February 3, 2006 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents
Results 101 - 136 of 136
Federal Property Suitable as Facilities To Assist the Homeless
This Notice identifies unutilized, underutilized, excess, and surplus Federal property reviewed by HUD for suitability for possible use to assist the homeless.
Federal Advisory Committee Act; Independent Panel Reviewing the Impact of Hurricane Katrina on Communications Networks
This notice advises interested persons that the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) Independent Panel Reviewing the Impact of Hurricane Katrina on Communications Networks (Panel or Independent Panel) is providing an opportunity for interested persons to make oral presentations to the Panel at its next meeting. The specific date, time and location of the next meeting will be announced in a subsequent notice.
Board of Visitors, United States Military Academy (USMA)
The notice of an open meeting scheduled for February 8, 2006 published in the Federal Register on January 13, 2006 (71 FR 2193) has added one closed session.
Deadline for Notification of Intent To Use the Airport Improvement Program (AIP) Sponsor, Cargo, and Nonprimary Entitlement Funds for Fiscal Year 2006
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) announces May 1, 2006, as the deadline for each airport sponsor to notify the FAA that it will use its fiscal year 2006 entitlement funds to accomplish projects identified in the Airports Capital Improvement Plan that was formulated in the spring of 2005.
Noise Exposure Map Notice; Alexandria International Airport, Alexandria, LA
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) announces its determination that the noise exposure maps submitted by the England Economic and Industrial Development District for Alexandria International Airport under the provisions of 49 U.S.C. 47501 et. seq. (Aviation Safety and Noise Abatement Act) and 14 CFR part 150 are in compliance with applicable requirements.
Fourth Meeting, RTCA Special Committee 204: 406 MHz Emergency Locator Transmitters
The FAA is issuing this notice to advise the public of a meeting of RTCA Special Committee 204: 406 MHz Emergency Locator Transmitters.
Security Zone; Choptank River, Cambridge, MD
The Coast Guard is establishing a temporary security zone from February 9 through February 12, 2006, encompassing certain waters of the Choptank River. This action is necessary to ensure the safety of persons and property, and prevent terrorist acts or incidents during the U.S. House Republican Issues Conference. This rule prohibits vessels and people from entering the security zone and requires vessels and persons in the security zone to depart the security zone, unless specifically exempt under the provisions in this rule or granted specific permission from the Coast Guard Captain of the Port Baltimore.
Agency Information Collection; Activity Under OMB Review; Report of Extension of Credit to Political Candidates-Form 183
In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, Public Law 104-13, the Bureau of Transportation Statistics invites the general public, industry and other governmental parties to comment on the continuing need for and usefulness of BTS collecting reports from air carriers on the aggregated indebtedness balance of a political candidate or party for Federal office. The reports are required when the aggregated indebtedness is over $5,000 on the last day of a month.
Agency Information Collection; Activity Under OMB Review; Passenger Origin-Destination Survey Report
In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, Public Law 104-13, the Bureau of Transportation Statistics invites the general public, industry and other governmental parties to comment on the continuing need for and usefulness of BTS collecting a sample of airline passenger itineraries with the dollar value of the passenger ticket. Certificated air carriers that operated scheduled passenger service with at least one aircraft having a seating capacity of over 60 seats report these data. Comments are requested concerning whether: (a) The collection is still needed by the Department of Transportation; (b) BTS accurately estimated the reporting burden; (c) there are other ways to enhance the quality, utility and clarity of the information collected; and (d) there are ways to minimize reporting burden, including the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. Presently, the Department has a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (70 FR 8140, February 17, 2005) to restructure the Passenger Origin- Destination Survey Report. We are currently reviewing diverse comments on the NPRM which were due July 18, 2005 in preparation for a final rule. Until such time as we issue a final rule, the existing system for the collection of this data will remain in place to ensure compliance with statutory obligations. Therefore, we are seeking an extension of the rule in its present format. When the rulemaking becomes final the Department will seek Office of Management and Budget approval of the new reporting requirements.
Agency Information Collection; Activity Under OMB Review; Part 249 Preservation of Records
In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, Public Law 104-13, the Bureau of Transportation Statistics invites the general public, industry and other governmental parties to comment on the continuing need for and usefulness of BTS requiring certificated air carriers to preserve accounting records, consumer complaint letters, reservation reports and records, system reports of aircraft movements, etc. Also, public charter operators and overseas military personnel charter operators are required to retain certain contracts, invoices, receipts, bank records and reservation records.
Notice of Public Comment on the Proposed Adoption of ANA Program Policies and Procedures
Pursuant to section 814 of the Native American Programs Act of 1974 (the Act) as amended by 42 U.S.C. 2992b-1, ANA herein describes its proposed interpretive rules and general statements of policy and rules of agency procedure or practice in relation to the Social and Economic Development Strategies (SEDS) Special Initiative Program Announcement: Improving the Well-Being of Children/Native American Healthy Marriage Initiative (NAHMI). Under the Act, ANA is required to provide members of the public an opportunity to comment on proposed changes in interpretive rules and general statements of policy and rules of agency procedure or practice and give notice of the final adoption of such changes at least thirty (30) days before the changes become effective. This Notice also provides additional information about ANA's plan for administering NAHMI.
Interagency Guidance on Response Programs for Unauthorized Access to Customer Information and Customer Notice; Correction
The OCC, Board, FDIC and OTS published in the Federal Register on March 29, 2005 interpretive guidance on the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) and the Interagency Guidelines Establishing Information Security Standards (Security Guidelines). In footnote six of the interpretive guidance, the Federal Trade Commission (``FTC'') citation reads 12 CFR part 314 whereas it should read 16 CFR part 314.
Black Stem Rust; Movement Restrictions and Addition of Rust-Resistant Varieties
We are amending the black stem rust quarantine and regulations by changing the movement restrictions in order to allow clonally propagated offspring of rust-resistant Berberis cultivars to move into or through a protected area without completing a 2-year growth period. This change will lessen an unnecessarily strict movement requirement. We are also adding 13 varieties to the list of rust-resistant Berberis species. This change allows for the interstate movement of these newly developed varieties without unnecessary restrictions.
Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) Helicopter Use in Wilderness; Environmental Impact Statement
The Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, will prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) Helicopter Use in Wilderness. The Alaska Region and Pacific Northwest (PNW) Research Station are proposing to inventory 913 plots in wilderness areas over a 10-year span, with about 540 plots accessed by helicopter and 373 plots accessed by day hiking. Inventory protocol includes completing 10 percent of the plots each year. This means that approximately 91 plots will be inventoried each year. Of these 91 plots, about 54 plots will be accessed by helicopter. Each inventory plot accessed by helicopter will require two landings. In any given year, these 54 plots will spread out across 7.8 million acres in 19 wilderness areas on the Tongass National Forest and one wilderness study area on the Chugach National Forest.
Wrangell Ranger District, Tongass National Forest, Alaska; Baht Roaded Timber Sale Environmental Impact Statement
This NOI revises the proposed action, dates, and contact information in the original Notice of Intent published in the Federal Register Number 217 (pages 63755-63757) on November 10, 2003. The Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, will prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on a proposal to harvest timber in the Baht Roaded Timber Sale project area, Wrangell Ranger District, Tongass National Forest. The proposed action is to harvest an estimated 42 million board feet on approximately 1,410 acres with about 11 miles on new road construction. The Tongass National Forest Supervisor will decide whether or not to harvest timber from this area, and if so, how this timber would be harvested. The decision will be documented in a Record of Decision based on information disclosed in the EIS and the goals, objectives and desired future conditions as stated in the Tongass Land Resource Management Plan (Forest Plan).
Lake Tahoe Basin Federal Advisory Committee
The Lake Tahoe Basin Federal Advisory Committee will hold a meeting on March 2, 2006, at the U.S. Forest Service Office, 35 College Drive, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150. This Committee, established by the Secretary of Agriculture on December 15, 1998 (64 FR 2876), is chartered to provide advice to the Secretary on implementing the terms of the Federal Interagency Partnership on the Lake Tahoe Region and other matters raised by the Secretary.
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