Te Gao Te Paper Products Co., Ltd ...............
Jiaxing Te Gao Te Paper Products Co., Ltd ...............
Chinapack Ningbo Paper Products Co., Ltd. ..............
Linqing Silver Star Paper Products Co., Ltd. ..............
Wah Kin Stationery and Paper Product Limited .........
Shanghai Pudong Wenbao Paper Products Factory ..
Shanghai Pudong Wenbao Paper Products Factory ..
Shanghai Pudong Wenbao Paper Products Factory ..
Shanghai Pudong Wenbao Paper Products Factory ..
Paperline Limited .........................................................
Paperline Limited .........................................................
Paperline Limited .........................................................
Paperline Limited .........................................................
Paperline Limited .........................................................
Paperline Limited .........................................................
Paperline Limited .........................................................
Essential Industries Limited .........................................
MGA Entertainment (H.K.) Limited ..............................
wwhite on PROD1PC61 with NOTICES
PRC Entity ...................................................................
The collection of bonds or cash
deposits and suspension of liquidation
will be revised accordingly and parties
will be notified of this determination, in
VerDate Aug<31>2005
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Jkt 208001
Yalong Paper Products (Kunshan)
Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Comwell Stationery Co.,
Yuezhou Paper Co., Ltd.
Changshu Guangming Stationery
Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Xin Zhi Liang Culture
Products Co., Ltd.;
Shangyu Zhongsheng Paper
Products Co., Ltd.;
Shanghai Miaoxi Paper Products
Shanghai Xueya Stationery Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Pudong Wenbao Paper
Products Factory;
Foshan City Wenhai Paper Factory
Fujian Hengda Group Co., Ltd.,
Changshu Changjiang Paper
Industry Co., Ltd.
Jiaxing Seagull Paper Products Co.,
Jiaxing Boshi Paper Products Co.,
Jiaxing Te Gao Te Paper Products
Co., Ltd.
Linqing Silver Star Paper Products
Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Baoan Waijing
Development Company
Shanghai Pudong Wenbao Paper
Products Factory
Linqing Glistar Paper Products Co.,
Changshu Changjiang Printing Co.,
Linqing Silver Star Paper Products
Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Pudong Wenbao Paper
Products Factory
Linqing Glistar Paper Products Co.,
Changshu Changjiang Printing Co.,
Linqing Silver Star Paper Products
Co., Ltd.
Jiaxing Te Gao Te Paper Products
Co., Ltd.
Yantai License Printing & Making
Co., Ltd.
Anhui Jinhua Import & Export Co.,
Dongguan Yizhi Gao Paper Products
Kon Dai (Far East) Packaging Co.,
accordance with section 733(d) and (f)
of the Act.
PO 00000
Amended Preliminary
Margin (Percent)
International Trade Commission
In accordance with section 733(f) of
the Act, we have notified the
International Trade Commission (‘‘ITC’’)
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 105 / Thursday, June 1, 2006 / Notices
of our amended preliminary
determination. If our final
determination is affirmative, the ITC
will make its final determination as to
whether the domestic industry in the
United States is materially injured, or
threatened with material injury, by
reason of imports of certain lined paper
products, or sales (or the likelihood of
sales) for importation, of the subject
merchandise within 45 days of our final
This determination is issued and
published in accordance with sections
733(f) and 777(i)(1) of the Act and 19
CFR 351.224(e).
Dated: May 19, 2006.
David M. Spooner,
Assistant Secretaryfor Import Administration.
[FR Doc. E6–8517 Filed 5–31–06; 8:45 am]
International Trade Administration
The President’s Export Council:
Meeting of the President’s Export
Dated: May 25, 2006.
J. Marc Chittum,
Staff Director and Executive Secretary,
President’s Export Council.
[FR Doc. 06–4995 Filed 5–25–06; 4:09 pm]
wwhite on PROD1PC61 with NOTICES
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
[I.D. 051606B]
Endangered Species; File No. 1556
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Jkt 208001
SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given that
the Commonwealth of the Northern
Mariana Islands, USA (CNMI), Division
of Fish and Wildlife, [Sylvan Igisomar,
responsible official] P.O. Box 10007,
Saipan, Mariana Islands, 96950 has been
issued a permit to take green (Chelonia
mydas) and hawksbill (Eretmochelys
imbricata) sea turtles for purposes of
scientific research.
The permit and related
documents are available for review
upon written request or by appointment
in the following office(s):
Permits, Conservation and Education
Division, Office of Protected Resources,
NMFS, 1315 East-West Highway, Room
13705, Silver Spring, MD 20910; phone
(301)713–2289; fax (301)427–2521; and
Pacific Islands Region, NMFS, 1601
Kapiolani Blvd., Rm 1110, Honolulu, HI
96814-4700; phone (808)973–2935; fax
February 24, 2006 notice was published
in the Federal Register(71 FR 9524) that
a request for a scientific research permit
to take green and hawksbill sea turtles
had been submitted by the above-named
organization. The requested permit has
been issued under the authority of the
Endangered Species Act of 1973, as
amended (ESA; 16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.)
and the regulations governing the
taking, importing, and exporting of
endangered and threatened species (50
CFR parts 222–226).
The CNMI Division of Fish and
Wildlife will perform sea turtle surveys
in the waters of the Northern Mariana
Islands, USA. The project will consist of
shoreline/cliff line assessments, inwater tow dive assessments, and the
hand capture of sea turtles. Turtles will
be handled, measured, photographed,
tissue-sampled, flipper tagged, passive
integrated transponder tagged, and
released. A subset of the turtles will be
satellite tagged. The applicant will
capture up to 100 green and 40
hawksbill sea turtles annually. The
permit is issued for five years.
Issuance of this permit, as required by
the ESA, was based on a finding that
such permit (1) Was applied for in good
faith, (2) will not operate to the
disadvantage of such endangered or
threatened species, and (3) is consistent
with the purposes and policies set forth
in section 2 of the ESA.
SUMMARY: The President’s Export
Council will hold a meeting via
teleconference to deliberate a draft
recommendation to the President
regarding the Dubai Ports issue.
DATES: June 26, 2006.
Time: 10 a.m. (EDST).
For the Conference Call-In Number
and Further Information, Contact: The
President’s Export Council Executive
Secretariat, Room 4043, Washington,
DC, 20230 (Phone: 202–482–1124), or
visit the PEC Web site, https://
19:10 May 31, 2006
Issuance of permit.
Swails or Patrick Opay (301)713–2289.
International Trade
Administration, U.S. Department of
ACTION: Notice of an open meeting via
VerDate Aug<31>2005
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
PO 00000
Frm 00023
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Dated: May 24, 2006.
P. Michael Payne,
Chief, Permits, Conservation and Education
Division, Office of Protected Resources,
National Marine Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. E6–8404 Filed 5–31–06; 8:45 am]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
[I.D. 050206B]
Endangered Species; File No. 1571
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Notice; issuance of permit.
SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given that
NMFS, Southeast Fisheries Science
Center (SEFSC), 75 Virginia Beach
Drive, Miami, Florida 33149 has been
issued a permit to take green (Chelonia
mydas), loggerhead (Caretta caretta),
Kemp’s ridley (Lepidochelys kempii),
hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata),
leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea),
olive ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea), and
unidentified hardshell sea turtles for
purposes of scientific research.
ADDRESSES: The permit and related
documents are available for review
upon written request or by appointment
in the following offices:Permits,
Conservation and Education Division,
Office of Protected Resources, NMFS,
1315 East-West Highway, Room 13705,
Silver Spring, MD 20910; phone
(301)713–2289; fax (301)427–
2521;Southeast Region, NMFS, 263 13th
Ave South, St. Petersburg, FL 33701;
phone (727)824–5312; fax (727)824–
Patrick Opay or Amy Hapeman,
22, 2006 notice was published in the
Federal Register (71 FR 14504) that a
request for a scientific research permit
to take green, loggerhead, Kemp’s ridley,
hawksbill, leatherback, olive ridley, and
unidentified hardshell sea turtles had
been submitted by the above-named
organization. The requested permit has
been issued under the authority of the
Endangered Species Act of 1973, as
amended (ESA; 16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.)
and the regulations governing the
taking, importing, and exporting of
endangered and threatened species (50
CFR parts 222–226).
The SEFSC will handle, measure,
weigh, photograph, flipper tag, passive
[Federal Register Volume 71, Number 105 (Thursday, June 1, 2006)]
[Pages 31159-31164]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E6-8517]
International Trade Administration
Notice of Amended Preliminary Determination of Sales at Less Than
Fair Value: Certain Lined Paper Products from the People's Republic of
AGENCY: Import Administration, International Trade Administration,
Department of Commerce.
EFFECTIVE DATE: June 1, 2006.
SUMMARY: On April 17, 2006, the Department of Commerce (``the
Department'') published in the Federal Register our notice of
preliminary determination of sales at less than fair value. We are
amending our preliminary determination to correct ministerial errors
discovered with respect to the antidumping duty margin calculation for
Shanghai Lian Li Paper Product Co. Ltd. (``Lian Li''). This correction
also affects the margin applied to companies for which the Department
preliminarily granted separate-rate status.
Operations, Office 8, Import Administration, International Trade
Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, 14th Street and
Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington, DC, 20230; telephone: (202) 482-
2336 or 482-4295, respectively.
On April 17, 2006, we published in the Federal Register the
preliminary determination that certain lined paper products from the
People's Republic of China (PRC) are being, or are likely to be, sold
in the United States at less than fair value (LTFV), as provided in
section 733 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (``the Act''). See
Preliminary Determination of Sales at Less Than Fair Value, Affirmative
Critical Circumstances, In Part, and Postponement of Final
Determination: Certain Lined Paper Products from the People's Republic
of China, 71 FR 16965 (April 17, 2006).
On April 17, 2006, Watanabe Paper Product (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
(``Watanabe Shanghai''); Hotrock Stationery (Shenzhen) Co. (``Watanabe
Shenzhen''); and Watanabe Paper Product (Linqing) Co., Ltd. (``Watanabe
Linqing''), collectively (the ``Watanabe Group''), filed timely
allegations of significant ministerial errors contained in the
Department's preliminary determination. On April 18, 2006, the
following parties also filed timely allegations of significant
ministerial errors: the Association of American School Paper Suppliers
and its individual members (MeadWestvaco Corporation; Norcom, Inc.; and
Top Flight, Inc.) (``Petitioner''), Shanghai Pudong Wenbao Paper
Products Factory (``Wenbao Paper''), Shanghai Glistar Paper Products
Co., Ltd. (``Shanghai Glistar''), Linqing Glistar Paper Products Co.,
Ltd. (``Linqing Glistar''), and Paperline Limited (``Paperline'')
(collectively ``Wenbao''), and Maxleaf Stationery Ltd. After reviewing
the allegations, we have determined that the preliminary determination
included significant ministerial errors. Therefore,
[[Page 31160]]
in accordance with 19 CFR 351.224(e), we have made changes, as
described below, to the preliminary determination.
Scope of Investigation
The scope of this investigation includes certain lined paper
products, typically school supplies,\1\ composed of or including paper
that incorporates straight horizontal and/or vertical lines on ten or
more paper sheets,\2\ including but not limited to such products as
single- and multi-subject notebooks, composition books, wireless
notebooks, looseleaf or glued filler paper, graph paper, and laboratory
notebooks, and with the smaller dimension of the paper measuring 6
inches to 15 inches (inclusive) and the larger dimension of the paper
measuring 8-3/4 inches to 15 inches (inclusive). Page dimensions are
measured size (not advertised, stated, or ``tear-out'' size), and are
measured as they appear in the product (i.e., stitched and folded pages
in a notebook are measured by the size of the page as it appears in the
notebook page, not the size of the unfolded paper). However, for
measurement purposes, pages with tapered or rounded edges shall be
measured at their longest and widest points. Subject lined paper
products may be loose, packaged or bound using any binding method
(other than case bound through the inclusion of binders board, a spine
strip, and cover wrap). Subject merchandise may or may not contain any
combination of a front cover, a rear cover, and/or backing of any
composition, regardless of the inclusion of images or graphics on the
cover, backing, or paper. Subject merchandise is within the scope of
this petition whether or not the lined paper and/or cover are hole
punched, drilled, perforated, and/or reinforced. Subject merchandise
may contain accessory or informational items including but not limited
to pockets, tabs, dividers, closure devices, index cards, stencils,
protractors, writing implements, reference materials such as
mathematical tables, or printed items such as sticker sheets or
miniature calendars, if such items are physically incorporated,
included with, or attached to the product, cover and/or backing
\1\ For purposes of this scope definition, the actual use or
labeling of these products as school supplies or non-school supplies
is not a defining characteristic.
\2\ There shall be no minimum page requirement for looseleaf
filler paper.
Specifically excluded from the scope of this investigation are:
unlined copy machine paper;
writing pads with a backing (including but not limited to
products commonly known as ``tablets,'' ``note pads,'' ``legal pads,''
and ``quadrille pads''), provided that they do not have a front cover
(whether permanent or removable). This exclusion does not apply to such
writing pads if they consist of hole-punched or drilled filler paper;
three-ring or multiple-ring binders, or notebook
organizers incorporating such a ring binder provided that they do not
include subject paper;
index cards;
printed books and other books that are case bound through
the inclusion of binders board, a spine strip, and cover wrap;
pictures and photographs;
desk and wall calendars and organizers (including but not
limited to such products generally known as ``office planners,'' ``time
books,'' and ``appointment books'');
telephone logs;
address books;
columnar pads & tablets, with or without covers, primarily
suited for the recording of written numerical business data;
lined business or office forms, including but not limited
to: preprinted business forms, lined invoice pads and paper, mailing
and address labels, manifests, and shipping log books;
lined continuous computer paper;
boxed or packaged writing stationary (including but not
limited to products commonly known as ``fine business paper,''
``parchment paper,'' and ``letterhead''), whether or not containing a
lined header or decorative lines;
Stenographic pads (``steno pads''), Gregg ruled,\3\
measuring 6 inches by 9 inches;
\3\ ``Gregg ruling'' consists of a single- or double-margin
vertical ruling line down the center of the page. For a six-inch by
nine-inch stenographic pad, the ruling would be located
approximately three inches from the left of the book.
Also excluded from the scope of this investigation are the
following trademarked products:
FlyTM lined paper products: A notebook,
notebook organizer, loose or glued note paper, with papers that are
printed with infrared reflective inks and readable only by a
FlyTM pen-top computer. The product must bear the valid
trademark FlyTM.\4\
\4\ Products found to be bearing an invalidly licensed or used
trademark are not excluded from the scope.
ZwipesTM: A notebook or notebook organizer made
with a blended polyolefin writing surface as the cover and pocket
surfaces of the notebook, suitable for writing using a specially-
developed permanent marker and erase system (known as a
ZwipesTM pen). This system allows the marker portion to mark
the writing surface with a permanent ink. The eraser portion of the
marker dispenses a solvent capable of solubilizing the permanent ink
allowing the ink to be removed. The product must bear the valid
trademark ZwipesTM.\5\
\5\ Products found to be bearing an invalidly licensed or used
trademark are not excluded from the scope.
FiveStar[reg]AdvanceTM: A notebook or notebook
organizer bound by a continuous spiral, or helical, wire and with
plastic front and rear covers made of a blended polyolefin plastic
material joined by 300 denier polyester, coated on the backside with
PVC (poly vinyl chloride) coating, and extending the entire length of
the spiral or helical wire. The polyolefin plastic covers are of
specific thickness; front cover is .019 inches (within normal
manufacturing tolerances) and rear cover is .028 inches (within normal
manufacturing tolerances). Integral with the stitching that attaches
the polyester spine covering, is captured both ends of a 1'' wide
elastic fabric band. This band is located 2-3/8'' from the top of the
front plastic cover and provides pen or pencil storage. Both ends of
the spiral wire are cut and then bent backwards to overlap with the
previous coil but specifically outside the coil diameter but inside the
polyester covering. During construction, the polyester covering is sewn
to the front and rear covers face to face (outside to outside) so that
when the book is closed, the stitching is concealed from the outside.
Both free ends (the ends not sewn to the cover and back) are stitched
with a turned edge construction. The flexible polyester material forms
a covering over the spiral wire to protect it and provide a comfortable
grip on the product. The product must bear the valid trademarks
\6\ Products found to be bearing an invalidly licensed or used
trademark are not excluded from the scope.
FiveStar FlexTM: A notebook, a notebook
organizer, or binder with plastic polyolefin front and rear covers
joined by 300 denier polyester spine cover extending the
[[Page 31161]]
entire length of the spine and bound by a 3-ring plastic fixture. The
polyolefin plastic covers are of a specific thickness; front cover is
.019 inches (within normal manufacturing tolerances) and rear cover is
.028 inches (within normal manufacturing tolerances). During
construction, the polyester covering is sewn to the front cover face to
face (outside to outside) so that when the book is closed, the
stitching is concealed from the outside. During construction, the
polyester cover is sewn to the back cover with the outside of the
polyester spine cover to the inside back cover. Both free ends (the
ends not sewn to the cover and back) are stitched with a turned edge
construction. Each ring within the fixture is comprised of a flexible
strap portion that snaps into a stationary post which forms a closed
binding ring. The ring fixture is riveted with six metal rivets and
sewn to the back plastic cover and is specifically positioned on the
outside back cover. The product must bear the valid trademark FiveStar
\7\ Products found to be bearing an invalidly licensed or used
trademark are not excluded from the scope.
Merchandise subject to this proceeding is typically imported under
headings 4820.10.2050, 4810.22.5044, 4811.90.9090 of the Harmonized
Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS).\8\ The tariff
classifications are provided for convenience and customs purposes;
however, the written description of the scope of the proceeding is
\8\ During the investigation additional HTSUS headings may be
Analysis of Alleged Significant Ministerial Errors
A ministerial error is defined in 19 CFR 351.224(f) as ``an error
in addition, subtraction, or other arithmetic function, clerical error
resulting from inaccurate copying, duplication, or the like, and any
other similar type of unintentional error which the Secretary considers
ministerial.'' With respect to preliminary determinations, 19 CFR
351.224(e) provides that the Department ``will analyze any comments
received and, if appropriate, correct any significant ministerial error
by amending the preliminary determination. . . .'' A significant
ministerial error is defined as an error, the correction of which,
singly or in combination with other errors, would result in (1) a
change of at least five absolute percentage points in, but not less
than 25 percent of, the weighted-average dumping margin calculated in
the original (erroneous) preliminary determination; or (2) a difference
between a weighted-average dumping margin of zero or de minimis and a
weighted-average dumping margin of greater than de minimis or vice
versa. See 19 CFR 351.224(g). We have determined that the preliminary
determination contained a ``significant'' ministerial error with
respect to Lian Li. As a result, the Department is publishing this
amendment to its preliminary determination pursuant to 19 CFR
Amended Preliminary Determination
Because the error alleged by the petitioner regarding the margin
calculation for Lian Li was significant, we have amended the
preliminary margin calculation for Lian Li. See Memorandum to Wendy J.
Frankel, Director, AD/CVD Operations, Office 8, from Charles Riggle,
Program Manager, AD/CVD Operations, Office 8: Antidumping Duty
Investigation of Certain Lined Paper Products from the People's
Republic of China: Allegations of Ministerial Errors (``Ministerial
Error Memo''), dated May 17, 2006. In addition, we have amended the
weighted-average dumping margin applicable to companies that were
granted separate-rate status. We have also amended the Department's
preliminary determination in which we denied separate-rate status to
You-You Paper Products (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. (``You-You'') and will
preliminarily grant separate-rate status to You-You because the
Department overlooked documentation included in You-You's separate-rate
application. See Ministerial Error Memo; see, also, Memorandum to The
File through Charles Riggle, Program Manager, AD/CVD Enforcement,
Office 8, from Marin Weaver and Paul Stolz, International Trade
Compliance Analysts, AD/CVD Enforcement, Office 8: Certain Lined Paper
Products from the People's Republic of China: You-You Paper Products
(Suzhou) Co., Ltd. (``You-You'') Separate Rate, dated May 4, 2006.
We have not amended the preliminary determination with respect to
the Watanabe Group because we found the Watanabe Group's allegations do
not meet the definition of a ministerial error as contained in 19 CFR
351.224(f). See Ministerial Error Memo. We have also not amended the
preliminary determination with respect to Maxleaf or Wenbao because we
found that the allegations made by Maxleaf and Wenbao do not meet the
definition of a ministerial error as contained in 19 CFR 351.224(f).
See Ministerial Error Memo.
Finally, although no party commented on this issue, the Department
is amending its preliminary finding of negative critical circumstances
with respect to Excel Sheen Limited (``Excel Sheen''). Because the
Department preliminarily denied separate-rate status to Excel Sheen,
Excel Sheen was considered part of the PRC entity. The Department
preliminarily found affirmative critical circumstances for the PRC
entity. Therefore, the Department's preliminary finding of critical
circumstances for the PRC entity includes Excel Sheen. See Ministerial
Error Memo.
As a result of corrections of ministerial errors, the weighted-
average dumping margins are as follows:
Certain Lined Paper Products from the PRC - Weighted-average Dumping Margins
Exporter Producer PreliminaryMargin Amended Preliminary
(Percent) Margin (Percent)
Watanabe Paper Product Watanabe Paper Product (Linqing) 143.49 143.49
(Linqing) Co., Ltd.......... Co., Ltd.
Watanabe Paper Product Hotrock Stationery (Shenzhen) Co., 143.49 143.49
(Linqing) Co., Ltd.......... Ltd.
Watanabe Paper Product Watanabe Paper Products (Shanghai) 143.49 143.49
(Linqing) Co., Ltd.......... Co., Ltd.
Hotrock Stationery (Shenzhen) Hotrock Stationery (Shenzhen) Co., 143.49 143.49
Co., Ltd.................... Ltd.
[[Page 31162]]
Hotrock Stationery (Shenzhen) Watanabe Paper Product (Linqing) 143.49 143.49
Co., Ltd.................... Co., Ltd.
Hotrock Stationery (Shenzhen) Watanabe Paper Products (Shanghai) 143.49 143.49
Co., Ltd.................... Co., Ltd.
Watanabe Paper Products Watanabe Paper Products (Shanghai) 143.49 143.49
(Shanghai) Co., Ltd......... Co., Ltd.
Watanabe Paper Products Hotrock Stationery (Shenzhen) Co., 143.49 143.49
(Shanghai) Co., Ltd......... Ltd.
Watanabe Paper Products Watanabe Paper Product (Linqing) 143.49 143.49
(Shanghai) Co., Ltd......... Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Lian Li Paper Shanghai Lian Li Paper Products 52.10 80.18
Products Co., Ltd........... Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Lian Li Paper Sentian Paper Products Co., Ltd 52.10 80.18
Products Co., Ltd...........
Shanghai Lian Li Paper Shanghai Miaopaofang Paper 52.10 80.18
Products Co., Ltd........... Products Co., Ltd
Shanghai Lian Li Paper Shanghai Pudong Wenbao Paper 52.10 80.18
Products Co., Ltd........... Products Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Lian Li Paper Changshu Changjiang Printing Co., 52.10 80.18
Products Co., Ltd........... Ltd.
Shanghai Lian Li Paper Shanghai Loutang Stationery 52.10 80.18
Products Co., Ltd........... Factory
Shanghai Lian Li Paper Shanghai Beijia Paper Products 52.10 80.18
Products Co., Ltd........... Co., Ltd.
Ningbo Guangbo Imports and Ningbo Guangbo Plastic Products 135.02 137.62
Exports Co. Ltd............. Manufacture Co., Ltd.
Yalong Paper Products Yalong Paper Products (Kunshan) 135.02 137.62
(Kunshan) Co., Ltd.......... Co., Ltd
Suzhou Industrial Park Asia Suzhou Industrial Park Asia 135.02 137.62
Pacific Paper Converting Pacific Paper Converting Co., Ltd.
Co., Ltd....................
Sunshine International Group Dongguan Shipai Tonzex Electronics 135.02 137.62
(HK) Ltd.................... Plastic Stationery Factory;
Sunshine International Group Dongguan Kwong Wo Stationery Co., 135.02 137.62
(HK) Ltd.................... Ltd.;
Sunshine International Group Hua Lian Electronics Plastic 135.02 137.62
(HK) Ltd.................... Stationery Co., Ltd.
Suzhou Industrial Park You- Linqing YinXing Paper Co., Ltd. 135.02 137.62
You Trading Co., Ltd........
Suzhou Industrial Park You- Jiaxing Seagull Paper Products 135.02 137.62
You Trading Co., Ltd........ Co., Ltd.
Suzhou Industrial Park You- Shenda Paper Product Factory 135.02 137.62
You Trading Co., Ltd........
Suzhou Industrial Park You- Lianyi Paper Product Factory 135.02 137.62
You Trading Co., Ltd........
Suzhou Industrial Park You- Changhang Paper Product Factory 135.02 137.62
You Trading Co., Ltd........
Suzhou Industrial Park You- Tianlong Paper Product Factory 135.02 137.62
You Trading Co., Ltd........
Suzhou Industrial Park You- Rugao Paper Printer Co., Ltd. 135.02 137.62
You Trading Co., Ltd........
Suzhou Industrial Park You- Yinlong Paper Product Factory 135.02 137.62
You Trading Co., Ltd........
You-You Paper Products Rugao Paper Printer Co. Ltd. 135.02 137.62
(Suzhou) Co. Ltd............
Planet International Company Shanghai Gloves & Headwear I/E 135.02 137.62
Ltd......................... Co., Ltd.
Planet International Company Shanghai East Best Arts & Crafts 135.02 137.62
Ltd......................... Co., Ltd.
Planet International Company Mengcheng County No. 3 Printing 135.02 137.62
Ltd......................... Factory
Planet International Company Shanghai Huhui Paper Product 135.02 137.62
Ltd......................... Factory
Planet (Hong Kong) Shanghai Gloves & Headwear I/E 135.02 137.62
International Company Ltd... Co., Ltd.
Planet (Hong Kong) Shanghai East Best Arts & Crafts 135.02 137.62
International Company Ltd... Co., Ltd.
Planet (Hong Kong) Zhejiang Arts & Crafts Imp. & Exp. 135.02 137.62
International Company Ltd... Shanghai Pudong Co., Ltd.
Planet (Hong Kong) Shanghai Xin Zhi Liang Cultural 135.02 137.62
International Company Ltd... Product Co., Ltd.
Planet (Hong Kong) Mengcheng County No. 3 Printing 135.02 137.62
International Company Ltd... Factory
Planet (Hong Kong) Shanghai Huhui Paper Product 135.02 137.62
International Company Ltd... Factory
Planet (Hong Kong) Shanghai Hongxiang Material Sales 135.02 137.62
International Company Ltd... Co.
Haijing Stationery (Shanghai) Haijing Stationery (Shanghai) Co., 135.02 137.62
Co., Ltd.................... Ltd.
[[Page 31163]]
Orient International Holding Yalong Paper Products (Kunshan) 135.02 137.62
Shanghai Foreign Trade Co., Co., Ltd.
Orient International Holding Shanghai Comwell Stationery Co., 135.02 137.62
Shanghai Foreign Trade Co., Ltd.
Orient International Holding Yuezhou Paper Co., Ltd. 135.02 137.62
Shanghai Foreign Trade Co.,
Orient International Holding Changshu Guangming Stationery Co., 135.02 137.62
Shanghai Foreign Trade Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Foreign Trade Shanghai Xin Zhi Liang Culture 135.02 137.62
Enterprise Co., Ltd......... Products Co., Ltd.;
Shanghai Foreign Trade Shangyu Zhongsheng Paper Products 135.02 137.62
Enterprise Co., Ltd......... Co., Ltd.;
Shanghai Foreign Trade Shanghai Miaoxi Paper Products 135.02 137.62
Enterprise Co., Ltd......... Factory;
Shanghai Foreign Trade Shanghai Xueya Stationery Co., 135.02 137.62
Enterprise Co., Ltd......... Ltd.
Anhui Light Industries Shanghai Pudong Wenbao Paper 135.02 137.62
International Co., Ltd...... Products Factory;
Anhui Light Industries Foshan City Wenhai Paper Factory 135.02 137.62
International Co., Ltd......
Fujian Hengda Group Co., Fujian Hengda Group Co., Ltd., 135.02 137.62
Changshu Changjiang Printing Changshu Changjiang Paper Industry 135.02 137.62
Co., Ltd.................... Co., Ltd.
Jiaxing Te Gao Te Paper Jiaxing Seagull Paper Products 135.02 137.62
Products Co., Ltd........... Co., Ltd.
Jiaxing Te Gao Te Paper Jiaxing Boshi Paper Products Co., 135.02 137.62
Products Co., Ltd........... Ltd.
Chinapack Ningbo Paper Jiaxing Te Gao Te Paper Products 135.02 137.62
Products Co., Ltd........... Co., Ltd.
Linqing Silver Star Paper Linqing Silver Star Paper Products 135.02 137.62
Products Co., Ltd........... Co., Ltd.
Wah Kin Stationery and Paper Shenzhen Baoan Waijing Development 135.02 137.62
Product Limited............. Company
Shanghai Pudong Wenbao Paper Shanghai Pudong Wenbao Paper 135.02 137.62
Products Factory............ Products Factory
Shanghai Pudong Wenbao Paper Linqing Glistar Paper Products 135.02 137.62
Products Factory............ Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Pudong Wenbao Paper Changshu Changjiang Printing Co., 135.02 137.62
Products Factory............ Ltd.
Shanghai Pudong Wenbao Paper Linqing Silver Star Paper Products 135.02 137.62
Products Factory............ Co., Ltd.
Paperline Limited............ Shanghai Pudong Wenbao Paper 135.02 137.62
Products Factory
Paperline Limited............ Linqing Glistar Paper Products 135.02 137.62
Co., Ltd.
Paperline Limited............ Changshu Changjiang Printing Co., 135.02 137.62
Paperline Limited............ Linqing Silver Star Paper Products 135.02 137.62
Co., Ltd.
Paperline Limited............ Jiaxing Te Gao Te Paper Products 135.02 137.62
Co., Ltd.
Paperline Limited............ Yantai License Printing & Making 135.02 137.62
Co., Ltd.
Paperline Limited............ Anhui Jinhua Import & Export Co., 135.02 137.62
Essential Industries Limited. Dongguan Yizhi Gao Paper Products 135.02 137.62
MGA Entertainment (H.K.) Kon Dai (Far East) Packaging Co., 135.02 137.62
Limited..................... Ltd.
PRC Entity................... .................................. 258.21 258.21
The collection of bonds or cash deposits and suspension of
liquidation will be revised accordingly and parties will be notified of
this determination, in accordance with section 733(d) and (f) of the
International Trade Commission Notification
In accordance with section 733(f) of the Act, we have notified the
International Trade Commission (``ITC'')
[[Page 31164]]
of our amended preliminary determination. If our final determination is
affirmative, the ITC will make its final determination as to whether
the domestic industry in the United States is materially injured, or
threatened with material injury, by reason of imports of certain lined
paper products, or sales (or the likelihood of sales) for importation,
of the subject merchandise within 45 days of our final determination.
This determination is issued and published in accordance with
sections 733(f) and 777(i)(1) of the Act and 19 CFR 351.224(e).
Dated: May 19, 2006.
David M. Spooner,
Assistant Secretaryfor Import Administration.
[FR Doc. E6-8517 Filed 5-31-06; 8:45 am]