Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request, 75456-75457 [E5-7540]
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 243 / Tuesday, December 20, 2005 / Notices
Written requests for information should
be addressed to U.S. Department of
Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW.,
Potomac Center, 9th Floor, Washington,
DC 20202–4700. Requests may also be
electronically mailed to or faxed to 202–
245–6623. Please specify the complete
title of the information collection when
making your request.
Comments regarding burden and/or
the collection activity requirements
should be electronically mailed to Kim
Rudolph, Docket Manager at her e-mail
Individuals who use a
telecommunications device for the deaf
(TDD) may call the Federal Information
Relay Service (FIRS) at 1–800–877–
[FR Doc. E5–7538 Filed 12–19–05; 8:45 am]
Submission for OMB Review;
Comment Request
Department of Education.
The Leader, Information
Management Case Services Team,
Regulatory Information Management
Services, Office of the Chief Information
Officer invites comments on the
submission for OMB review as required
by the Paperwork Reduction Act of
DATES: Interested persons are invited to
submit comments on or before January
19, 2006.
ADDRESSES: Written comments should
be addressed to the Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs,
Attention: Rachel Potter, Desk Officer,
Department of Education, Office of
Management and Budget, 725 17th
Street, NW., Room 10222, New
Executive Office Building, Washington,
DC 20503 or faxed to (202) 395–6974.
3506 of the Paperwork Reduction Act of
1995 (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35) requires
that the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) provide interested
Federal agencies and the public an early
opportunity to comment on information
collection requests. OMB may amend or
waive the requirement for public
consultation to the extent that public
participation in the approval process
would defeat the purpose of the
information collection, violate State or
Federal law, or substantially interfere
with any agency’s ability to perform its
statutory obligations. The Leader,
Information Management Case Services
Team, Regulatory Information
VerDate Aug<31>2005
19:23 Dec 19, 2005
Jkt 208001
Management Services, Office of the
Chief Information Officer, publishes that
notice containing proposed information
collection requests prior to submission
of these requests to OMB. Each
proposed information collection,
grouped by office, contains the
following: (1) Type of review requested,
e.g. new, revision, extension, existing or
reinstatement; (2) Title; (3) Summary of
the collection; (4) Description of the
need for, and proposed use of, the
information; (5) Respondents and
frequency of collection; and (6)
Reporting and/or Recordkeeping
burden. OMB invites public comment.
may also be electronically mailed to or faxed to 202–
245–6623. Please specify the complete
title of the information collection when
making your request.
Comments regarding burden and/or
the collection activity requirements
should be electronically mailed to Kim
Rudolph, Docket Manager at her e-mail
address 703–620–
3655. Individuals who use a
telecommunications device for the deaf
(TDD) may call the Federal Information
Relay Service (FIRS) at 1–800–877–
Dated: December 14, 2005.
Angela C. Arrington,
Leader, Information Management Case
Services Team, Regulatory Information
Management Services, Office of the Chief
Information Officer.
Institute of Education Sciences
Type of Review: Revision
Title: Impact Evaluation of Charter
School Strategies-Student, Parent,
Principal, and Authorizer Surveys.
Frequency: One time.
Affected Public: Individuals or
household; Not-for-profit institutions.
Reporting and Recordkeeping Hour
Responses: 3,150.
Burden Hours: 1,513.
Abstract: This OMB package requests
clearance for a set of data collection
activities to be used in the Impact
Evaluation of Charter School Strategies
that includes surveys of students, their
parents, principals, and charter school
authorizers. This submission represents
the second in a two-stage clearance
process. The first stage resulted in a
January 2005 approval (OMB 1850–
0799) for the evaluation design,
sampling and analysis plan, and for
initial data collection activities
necessary for random assignment
(consent form, baseline form, and school
records collection). The current
submission requests approval for three
modest enhancements to the design and
for the specific instruments that were
only briefly described in the earlier
Requests for copies of the information
collection submission for OMB review
may be accessed from https://, by selecting the
‘‘Browse Pending Collections’’ link and
by clicking on link number 2876. When
you access the information collection,
click on ‘‘Download Attachments’’ to
view. Written requests for information
should be addressed to U.S. Department
of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue,
SW., Potomac Center, 9th Floor,
Washington, DC 20202–4700. Requests
PO 00000
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[FR Doc. E5–7539 Filed 12–19–05; 8:45 am]
Submission for OMB Review;
Comment Request
Department of Education.
The Leader, Information
Management Case Services Team,
Regulatory Information Management
Services, Office of the Chief Information
Officer invites comments on the
submission for OMB review as required
by the Paperwork Reduction Act of
DATES: Interested persons are invited to
submit comments on or before January
19, 2006.
ADDRESSES: Written comments should
be addressed to the Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs,
Attention: Rachel Potter, Desk Officer,
Department of Education, Office of
Management and Budget, 725 17th
Street, NW., Room 10222, New
Executive Office Building, Washington,
DC 20503 or faxed to (202) 395–6974.
3506 of the Paperwork Reduction Act of
1995 (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35) requires
that the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) provide interested
Federal agencies and the public an early
opportunity to comment on information
collection requests. OMB may amend or
waive the requirement for public
consultation to the extent that public
participation in the approval process
would defeat the purpose of the
information collection, violate State or
Federal law, or substantially interfere
with any agency’s ability to perform its
statutory obligations. The Leader,
Information Management Case Services
Team, Regulatory Information
Management Services, Office of the
Chief Information Officer, publishes that
notice containing proposed information
collection requests prior to submission
of these requests to OMB. Each
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 243 / Tuesday, December 20, 2005 / Notices
proposed information collection,
grouped by office, contains the
following: (1) Type of review requested,
e.g. new, revision, extension, existing or
reinstatement; (2) Title; (3) Summary of
the collection; (4) Description of the
need for, and proposed use of, the
information; (5) Respondents and
frequency of collection; and (6)
Reporting and/or Recordkeeping
burden. OMB invites public comment.
Dated: December 14, 2005.
Angela C. Arrington,
Leader, Information Management Case
Services Team, Regulatory Information
Management Services, Office of the Chief
Information Officer.
Office of Elementary and Secondary
19:23 Dec 19, 2005
Jkt 208001
[FR Doc. E5–7540 Filed 12–19–05; 8:45 am]
[RCRA–2005–0016, FRL–8010–6]
Agency Information Collection
Activities: Proposed Collection;
Comment Request; Reporting and
Recordkeeping Requirements Under
EPA’s National Partnership for
Environmental Priorities, EPA ICR
Number 2076.02, OMB Control Number
Environmental Protection
ACTION: Notice.
Type of Review: Revision.
Title: Application Package for the
REAP Small, Rural School Achievement
Frequency: Annually.
Affected Public: State, Local, or Tribal
Gov’t, SEAs or LEAs.
Reporting and Recordkeeping Hour
Responses: 4,552.
Burden Hours: 4,830.
Abstract: LEAs will apply for funding
under the REAP Small, Rural School
Achievement Program. This collection
consists of an additional form to the
Spreadsheet and Instructions which will
address the second tier of the
Department’s strategy for completing the
funding process. The additional form
will serve as the application package for
LEAs under the REAP Small, Rural
Schools Achievement Program.
Requests for copies of the information
collection submission for OMB review
may be accessed from https://, by selecting the
‘‘Browse Pending Collections’’ link and
by clicking on link number 2896. When
you access the information collection,
click on ‘‘Download Attachments’’ to
view. Written requests for information
should be addressed to U.S. Department
of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue,
SW., Potomac Center, 9th Floor,
Washington, DC 20202–4700. Requests
may also be electronically mailed to the
Internet address or
faxed to 202–245–6623. Please specify
the complete title of the information
collection when making your request.
Comments regarding burden and/or
the collection activity requirements
should be directed to Kim Rudolph,
Docket Manager at her e-mail address Individuals who
use a telecommunications device for the
deaf (TDD) may call the Federal
VerDate Aug<31>2005
Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 1–
SUMMARY: In compliance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C.
3501 et seq.), this document announces
that EPA is planning to submit a
continuing Information Collection
Request (ICR) to the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB). This is
a request for an existing approved
collection. This ICR is scheduled to
expire on April 30, 2006. Before
submitting the ICR to OMB for review
and approval, EPA is soliciting
comments on specific aspects of the
proposed information collection as
described below.
DATES: Comments must be submitted on
or before February 21, 2006.
ADDRESSES: Submit your comments,
referencing docket ID number RCRA–
2005–0016, to EPA online using
EDOCKET (our preferred method), by email to RCRA–, or by
mail to: EPA Docket Center,
Environmental Protection Agency,
RCRA Docket, mail code 5305T, 1200
Pennsylvania Ave., NW., Washington,
DC 20460.
Newman Smith, Office of Solid Waste
(5302W), Environmental Protection
Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW.,
Washington, DC 20460; telephone
number: 703–308–8757; fax number:
703–308–8433; e-mail address:
EPA has
established a public docket for this ICR
under Docket ID number RCRA–2005–
0016, which is available for public
viewing at the RCRA Docket in the EPA
Docket Center (EPA/DC), EPA West,
Room B102, 1301 Constitution Ave.,
NW., Washington, DC. The EPA Docket
Center Public Reading Room is open
PO 00000
Frm 00013
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday
through Friday, excluding legal
holidays. The telephone number for the
Reading Room is (202) 566–1744, and
the telephone number for the RCRA
Docket is (202) 566–0270. An electronic
version of the public docket is available
through EPA Dockets (EDOCKET) at Use
EDOCKET to obtain a copy of the draft
collection of information, submit or
view public comments, access the index
listing of the contents of the public
docket, and to access those documents
in the public docket that are available
electronically. Once in the system,
select ‘‘search,’’ then key in the docket
ID number identified above.
Any comments related to this ICR
should be submitted to EPA within 60
days of this notice. EPA’s policy is that
public comments, whether submitted
electronically or in paper, will be made
available for public viewing in
EDOCKET as EPA receives them and
without change, unless the comment
contains copyrighted material, CBI, or
other information whose public
disclosure is restricted by statute. When
EPA identifies a comment containing
copyrighted material, EPA will provide
a reference to that material in the
version of the comment that is placed in
EDOCKET. The entire printed comment,
including the copyrighted material, will
be available in the public docket.
Although identified as an item in the
official docket, information claimed as
CBI, or whose disclosure is otherwise
restricted by statute, is not included in
the official public docket, and will not
be available for public viewing in
EDOCKET. For further information
about the electronic docket, see EPA’s
Federal Register notice describing the
electronic docket at 67 FR 38102 (May
31, 2002), or go to
Affected entities: Entities potentially
affected by this action are those which
generate, store, and treat hazardous
Title: Reporting and Recordkeeping
Requirements Under EPA’s National
Program for Environmental Priorities
(formerly, Reporting and Recordkeeping
Requirements under EPA’s National
Waste Minimization partnership
Abstract: EPA currently has an
ongoing national program that, through
source reduction, reuse, and recycling,
encourages a reduction in use or the
minimization of release of hazardous
chemicals. Participation in the National
Partnership for Environmental Priorities
(previously the National Waste
Minimization Partnership Program) is
completely voluntary. EPA will use five
[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 243 (Tuesday, December 20, 2005)]
[Pages 75456-75457]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: E5-7540]
Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request
AGENCY: Department of Education.
SUMMARY: The Leader, Information Management Case Services Team,
Regulatory Information Management Services, Office of the Chief
Information Officer invites comments on the submission for OMB review
as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
DATES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments on or before
January 19, 2006.
ADDRESSES: Written comments should be addressed to the Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs, Attention: Rachel Potter, Desk
Officer, Department of Education, Office of Management and Budget, 725
17th Street, NW., Room 10222, New Executive Office Building,
Washington, DC 20503 or faxed to (202) 395-6974.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Section 3506 of the Paperwork Reduction Act
of 1995 (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35) requires that the Office of Management
and Budget (OMB) provide interested Federal agencies and the public an
early opportunity to comment on information collection requests. OMB
may amend or waive the requirement for public consultation to the
extent that public participation in the approval process would defeat
the purpose of the information collection, violate State or Federal
law, or substantially interfere with any agency's ability to perform
its statutory obligations. The Leader, Information Management Case
Services Team, Regulatory Information Management Services, Office of
the Chief Information Officer, publishes that notice containing
proposed information collection requests prior to submission of these
requests to OMB. Each
[[Page 75457]]
proposed information collection, grouped by office, contains the
following: (1) Type of review requested, e.g. new, revision, extension,
existing or reinstatement; (2) Title; (3) Summary of the collection;
(4) Description of the need for, and proposed use of, the information;
(5) Respondents and frequency of collection; and (6) Reporting and/or
Recordkeeping burden. OMB invites public comment.
Dated: December 14, 2005.
Angela C. Arrington,
Leader, Information Management Case Services Team, Regulatory
Information Management Services, Office of the Chief Information
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education
Type of Review: Revision.
Title: Application Package for the REAP Small, Rural School
Achievement Program.
Frequency: Annually.
Affected Public: State, Local, or Tribal Gov't, SEAs or LEAs.
Reporting and Recordkeeping Hour Burden:
Responses: 4,552.
Burden Hours: 4,830.
Abstract: LEAs will apply for funding under the REAP Small, Rural
School Achievement Program. This collection consists of an additional
form to the Spreadsheet and Instructions which will address the second
tier of the Department's strategy for completing the funding process.
The additional form will serve as the application package for LEAs
under the REAP Small, Rural Schools Achievement Program.
Requests for copies of the information collection submission for
OMB review may be accessed from, by selecting
the ``Browse Pending Collections'' link and by clicking on link number
2896. When you access the information collection, click on ``Download
Attachments'' to view. Written requests for information should be
addressed to U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW.,
Potomac Center, 9th Floor, Washington, DC 20202-4700. Requests may also
be electronically mailed to the Internet address or
faxed to 202-245-6623. Please specify the complete title of the
information collection when making your request.
Comments regarding burden and/or the collection activity
requirements should be directed to Kim Rudolph, Docket Manager at her
e-mail address Individuals who use a
telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) may call the Federal
Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 1-800-877-8339.
[FR Doc. E5-7540 Filed 12-19-05; 8:45 am]