Certain Stainless Steel Butt-Weld Pipe Fittings from Taiwan: Notice of Amended Final Results Pursuant to Final Court Decision, 50301-50302 [E5-4701]
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 165 / Friday, August 26, 2005 / Notices
Results of Changed Circumstances
Review, 59 FR 6944, 6945 (February 14,
1994). Thus, if the evidence
demonstrates that, with respect to the
production and sale of the subject
merchandise, the new company
operates as the same business entity as
its predecessor, the Department will
assign the new company the cash–
deposit rate of its predecessor.
In its June 29, 2005, submission,
Arbec argues that it merely changed its
name to Arbec from Uniforet, and that
Arbec is the identical company to
Uniforet. As such, Arbec states that the
company’s management, production
facilities, and supplier/customer
relationships have not changed. To
support its claims, Arbec submitted
numerous documents, including: (1)
copies of Certificate of Amendment
documents amending the name of
Uniforet to Arbec; (2) a copy of a
resolution of the Annual and Special
Meeting of Shareholders of Uniforet
adopting the modification of Uniforet’s
corporate name; (3) a letter from Arbec
to the Department, dated May 25, 2005,
requesting the recognition of a name
change; and (4) a pre–name change
advertising flyer announcing the new
Arbec logo. Further, Arbec provided
information such as a chart of its
shareholders, a list of its production
facilities, and details on its supplier
management agreements, confirming
that its ownership, management,
production facilities, supply sources
and customer base are unchanged from
those of its predecessor, Uniforet.
Based on the information submitted
by Arbec, we preliminarily find that
Arbec is the successor–in-interest to
Uniforet. Based on the evidence
reviewed, we find that Arbec operates as
the same business entity as Uniforet and
that the company’s senior management,
production facilities, supplier
relationships, and customers have not
changed. Thus, we preliminarily find
that Arbec should receive the same
antidumping duty cash–deposit rate
(i.e., 11.54 percent) with respect to the
subject merchandise as Uniforet, its
predecessor company. This rate reflects
the ‘‘all others’’ rate from the
investigation as modified in the Notice
of Determination Under Section 129 of
the Uruguay Round Agreements Act:
Antidumping Measures on Certain
Softwood Lumber Products From
Canada, 70 FR 22636 (May 2, 2005).
As a result, if these preliminary
results are adopted in our final results
of this changed circumstances review,
we will instruct U.S. Customs and
Border Protection to continue to
suspend shipments of subject
merchandise made by Arbec at
VerDate jul<14>2003
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Jkt 205001
Uniforet’s cash deposit rate (i.e., 11.54
percent ‘‘all others’’ rate). This deposit
rate shall remain in effect until
publication of the final results of the
second administrative review of the
order, which covers the period May 1,
2003, through April 30, 2004, in which
Uniforet is a respondent. See Notice of
Preliminary Results of Antidumping
Duty Administrative Review and Partial
Rescission: Certain Softwood Lumber
Products From Canada, 70 FR 33063,
June 7, 2005.
Public Comment
Any interested party may request a
hearing within 30 days of publication of
this notice. See 19 CFR 351.310(c). Any
hearing, if requested, will be held 44
days after the date of publication of this
notice, or the first working day
thereafter. Interested parties may submit
case briefs and/or written comments not
later than 30 days after the date of
publication of this notice. Rebuttal
briefs and rebuttals to written
comments, which must be limited to
issues raised in such briefs or
comments, may be filed not later than
37 days after the date of publication of
this notice. Parties who submit
arguments are requested to submit with
the argument: (1) a statement of the
issue; (2) a brief summary of the
argument; and (3) a table of authorities.
Consistent with section 351.216(e) of
the Department’s regulations, we will
issue the final results of this changed
circumstances review no later than 270
days after the date on which this review
was initiated, or within 45 days if all
parties agree to our preliminary finding.
We are issuing and publishing this
finding and notice in accordance with
sections 751(b)(1) and 777(i)(1) of the
Act and section 351.216 of the
Department’s regulations.
Dated: August 22, 2005.
Ronald K. Lorentzen,
Acting Assistant Secretary for Import
[FR Doc. E5–4702 Filed 8–25–05; 8:45 am]
International Trade Administration
Certain Stainless Steel Butt–Weld Pipe
Fittings from Taiwan: Notice of
Amended Final Results Pursuant to
Final Court Decision
Import Administration,
International Trade Administration,
Department of Commerce.
PO 00000
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On June 14, 2005, in Alloy
Piping Products, Inc., Flowline Division,
et al. v. United States, Slip Op. 05–69,
(‘‘Alloy Piping II’’), the Court of
International Trade (‘‘CIT’’) affirmed the
Department of Commerce’s (the
‘‘Department’’) Final Results of
Determination Pursuant to Remand
(‘‘Remand Results’’), dated February 14,
2005, and entered a judgment order.
This litigation related to the
Department’s review of the antidumping
order on certain stainless steel butt–
weld pipe fittings from Taiwan,
covering the period June 1, 1999,
through May 31, 2000. See Certain
Stainless Steel Butt–Weld Pipe Fittings
Final Results of Antidumping Duty
Administrative Review, 66 FR 65899,
65900, (December 21, 2001) (‘‘Final
Results’’). As no further appeals have
been filed and there is now a final and
conclusive court decision in this action,
we are amending the final results of
review in this proceeding and we will
instruct U.S. Customs and Border
Protection (‘‘CBP’’) to liquidate entries
subject to this review.
EFFECTIVE DATE: August 26, 2005.
Villanueva, AD/CVD Operations, Office
9, Import Administration, International
Trade Administration, U.S. Department
of Commerce, 1401 Constitution
Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20230,
telephone 202–482–3208, fax 202–482–
Following publication of the Final
Results, Alloy Piping Products, Inc.,
Flowline Division, Markovitz
Enterprises, Inc., Gerlin Inc., and Taylor
Forge Stainless Inc., (the ‘‘Petitioners’’)
and Ta Chen, filed a lawsuit with the
CIT challenging the Department’s
findings. In Alloy Piping v. United
States, Slip Op. 04–134, (CIT 2004)
(‘‘Alloy Piping I’’), the CIT instructed
the Department to (1) reopen the record,
seek additional relevant information
regarding employee bonuses, and
recalculate the general and
administrative (‘‘G&A’’) expenses of Ta
Chen; and (2) reconsider Ta Chen’s U.S.
indirect selling expenses and to account
for all of Ta Chen’s U.S. selling
expenses incurred during fiscal year
The Department complied with the
CIT’s remand instructions and issued its
final results of redetermination pursuant
to remand on February 14, 2005. See
Final Results of Redetermination
Pursuant to Remand (‘‘Remand
Results’’). In the Remand Results, the
Department reopened the record, sought
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 165 / Friday, August 26, 2005 / Notices
additional relevant information
regarding employee bonuses and
recalculated the G&A expenses of Ta
Chen to include bonuses to both
employees and directors/supervisors.
The Department also reconsidered Ta
Chen’s U.S. indirect selling expenses
and determined that there was no need
to add financial interest expenses to Ta
Chen’s U.S. indirect selling expenses.
Thus, the Department did not change Ta
Chen’s U.S. indirect selling expenses.
As a result of the remand determination,
the antidumping duty rate for Ta Chen
was decreased from 6.11 to 6.10 percent.
The CIT did not receive comments from
either the Petitioners or Ta Chen.
On June 14, 2005, the CIT affirmed
the Department’s findings in the
Remand Results. Specifically, the CIT
affirmed the Department’s recalculation
of the G&A expenses for Ta Chen and
the Department’s decision not to add
financial interest expenses to Ta Chen’s
U.S. indirect selling expenses. See Alloy
Piping II.
On July 1, 2005, consistent with the
decision of the United States Court of
Appeals for the Federal Circuit
(‘‘Federal Circuit’’) in Timken Co. v.
United States, 893 F. 2d 337 (Fed. Cir.
1990) (‘‘Timken’’), the Department
notified the public that the CIT’s
decision was ‘‘not in harmony’’ with the
Final Results. See Notice of Court
Decision and Suspension of Liquidation:
Certain Stainless Steel Butt–Weld Pipe
Fittings from Taiwan, 70 FR 126 (July 1,
2005) (‘‘Timken Notice’’). No party has
appealed the CIT’s decision. As there is
now a final and conclusive court
decision in this action, we are amending
our final results of review and we will
instruct CBP to liquidate entries subject
to this review.
effective the date of publication of this
This notice is issued and published in
accordance with section 751(a)(1) of the
Information Specialist, National Center
for Standards and Certification
Information, NIST, 100 Bureau Drive,
MS–2160, Gaithersburg, MD 20899;
(301) 975–2921.
Dated: August 18, 2005.
Ronald K. Lorentzen,
Acting Assistant Secretary for Import
[FR Doc. E5–4701 Filed 8–25–05; 8:45 am]
Dated: August 22, 2005.
William Jeffrey,
[FR Doc. 05–17022 Filed 8–25–05; 8:45 am]
National Institute of Standards and
16:18 Aug 25, 2005
Jkt 205001
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
[I.D. 082305A]
[Docket No.: 050728206–5206–01]
Endangered Species; File No. 1544
‘‘Notify U.S.’’—New Web Service
Tracks Changing Technical
National Institute of Standards
and Technology, Commerce.
ACTION: Notice.
The National Institute of
Standards and Technology (NIST)
publishes this notice to announce the
availability of Notify U.S., a free, webbased e-mail service that offers U.S.
citizens, industries, and organizations
an opportunity to review and comment
on proposed foreign technical
regulations that can affect their
businesses and their access to
international markets. The service is
operated by the National Center for
Standards and Certification Information
(NCSCI) at NIST. NCSCI is the nation’s
designated Inquiry Point under the
World Trade Organization (WTO)
Agreement on Technical Barriers to
Trade (TBT).
Notify U.S. is the successor to Export
Amended Final Results
Alert!, an e-mail service for proposed
technical regulations previously offered
Because no further appeals have been
by NIST. This new, web-based service
filed and there is now a final and
offers fast and comprehensive
conclusive decision in the court
information on proposed technical
proceeding, we are amending the final
regulations and conformity assessment
results of administrative review of the
procedures from foreign governments
antidumping order on certain stainless
that might influence U.S. exports.
steel butt–weld pipe fittings from
Notify U.S. provides users with access
Taiwan for the period June 1, 1999,
to notifications and full texts of
through May 31, 2000. The revised
regulations issued by the WTO
weight–averaged dumping margin are as members. In addition, users can monitor
proposed changes across chosen
countries and 41 fields of industrial or
Margin (percent)
technical activities, or they can select a
Ta Chen ........................
6.10 subset of fields.
ADDRESSES: To learn more—and to sign
up for the service—go to the Notify U.S.
The Department will issue
Web site at www.nist.gov/notifyus.
appraisement instructions directly to
the CBP. The Department will instruct
CBP to liquidate relevant entries
information regarding Notify U.S.,
covering the subject merchandise
contact Ms. Anne Meininger, Technical
VerDate jul<14>2003
PO 00000
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National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Notice; receipt of application.
SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given that
East Coast Observers Inc., Patricia
Bargo, Principal Investigator, PO Box
6192, Norfolk Virginia 23508, has
applied in due form for a permit to take
loggerhead (Caretta caretta), green
(Chelonia mydas), hawksbill
(Eretmochelys imbricata), Kemp’s ridley
(Lepidochelys kempii), and leatherback
(Dermochelys coriacea) marine turtles,
and shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser
brevirostrom) for purposes of scientific
DATES: Written, telefaxed, or e-mail
comments must be received on or before
September 26, 2005.
ADDRESSES: The application and related
documents are available for review
upon written request or by appointment
in the following offices:
Permits, Conservation and Education
Division, Office of Protected Resources,
NMFS, 1315 East-West Highway, Room
13705, Silver Spring, MD 20910; phone
(301)713–2289; fax (301)427–2521; and
Southeast Region, NMFS, 263 13th
Avenue South, St. Petersburg, FL 33701;
phone (727)824–5312; fax (727)824–
Written comments or requests for a
public hearing on this application
should be mailed to the Chief, Permits,
Conservation and Education Division,
F/PR1, Office of Protected Resources,
NMFS, 1315 East-West Highway, Room
13705, Silver Spring, MD 20910. Those
individuals requesting a hearing should
set forth the specific reasons why a
hearing on this particular request would
be appropriate.
Comments may also be submitted by
facsimile at (301)427–2521, provided
[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 165 (Friday, August 26, 2005)]
[Pages 50301-50302]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: E5-4701]
International Trade Administration
Certain Stainless Steel Butt-Weld Pipe Fittings from Taiwan:
Notice of Amended Final Results Pursuant to Final Court Decision
AGENCY: Import Administration, International Trade Administration,
Department of Commerce.
SUMMARY: On June 14, 2005, in Alloy Piping Products, Inc., Flowline
Division, et al. v. United States, Slip Op. 05-69, (``Alloy Piping
II''), the Court of International Trade (``CIT'') affirmed the
Department of Commerce's (the ``Department'') Final Results of
Determination Pursuant to Remand (``Remand Results''), dated February
14, 2005, and entered a judgment order. This litigation related to the
Department's review of the antidumping order on certain stainless steel
butt-weld pipe fittings from Taiwan, covering the period June 1, 1999,
through May 31, 2000. See Certain Stainless Steel Butt-Weld Pipe
Fittings Final Results of Antidumping Duty Administrative Review, 66 FR
65899, 65900, (December 21, 2001) (``Final Results''). As no further
appeals have been filed and there is now a final and conclusive court
decision in this action, we are amending the final results of review in
this proceeding and we will instruct U.S. Customs and Border Protection
(``CBP'') to liquidate entries subject to this review.
EFFECTIVE DATE: August 26, 2005.
Office 9, Import Administration, International Trade Administration,
U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington,
DC 20230, telephone 202-482-3208, fax 202-482-9089.
Following publication of the Final Results, Alloy Piping Products,
Inc., Flowline Division, Markovitz Enterprises, Inc., Gerlin Inc., and
Taylor Forge Stainless Inc., (the ``Petitioners'') and Ta Chen, filed a
lawsuit with the CIT challenging the Department's findings. In Alloy
Piping v. United States, Slip Op. 04-134, (CIT 2004) (``Alloy Piping
I''), the CIT instructed the Department to (1) reopen the record, seek
additional relevant information regarding employee bonuses, and
recalculate the general and administrative (``G&A'') expenses of Ta
Chen; and (2) reconsider Ta Chen's U.S. indirect selling expenses and
to account for all of Ta Chen's U.S. selling expenses incurred during
fiscal year 1999.
The Department complied with the CIT's remand instructions and
issued its final results of redetermination pursuant to remand on
February 14, 2005. See Final Results of Redetermination Pursuant to
Remand (``Remand Results''). In the Remand Results, the Department
reopened the record, sought
[[Page 50302]]
additional relevant information regarding employee bonuses and
recalculated the G&A expenses of Ta Chen to include bonuses to both
employees and directors/supervisors. The Department also reconsidered
Ta Chen's U.S. indirect selling expenses and determined that there was
no need to add financial interest expenses to Ta Chen's U.S. indirect
selling expenses. Thus, the Department did not change Ta Chen's U.S.
indirect selling expenses. As a result of the remand determination, the
antidumping duty rate for Ta Chen was decreased from 6.11 to 6.10
percent. The CIT did not receive comments from either the Petitioners
or Ta Chen.
On June 14, 2005, the CIT affirmed the Department's findings in the
Remand Results. Specifically, the CIT affirmed the Department's
recalculation of the G&A expenses for Ta Chen and the Department's
decision not to add financial interest expenses to Ta Chen's U.S.
indirect selling expenses. See Alloy Piping II.
On July 1, 2005, consistent with the decision of the United States
Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (``Federal Circuit'') in
Timken Co. v. United States, 893 F. 2d 337 (Fed. Cir. 1990)
(``Timken''), the Department notified the public that the CIT's
decision was ``not in harmony'' with the Final Results. See Notice of
Court Decision and Suspension of Liquidation: Certain Stainless Steel
Butt-Weld Pipe Fittings from Taiwan, 70 FR 126 (July 1, 2005) (``Timken
Notice''). No party has appealed the CIT's decision. As there is now a
final and conclusive court decision in this action, we are amending our
final results of review and we will instruct CBP to liquidate entries
subject to this review.
Amended Final Results
Because no further appeals have been filed and there is now a final
and conclusive decision in the court proceeding, we are amending the
final results of administrative review of the antidumping order on
certain stainless steel butt-weld pipe fittings from Taiwan for the
period June 1, 1999, through May 31, 2000. The revised weight-averaged
dumping margin are as follows:
Company Margin (percent)
Ta Chen............................................. 6.10
The Department will issue appraisement instructions directly to the
CBP. The Department will instruct CBP to liquidate relevant entries
covering the subject merchandise effective the date of publication of
this notice.
This notice is issued and published in accordance with section
751(a)(1) of the Act.
Dated: August 18, 2005.
Ronald K. Lorentzen,
Acting Assistant Secretary for Import Administration.
[FR Doc. E5-4701 Filed 8-25-05; 8:45 am]