February 23, 2006 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 101 - 122 of 122
Accommodations for Individuals Who Are Deaf, Hard of Hearing, or Deaf-Blind
This notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) proposes to amend a previously published proposed rule that implements the Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA), to provide for additional accommodations for air travelers who are deaf, hard of hearing or deaf-blind. This proposed rule applies to U.S. air carriers, to foreign air carriers for their flights into and out of the United States, to airport facilities located in the U.S. that are owned, controlled or leased by carriers, and to aircraft that serve a U.S. airport. It proposes to require U.S. and certain foreign air carriers to provide prompt access for individuals who identify themselves as requiring hearing or visual assistance to the same information provided to other passengers in the terminal and on the aircraft; caption safety and informational videos, DVDs and other audio-visual displays shown on new and existing aircraft; caption entertainment videos, DVDs and other audio-visual displays on new aircraft; ensure that individuals calling a carrier's TTY line for information or reservations receive equal response time and level of service (including queuing or other automated response service) as that provided to individuals calling a non-TTY information or reservation line; enable captioning on televisions and audio-visual equipment located in those portions of U.S. airports that are owned, leased or controlled by carriers and open to public access to the extent that such equipment has captioning capability on the effective date of this rule; replace non-caption capable televisions and audio- visual displays with captioning capable technology in the normal course of operations or when relevant airport facilities undergo substantial renovation or expansion; and train carrier personnel to proficiency on recognizing requests for communication accommodations and communicating with individuals who have visual or hearing impairments.
Freedom of Information Act
The Federal Communications Commission is modifying a section of the Commission's rules that implement the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Fee Schedule. This modification pertains to the charge for recovery of the full, allowable direct costs of searching for and reviewing records requested under the FOIA and the Commission's rules, unless such fees are restricted or waived. The fees are being revised to correspond to modifications in the rate of pay approved by Congress.
Modification of Class E Airspace; Beatrice, NE
This document confirms the effective date of the direct final rule which revises Class E airspace at Beatrice, NE.
Notice of Opportunity for Public Comment on Surplus Property Release at Craig Field Airport, Selma, AL
Under the provisions of Title 49, U.S.C. Section 47153(c), notice is being given that the FAA is considering a request from the Craig Field Airport and Industrial Authority to waive the requirement that a 0.93-acre parcel of surplus property, located at the Craig Field Airport, be used for aeronautical purposes.
Information Collection Requirement; Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement; Contract Financing
In compliance with Section 3506(c)(2)(A) of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35), DoD announces the proposed extension of a public information collection requirement and seeks public comment on the provisions thereof. DoD invites comments on: (a) Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of DoD, including whether the information will have practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the estimate of the burden of the proposed information collection; (c) ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and (d) ways to minimize the burden of the information collection on respondents, including the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has approved this information collection for use through June 30, 2006. DoD proposes that OMB extend its approval for use for 3 additional years.
Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement; Technical Amendment
DoD is making a technical amendment to the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) to update a cross-reference within the DFARS text.
Suspension of the Price Evaluation Adjustment for Small Disadvantaged Businesses
The Acting Director of Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy has suspended the use of the price evaluation adjustment for small disadvantaged businesses (SDBs) in DoD procurements, as required by 10 U.S.C. 2323(e)(3), because DoD exceeded its 5 percent goal for contract awards to SDBs in fiscal year 2005. The suspension will be in effect for 1 year and will be reevaluated based on the level of DoD contract awards to SDBs achieved in fiscal year 2006.
Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement; Small Business Programs (DFARS Case 2003-D047)
DoD is proposing to amend the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) to update text pertaining to small business programs. This proposed rule is a result of a transformation initiative undertaken by DoD to dramatically change the purpose and content of the DFARS.
Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement; Trade Agreements Thresholds and Morocco Free Trade Agreement (DFARS Case 2005-D017)
DoD has issued an interim rule amending the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) to incorporate increased thresholds for application of the World Trade Organization Government Procurement Agreement and the Free Trade Agreements, as determined by the United States Trade Representative. The rule also implements a new Free Trade Agreement with Morocco and amends the list of end products that are subject to trade agreements.
Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement; Administrative Matters
DoD has issued a final rule amending the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) to update text addressing administrative matters related to contract placement. This rule is a result of a transformation initiative undertaken by DoD to dramatically change the purpose and content of the DFARS.
Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement; Business Restructuring Costs-Delegation of Authority To Make Determinations Relating to Payment
DoD has adopted as final, without change, an interim rule amending the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) to implement section 819 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2005. Section 819 contains changes concerning delegation of authority to make determinations relating to payment of defense contractors for business restructuring costs.
Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement; Contractor Insurance/Pension Reviews
DoD has issued a final rule amending the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) to update text pertaining to Government review of contractor insurance programs, pension plans, and other deferred compensation plans. This rule is a result of a transformation initiative undertaken by DoD to dramatically change the purpose and content of the DFARS.
Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement; Construction Contracting
DoD has issued a final rule amending the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) to update text pertaining to contracting for construction. This rule is a result of a transformation initiative undertaken by DoD to dramatically change the purpose and content of the DFARS.
Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement; Uniform Contract Line Item Numbering
DoD has issued a final rule amending the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) to update text addressing uniform line item numbering in DoD contracts. This rule is a result of a transformation initiative undertaken by DoD to dramatically change the purpose and content of the DFARS.
Airworthiness Directives; AvCraft Dornier Model 328-100 Airplanes
The FAA is revising an existing airworthiness directive (AD) that applies to all AvCraft Dornier Model 328-100 airplanes. That AD currently requires revising the airplane flight manual (AFM) to provide the flightcrew with additional information regarding procedures to ensure complete pressurization of the hydraulic lines for the flaps. The existing AD also requires, for certain airplanes, modifying of the flap actuators of the flight controls. We issued that AD to prevent an uncommanded retraction of the flaps during takeoff, which could result in an aborted takeoff and consequent potential for runway overrun. This new AD allows the removal of the AFM revisions after modifying the flap actuators of the flight controls. This AD results from the determination that the AFM revisions are not necessary after modifying the flap actuators of the flight controls. We are issuing this AD to prevent an uncommanded retraction of the flaps during takeoff, which could result in an aborted takeoff and consequent potential for runway overrun.
Airworthiness Directives; General Electric Company CF34-1A, -3A, -3A1, -3A2, -3B, and -3B1 Series Turbofan Engines
The FAA is superseding an existing airworthiness directive (AD) for General Electric Company (GE) CF34-3A1 and -3B1 series turbofan engines. That AD requires initial and repetitive visual inspections and eddy current inspections (ECIs) of certain stage 5 low pressure turbine (LPT) disks and stage 6 LPT disks, installed in GE CF34-3A1 and -3B1 series turbofan engines. Those engines are installed in certain Bombardier Canadair Regional Jet (RJ) airplanes. This AD requires the same initial and repetitive visual inspections and ECIs, but adds SNs to the affected disk population for RJ airplanes. This AD also adds GE CF34-1 and -3 series turbofan engines with certain stage 5 and stage 6 LPT disks, to the applicability section. Those engines are installed in certain Bombardier Canadair Business Jet (BJ) airplanes. Also, this AD requires eventual replacement of the affected disks as terminating action to the repetitive inspections. This AD results from the discovery of an additional population of suspect stage 5 LPT disks and stage 6 LPT disks that could fail due to low-cycle fatigue cracking that may start at the site of an electrical arc-out on the disk. We are issuing this AD to prevent low-cycle-fatigue (LCF) failure of stage 5 LPT disks and stage 6 LPT disks, which could lead to uncontained engine failure.
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