Notice of Availability of the Draft Comprehensive Conservation Plans and Environmental Assessments for Chickasaw National Wildlife Refuge in Lauderdale County, TN; Hatchie National Wildlife Refuge in Haywood County, TN; Lower Hatchie National Wildlife Refuge in Lauderdale and Tipton Counties, TN; and Reelfoot and Lake Isom National Wildlife Refuges in Obion and Lake Counties, TN; and Fulton County, KY, 353-355 [06-48]
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 2 / Wednesday, January 4, 2006 / Notices
[Docket No. FR–4665–N–27]
Conference Call Meeting of the
Manufactured Housing Consensus
Office of the Assistant
Secretary for Housing—Federal Housing
Commissioner, HUD.
ACTION: Notice of Three Upcoming
Meetings Via Conference Call.
wwhite on PROD1PC61 with NOTICES
SUMMARY: This notice sets forth the
schedule and proposed agenda of three
upcoming meetings of the Manufactured
Housing Consensus Committee (the
Committee) to be held via telephone
conference. The meetings are a
continuation of the Committee’s
meeting held by telephone conference
on December 19, 2005, and recessed
until the next meeting. These meetings
are open to the general public, which
may participate by following the
instructions below.
DATES: The conference call meetings
will be held on Wednesday, January 11;
Thursday, January 12; and Monday,
January 23, 2006, each meeting from 11
a.m. to 3 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.
ADDRESSES: Information concerning the
conference call can be obtained from the
Department’s Consensus Committee
Administering Organization, the
National Fire Protection Association
(NFPA). Interested parties can link onto
NFPA’s Web site for instructions
concerning how to participate, and for
contact information for the conference
call from a HUD Web site, in the section
marked ‘‘Business’’ ‘‘Manufactured
Housing Consensus Committee
Information’’. The link can be found at:
Alternately, interested parties may
contact Valaree Crawford of NFPA by
phone at (617) 984–7507 (this is not a
toll-free number) for conference call
William W. Matchneer III, Associate
Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of
Regulatory Affairs and Manufactured
Housing, Department of Housing and
Urban Development, 451 7th Street SW.,
Washington, DC 20410, telephone (202)
708–6409 (this is not a toll-free
number). Persons who have difficulty
hearing or speaking may access this
number via TTY by calling the toll-free
Federal Information Relay Service at
(800) 877–8339.
this meeting is provided in accordance
with Sections 10(a) and (b) of the
VerDate Aug<31>2005
17:18 Jan 03, 2006
Jkt 208001
Federal Advisory Committee Act (5
U.S.C. App. 2) and 41 CFR 102–3.150.
The Manufactured Housing Consensus
Committee was established under
Section 604(a)(3) of the National
Manufactured Housing Construction
and Safety Standards Act of 1974, as
amended, 42 U.S.C. 5403(a)(3). The
Committee is charged with providing
recommendations to the Secretary to
adopt, revise, and interpret
manufactured home construction and
safety standards and procedural and
enforcement regulations, and with
developing and recommending
proposed model installation standards
to the Secretary.
The purpose of these conference call
meetings is to permit the Committee, at
its request, to review and make further
recommendations to the Secretary
regarding proposed changes to the
proposed Model Manufactured Home
Installation Standards, and when that
discussion is complete, to proposed
changes to Title 24, Code of Federal
Regulations, Part 3282 401 through 418
(Subpart I—Consumer Complaint
Handling and Remedial Actions). The
exceptional circumstances providing
less than 15 calendar days notice of the
meeting are that it is necessary to have
this meeting on this date, which is a
continuation of its December 19, 2005
meeting called to discuss these matters,
to permit the Committee to continue its
consideration and take action regarding
the foregoing matters in a timely
Tentative Agenda
A. Roll Call.
B. Welcome and Opening remarks.
C. Full Committee meeting and take
actions on proposed changes to the
proposed Model Manufactured Home
Installation Standards.
D. Full Committee meeting to take
actions on proposed changes to 24 CFR
Part 3282, Subpart I.
E. Adjournment.
Dated: December 28, 2005.
Brian D. Montomery,
Assistant Secretary for Housing—Federal
Housing Commissioner
[FR Doc. E5–8254 Filed 1–3–06; 8:45 am]
PO 00000
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Fish and Wildlife Service
Notice of Availability of the Draft
Comprehensive Conservation Plans
and Environmental Assessments for
Chickasaw National Wildlife Refuge in
Lauderdale County, TN; Hatchie
National Wildlife Refuge in Haywood
County, TN; Lower Hatchie National
Wildlife Refuge in Lauderdale and
Tipton Counties, TN; and Reelfoot and
Lake Isom National Wildlife Refuges in
Obion and Lake Counties, TN; and
Fulton County, KY
Fish and Wildlife Service,
ACTION: Notice of availability.
SUMMARY: The Fish and Wildlife Service
announces that Draft Comprehensive
Conservation Plans and Environmental
Assessments for the above referenced
refuges are available for review and
comment. The National Wildlife Refuge
System Administration Act of 1966, as
amended by the National Wildlife
Refuge System Improvement Act of
1997, requires the Service to develop a
comprehensive conservation plan for
each national wildlife refuge. The
purpose in developing a comprehensive
conservation plan is to provide refuge
managers with a 15-year strategy for
achieving refuge purposes and
contributing toward the mission of the
National Wildlife Refuge System,
consistent with sound principles of fish
and wildlife management, conservation,
legal mandates, and Service policies. In
addition to outlining broad management
direction on conserving wildlife and
their habitats, plans identify wildlifedependent recreational opportunities
available to the public, including
opportunities for hunting, fishing,
wildlife observation, wildlife
photography, and environmental
education and interpretation.
DATES: A meeting will be held to present
the plans to the public. Mailings,
newspaper articles, and posters will be
the avenues to inform the public of the
date and time for the meeting.
Individuals wishing to comment on
these draft plans and environmental
assessments should do so no later than
February 21, 2005.
ADDRESSES: Requests for copies of each
of these plans and environmental
assessments should be addressed to
West Tennessee Refuges, 301 No.
Church, Room 201, Dyersburg,
Tennessee 38024; Telephone 731/287–
0650. The plans may also be accessed
and downloaded from the Service’s
Internet Web site https://
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 2 / Wednesday, January 4, 2006 / Notices
wwhite on PROD1PC61 with NOTICES Comments
on the draft plans may be submitted to
the above address or via electronic mail
to Please include
your name and return address in your
Internet message. Our practice is to
make comments, including names and
home addresses of respondents,
available for public review during
regular business hours. Individual
respondents may request that we
withhold their home addresses from the
record, which we will honor to the
extent allowable by law.
Significant issues addressed in the draft
plans include: threatened and
endangered species; waterfowl
management; neotropical migratory
birds; bottomland hardwood forest
restoration; agriculture; visitor services;
funding and staffing; cultural resources;
and land acquisition.
The Service developed the following
alternatives for managing the refuges
and selected Alternative D as the
preferred alternative.
Alternative A. Existing refuge
management and public outreach
practices would be favored under this
alternative. Refuge management actions
would be directed toward achieving
established refuge purposes including
(1) preserving wintering waterfowl
habitat (e.g., croplands, moist-soil
management units), and (2) meeting the
habitat conservation goals of the North
American Waterfowl Management Plan.
Additionally, these actions would
contribute to other national, regional,
and state goals to protect and restore
habitat for shorebirds, wading birds,
neotropical breeding birds, and
threatened and endangered species.
Refuge management programs would
continue to be developed and
implemented with little baseline
biological information. Active habitat
management would continue to be
implemented through water level
manipulations, moist-soil and cropland
management, and forest management
designed to provide a diverse complex
of habitats that meet the foraging,
resting, and breeding requirements for a
variety of species. However, no
additional moist-soil units would be
developed and no new lands would be
Control of exotic plants or nuisance
wildlife populations, including beaver,
would be kept to a reactive level.
Hunting and fishing would continue to
be the major focus for the public use
program, with no expansion of current
opportunities. Current restrictions or
prohibitions would remain, including
VerDate Aug<31>2005
17:18 Jan 03, 2006
Jkt 208001
the seasonal closure of the waterfowl
sanctuary. No new visitor education
facilities would be built and only
limited improvements would occur for
existing environmental education
exhibits and interpretive materials.
Alternative B. This alternative would
emphasize recreational uses and
environmental education while
maintaining a low maintenance
approach to managing habitats.
Additional staff and resources would be
dedicated to allow for more public use
activities in all areas of the refuges.
Bottomland hardwood forests and
moist-soil habitats would be maintained
on existing lands but no additional
moist-soil units would be developed.
Cropland acres would be reduced to
accommodate increased public use
If opportunities and funding become
available, new refuge lands could be
acquired up to the completion of the
current approved acquisition
boundaries. Additional lands would be
managed for public use rather than
habitat management under this
Control of exotic plants or nuisance
wildlife populations would be kept to a
minimal and reactive level. Beaver
control would be conducted only where
necessary to protect property of
adjoining landowners. However, the
deer herd would be controlled through
public hunting and opportunity would
be expanded under this alternative.
Hunting and fishing seasons and
regulations would be examined to
provide more opportunities.
Outreach opportunities would be
designed to increase public
understanding and enjoyment of fish
and wildlife and their habitats. Efforts
would include increased participation
in the local civic organizations and in
meeting with city, county, and State
Secondary recreational uses would be
considered for compatibility on refuge
lands. The environmental education
program could see a visitor education
facility, exhibits, and interpretive
materials. Additional staff and/or
volunteers would be added in an effort
to increase on-site public contacts,
including enhanced environmental
education and interpretation programs
on and off the refuges.
Alternative C. Under this alternative,
the emphasis would be the active and
intensive management of existing fish,
wildlife, and plant habitats. Primary
management efforts would focus on
restoring and enhancing habitats and
associated plant communities for the
benefit of migratory birds, threatened
and endangered species, and other
PO 00000
Frm 00030
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
federal trust species. Forest habitat
would be managed to increase and
enhance the red oak component for
migratory waterfowl by manipulating
existing timber stands through both
commercial and non-commercial
harvest methods, and by incorporating
native tree species in any future
reforestation efforts. Additional staff
and resources would be dedicated to
allow for more habitat management
activities in all areas of the refuges, such
as tree planting in converted bottomland
hardwood forests and a prescribed
burning program. Integrated biological
controls and harvest methods would be
used to control exotic plant or nuisance
wildlife species. The biological research
and monitoring program would also
receive more attention.
Refuge staff would continue to
restore, enhance, and maintain existing
bottomland hardwood forests and moistsoil units, and additional moist-soil
units would be developed on existing
and newly acquired lands. Cropland
habitats would be managed by
cooperative and force account farming
and additional units would be
developed on newly acquired lands.
As opportunities and funding become
available, new refuge lands could be
acquired to complete the current
approved acquisition boundaries. Newly
acquired lands would be managed with
an emphasis on habitat management
rather than public use under this
In contrast to the expansion of habitat
work, new recreational opportunities for
visitors would not be pursued and
environmental education and outreach
programs would remain at present
levels. Hunting and fishing seasons and
access would continue, but with the
possibility of more seasonal closures to
protect sensitive wildlife resources. The
environmental education program could
see a new visitor facility but only
minimal improvements in existing
exhibits and interpretive materials. A
slight increase in public awareness of
the refuges would be expected due to
land protection efforts.
Alternative D. The Service planning
team has identified Alternative D as the
preferred alternative. This alternative
was developed based on public input
and the best professional judgment of
the planning team. Strategies presented
in the draft plans were developed as a
direct result of the selection of
Alternative D.
Alternative D represents a
combination and/or compromise
between Alternative B (Habitat
Management Emphasis) and Alternative
C (Public Use Emphasis). Whereas these
two alternatives seek to maximize either
Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 2 / Wednesday, January 4, 2006 / Notices
wwhite on PROD1PC61 with NOTICES
expanded wildlife habitat management
or expanded public use opportunities,
Alternate D seeks to optimize the
benefits of the refuges to wildlife and
people, recognizing that tradeoffs may
preclude maximizing the benefits of
each alternative. By seeking the ‘‘best of
both’’ Alternatives B and C, Alternative
D would promote better management
and protection of fish, wildlife, and
their habitats and higher quality
recreational and educational programs
for visitors.
Under Alternative D, refuge lands
would be more intensely managed than
at present to provide high quality
habitat for wildlife, which would work
toward fulfilling the habitat objectives
outlined for the Mississippi Alluvial
Valley Migratory Bird Initiative, and
would include significant benefits for
waterfowl, shorebirds, and neotropical
migratory birds. With the
implementation of this alternative, there
would be significant habitat benefits to
migratory bird species by increasing and
enhancing breeding, wintering, and
migration habitat for wetland-dependent
migratory species. This alternative
contributes directly to the objectives of
the Lower Mississippi Joint Venture of
the North American Waterfowl
Management Plan, the Partners in
Flight—Mississippi Alluvial Valley
Habitat Conservation Plan, the United
States Shorebird Conservation Plan—
Lower Mississippi Valley/West Gulf
Coastal Plain, West Tennessee Wildlife
Resources Conservation Plan, and the
North American Woodcock Plan, and
provides integrated migratory bird
management objectives in a landscapelevel, biologically driven framework
particularly for migratory birds. This
would include creating and maintaining
additional moist-soil units and restoring
bottomland hardwood forest habitats.
Fisheries management would be
emphasized and, where appropriate,
restored for native diversity within the
floodplain. Refuge habitats would be
managed and restored for natural
diversity in support of national and
regional plans. Forest management
would address the need to restore and
enhance the red oak component for
migratory waterfowl and develop
vertical structure to provide habitat for
a diversity of species, particularly
priority migratory birds. Any future
reforestation efforts would incorporate
greater native tree species diversity.
This alternative would encourage
more public recreational and
educational uses, where feasible, while
intensifying current habitat
management. Hunting and fishing
would continue with greater emphasis
on the quality of the experience and
with more diverse opportunities,
including those for youth and disabled
hunters/anglers. Education and
interpretation would be promoted while
providing programs and partnerships
with local schools. Wildlife observation
and photography opportunities would
be expanded. Information guides and
signage that highlight refuge
management programs, as well as
unique wildlife habitats, would also be
developed. Efforts would also be
undertaken to improve road
maintenance in order to provide better
visitor access.
A visitor center and headquarters
office would be constructed on the
refuges, with space for interpretation,
environmental education, and staff.
Research studies would continue to
be fostered and partnerships developed
with universities and other agencies,
with the refuges providing needed
resources and study sites. Research
would also provide benefits to
conservation efforts throughout the
Lower Mississippi River Valley to
preserve, enhance, restore, and manage
bottomland hardwood habitat.
Inventorying and monitoring of birds,
freshwater mussels, reptiles, and
amphibians would be continued and
expanded in order to assess population
trends, correlate with environmental
pressures, and provide baseline data to
be used in development of appropriate
management strategies. Additional staff
would include biological, law
enforcement, outreach, and
maintenance personnel. Providing a
wildlife biologist, outdoor recreation
planner, maintenance workers, and an
additional full-time law enforcement
officer would enable the Service to fully
develop and manage fish and wildlife
resources and habitats, provide
opportunities and facilities for wildlife
observation and photography, provide
environmental educational programs
that promote a greater understanding of
natural resources, and protect natural
and cultural resources, as well as refuge
Under this alternative, the refuges
would continue to acquire lands within
Conc ID No.
the present acquisition boundaries for
the use of compatible wildlifedependent public recreation and
environmental education opportunities.
Tracts that provide better-quality
habitat and connectivity to existing
refuge lands would receive higher
priority for acquisition. The refuges
would also use other important
acquisition tools, including partnerships
with conservation organizations,
conservation easements with adjacent
landowners, and leases/cooperative
Concessioner name
VerDate Aug<31>2005
17:18 Jan 03, 2006
Jkt 208001
Frm 00031
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Dated: October 7, 2005.
Cynthia K. Dohner,
Acting Regional Director.
[FR Doc. 06–48 Filed 1–3–06; 8:45 am]
National Park Service
Concession Contracts and Permits:
Expiring Contracts; Extension
National Park Service, Interior.
Public notice.
SUMMARY: Pursuant to 36 CFR 51.23,
public notice is hereby given that the
National Park Service proposes to
extend the following expiring
concession contracts for a period of up
to 2 years, or until such time as a new
contract is executed, whichever occurs
All of the
listed concession authorizations will
expire by their terms on or before
December 31, 2005. The National Park
Service has determined that the
proposed short-term extensions are
necessary in order to avoid interruption
of visitor services and has taken all
reasonable and appropriate steps to
consider alternatives to avoid such
interruption. These extensions will
allow the National Park Service to
complete and issue prospectuses
leading to the competitive selection of
concessioners for new long-term
concession contracts covering these
Holland America Line, Inc ................................
Princess Cruises, Inc .......................................
P&O, Inc. (Princess Cruises) ...........................
Holland America Line-Westours, Inc ................
PO 00000
Authority: This notice is published under
the authority of the National Wildlife Refuge
System Improvement Act of 1997, Public
Law 105–57.
[Federal Register Volume 71, Number 2 (Wednesday, January 4, 2006)]
[Pages 353-355]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 06-48]
Fish and Wildlife Service
Notice of Availability of the Draft Comprehensive Conservation
Plans and Environmental Assessments for Chickasaw National Wildlife
Refuge in Lauderdale County, TN; Hatchie National Wildlife Refuge in
Haywood County, TN; Lower Hatchie National Wildlife Refuge in
Lauderdale and Tipton Counties, TN; and Reelfoot and Lake Isom National
Wildlife Refuges in Obion and Lake Counties, TN; and Fulton County, KY
AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.
ACTION: Notice of availability.
SUMMARY: The Fish and Wildlife Service announces that Draft
Comprehensive Conservation Plans and Environmental Assessments for the
above referenced refuges are available for review and comment. The
National Wildlife Refuge System Administration Act of 1966, as amended
by the National Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act of 1997,
requires the Service to develop a comprehensive conservation plan for
each national wildlife refuge. The purpose in developing a
comprehensive conservation plan is to provide refuge managers with a
15-year strategy for achieving refuge purposes and contributing toward
the mission of the National Wildlife Refuge System, consistent with
sound principles of fish and wildlife management, conservation, legal
mandates, and Service policies. In addition to outlining broad
management direction on conserving wildlife and their habitats, plans
identify wildlife-dependent recreational opportunities available to the
public, including opportunities for hunting, fishing, wildlife
observation, wildlife photography, and environmental education and
DATES: A meeting will be held to present the plans to the public.
Mailings, newspaper articles, and posters will be the avenues to inform
the public of the date and time for the meeting. Individuals wishing to
comment on these draft plans and environmental assessments should do so
no later than February 21, 2005.
ADDRESSES: Requests for copies of each of these plans and environmental
assessments should be addressed to West Tennessee Refuges, 301 No.
Church, Room 201, Dyersburg, Tennessee 38024; Telephone 731/287-0650.
The plans may also be accessed and downloaded from the Service's
Internet Web site https://
[[Page 354]] Comments on the draft plans may be
submitted to the above address or via electronic mail to Randy-- Please include your name and return address in your
Internet message. Our practice is to make comments, including names and
home addresses of respondents, available for public review during
regular business hours. Individual respondents may request that we
withhold their home addresses from the record, which we will honor to
the extent allowable by law.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Significant issues addressed in the draft
plans include: threatened and endangered species; waterfowl management;
neotropical migratory birds; bottomland hardwood forest restoration;
agriculture; visitor services; funding and staffing; cultural
resources; and land acquisition.
The Service developed the following alternatives for managing the
refuges and selected Alternative D as the preferred alternative.
Alternative A. Existing refuge management and public outreach
practices would be favored under this alternative. Refuge management
actions would be directed toward achieving established refuge purposes
including (1) preserving wintering waterfowl habitat (e.g., croplands,
moist-soil management units), and (2) meeting the habitat conservation
goals of the North American Waterfowl Management Plan. Additionally,
these actions would contribute to other national, regional, and state
goals to protect and restore habitat for shorebirds, wading birds,
neotropical breeding birds, and threatened and endangered species.
Refuge management programs would continue to be developed and
implemented with little baseline biological information. Active habitat
management would continue to be implemented through water level
manipulations, moist-soil and cropland management, and forest
management designed to provide a diverse complex of habitats that meet
the foraging, resting, and breeding requirements for a variety of
species. However, no additional moist-soil units would be developed and
no new lands would be acquired.
Control of exotic plants or nuisance wildlife populations,
including beaver, would be kept to a reactive level. Hunting and
fishing would continue to be the major focus for the public use
program, with no expansion of current opportunities. Current
restrictions or prohibitions would remain, including the seasonal
closure of the waterfowl sanctuary. No new visitor education facilities
would be built and only limited improvements would occur for existing
environmental education exhibits and interpretive materials.
Alternative B. This alternative would emphasize recreational uses
and environmental education while maintaining a low maintenance
approach to managing habitats. Additional staff and resources would be
dedicated to allow for more public use activities in all areas of the
refuges. Bottomland hardwood forests and moist-soil habitats would be
maintained on existing lands but no additional moist-soil units would
be developed. Cropland acres would be reduced to accommodate increased
public use programs.
If opportunities and funding become available, new refuge lands
could be acquired up to the completion of the current approved
acquisition boundaries. Additional lands would be managed for public
use rather than habitat management under this alternative.
Control of exotic plants or nuisance wildlife populations would be
kept to a minimal and reactive level. Beaver control would be conducted
only where necessary to protect property of adjoining landowners.
However, the deer herd would be controlled through public hunting and
opportunity would be expanded under this alternative. Hunting and
fishing seasons and regulations would be examined to provide more
Outreach opportunities would be designed to increase public
understanding and enjoyment of fish and wildlife and their habitats.
Efforts would include increased participation in the local civic
organizations and in meeting with city, county, and State officials.
Secondary recreational uses would be considered for compatibility
on refuge lands. The environmental education program could see a
visitor education facility, exhibits, and interpretive materials.
Additional staff and/or volunteers would be added in an effort to
increase on-site public contacts, including enhanced environmental
education and interpretation programs on and off the refuges.
Alternative C. Under this alternative, the emphasis would be the
active and intensive management of existing fish, wildlife, and plant
habitats. Primary management efforts would focus on restoring and
enhancing habitats and associated plant communities for the benefit of
migratory birds, threatened and endangered species, and other federal
trust species. Forest habitat would be managed to increase and enhance
the red oak component for migratory waterfowl by manipulating existing
timber stands through both commercial and non-commercial harvest
methods, and by incorporating native tree species in any future
reforestation efforts. Additional staff and resources would be
dedicated to allow for more habitat management activities in all areas
of the refuges, such as tree planting in converted bottomland hardwood
forests and a prescribed burning program. Integrated biological
controls and harvest methods would be used to control exotic plant or
nuisance wildlife species. The biological research and monitoring
program would also receive more attention.
Refuge staff would continue to restore, enhance, and maintain
existing bottomland hardwood forests and moist-soil units, and
additional moist-soil units would be developed on existing and newly
acquired lands. Cropland habitats would be managed by cooperative and
force account farming and additional units would be developed on newly
acquired lands.
As opportunities and funding become available, new refuge lands
could be acquired to complete the current approved acquisition
boundaries. Newly acquired lands would be managed with an emphasis on
habitat management rather than public use under this alternative.
In contrast to the expansion of habitat work, new recreational
opportunities for visitors would not be pursued and environmental
education and outreach programs would remain at present levels. Hunting
and fishing seasons and access would continue, but with the possibility
of more seasonal closures to protect sensitive wildlife resources. The
environmental education program could see a new visitor facility but
only minimal improvements in existing exhibits and interpretive
materials. A slight increase in public awareness of the refuges would
be expected due to land protection efforts.
Alternative D. The Service planning team has identified Alternative
D as the preferred alternative. This alternative was developed based on
public input and the best professional judgment of the planning team.
Strategies presented in the draft plans were developed as a direct
result of the selection of Alternative D.
Alternative D represents a combination and/or compromise between
Alternative B (Habitat Management Emphasis) and Alternative C (Public
Use Emphasis). Whereas these two alternatives seek to maximize either
[[Page 355]]
expanded wildlife habitat management or expanded public use
opportunities, Alternate D seeks to optimize the benefits of the
refuges to wildlife and people, recognizing that tradeoffs may preclude
maximizing the benefits of each alternative. By seeking the ``best of
both'' Alternatives B and C, Alternative D would promote better
management and protection of fish, wildlife, and their habitats and
higher quality recreational and educational programs for visitors.
Under Alternative D, refuge lands would be more intensely managed
than at present to provide high quality habitat for wildlife, which
would work toward fulfilling the habitat objectives outlined for the
Mississippi Alluvial Valley Migratory Bird Initiative, and would
include significant benefits for waterfowl, shorebirds, and neotropical
migratory birds. With the implementation of this alternative, there
would be significant habitat benefits to migratory bird species by
increasing and enhancing breeding, wintering, and migration habitat for
wetland-dependent migratory species. This alternative contributes
directly to the objectives of the Lower Mississippi Joint Venture of
the North American Waterfowl Management Plan, the Partners in Flight--
Mississippi Alluvial Valley Habitat Conservation Plan, the United
States Shorebird Conservation Plan--Lower Mississippi Valley/West Gulf
Coastal Plain, West Tennessee Wildlife Resources Conservation Plan, and
the North American Woodcock Plan, and provides integrated migratory
bird management objectives in a landscape-level, biologically driven
framework particularly for migratory birds. This would include creating
and maintaining additional moist-soil units and restoring bottomland
hardwood forest habitats.
Fisheries management would be emphasized and, where appropriate,
restored for native diversity within the floodplain. Refuge habitats
would be managed and restored for natural diversity in support of
national and regional plans. Forest management would address the need
to restore and enhance the red oak component for migratory waterfowl
and develop vertical structure to provide habitat for a diversity of
species, particularly priority migratory birds. Any future
reforestation efforts would incorporate greater native tree species
This alternative would encourage more public recreational and
educational uses, where feasible, while intensifying current habitat
management. Hunting and fishing would continue with greater emphasis on
the quality of the experience and with more diverse opportunities,
including those for youth and disabled hunters/anglers. Education and
interpretation would be promoted while providing programs and
partnerships with local schools. Wildlife observation and photography
opportunities would be expanded. Information guides and signage that
highlight refuge management programs, as well as unique wildlife
habitats, would also be developed. Efforts would also be undertaken to
improve road maintenance in order to provide better visitor access.
A visitor center and headquarters office would be constructed on
the refuges, with space for interpretation, environmental education,
and staff.
Research studies would continue to be fostered and partnerships
developed with universities and other agencies, with the refuges
providing needed resources and study sites. Research would also provide
benefits to conservation efforts throughout the Lower Mississippi River
Valley to preserve, enhance, restore, and manage bottomland hardwood
habitat. Inventorying and monitoring of birds, freshwater mussels,
reptiles, and amphibians would be continued and expanded in order to
assess population trends, correlate with environmental pressures, and
provide baseline data to be used in development of appropriate
management strategies. Additional staff would include biological, law
enforcement, outreach, and maintenance personnel. Providing a wildlife
biologist, outdoor recreation planner, maintenance workers, and an
additional full-time law enforcement officer would enable the Service
to fully develop and manage fish and wildlife resources and habitats,
provide opportunities and facilities for wildlife observation and
photography, provide environmental educational programs that promote a
greater understanding of natural resources, and protect natural and
cultural resources, as well as refuge visitors.
Under this alternative, the refuges would continue to acquire lands
within the present acquisition boundaries for the use of compatible
wildlife-dependent public recreation and environmental education
Tracts that provide better-quality habitat and connectivity to
existing refuge lands would receive higher priority for acquisition.
The refuges would also use other important acquisition tools, including
partnerships with conservation organizations, conservation easements
with adjacent landowners, and leases/cooperative agreements.
Authority: This notice is published under the authority of the
National Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act of 1997, Public Law
Dated: October 7, 2005.
Cynthia K. Dohner,
Acting Regional Director.
[FR Doc. 06-48 Filed 1-3-06; 8:45 am]