Self-Regulatory Organizations; Notice of Filing of Proposed Rule Change and Amendment No. 1 Thereto by the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc., To Establish Rules Governing the Operation of Nasdaq's Brut Facility, 4902-4911 [05-1697]
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Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 19 / Monday, January 31, 2005 / Notices
communications relating to the
proposed rule change between the
Commission and any person, other than
those that may be withheld from the
public in accordance with the
provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be
available for inspection and copying in
the Commission’s Public Reference
Room. Copies of such filing also will be
available for inspection and copying at
the principal offices of the Exchange.
All comments received will be posted
without change; the Commission does
not edit personal identifying
information from submissions. You
should submit only information that
you wish to make available publicly. All
submissions should refer to File
Number SR–Amex–2005–008 and
should be submitted on or before
February 22, 2005.
For the Commission, by the Division of
Market Regulation, pursuant to delegated
Margaret H. McFarland,
Deputy Secretary.
[FR Doc. E5–352 Filed 1–28–05; 8:45 am]
[Release No. 34–51078; File No. SR–NASD–
Self-Regulatory Organizations; Notice
of Filing of Proposed Rule Change and
Amendment No. 1 Thereto by the
National Association of Securities
Dealers, Inc., To Establish Rules
Governing the Operation of Nasdaq’s
Brut Facility
January 25, 2005.
Pursuant to section 19(b)(1) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934
(‘‘Act’’),1 and Rule 19b–4 thereunder,2
notice is hereby given that on November
3, 2004, the National Association of
Securities Dealers, Inc. (‘‘NASD’’),
through its subsidiary, The Nasdaq
Stock Market, Inc. (‘‘Nasdaq’’), filed
with the Securities and Exchange
Commission (‘‘Commission’’) the
proposed rule change as described in
Items I, II, and III below, which Items
have been prepared by Nasdaq. On
January 24, 2005, Nasdaq submitted
Amendment No. 1 to the proposed rule
change.3 The Commission is publishing
this notice to solicit comments on the
9 17
CFR 200.30–3(a)(12).
U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).
2 17 CFR 240.19b–4.
3 Amendment No. 1 replaced and superseded the
originally filed proposed rule change.
1 15
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proposed rule change, as amended, from
interested persons.
I. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
Statement of the Terms of Substance of
the Proposed Rule Change
Nasdaq proposes to establish rules
governing the operation of its Brut
trading facility. Nasdaq will implement
the proposed rule change, as amended,
immediately upon approval by the
Commission. Below is the text of the
proposed rule change, as amended.
Proposed new language is italicized;
proposed deletions are in [brackets].
4900. BRUT SYSTEM (System)
4901. Definitions
Unless stated otherwise, the terms
described below shall have the following
(a) The term ‘‘System securities’’ shall
mean Nasdaq Market Center eligible
securities as that term is defined in
NASD Rule 4701(s) and exchange-listed
Intermarket Trading System (ITS)
eligible securities as defined in NASD
Rule 5210(c).
(b) The term ‘‘Effective Time’’ shall
mean, for orders so designated, the time
at which the order shall become eligible
for display and potential execution with
other orders in the System.
(c) The term ‘‘Immediate or Cancel’’
shall mean, for limit orders so
designated, that if after entry into the
System the order (or a portion thereof)
is not marketable, the order (or
unexecuted portion thereof) shall be
canceled and returned to the entering
(d) The term ‘‘limit order’’ shall mean
an order to buy or sell a stock at a
specified price or better. This order type
is available for Nasdaq-listed and
Exchange-listed securities.
(e) The term ‘‘market order’’ shall
mean an unpriced order to buy or sell
a stock at the market’s current best
price. A market order may have a limit
price beyond which the order shall not
be executed. This order type is available
for Nasdaq-listed and Exchange-listed
(f) The term ‘‘mixed lot’’ shall mean
an order that is for more than a normal
unit of trading but not a multiple
(g) The term ‘‘Nasdaq Market Center’’
shall mean the automated system
owned and operated by The Nasdaq
Stock Market, Inc. pursuant to NASD
Rule 4700 Series.
(h) The term ‘‘The BRUT ECN
System,’’ or ‘‘System,’’ shall mean the
automated system owned and operated
by Brut, which is owned and operated
by The Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc.,
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which enables Participants to execute
transactions in System securities; to
have reports of the transactions
automatically forwarded to the
appropriate National Market Trade
Reporting System, if required, for
dissemination to the public and the
industry, and to ‘‘lock in’’ these trades
by sending both sides to the applicable
clearing corporation(s) designated by
the System Participant(s) for clearance
and settlement; and to provide System
Participants with sufficient monitoring
and updating capability to participate
in an automated execution
(i) The term ‘‘Participant’’ shall mean
an NASD member that fulfills the
obligations contained in Rule 4902
regarding participation in the System.
(j) The term ‘‘System Book Feed’’ shall
mean a data feed for System eligible
securities that Brut will make available
to Participants and third-party vendors.
(k) The term ‘‘odd-lot order’’ shall
mean an order that is for less than a
normal unit of trading.
(l) The term ‘‘Reserve Size’’ shall
mean the functionality that permits a
Participant to display a portion of an
order, with the remainder held in
reserve on an undisplayed basis.
(m) The term ‘‘Good-till-Cancelled’’
shall mean, for orders so designated,
that if after entry into the System, the
order is not fully executed, the order (or
unexecuted portion thereof) shall
remain available for potential display
and/or execution only until 4 p.m.
Eastern Time on the day they are
submitted unless cancelled before then
by the entering party.
(n) The term ‘‘Good-till-CancelledOvernight’’ shall mean, for orders so
designated, that if after entry into the
System, the order is not fully executed,
the order (or unexecuted portion
thereof) shall remain available for
potential display and/or execution until
4 p.m. Eastern Time, after which it shall
be held by the System in a pending
state, ineligible for display or execution,
until the following trading day, when it
will become eligible for display and
execution from 7:30 a.m. until 4 p.m.
Eastern Time on that and all subsequent
trading days, until a date provided by
the entering party (or if no such date is
given, indefinitely) until cancelled by
the entering party.
(o) The term ‘‘Good-till-Time,’’ shall
mean, for orders so designated, that if
after entry into System, the order is not
fully executed, the order (or unexecuted
portion thereof) shall remain available
for potential display and/or execution
until the time designated by the entering
party, after which the order will be
cancelled by the system. This time may
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 19 / Monday, January 31, 2005 / Notices
be relative time (e.g. 30 minutes after
entry) or an actual time (e.g. 2 p.m.).
(p) The term ‘‘Day’’ shall mean, for
orders so designated, that if after entry
into the System, the order is not fully
executed, the order (or unexecuted
portion thereof) shall remain available
for potential display and/or execution
only until 4 p.m. Eastern Time on the
day they are submitted unless cancelled
before then by the entering party.
(q) The term ‘‘End-of-Day’’ shall
mean, for orders so designated, that if
after entry into the System, the order is
not fully executed, the order (or
unexecuted portion thereof) shall
remain available for potential execution
and/or display until 8 p.m. Eastern
Time, after which it shall be returned to
the entering party.
(r) The term ‘‘Pegged’’ shall mean, for
priced limit orders so designated, that
after entry into the System, the price of
the order is automatically adjusted by
the System in response to changes in the
Nasdaq inside bid or offer (for Nasdaqlisted securities) or the national best bid
or offer (for ITS securities), as
appropriate. The Participant entering a
Pegged Order can specify that order’s
price will either equal the inside quote
or improves the inside quote by an
amount set by the entering party on the
same side of the market (a ‘‘Regular
Pegged Order’’) or offset the inside quote
on the contra side of the market by an
amount (the ‘‘Offset Amount’’) set by
the Participant (e.g., $0.01 less than the
inside offer or $0.02 more than the
inside bid) (a ‘‘Reverse Pegged Order’’).
The Participant entering a Pegged Order
may (but is not required to) specify a
limit price, to define a price at which
pegging of the order will stop and the
order will be permanently converted
into an un-pegged limit order at limit
price. This order type is available for
Nasdaq-listed and Exchange-listed
(s) The term ‘‘Discretionary’’ shall
mean an order that when entered into
System has both a displayed bid or offer
price, as well as a non-displayed
discretionary price range and size
(which shall be equal to or less than the
Order’s Reserve Size) at which the
Participant is also willing to buy or sell,
if necessary. This order type is available
for Nasdaq-listed and Exchange-listed
(t) The term ‘‘Post Only’’ shall mean,
for To Brut limit orders so designated,
that if an order is marketable against an
order then-displayed in the System
upon receipt, it shall be rejected and
returned to the entering Participant. If
the order is marketable against a quote
displayed outside of Brut, the price of
the order is adjusted to a price $0.01
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inferior to the best bid (or offer, as
appropriate) then displayed in the
Nasdaq Market Center, and then
displayed in the System. This order type
is available for Nasdaq-listed and
Exchange-listed securities.
(u) The term ‘‘Agency Away’’ shall
mean an agency order designated by the
entering Participant as eligible for
execution at a price inferior to the thencurrent national best bid/offer. This
order type is available only for Nasdaqlisted securities.
(v) The term ‘‘Principal Inside Only’’
shall mean a principal order designated
by the entering Participant as only
eligible for execution at a price equal or
better than the then-current national
best bid/offer. This order type is
available for Nasdaq-listed and
Exchange-listed securities.
(w) The term ‘‘normal unit of trading’’
shall mean one hundred (100) shares.
4902. System Participant Registration
(a) Participation in Brut requires
current registration with the System and
is conditioned upon the Participant’s
initial and continuing compliance with
the following requirements:
(1) Execution of a System Subscriber
(2) Satisfaction of the Brut New
Accounts Policies & Procedures
(3) Membership in, or access
arrangement with a participant of, a
clearing agency registered with the
Commission that maintains facilities
through which System compared trades
may be settled;
(4) Acceptance and settlement of each
System trade that System identifies as
having been effected by such
Participant, or if settlement is to be
made through another clearing member,
guarantee of the acceptance and
settlement of such identified System
trade by the clearing member on the
regularly scheduled settlement date;
(5) Compliance with all applicable
rules and operating procedures of the
Association and the Securities and
Exchange Commission.
(b) Access to the System by nonSystem participants is available through
the Nasdaq Market Center as defined in
NASD Rule 4701(r) and related rules.
4903. Order Entry Parameters
(a) To Brut Orders—
(1) General. A To Brut Order is an
order that is displayed in the System
and is executable only against
marketable contra-side orders in the
System. This order type is available for
Nasdaq-listed and Exchange-listed
securities. The following requirements
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shall apply to To Brut Orders entered by
(A) A To Brut Order shall be a limit
order, and shall indicate whether it is a
buy, short sale, short-sale exempt, or
long sale. A To Brut Order can be
designated as End-of-Day, Immediate or
Cancel, Good-till-Cancelled, Day, Goodtill-Canceled Overnight, Good-till-Time,
Effective Time, Post Only, Pegged or
(B) To Brut Orders shall be executed
pursuant to the Brut Book Process as
described in Rule 4905(a).
(C) A To Brut Order to sell short shall
not be executed if the execution of such
order would violate NASD Rule 3350 or,
in the case of ITS Securities, SEC Rule
10a–1. In said circumstances, the price
of the To Brut Order shall be adjusted
to $.01 above the Nasdaq inside bid for
Nasdaq-listed securities or, in the case
of exchange-listed securities, $.01 above
the national best bid or offer, and
thereafter be processed as if a Reverse
Pegged Order.
(D) The System shall not accept To
Brut Orders that are All-or-None, or
have a minimum size of execution.
(b) Brut Cross Orders—
(1) General. A Brut Cross Order is an
order that is displayed in the System,
and is executable against marketable
contra-side orders in the System. The
order also is eligible for routing to other
market centers. If marketable upon
receipt against both orders in the
System as well as other market centers,
the order shall execute first against
System orders. With the exception of
Directed Cross Orders, once a Brut Cross
Order is routed (in whole or in part) to
another market center, any remaining
unexecuted or returned portion of the
order shall be posted in System and
shall no longer be eligible for routing to
other market centers.
(A) A Brut Cross Order shall be a limit
order, and shall indicate whether it is a
buy, short sale, short-sale exempt, or
long sale. A Brut Cross Order can be
designated as Immediate or Cancel,
End-of-Day, Good-till-Cancelled, Day,
Good-till-Cancelled Overnight, Goodtill-Time, Effective Time.
(B) A Brut Cross Order may also be
designated as an Aggressive Cross
Order. An Aggressive Cross Order is an
order that is displayed in the System
during market hours and is executable
against marketable contra-side orders in
the System. The order also is eligible for
routing to other market centers. If
marketable upon receipt against both
orders in the System as well as other
market centers, the order shall execute
first against System orders. If, after
being posted in the Brut System, and
after it has exhausted available liquidity
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 19 / Monday, January 31, 2005 / Notices
in the Brut System, the Aggressive Cross
Order has its price crossed by the
displayed quote of another market
center, the System will be routed by Brut
to that market center for potential
execution. Aggressive Cross Orders may
comply with paragraph (A) of this rule.
(C) A Brut Cross Order may also be
designated as a Super Aggressive Cross
Order. A Super Aggressive Cross Order
is an order that is displayed in the
System during market hours and is
executable against marketable contraside orders in the System. The order
also is eligible for routing to other
market centers. If marketable upon
receipt against both orders in the
System as well as other market centers,
the order shall execute first against
System orders. If, after being posted in
the Brut System, and after it has
exhausted available liquidity in the Brut
System, the Aggressive Cross Order has
its price locked or crossed by the
displayed quote of another market
center the System will be routed by Brut
to that market center for potential
(D) A Brut Cross Order may also be
designated as a Directed Cross Order. A
Directed Cross Order is an order that
entered in the System during market
hours and is executable against
marketable contra-side orders in the
System. The order also is eligible for
routing to other market centers. If, after
being processed in the Brut System and
exhausting available liquidity in the
Brut System, the order is automatically
routed by Brut to the specific market
center selected by the entering party for
potential execution. Any portion of the
Directed Cross Order that remains
unfilled after being routed to the
selected market center will be returned
to the entering party.
(E) Brut Cross Orders, including those
designated as Aggressive Cross Orders,
Super Aggressive Cross Orders and
Directed Cross Orders, shall be executed
pursuant to:
(i) The To Brut Order Process
described in Rule 4905(a) to the extent
marketable against an order resident in
the System; and
(ii) With the exception of Directed
Cross Orders, the Brut Order Routing
Process described in Rule 4905(b) to the
extent not marketable against an order
resident in the System.
(F) A Brut Cross Order, including
those designated as an Aggressive Cross
Order, Super Aggressive Cross Order
and Directed Cross Order, to sell short
shall not be executed in the System if
the execution of such order would
violate NASD Rule 3350 or, in the case
of ITS Securities, SEC Rule 10a–1. In
said circumstances, the price of the Brut
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Cross Order shall be adjusted to $.01
above the Nasdaq inside bid for Nasdaqlisted securities or, in the case of
exchange-listed securities, $.01 above
the national best bid or offer, and
thereafter be processed as if a Reverse
Pegged Order.
(c) Thru Brut Orders—
(1) General. A Thru Brut Order is an
order submitted to the System that is
designated for routing to another market
center. This order type is available for
Nasdaq-listed and Exchange-listed
securities. The following requirements
shall apply to Thru Brut Orders:
(A) A Thru Brut Order shall be a
market order or a limit order, and must
indicate whether it is a buy, short sale,
short-sale exempt, or long sale. A Thru
Brut Order can be designated as
Immediate or Cancel, End-of-Day, Goodtill-Cancelled, Day, or Good-till-Time, or
Effective Time.
(B) Thru Brut Orders do not
participate in Brut Routing Process as
described in Rule 4905(b). Instead such
orders are sent directly to the market
center selected by the entering party. If
unexecuted, the order (or unexecuted
portion thereof) shall be returned to the
entering party.
(d) Hunter Orders—
(1) General. A Hunter Order is a nondisplayed order that will execute against
trading interest in the System or another
market center. This order type is
available only for Nasdaq-listed
securities. After 6:30 p.m. Eastern Time,
Hunter Orders will execute only against
other orders in the System. The
following requirements shall apply to
Hunter Orders:
(A) A Hunter Order shall be a limit
order, and must indicate whether it is a
buy, short sale, short-sale exempt, or
long sale. A Hunter Order can be
designated as Immediate or Cancel,
End-of-Day, Good-till-Cancelled, Day, or
Good-till-Time, or Effective Time.
(B) Hunter Orders shall be executed
as follows:
(i) To the extent marketable upon
receipt against orders in the System,
pursuant to the Brut Book Process as
described in Rule 4905(a); then/or
(ii) If not marketable upon receipt
against orders in the System but
marketable against the displayed quotes
of other market centers, pursuant to the
Brut Routing Process as described in
Rule 4905(b).
(iii) If not marketable upon receipt
against any quote displayed in the
System or another market center, the
order shall be retained, but not be
displayed, in the System and shall
remain available for execution via the
Brut Book and/or Brut Routing
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Processes should the order become
(e) Entry of Agency and Principal
Orders—Participants are permitted to
submit agency, riskless principal, and
principal orders for processing in the
System. Participants shall correctly note
their capacity at the time of entry of an
order(s) into the System.
(1) Unless designated as ‘‘Agency
Away’’, no agency order shall be
executed at a price inferior to the then
current National Best Bid (for sell
orders) or Best Offer (for buy orders),
taking into account prior efforts to
execute against the bids/offers of other
market centers.
(2) Unless designated as ‘‘Principal
Inside Only’’, principal and riskless
principal orders may be executed at a
price inferior to the then current
National Best Bid (for sell orders) or
Best Offer (for buy orders).
(f) Order Size—Any order in whole
shares up to 1,000,099 shares may be
entered into the System, subject to a
dollar volume limitation of $25,000,000.
4904. Entry and Display of Orders
(a) Entry of Orders—Participants can
enter orders into the System, subject to
the following requirements and
(1) Participants shall be permitted to
transmit to the System multiple orders
at a single as well as multiple price
levels. Each order shall indicate the
amount of reserve size (if applicable).
(2) The System shall time-stamp an
order upon receipt, which time-stamp
shall determine the ranking of the order
for purposes of processing To Brut
Orders and Brut Cross Orders.
(3) Good-till-Cancelled, Day, orders
can be entered into the System (or
previously entered orders cancelled)
between the hours 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Eastern Time. Pegged, Discretionary,
Immediate-or-Cancel and End-of-Day
To Brut Orders, Good-till-Time, Goodtill-Canceled Overnight and GTX orders
can be entered into System (or
previously entered orders cancelled)
between the hours 7:30 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Eastern Time. Orders entered prior to
market open and Good-till-Time orders
carried over from previous trading days,
shall not become available for execution
until 7:30 a.m. Eastern Time. Good-tillTime orders carried over from previous
trading days with an Effective Time will
not become available for execution until
the Effective Time on all subsequent
trading days the order is held by the
(b) Display of Orders—The System
will display orders submitted to the
System as follows:
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 19 / Monday, January 31, 2005 / Notices
(1) System Book Feed—orders
resident in the System will be displayed
to Participants via the System Book
(2) Nasdaq Market Center—For each
Nasdaq Market Center eligible security,
the best priced order to buy and sell
resident in the System shall be
displayed and eligible for execution
within the Nasdaq Market Center. The
System may also provide to the Nasdaq
Market Center additional orders, up to
and including all orders in System, in
Nasdaq Market Center eligible
(3) Exceptions—The following
exceptions shall apply to the display
parameters set forth in paragraphs (1)
and (2) above:
(A) Odd-lots, Mixed Lots, and
Rounding—The System Book Feed shall
be capable of displaying trading interest
in round lot and mixed-lot amounts,
and sub-penny increments for
quotations priced under $1.00.
For Nasdaq Market Center display
purposes, the System shall aggregate all
shares, including odd-lot share
amounts, entered by Participants at a
single price level and round the total
share amount down to the nearest
round-lot amount. Any odd-lot portion
of an order that is not displayed as a
result of the rounding process shall
remain available for execution, in
accordance with the time-priority of
their original entry time. Round-lots that
are subsequently reduced by executions
to a mixed lot amount shall also be
rounded for to the nearest round-lot
amount for purposes of display in the
Nasdaq Market Center. Any odd-lot
number of shares that do not get
displayed as a result of rounding will
remain available for execution, in
accordance with the time-priority of
their original entry time.
(B) Minimum Increments and
Rounding—The minimum trading
increment for System quotations priced
$1.00 and above is $.01. For quotations
priced below $1.00 the minimum
increment is $.0001.
(i) For System display purposes,
quotations in sub-penny increments
$1.00 and above will be rounded down
(for bids) or up (for offers) by the System
to the nearest $.01 increment. Orders so
rounded shall have no superior
execution priority compared to orders
previously submitted at the relevant
$.01 increment.
(ii) For Nasdaq Market Center display
purposes, any quotations in sub-penny
increments shall be rounded down (for
bids) and up (for offers) to the nearest
$.01 increment. Sub-penny quotations
that are rounded for display purposes
shall be executed at their actual price,
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rather than the rounded price at which
they are displayed.
(C) Reserve Size—Reserve Size shall
not be displayed in the System, but shall
be accessible as described in Rule 4905.
(D) Discretionary & Hunter Orders—
Hunter Orders, and the discretionary
portion of Discretionary Orders shall be
available for execution only upon the
appearance of contra-side marketable
trading interest, and shall be executed
pursuant to Rule 4905.
4905. Order Processing
(a) Brut Book Order Process
Orders subject to the Brut Book Order
Process shall be executed as follows:
(1) Default Execution Algorithm—
Price/Time—The System shall execute
interest within the System in price/time
priority in the following order:
(A) Displayed Orders;
(B) Reserve Size;
(C) Discretionary Orders within the
Discretionary Order’s discretionary
price range; and
(D) Hunter Orders.
(2) Decrementation—Upon execution,
an order shall be reduced by an amount
equal to the size of that execution. In
the case of orders that have both a
displayed and reserve share component,
share amounts shall be reduced starting
first with their reserve portions.
(3) Processing of Locking/Crossing
Orders: If during market hours, a
Participant enters a To Brut order that
will lock/cross the market (as defined in
NASD Rule 4613(e) or in NASD Rule
5263(a) or (b)), the System shall adjust
the price of the order to $.01 less than
the current best bid quotation (for buy
orders) or $.01 more than the current
best offer quotation (for sell orders) and
thereafter be processed as a Reverse
Pegged Order.
(4) Processing of Directed, Aggressive
and Super Aggressive Cross Orders—
The System shall process crossed
Directed and Aggressive Cross Orders,
and locked or crossed Super Aggressive
Cross Orders as follows:
(A) Displayed orders which are
designated as ‘‘Directed Cross Orders’’
by a Participant shall be routed to the
market center selected by the entering
party for potential execution by the
System. This order type is available
Nasdaq-listed and Exchange-listed
(B) Displayed orders which are
designated as ‘‘Aggressive Cross Orders’’
by a Participant that are subsequently
crossed by the displayed quotation of
another market center shall be executed
pursuant to the Brut Order Routing
Process upon being so crossed. This
order type is available for Nasdaq-listed
and Exchange-listed securities.
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(C) Displayed orders which are
designated as ‘‘Super Aggressive Cross
Orders’’ by a Participant that are
subsequently locked or crossed by the
displayed quotation of another market
center shall be executed pursuant to the
Brut Order Routing Process upon being
so locked or crossed. This order type is
available for Nasdaq-listed and
Exchange-listed securities.
(b) Brut Order Routing Process
(1) The Brut Order Routing Process
shall be available to Participants from
7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Eastern Time, and
shall route orders in accordance with
parameters described in Rule 4903 for a
particular order type.
(2) With the exception of Thru Brut
and Directed Cross Orders that
specifically direct which market center
an order is to be routed, orders routed
out of the Brut System to other market
centers for potential execution are
generally delivered to other market
centers in price/size priority. If the
routed order is smaller in size than the
total combined displayed share
amounts of accessible market centers at
the best price level, the Brut System
delivers the routed order to the available
market centers in price/size priority. If
the routed order is larger than the total
combined displayed share amounts of
accessible market centers at the best
price level, the Brut System delivers
over-sized orders to each displayed
market center’s quote in proportion to
the individual market’s center share of
that total displayed share amount.
(3) In the event an order routed to
another market center is not executed in
its entirety, the remaining portion of the
order shall be returned to the System
and, if upon return the order is
marketable against a System order then
priced at the NBBO, it will be subjected
to Brut Book Process prior to any further
(4) An order that has been routed to
another market shall have no time
standing in the System execution queue
relative to other orders in the System. A
request from a Participant to cancel an
order while it is outside the System shall
be processed subject to the applicable
rules of the market center to which the
order has been routed.
4906. Clearance and Settlement
All transactions executed in, or
reported through, System shall be
cleared and settled by and between the
System Participant and Brut, through a
registered clearing agency using a
continuous net settlement system.
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 19 / Monday, January 31, 2005 / Notices
4907. Obligation To Honor System
(a) If a Participant, or clearing
member acting on a Participant’s behalf,
is reported by the System, or shown by
the activity reports generated by the
System, as constituting a side of a
System trade, such Participant, or
clearing member acting on its behalf,
shall honor such trade on the scheduled
settlement date.
(b) Brut and/or Nasdaq shall have no
liability if a Participant, or a clearing
member acting on the Participant’s
behalf, fails to satisfy the obligations in
paragraph (a).
4908. Compliance With Rules and
Registration Requirements
(a) Failure by a Participant to comply
with any of the rules or registration
requirements applicable to the System
identified herein shall subject such
Participant to censure, fine, suspension
or revocation of its registration a
Participant or any other fitting penalty
under the Rules of the Association.
(b) If a Participant fails to maintain a
clearing relationship to honor its
obligations under Rule 4906, it shall
have its access to the System restricted
until such time as a clearing
arrangement is reestablished.
(c) The authority and procedures
contained in paragraph (b) do not
otherwise limit the Association’s
authority, contained in other provisions
of the Association’s Rules, to enforce its
rules or impose any fitting sanction.
4909. Adjustment of Open Orders
Except when a cash dividend or
distribution is less than one cent ($0.01),
on the ex-date of a corporate action, the
System shall automatically adjust the
price and/or size of Good-till-Cancelled
Overnight orders resident in the System
in response to issuer corporate actions
related to a cash dividend as follows:
(a) Sell Orders—Sell orders shall not
be adjusted by the System and must be
modified, if desired, by the entering
(b) Buy Orders—Buy orders shall be
reduced by the dividend amount. To the
extent that the dividend includes a subpenny increment, the order will be
displayed and processed as set forth in
Rule 4904(b)(3)(B). Open buy and sell
orders that are adjusted by the System
pursuant to the above rules, and that
thereafter continuously remain in the
System, shall retain the time priority of
their original entry.
4910. Anonymity
(a) Transactions executed in the
System shall be cleared and settled with
Brut. The transaction reports produced
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by the System will indicate the details
of the transactions, and shall not reveal
contra party identities other than Brut.
(b) Brut shall reveal a member’s
identity in the following circumstances:
(1) When the National Securities
Clearing Corporation (‘‘NSCC’’) ceases
to act for a member, or the member’s
clearing firm, and NSCC determines not
to guarantee the settlement of the
member’s trades;
(2) For regulatory purposes or to
comply with an order of an arbitrator or
4911. Clearly Erroneous Transactions
All matters related to clearly
erroneous transactions executed in the
System shall be initiated and
adjudicated pursuant to NASD Rule
[4912. Minimum Quotation Increment
The minimum quotation increment in
the BRUT ECN System for quotations of
$1.00 or above in Nasdaq-listed
securities and in securities listed on a
national securities exchange shall be
$0.01. The minimum quotation
increment in the BRUT ECN System for
quotations below $1.00 in Nasdaq-listed
securities and in securities listed on a
national securities exchange shall be
4912. Normal Business Hours
The Brut System operates from 6:30
a.m. to 8 p.m. Eastern Time on each
business day.
4913. Limitation of Liability
The Association and its subsidiaries,
as well as Nasdaq and Brut and their
subsidiaries, shall not be liable for any
losses, damages, or other claims arising
out of the System or its use. Any losses,
damages, or other claims, related to a
failure of the System to deliver, display,
transmit, execute, compare, submit for
clearance and settlement, adjust, retain
priority for, or otherwise correctly
process an order, Quote/Order, message,
or other data entered into, or created by,
the System shall be absorbed by the
member, or the member sponsoring the
customer, that entered the order, Quote/
Order, message, or other data into the
II. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
Statement of the Purpose of, and
Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule
In its filing with the Commission,
Nasdaq included statements concerning
the purpose of, and basis for, the
proposed rule change and discussed any
comments it received on the proposed
rule change, as amended. The text of
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these statements may be examined at
the places specified in Item IV below.
Nasdaq has prepared summaries, set
forth in Sections A, B, and C below, of
the most significant aspects of such
A. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
Statement of the Purpose of, and
Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule
1. Purpose
On September 7, 2004, Nasdaq
completed its purchase of Brut, LLC
(‘‘Brut’’), a registered broker-dealer and
member of the NASD, and operator of
the Brut ECN (the ‘‘Brut System’’ or
‘‘System’’).4 According to Nasdaq, as a
member of the NASD, Brut remains
subject to all NASD rules applicable to
its activities as a broker-dealer,
including those requiring its
participation in market surveillance and
audit trail programs conducted by
Nasdaq and the NASD. Nasdaq states
that, as an ECN, Brut participates in the
Nasdaq Market Center system as an
Order-Delivery ECN pursuant to the
NASD Rule 4700 Series, and as an ITS
Market Maker pursuant to the NASD
Rule 5200 Series. Brut continues to act
as a counter-party to all trades taking
place in its system, for anonymity as
well as clearance and settlement
purposes. Brut also continues to provide
outbound order routing services to other
market centers for its subscribers.
According to Nasdaq, to meet its limit
order display obligations, Brut currently
provides the Nasdaq Market Center its
best single ‘‘top-of-file’’ priced orders in
individual securities Brut has within the
Nasdaq states that, once purchased by
Nasdaq, the Brut System became a
‘‘facility’’ of a national securities
association subject to the standards set
forth in Sections 15A and 19(b)(1) of the
Exchange Act.5 As such, Nasdaq is
obligated to file with the Commission
rules to govern the operation of the Brut
System. This filing is intended to meet
that obligation and includes a
description of the Brut System, its
4 Nasdaq owns Brut via Nasdaq’s 100%
ownership interest in Toll Associates LLC. Toll
Associates LLC, in turn, owns 99.78% Brut LLC and
100% of Brut Inc., which owns the remaining
0.22% of Brut LLC. Both Toll Associates LLC and
Brut Inc. conduct no business other than serving as
holding entities for their respective ownership
interests in Brut LLC, the entity that operates the
Brut ECN.
5 Nasdaq currently operates Brut pursuant to a
Temporary Conditional Exemption from Rule 19(b)
of the Exchange Act issued by the Commission. See
Exchange Act Release No. 50311 (September 3,
2004), 69 FR 54818 (September 10, 2004).
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 19 / Monday, January 31, 2005 / Notices
rounded price at which they are
various features, order processing
method, and a proposed set of Brut
System rules.
The Brut System
1. Order Display/Matching System
The Brut System allows subscribers to
enter market and priced limit orders to
buy and sell Nasdaq and Exchangelisted securities. Such orders may be in
round-lots, mixed-lots, or odd-lots of
any size up to 1,000,099 shares up to a
maximum single order dollar cap
amount of $25,000,000, and may be
entered on a principal, riskless
principal, or agency basis. Nasdaq states
that Brut acts only as an agent on behalf
of its subscribers and engages in no
proprietary trading save that necessary
to correct system errors. Subscribers
may enter multiple orders at single or
multiple price levels. Subscribers have
the option to have a portion of their
order held in reserve and not displayed
to the marketplace. Brut, in turn, makes
available to System subscribers and
market data vendors a data feed of all
displayable orders on both the bid and
offer side of the market (excluding
reserve size share amounts) for all price
levels at which shares are available
within its System. According to Nasdaq,
to the extent that Brut displays orders in
the Nasdaq Market Center, those orders
are displayed under the same terms and
conditions generally applicable to
Nasdaq Quoting Market Participants,
including the rounding and aggregation
procedures contained in NASD Rule
4707. Although Brut currently provides
only its best top-of-file prices to the
Nasdaq Market Center, Nasdaq proposes
that Brut be given the option to provide
the Nasdaq Market Center additional
orders at other price levels, up to and
including Brut’s full depth-of-book, so
that Nasdaq Market Center users may
have the full benefit of Brut’s liquidity.
Brut also currently accepts sub-penny
amounts for orders priced under $1.00
a share. Nasdaq states that, for orders
priced $1.00 a share and above, Brut
accept orders only in penny
increments.6 Sub-penny order prices are
viewable by System subscribers. If a
sub-penny order is required to be
displayed via the Nasdaq Market Center,
the Brut system rounds such orders
down (for bids) or up (for offers) to the
nearest $.01 increment. Sub-penny
orders executed via the Nasdaq Market
Center, however, will be executed at
their actual price, rather than the
6 See
Securities Exchange Act Release No. 50956
(January 3, 2005), 70 FR 1746 (January 10, 2005)
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2. Access Standards
According to Nasdaq, to obtain access
to the Brut System as a system
participant, a user must execute a Brut
subscriber agreement and be a
participant in, or have an access
arrangement with a participant in, a
Commission-registered clearing agency.
In addition, the Brut subscriber must
also agree to:
a. Comply with all applicable rules of
the NASD and the Commission; and
b. Accept all Brut System trades
identified by the System as being
effected by the subscriber.
Broker-dealers may also access
System orders through the Nasdaq
Market Center, regardless of their status
as a system participant as described
above, provided they have met the
conditions for access to the Nasdaq
Market Center.
3. Order Types
The Brut System makes available to
subscribers several order types. These
order types are described below.
Limit Order—an order to buy or sell
a stock at a specified price or better.
This order type is available for Nasdaqlisted and Exchange-listed securities.
Market Order—an un-priced order to
buy or sell a stock at the market’s
current best price. A market order may
have a limit price beyond which the
order shall not be executed. This order
type is available for Nasdaq-listed and
Exchange-listed securities.
Agency Away Order—an agency order
that is designated by the entering party
as eligible for execution at a price
inferior to the then-current national best
bid/offer. This order type is available for
Nasdaq-listed securities.
Principal Inside Only Order—a
principal order that is designated by the
party as only eligible for execution at a
price equal or better than the thencurrent national best bid/offer. This
order type is available for Nasdaq-listed
and Exchange-listed securities.
Brut Cross Order—an order that is
displayed in Brut and executable against
marketable contra-side orders in any
market center, including the Brut
System, at the time of receipt. If equallypriced executable orders are available
both in Brut and another market center,
the order will first execute against Brut
System orders. Once a Brut Cross Order
is routed out in whole or in part to
another market center, any remaining
7 This filing relocates the standards governing the
Brut System’s acceptance and processing of subpenny orders from current NASD Rule 4912 to
proposed NASD Rule 4904(b)(3)(B).
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unexecuted or returned portion of the
order will be posted in the Brut System
and will no longer be routed out for
potential execution, unless the order is
designated as an Aggressive Cross Order
or Super Aggressive Cross Order. This
order type is available for Nasdaq-listed
and Exchange-listed securities.
The market is 10.00 bid—10.01 offer.
Brut receives a Brut Cross sell order,
priced at 10.00.
Brut will route this order out to any
crossing market center for potential
execution.8 If the routed order is only
partially executed, the outstanding
shares remaining will be posted in the
Brut book on the offer at 10.00. Once
posted, the order will no longer be
routed out for execution.
Directed Cross Order—an order that
if, after entry into the Brut System and
after it has exhausted available liquidity
in the Brut System is routed by Brut to
that specific market center for potential
execution. This order type is available
for Nasdaq-listed and Exchange-listed
The market is 10.00 bid—10.01 offer.
Brut receives a Directed Cross sell
order, priced at 10.00 and directed to
Market Center A.
After checking the Brut system for
available liquidity, the system will route
this order to Market Center A for
potential execution. If the routed order
is only partially executed, the
outstanding shares are returned to the
entering party.
Aggressive Cross Order—a Brut Cross
Order that if, after being posted in the
Brut System and after it has exhausted
available liquidity in the Brut System,
has its price crossed by the displayed
quote of another market center is routed
by Brut to that market center for
potential execution. This order type is
available for Nasdaq-listed and
Exchange-listed securities.
The market is 10.00 bid—10.01 offer.
Brut receives an Aggressive Cross sell
order, priced at 10.01.
Brut will first post this order on the
offer at 10.01. Soon thereafter, another
market center posts a bid price at 10.02.
Since this 10.02 price is marketable
against the Aggressive Cross Order’s
limit price of 10.01, the order will be
routed out by Brut to the other market
center for execution. If the liquidity
priced at 10.02 is depleted, and the
Aggressive Cross Order still has
outstanding shares remaining, the order
8 For all order type examples, the term ‘‘market
center’’ refers to any trading venue other than Brut,
including the Nasdaq Market Center.
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 19 / Monday, January 31, 2005 / Notices
will be re-posted in the Brut book at its
price of 10.01. If the price of returned
shares is again crossed, the shares will
again be routed for potential execution.
Super Aggressive Cross Order—a Brut
Cross Order that, if after being posted in
the Brut System, has its price locked or
crossed by the displayed quote of
another market center, is routed by Brut
for potential execution. This order type
is available for Nasdaq-listed and
Exchange-listed securities.
The market is 10.00 bid—10.01 offer
Brut receives a Super Aggressive
Cross sell order, priced at 10.01.
Brut will first post this order on the
offer at 10.01. Soon thereafter, another
market center posts a bid price at 10.01.
Since this 10.01 price is equal to the
Super Aggressive Cross Order’s limit
price of 10.01, the order will be routed
out by Brut to the other market center
for execution. If the liquidity priced at
10.01 is depleted, and the Super
Aggressive Cross Order still has shares
remaining, the order will be re-posted in
the Brut book at its price of 10.01. This
same process would be followed if the
other market center had posted a price
that crossed the Super Aggressive Cross
Order. If the price of returned shares is
again locked or crossed, the shares will
again be routed for potential execution.
Thru Brut Order—an order that is
directed to a market center other than
Brut for execution. This order type is
available for Nasdaq-listed and
Exchange-listed securities.
To Brut Order—an order eligible for
execution upon receipt solely against
Brut System orders, and displayed in
the System to the extent the order
cannot be executed upon receipt. This
order type is available for Nasdaq-listed
and Exchange-listed securities.
Hunter Order—an order that is not
displayed in the System, but will
execute against available trading interest
residing in the Brut System or another
market center. This order type is
available for Nasdaq-listed and
Exchange-listed securities.
The market is 10.00 bid—10.02 offer.
Brut receives a Hunter Order to buy,
priced at 10.01.
Since there is no liquidity at the 10.01
price, Brut will hold the order
undisplayed until marketable trading
interest is available. If thereafter an offer
is posted at 10.01 either in Brut or in
another market center Brut will execute
or route the Hunter Order to access that
liquidity. Any unexecuted shares will
remain/return to the book and wait
undisplayed until another order is
marketable against the Hunter Order or
the Hunter Order times out. If the
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returned shares of the Hunter Order
again become marketable, the shares
will again be routed for potential
Pegged Order—a To Brut limit order
that, after entry, has its price
automatically adjusted by the System in
response to changes in the Nasdaq
Market Center (for Nasdaq-listed
securities) or national best bid or offer
(for Exchange-listed securities), as
appropriate. Pegged Orders can specify
that its price will either equal the inside
quote on the same side of the market or
improves the inside quote by an amount
set by the entering party (a ‘‘Regular
Pegged Order’’), or a price that is offset
from the inside quote on the contra side
of the market by an amount (the ‘‘Offset
Amount’’) set by the entering party (e.g.,
$0.01 less than the inside offer or $0.02
more than the inside bid) (a ‘‘Reverse
Pegged Order’’). The Pegged Order only
moves towards, or up to, the best price
as appropriate. The entering party may
voluntarily specify a limit price at
which pegging price changes of the
order will stop and the order will be
permanently converted into an unpegged limit order at the limit price.
This order type is available for Nasdaqlisted and Exchange-listed securities.
Pegged orders may not be combined
with other order processing
The market is 10.00 bid—10.01 offer.
Brut receives a Regular Pegged buy
order, with a peg limit of 10.05.
Brut will post the order at 10.00. If the
inside bid moves to 10.01, Brut will
move the Pegged Order also to the 10.01
bid price. This process will continue
until the order is executed or its price
reaches the peg limit of 10.05.
Discretionary Order—an order that
has both a displayed price, as well as a
non-displayed discretionary price range
and size (which shall be equal to or less
than the order’s reserve size) in which
the entering party, if necessary, is also
willing to buy or sell. This order type
is available for Nasdaq-listed and
Exchange-listed securities.
The market is 10.00 bid—10.50 offer.
Brut receives a Discretionary buy
order, with a limit price of 10.00 and a
display quantity of 200 shares, a
discretion price of 10.25 and a
discretion quantity of 1,000 shares.
Brut posts the order at 10.00.
Thereafter, another market participant
posts an offer for 1,000 shares at 10.20.
Since this is within the Discretionary
Order’s price range, Brut will route the
full discretion quantity (i.e., 1,000
shares) for potential execution while the
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displayed portion remains in the Brut
Post Only Order—a To Brut Limit
Order that, if marketable upon receipt
against an order then-displayed in the
System, is rejected and returned to the
entering party. If the order is marketable
against a quote displayed outside of
Brut, the price of the order is adjusted
to a price $0.01 inferior to the best bid
(or offer, as appropriate) then displayed
in the Nasdaq Market Center, and then
displayed in Brut. This order type is
available for Nasdaq-listed and
Exchange-listed securities.
The market is at 10.00 bid—10.01
offer. Brut is at the 10.00 bid.
Brut receives Post-Only sell order,
priced at 10.00.
Normally, this order would execute
against the Brut 10.00 bid, but since the
order is post-only, the order is rejected
back to the entering party. Had the 10.00
bid not been in Brut but another venue,
Brut would not reject the order but
instead adjust the order’s price and post
it in the Brut System.
4. Time in Force Designations
Orders entered into the Brut System
may be designated by the entering party
to remain in force and available for
display and/or potential execution for
varying periods of time. Unless
cancelled earlier, once these time
periods expire, the order (or the
unexecuted portion thereof) is returned
to the entering party. These ‘‘time in
force’’ designations are described below:
Immediate or Cancel (IOC)—limit
orders with this designation are
returned to the sender if not
immediately executed. If partially
executed, un-executed remainders of
these orders are returned immediately to
the entering party.
Good-till-Canceled (GTC)—orders
with this designation (or the unexecuted
portions of such orders) are held by the
Brut System and remain available for
potential display/execution until 4 p.m.
Eastern Time on the day they are
submitted unless cancelled before then
by the entering party.9
Day (DAY)—orders with this
designation (or the unexecuted portions
of such orders) are held by the Brut
System and remain available for
potential display/execution until 4 p.m.
Eastern Time on the day they are
submitted unless cancelled before then
by the entering party. This is the default
9 Currently, the Brut System processes orders
designated as GTC and Day in the exact same
manner. In the near future, Nasdaq states that Brut
will modify the names of its order types to
eliminate this duplication.
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 19 / Monday, January 31, 2005 / Notices
time in force where none is provided by
the entering party.
(GTCO)—orders with this designation
(or the unexecuted portions of such
orders) are treated like GTC orders, but
are held by the Brut System overnight
and remain available for potential
display/execution until 4 p.m. of a date
provided by the entering party, or
indefinitely, unless and until cancelled
by the entering party. GTCO orders are
not eligible for execution between 4
p.m. and 8 p.m. Eastern Time.
End-of-Day (GTX)—orders with this
designation (or the unexecuted portions
of such orders) are held by the Brut
System and remain available for
potential display/execution until 8 p.m.
Eastern Time on the day they are
submitted unless cancelled before then
by the entering party.
Good-till-Time (GTT)—orders with
this designation (or the unexecuted
portions of such orders) are held by the
Brut System and remain available for
potential display/execution until the
time designated by the entering party.
This time may be a relative time (e.g.,
30 minutes after receipt) or an actual
time (e.g., 2 p.m.).
Effective Time (EFT)—orders with
this designation (or the unexecuted
portions of such orders) are held by the
Brut System and only become available
for potential display/execution at an
actual time during the trading day
selected by entering party (e.g., 3 p.m.).
Nasdaq states that the Brut System
normally operates between the hours of
6:30 a.m. and 8 p.m. Eastern Time.
Orders with the above time in force
designations may be entered into the
Brut System, or previously entered
orders cancelled, starting at 6:30 a.m.
Eastern Time. With the exception of the
GTC and DAY designations, which may
only be entered until 4 p.m. Eastern
Time, all time in force designations may
be entered into Brut until 8 p.m. Eastern
Time. Though the entry of various time
in force designations is permitted
throughout the System’s hours of
operation, the Brut System will not
execute an order in contravention of the
time in force period selected by the
entering party, and instead will hold all
such entries until they can be processed
in conformity with the time in force
parameters selected upon entry.
5. Routing
The Brut System provides the
capability to route orders to other
available market centers between the
hours of 7:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Eastern
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Time.10 The entering party designates,
through the order type it selects (e.g.,
Thru Brut, Brut Cross, Aggressive Cross,
Super Aggressive Cross, Directed Cross,
or Hunter), whether the System should
first seek to execute the order against
contra-side marketable orders in the
System prior to routing. Nasdaq states
that in no event, however, does the
router give an order to a market center
displaying an inferior-priced order until
the router has attempted to access
better-priced displayed orders in that or
other market centers.11
According to Nasdaq, with the
exception of Thru Brut and Directed
Cross Orders that specifically direct
which market center an order is to be
routed, orders routed out of the Brut
System to other market centers for
potential execution are generally
delivered to other market centers in
price/size priority. If the Nasdaq Market
Center has displayed shares at the best
price level, the System will first deliver
to the displayed Nasdaq Market Center
quote/order before routing to other
market centers. If the routed order is
smaller in size than the total combined
displayed share amounts of accessible
market centers at the best price level,
the Brut System delivers the routed
order to the available market centers in
price/size priority. If the routed order is
larger than the total combined displayed
share amounts of accessible market
centers at the best price level, the Brut
System delivers over-sized orders to
each displayed market center’s quote in
proportion to the individual market’s
center share of that total displayed share
amount. For example, if Market Center
A is showing 60% of the total amount
of displayed shares across all markets at
the best price level, and Brut has a
routable order greater in size than the
total displayed share amount across all
markets, Brut will send an oversized
order to Market Center A representing
60% of the total amount of shares Brut
is attempting to execute via the routed
order. The other market centers at that
price will likewise receive oversized
orders in proportion to their displayed
Nasdaq states that orders routed by
Brut to another market do not retain
time priority with respect to other
orders in Brut’s System and Brut
continues to execute other orders while
the routed order is away at another
market. Once routed by Brut, an order
becomes subject to the rules and
procedures of the destination market
including, but not limited to, short-sale
regulation and order cancellation.
10 Nasdaq states that Brut routes to other market
centers trading Nasdaq securities as well as to
National Securities Exchanges, including the
American and New York stock exchanges and other
regional stock exchanges using the Intermarket
Trading System (‘‘ITS’’). Access to the New York
Stock Exchange’s DOT system is currently provided
to Brut through an agreement with NYSE-member
SunGuard Global Execution Services. As part of this
access arrangement, Brut allows subscribers to send
orders for immediate pass-through to SunGuard and
then to DOT, including market on open/close and
limit on open/close orders and orders with the fillor-kill and all-or-none share amount designations.
11 According to Nasdaq, use of the Brut router is
voluntary. Users can select, by the type of order
entered, if they want the Brut System to route their
order to another market center for potential
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6. Execution Algorithm
Nasdaq states that the Brut System
has an execution algorithm of price/time
priority. For each order, among equallypriced trading interest, the System
executes against available contra-side
displayed share amounts in full, in
price/time priority, before then moving
to reserve shares which are likewise
executed in price/time priority. After
display and reserve size are exhausted
at a particular price level, the Brut
System will then access, if available,
share amounts of Discretionary Orders
within the Discretionary Order’s
discretionary price range at that same
price level, followed by executable
Hunter Orders before moving on to the
next price level.
For example, assume the following
orders in particular security at the best
price level in System:
2 p.m.—Order #1 BUY 100 at 20.00 (100
displayed, 0 reserved).
2:02 p.m.—Order #2 BUY 2,500 at 20.00
(1,500 displayed, 1,000 reserved).
2:03 p.m.—Order #3 BUY 1,000 at 20.00
(discretion to 20.07) (500 displayed,
500 reserved).
2:04 p.m.—Order #4 BUY 400 at 20.00
(Hunter Order) (0 displayed, 400
2:05 p.m.—Order #5 BUY 500 at 20.00
(200 displayed, 300 reserved).
Thereafter, the system receives a
10,000 share To Brut limit order to sell
at 19.99.
In the above situation, the System will
match Order #1 for 100 shares, then
match the 1,500 share displayed portion
of Order #2, followed by the 500 share
displayed portion of Order #3, and
finally the 200 share displayed portion
of Order #5 for a total of 2,300 shares.
Since 7,700 shares are still needed to fill
the market sell order in full, the system
will then match the 1,000 share reserve
amount of Order #2, and then 500 share
displayed portion of Order #3, followed
next by the 300 share reserve amount of
Order #5.
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 19 / Monday, January 31, 2005 / Notices
Having determined which orders are
eligible for execution via the matching
process, the Brut System then proceeds
to decrement (reduce) share amounts
from those orders. These share amounts
are decremented from the matched
orders starting with reserve size of the
orders, if any.12 (Order #1—no reserve,
100 shares display portion decremented
in full; Order #2—1,000 shares reserve
decremented followed by 500 shares of
displayed 1,500 shares, leaving 1,000
shares displayed; Order # 3—500 shares
(discretionary amount treated as reserve
= 500 executed, 500 share displayed
portion remains); Order #5—300 shares
reserve decremented by 200 shares,
leaving 300 shares). Finally, the System
will execute the 400 share Hunter Order
#4. Having exhausted all trading interest
at the best price level in the system, the
order would then move on to seek
additional shares at the next price level
in the System.
7. Clearly Erroneous Trade Procedures
According to Nasdaq, Brut adjudicates
clearly erroneous trade disputes for
executions taking place exclusively
within its System. While generally
reviewing clearly erroneous trade claims
in response to subscriber requests, Brut
reserves the right to take action on its
own initiative if it determines that a
trade is clearly erroneous and needs to
be modified or cancelled. Nasdaq states
that, in the normal course, Brut limits
its clearly erroneous review to only
those Brut System trades that execute at
prices that are a certain percentage or
raw dollar price away from the National
Best Bid/Offer at the time of execution.
These parameters, which vary based on
the execution price of the asserted
clearly erroneous trade, are summarized
Execution price
$.01–$.99 ...........................
$1–$19.99 ..........................
$20 and above ...................
Range away
from the NBBO
1 Point.
According to Nasdaq, if a Brut-only
trade satisfies the above, Brut considers
the trade potentially erroneous and
conducts a facts and circumstances
analysis to determine what, if any,
action should be taken. In addition to
the individual facts and circumstances
of the trade, Brut also considers other
12 This decrementation process differs from that
of the Nasdaq Market Center, which decrements
shares directly from the matched portion of quotes/
orders and then refreshes those matched portions
from any remaining reserve share amounts. See
NASD Rule 4710.
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factors in evaluating clearly erroneous
trade claims including: If the trade
created a new high or low in the stock;
if the trade consisted of an excessive
number of shares; if the trade took place
in close proximity to news released on
the security; if the trade took place
during a locked or crossed market or
during a period of extreme volatility; if
the trade took place before or after
normal market hours; if the trade took
place in close proximity to halt and
subsequent resumed trading in the
security; how soon after the trade the
subscriber notified Brut of the
potentially erroneous trade; and if the
trade or trades at issue involves a
security whose issuer was recently
Nasdaq states that, while Brut follows
the above procedures today, when Brut
operates pursuant to rules approved by
the Commission, Brut will automatically
cease operating an independent clearly
erroneous review process and instead
trades taking place in its System will
immediately become subject to NASD
Rule 11890 that already governs trades
in the Nasdaq Market Center and grants
authority to designated Nasdaq officers
‘‘to review any transaction arising out of
the use or operation of any execution or
communication System owned or
operated by Nasdaq and approved by
the Commission, * * *’’ 13
8. Other System Features and Standards
As part of the proposed set of rules
governing its Brut Facility, Nasdaq is
also proposing to codify current Brut
system functions and, where
appropriate, establish similar standards
regarding operational issues between
the Nasdaq Market Center and Brut. For
example, Nasdaq is proposing that the
Brut System have a limitation of
liability rule substantially similar to that
already in place for the Nasdaq Market
Center.14 Nasdaq is also proposing that
the Brut system adjust open orders in its
system in a manner substantially similar
to the way they are adjusted in the
Nasdaq Market Center,15 as well
codifying standards regarding the
obligation of users to honor system
trades,16 and the removal of users for
failing to maintain a required clearing
13 See NASD Rule 11890(a)–(b) and proposed
NASD Rule 4911. Telephone conversation between
Thomas Moran, Associate General Counsel, Nasdaq,
and David Liu, Attorney, Division of Market
Regulation, Commission, on January 25, 2005.
14 See NASD Rule 4705(h).
15 See proposed NASD Rule 4909.
16 See proposed NASD Rule 4907.
17 See proposed NASD Rules 4908.
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9. Brut/Nasdaq Integration Plan
Though now sharing common
ownership, Brut and Nasdaq currently
operate separate order display and
execution systems. With respect to the
processing of quotes/orders, Nasdaq
states that the interaction between the
entities is limited to Brut participating
in the Nasdaq Market Center as a
Nasdaq Order-Delivery ECN pursuant to
the NASD Rule 4700 Series and as an
ITS Market Maker pursuant to NASD
Rule 5200 Series. In these capacities
Brut provides the Nasdaq Market Center
its best single ‘‘top-of-file’’ price orders
in individual securities Brut has within
the System.
Nasdaq states that its goal is to
increase the scope and quality of the
interaction between its two systems to
ensure that the users of either the
Nasdaq Market Center or Brut have
access to the best-priced orders in both
systems. According to Nasdaq, as
currently contemplated and proposed in
this filing, Nasdaq’s first step in
integrating Brut’s System and its orders
more closely into the Nasdaq Market
Center will be to have Brut provide its
full depth of its order book to the
Nasdaq Market Center. In addition, Brut
will connect to the Nasdaq Market
Center using a dedicated direct
voluntary linkage that Nasdaq makes
available to any Nasdaq Order-Delivery
ECN that wants it.
Nasdaq states that its long-term vision
is to have Brut and Nasdaq unified in
a single technology platform that will
further enhance execution quality for
system users. Nasdaq currently
contemplates using the Brut brokerdealer in a manner ancillary to the
market execution system as an
outbound access broker dealer to other
market centers.
2. Statutory Basis
Nasdaq believes that the proposed
rule change, as amended, is consistent
with section 15A of the Act,18 in
general, and furthers the objectives of
section 15A(b)(6),19 in particular, in that
it is designed to prevent fraudulent and
manipulative acts and practices, to
promote just and equitable principles of
trade, to remove impediments to and
perfect the mechanism of a free and
open market and a national market
system, and, in general, to protect
investors and the public interest.
B. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
Statement on Burden on Competition
Nasdaq does not believe that the
proposed rule change, as amended, will
18 15
19 15
U.S.C. 78o–3.
U.S.C. 78o–3(b)(6).
Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 19 / Monday, January 31, 2005 / Notices
impose any burden on competition that
is not necessary or appropriate in
furtherance of the purposes of the Act.
C. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
Statement on Comments on the
Proposed Rule Change Received From
Members, Participants, or Others
No written comments were either
solicited or received.
III. Date of Effectiveness of the
Proposed Rule Change and Timing for
Commission Action
Within 35 days of the date of
publication of this notice in the Federal
Register or within such longer period (i)
as the Commission may designate up to
90 days of such date if it finds such
longer period to be appropriate and
publishes its reasons for so finding, or
(ii) as to which Nasdaq consents, the
Commission will:
(A) By order approve such proposed
rule change, as amended; or
(B) Institute proceedings to determine
whether the proposed rule change
should be disapproved.
proposed rule change between the
Commission and any person, other than
those that may be withheld from the
public in accordance with the
provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be
available for inspection and copying in
the Commission’s Public Reference
Room. Copies of such filing also will be
available for inspection and copying at
the principal office of Nasdaq. All
comments received will be posted
without change; the Commission does
not edit personal identifying
information from submissions. You
should submit only information that
you wish to make available publicly. All
submissions should refer to File
Number SR-NASD–2004–173 and
should be submitted on or before
February 22, 2005.
For the Commission, by the Division of
Market Regulation, pursuant to delegated
Margaret H. McFarland,
Deputy Secretary.
[FR Doc. 05–1697 Filed 1–28–05; 8:45 am]
IV. Solicitation of Comments
Interested persons are invited to
submit written data, views, and
arguments concerning the foregoing,
including whether the proposed rule
change is consistent with the Act.
Comments may be submitted by any of
the following methods:
[Release No. 34–51071; File No. SR-Phlx2005–05]
• Use the Commission’s Internet
comment form (
rules/sro.shtml); or
• Send an e-mail to Please include File
Number SR–NASD–2004–173 on the
subject line.
Self-Regulatory Organizations;
Philadelphia Stock Exchange, Inc.;
Notice of Filing and Order Granting
Accelerated Approval to a Proposed
Rule Change to Increase Position
Limits and Exercise Limits for Options
on Standard and Poor’s Depositary
Receipts (SPDRs)
Paper Comments
January 21, 2005.
• Send paper comments in triplicate
to Jonathan G. Katz, Secretary,
Securities and Exchange Commission,
450 Fifth Street, NW., Washington, DC
All submissions should refer to File
Number SR–NASD–2004–173. This file
number should be included on the
subject line if e-mail is used. To help the
Commission process and review your
comments more efficiently, please use
only one method. The Commission will
post all comments on the Commission’s
Internet Web site (
rules/sro.shtml). Copies of the
submission, all subsequent
amendments, all written statements
with respect to the proposed rule
change that are filed with the
Commission, and all written
communications relating to the
Pursuant to section 19(b)(1) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934
(‘‘Act’’) 1 and Rule 19b-4 thereunder,2
notice is hereby given that on January
19, 2005, the Philadelphia Stock
Exchange, Inc., (‘‘Phlx’’ or ‘‘Exchange’’)
filed with the Securities and Exchange
Commission (‘‘Commission’’) the
proposed rule change as described in
Items I and II below, which Items have
been prepared by the Exchange. The
Commission is publishing this notice to
solicit comments on the proposed rule
change from interested persons. In
addition, the Commission is granting
accelerated approval of the proposed
rule change.
Electronic Comments
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20 17
CFR 200.30–3(a)(12).
U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).
2 17 CFR 240.19b–4.
1 15
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I. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
Statement of the Terms of Substance of
the Proposed Rule Change
The Exchange proposes to amend
Exchange Rule 1001, Position Limits, to
increase position limits and exercise
limits for options on the Standard and
Poor’s Depositary Receipts (‘‘SPDRs’’).3
The text of the proposed rule change is
available on the Phlx’s Web site (http:/
/, at the Phlx’s Office of
the Secretary, and at the Commission’s
Public Reference Room.
II. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
Statement of the Purpose of, and
Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule
In its filing with the Commission, the
Exchange included statements
concerning the purpose of, and basis for,
the proposed rule change and discussed
any comments it had received on the
proposed rule change. The text of these
statements may be examined at the
places specified in item III below. The
Phlx has prepared summaries, set forth
in Sections A, B, and C below, of the
most significant aspects of such
A. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
Statement of the Purpose of, and
Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule
1. Purpose
The Exchange proposes to amend
Exchange Rule 1001 to increase the
position limits and exercise limits 4
applicable to options on SPDRs from
75,000 to 300,000 contracts on the same
side of the market. The Exchange began
trading options on SPDRs on the
Exchange’s electronic trading platform
for options, Phlx XL, on January 10,
2005. Given the expected institutional
demand for options on SPDRs, the
Exchange believes that the current
equity position limit of 75,000
contracts 5 is too low and could be a
deterrent to the successful trading of the
product. Options on SPDRs are 1/10th
the size of options on the Standard and
Poor’s 500 Index (‘‘SPX’’). Thus, a
position limit of 75,000 contracts in
options on SPDRs is equivalent to a
3 ‘‘Standard & Poor’s’’, ‘‘S&P’’, ‘‘S&P 500’’,
‘‘Standard & Poor’s 500’’, and ‘‘500’’ are trademarks
of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Neither
Standard & Poor’s nor its index compilation agent
makes any recommendation concerning the
advisability of investing in options on SPDRs.
4 Exchange Rule 1002, Exercise Limits, refers to
exercise limits that correspond to aggregate long
positions as described in Exchange Rule 1001. The
position limit established in a given option under
Exchange Rule 1001 is also the exercise limit for
such option.
5 See Exchange Rule 1001, Commentary .05(a).
[Federal Register Volume 70, Number 19 (Monday, January 31, 2005)]
[Pages 4902-4911]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office []
[FR Doc No: 05-1697]
[Release No. 34-51078; File No. SR-NASD-2004-173]
Self-Regulatory Organizations; Notice of Filing of Proposed Rule
Change and Amendment No. 1 Thereto by the National Association of
Securities Dealers, Inc., To Establish Rules Governing the Operation of
Nasdaq's Brut Facility
January 25, 2005.
Pursuant to section 19(b)(1) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
(``Act''),\1\ and Rule 19b-4 thereunder,\2\ notice is hereby given that
on November 3, 2004, the National Association of Securities Dealers,
Inc. (``NASD''), through its subsidiary, The Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc.
(``Nasdaq''), filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission
(``Commission'') the proposed rule change as described in Items I, II,
and III below, which Items have been prepared by Nasdaq. On January 24,
2005, Nasdaq submitted Amendment No. 1 to the proposed rule change.\3\
The Commission is publishing this notice to solicit comments on the
proposed rule change, as amended, from interested persons.
\1\ 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).
\2\ 17 CFR 240.19b-4.
\3\ Amendment No. 1 replaced and superseded the originally filed
proposed rule change.
I. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement of the Terms of Substance
of the Proposed Rule Change
Nasdaq proposes to establish rules governing the operation of its
Brut trading facility. Nasdaq will implement the proposed rule change,
as amended, immediately upon approval by the Commission. Below is the
text of the proposed rule change, as amended. Proposed new language is
italicized; proposed deletions are in [brackets].
4900. BRUT SYSTEM (System)
4901. Definitions
Unless stated otherwise, the terms described below shall have the
following meaning:
(a) The term ``System securities'' shall mean Nasdaq Market Center
eligible securities as that term is defined in NASD Rule 4701(s) and
exchange-listed Intermarket Trading System (ITS) eligible securities as
defined in NASD Rule 5210(c).
(b) The term ``Effective Time'' shall mean, for orders so
designated, the time at which the order shall become eligible for
display and potential execution with other orders in the System.
(c) The term ``Immediate or Cancel'' shall mean, for limit orders
so designated, that if after entry into the System the order (or a
portion thereof) is not marketable, the order (or unexecuted portion
thereof) shall be canceled and returned to the entering Participant.
(d) The term ``limit order'' shall mean an order to buy or sell a
stock at a specified price or better. This order type is available for
Nasdaq-listed and Exchange-listed securities.
(e) The term ``market order'' shall mean an unpriced order to buy
or sell a stock at the market's current best price. A market order may
have a limit price beyond which the order shall not be executed. This
order type is available for Nasdaq-listed and Exchange-listed
(f) The term ``mixed lot'' shall mean an order that is for more
than a normal unit of trading but not a multiple thereof.
(g) The term ``Nasdaq Market Center'' shall mean the automated
system owned and operated by The Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc. pursuant to
NASD Rule 4700 Series.
(h) The term ``The BRUT ECN System,'' or ``System,'' shall mean the
automated system owned and operated by Brut, which is owned and
operated by The Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc., which enables Participants
to execute transactions in System securities; to have reports of the
transactions automatically forwarded to the appropriate National Market
Trade Reporting System, if required, for dissemination to the public
and the industry, and to ``lock in'' these trades by sending both sides
to the applicable clearing corporation(s) designated by the System
Participant(s) for clearance and settlement; and to provide System
Participants with sufficient monitoring and updating capability to
participate in an automated execution environment.
(i) The term ``Participant'' shall mean an NASD member that
fulfills the obligations contained in Rule 4902 regarding participation
in the System.
(j) The term ``System Book Feed'' shall mean a data feed for System
eligible securities that Brut will make available to Participants and
third-party vendors.
(k) The term ``odd-lot order'' shall mean an order that is for less
than a normal unit of trading.
(l) The term ``Reserve Size'' shall mean the functionality that
permits a Participant to display a portion of an order, with the
remainder held in reserve on an undisplayed basis.
(m) The term ``Good-till-Cancelled'' shall mean, for orders so
designated, that if after entry into the System, the order is not fully
executed, the order (or unexecuted portion thereof) shall remain
available for potential display and/or execution only until 4 p.m.
Eastern Time on the day they are submitted unless cancelled before then
by the entering party.
(n) The term ``Good-till-Cancelled-Overnight'' shall mean, for
orders so designated, that if after entry into the System, the order is
not fully executed, the order (or unexecuted portion thereof) shall
remain available for potential display and/or execution until 4 p.m.
Eastern Time, after which it shall be held by the System in a pending
state, ineligible for display or execution, until the following trading
day, when it will become eligible for display and execution from 7:30
a.m. until 4 p.m. Eastern Time on that and all subsequent trading days,
until a date provided by the entering party (or if no such date is
given, indefinitely) until cancelled by the entering party.
(o) The term ``Good-till-Time,'' shall mean, for orders so
designated, that if after entry into System, the order is not fully
executed, the order (or unexecuted portion thereof) shall remain
available for potential display and/or execution until the time
designated by the entering party, after which the order will be
cancelled by the system. This time may
[[Page 4903]]
be relative time (e.g. 30 minutes after entry) or an actual time (e.g.
2 p.m.).
(p) The term ``Day'' shall mean, for orders so designated, that if
after entry into the System, the order is not fully executed, the order
(or unexecuted portion thereof) shall remain available for potential
display and/or execution only until 4 p.m. Eastern Time on the day they
are submitted unless cancelled before then by the entering party.
(q) The term ``End-of-Day'' shall mean, for orders so designated,
that if after entry into the System, the order is not fully executed,
the order (or unexecuted portion thereof) shall remain available for
potential execution and/or display until 8 p.m. Eastern Time, after
which it shall be returned to the entering party.
(r) The term ``Pegged'' shall mean, for priced limit orders so
designated, that after entry into the System, the price of the order is
automatically adjusted by the System in response to changes in the
Nasdaq inside bid or offer (for Nasdaq-listed securities) or the
national best bid or offer (for ITS securities), as appropriate. The
Participant entering a Pegged Order can specify that order's price will
either equal the inside quote or improves the inside quote by an amount
set by the entering party on the same side of the market (a ``Regular
Pegged Order'') or offset the inside quote on the contra side of the
market by an amount (the ``Offset Amount'') set by the Participant
(e.g., $0.01 less than the inside offer or $0.02 more than the inside
bid) (a ``Reverse Pegged Order''). The Participant entering a Pegged
Order may (but is not required to) specify a limit price, to define a
price at which pegging of the order will stop and the order will be
permanently converted into an un-pegged limit order at limit price.
This order type is available for Nasdaq-listed and Exchange-listed
(s) The term ``Discretionary'' shall mean an order that when
entered into System has both a displayed bid or offer price, as well as
a non-displayed discretionary price range and size (which shall be
equal to or less than the Order's Reserve Size) at which the
Participant is also willing to buy or sell, if necessary. This order
type is available for Nasdaq-listed and Exchange-listed securities.
(t) The term ``Post Only'' shall mean, for To Brut limit orders so
designated, that if an order is marketable against an order then-
displayed in the System upon receipt, it shall be rejected and returned
to the entering Participant. If the order is marketable against a quote
displayed outside of Brut, the price of the order is adjusted to a
price $0.01 inferior to the best bid (or offer, as appropriate) then
displayed in the Nasdaq Market Center, and then displayed in the
System. This order type is available for Nasdaq-listed and Exchange-
listed securities.
(u) The term ``Agency Away'' shall mean an agency order designated
by the entering Participant as eligible for execution at a price
inferior to the then-current national best bid/offer. This order type
is available only for Nasdaq-listed securities.
(v) The term ``Principal Inside Only'' shall mean a principal order
designated by the entering Participant as only eligible for execution
at a price equal or better than the then-current national best bid/
offer. This order type is available for Nasdaq-listed and Exchange-
listed securities.
(w) The term ``normal unit of trading'' shall mean one hundred
(100) shares.
4902. System Participant Registration
(a) Participation in Brut requires current registration with the
System and is conditioned upon the Participant's initial and continuing
compliance with the following requirements:
(1) Execution of a System Subscriber Agreement;
(2) Satisfaction of the Brut New Accounts Policies & Procedures
(3) Membership in, or access arrangement with a participant of, a
clearing agency registered with the Commission that maintains
facilities through which System compared trades may be settled;
(4) Acceptance and settlement of each System trade that System
identifies as having been effected by such Participant, or if
settlement is to be made through another clearing member, guarantee of
the acceptance and settlement of such identified System trade by the
clearing member on the regularly scheduled settlement date;
(5) Compliance with all applicable rules and operating procedures
of the Association and the Securities and Exchange Commission.
(b) Access to the System by non-System participants is available
through the Nasdaq Market Center as defined in NASD Rule 4701(r) and
related rules.
4903. Order Entry Parameters
(a) To Brut Orders--
(1) General. A To Brut Order is an order that is displayed in the
System and is executable only against marketable contra-side orders in
the System. This order type is available for Nasdaq-listed and
Exchange-listed securities. The following requirements shall apply to
To Brut Orders entered by Participants:
(A) A To Brut Order shall be a limit order, and shall indicate
whether it is a buy, short sale, short-sale exempt, or long sale. A To
Brut Order can be designated as End-of-Day, Immediate or Cancel, Good-
till-Cancelled, Day, Good-till-Canceled Overnight, Good-till-Time,
Effective Time, Post Only, Pegged or Discretionary.
(B) To Brut Orders shall be executed pursuant to the Brut Book
Process as described in Rule 4905(a).
(C) A To Brut Order to sell short shall not be executed if the
execution of such order would violate NASD Rule 3350 or, in the case of
ITS Securities, SEC Rule 10a-1. In said circumstances, the price of the
To Brut Order shall be adjusted to $.01 above the Nasdaq inside bid for
Nasdaq-listed securities or, in the case of exchange-listed securities,
$.01 above the national best bid or offer, and thereafter be processed
as if a Reverse Pegged Order.
(D) The System shall not accept To Brut Orders that are All-or-
None, or have a minimum size of execution.
(b) Brut Cross Orders--
(1) General. A Brut Cross Order is an order that is displayed in
the System, and is executable against marketable contra-side orders in
the System. The order also is eligible for routing to other market
centers. If marketable upon receipt against both orders in the System
as well as other market centers, the order shall execute first against
System orders. With the exception of Directed Cross Orders, once a Brut
Cross Order is routed (in whole or in part) to another market center,
any remaining unexecuted or returned portion of the order shall be
posted in System and shall no longer be eligible for routing to other
market centers.
(A) A Brut Cross Order shall be a limit order, and shall indicate
whether it is a buy, short sale, short-sale exempt, or long sale. A
Brut Cross Order can be designated as Immediate or Cancel, End-of-Day,
Good-till-Cancelled, Day, Good-till-Cancelled Overnight, Good-till-
Time, Effective Time.
(B) A Brut Cross Order may also be designated as an Aggressive
Cross Order. An Aggressive Cross Order is an order that is displayed in
the System during market hours and is executable against marketable
contra-side orders in the System. The order also is eligible for
routing to other market centers. If marketable upon receipt against
both orders in the System as well as other market centers, the order
shall execute first against System orders. If, after being posted in
the Brut System, and after it has exhausted available liquidity
[[Page 4904]]
in the Brut System, the Aggressive Cross Order has its price crossed by
the displayed quote of another market center, the System will be routed
by Brut to that market center for potential execution. Aggressive Cross
Orders may comply with paragraph (A) of this rule.
(C) A Brut Cross Order may also be designated as a Super Aggressive
Cross Order. A Super Aggressive Cross Order is an order that is
displayed in the System during market hours and is executable against
marketable contra-side orders in the System. The order also is eligible
for routing to other market centers. If marketable upon receipt against
both orders in the System as well as other market centers, the order
shall execute first against System orders. If, after being posted in
the Brut System, and after it has exhausted available liquidity in the
Brut System, the Aggressive Cross Order has its price locked or crossed
by the displayed quote of another market center the System will be
routed by Brut to that market center for potential execution.
(D) A Brut Cross Order may also be designated as a Directed Cross
Order. A Directed Cross Order is an order that entered in the System
during market hours and is executable against marketable contra-side
orders in the System. The order also is eligible for routing to other
market centers. If, after being processed in the Brut System and
exhausting available liquidity in the Brut System, the order is
automatically routed by Brut to the specific market center selected by
the entering party for potential execution. Any portion of the Directed
Cross Order that remains unfilled after being routed to the selected
market center will be returned to the entering party.
(E) Brut Cross Orders, including those designated as Aggressive
Cross Orders, Super Aggressive Cross Orders and Directed Cross Orders,
shall be executed pursuant to:
(i) The To Brut Order Process described in Rule 4905(a) to the
extent marketable against an order resident in the System; and
(ii) With the exception of Directed Cross Orders, the Brut Order
Routing Process described in Rule 4905(b) to the extent not marketable
against an order resident in the System.
(F) A Brut Cross Order, including those designated as an Aggressive
Cross Order, Super Aggressive Cross Order and Directed Cross Order, to
sell short shall not be executed in the System if the execution of such
order would violate NASD Rule 3350 or, in the case of ITS Securities,
SEC Rule 10a-1. In said circumstances, the price of the Brut Cross
Order shall be adjusted to $.01 above the Nasdaq inside bid for Nasdaq-
listed securities or, in the case of exchange-listed securities, $.01
above the national best bid or offer, and thereafter be processed as if
a Reverse Pegged Order.
(c) Thru Brut Orders--
(1) General. A Thru Brut Order is an order submitted to the System
that is designated for routing to another market center. This order
type is available for Nasdaq-listed and Exchange-listed securities. The
following requirements shall apply to Thru Brut Orders:
(A) A Thru Brut Order shall be a market order or a limit order, and
must indicate whether it is a buy, short sale, short-sale exempt, or
long sale. A Thru Brut Order can be designated as Immediate or Cancel,
End-of-Day, Good-till-Cancelled, Day, or Good-till-Time, or Effective
(B) Thru Brut Orders do not participate in Brut Routing Process as
described in Rule 4905(b). Instead such orders are sent directly to the
market center selected by the entering party. If unexecuted, the order
(or unexecuted portion thereof) shall be returned to the entering
(d) Hunter Orders--
(1) General. A Hunter Order is a non-displayed order that will
execute against trading interest in the System or another market
center. This order type is available only for Nasdaq-listed securities.
After 6:30 p.m. Eastern Time, Hunter Orders will execute only against
other orders in the System. The following requirements shall apply to
Hunter Orders:
(A) A Hunter Order shall be a limit order, and must indicate
whether it is a buy, short sale, short-sale exempt, or long sale. A
Hunter Order can be designated as Immediate or Cancel, End-of-Day,
Good-till-Cancelled, Day, or Good-till-Time, or Effective Time.
(B) Hunter Orders shall be executed as follows:
(i) To the extent marketable upon receipt against orders in the
System, pursuant to the Brut Book Process as described in Rule 4905(a);
(ii) If not marketable upon receipt against orders in the System
but marketable against the displayed quotes of other market centers,
pursuant to the Brut Routing Process as described in Rule 4905(b).
(iii) If not marketable upon receipt against any quote displayed in
the System or another market center, the order shall be retained, but
not be displayed, in the System and shall remain available for
execution via the Brut Book and/or Brut Routing Processes should the
order become marketable.
(e) Entry of Agency and Principal Orders--Participants are
permitted to submit agency, riskless principal, and principal orders
for processing in the System. Participants shall correctly note their
capacity at the time of entry of an order(s) into the System.
(1) Unless designated as ``Agency Away'', no agency order shall be
executed at a price inferior to the then current National Best Bid (for
sell orders) or Best Offer (for buy orders), taking into account prior
efforts to execute against the bids/offers of other market centers.
(2) Unless designated as ``Principal Inside Only'', principal and
riskless principal orders may be executed at a price inferior to the
then current National Best Bid (for sell orders) or Best Offer (for buy
(f) Order Size--Any order in whole shares up to 1,000,099 shares
may be entered into the System, subject to a dollar volume limitation
of $25,000,000.
4904. Entry and Display of Orders
(a) Entry of Orders--Participants can enter orders into the System,
subject to the following requirements and conditions:
(1) Participants shall be permitted to transmit to the System
multiple orders at a single as well as multiple price levels. Each
order shall indicate the amount of reserve size (if applicable).
(2) The System shall time-stamp an order upon receipt, which time-
stamp shall determine the ranking of the order for purposes of
processing To Brut Orders and Brut Cross Orders.
(3) Good-till-Cancelled, Day, orders can be entered into the System
(or previously entered orders cancelled) between the hours 7:30 a.m. to
4 p.m. Eastern Time. Pegged, Discretionary, Immediate-or-Cancel and
End-of-Day To Brut Orders, Good-till-Time, Good-till-Canceled Overnight
and GTX orders can be entered into System (or previously entered orders
cancelled) between the hours 7:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eastern Time. Orders
entered prior to market open and Good-till-Time orders carried over
from previous trading days, shall not become available for execution
until 7:30 a.m. Eastern Time. Good-till-Time orders carried over from
previous trading days with an Effective Time will not become available
for execution until the Effective Time on all subsequent trading days
the order is held by the System.
(b) Display of Orders--The System will display orders submitted to
the System as follows:
[[Page 4905]]
(1) System Book Feed--orders resident in the System will be
displayed to Participants via the System Book Feed.
(2) Nasdaq Market Center--For each Nasdaq Market Center eligible
security, the best priced order to buy and sell resident in the System
shall be displayed and eligible for execution within the Nasdaq Market
Center. The System may also provide to the Nasdaq Market Center
additional orders, up to and including all orders in System, in Nasdaq
Market Center eligible securities.
(3) Exceptions--The following exceptions shall apply to the display
parameters set forth in paragraphs (1) and (2) above:
(A) Odd-lots, Mixed Lots, and Rounding--The System Book Feed shall
be capable of displaying trading interest in round lot and mixed-lot
amounts, and sub-penny increments for quotations priced under $1.00.
For Nasdaq Market Center display purposes, the System shall
aggregate all shares, including odd-lot share amounts, entered by
Participants at a single price level and round the total share amount
down to the nearest round-lot amount. Any odd-lot portion of an order
that is not displayed as a result of the rounding process shall remain
available for execution, in accordance with the time-priority of their
original entry time. Round-lots that are subsequently reduced by
executions to a mixed lot amount shall also be rounded for to the
nearest round-lot amount for purposes of display in the Nasdaq Market
Center. Any odd-lot number of shares that do not get displayed as a
result of rounding will remain available for execution, in accordance
with the time-priority of their original entry time.
(B) Minimum Increments and Rounding--The minimum trading increment
for System quotations priced $1.00 and above is $.01. For quotations
priced below $1.00 the minimum increment is $.0001.
(i) For System display purposes, quotations in sub-penny increments
$1.00 and above will be rounded down (for bids) or up (for offers) by
the System to the nearest $.01 increment. Orders so rounded shall have
no superior execution priority compared to orders previously submitted
at the relevant $.01 increment.
(ii) For Nasdaq Market Center display purposes, any quotations in
sub-penny increments shall be rounded down (for bids) and up (for
offers) to the nearest $.01 increment. Sub-penny quotations that are
rounded for display purposes shall be executed at their actual price,
rather than the rounded price at which they are displayed.
(C) Reserve Size--Reserve Size shall not be displayed in the
System, but shall be accessible as described in Rule 4905.
(D) Discretionary & Hunter Orders--Hunter Orders, and the
discretionary portion of Discretionary Orders shall be available for
execution only upon the appearance of contra-side marketable trading
interest, and shall be executed pursuant to Rule 4905.
4905. Order Processing
(a) Brut Book Order Process
Orders subject to the Brut Book Order Process shall be executed as
(1) Default Execution Algorithm--Price/Time--The System shall
execute interest within the System in price/time priority in the
following order:
(A) Displayed Orders;
(B) Reserve Size;
(C) Discretionary Orders within the Discretionary Order's
discretionary price range; and
(D) Hunter Orders.
(2) Decrementation--Upon execution, an order shall be reduced by an
amount equal to the size of that execution. In the case of orders that
have both a displayed and reserve share component, share amounts shall
be reduced starting first with their reserve portions.
(3) Processing of Locking/Crossing Orders: If during market hours,
a Participant enters a To Brut order that will lock/cross the market
(as defined in NASD Rule 4613(e) or in NASD Rule 5263(a) or (b)), the
System shall adjust the price of the order to $.01 less than the
current best bid quotation (for buy orders) or $.01 more than the
current best offer quotation (for sell orders) and thereafter be
processed as a Reverse Pegged Order.
(4) Processing of Directed, Aggressive and Super Aggressive Cross
Orders--The System shall process crossed Directed and Aggressive Cross
Orders, and locked or crossed Super Aggressive Cross Orders as follows:
(A) Displayed orders which are designated as ``Directed Cross
Orders'' by a Participant shall be routed to the market center selected
by the entering party for potential execution by the System. This order
type is available Nasdaq-listed and Exchange-listed securities.
(B) Displayed orders which are designated as ``Aggressive Cross
Orders'' by a Participant that are subsequently crossed by the
displayed quotation of another market center shall be executed pursuant
to the Brut Order Routing Process upon being so crossed. This order
type is available for Nasdaq-listed and Exchange-listed securities.
(C) Displayed orders which are designated as ``Super Aggressive
Cross Orders'' by a Participant that are subsequently locked or crossed
by the displayed quotation of another market center shall be executed
pursuant to the Brut Order Routing Process upon being so locked or
crossed. This order type is available for Nasdaq-listed and Exchange-
listed securities.
(b) Brut Order Routing Process
(1) The Brut Order Routing Process shall be available to
Participants from 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Eastern Time, and shall route
orders in accordance with parameters described in Rule 4903 for a
particular order type.
(2) With the exception of Thru Brut and Directed Cross Orders that
specifically direct which market center an order is to be routed,
orders routed out of the Brut System to other market centers for
potential execution are generally delivered to other market centers in
price/size priority. If the routed order is smaller in size than the
total combined displayed share amounts of accessible market centers at
the best price level, the Brut System delivers the routed order to the
available market centers in price/size priority. If the routed order is
larger than the total combined displayed share amounts of accessible
market centers at the best price level, the Brut System delivers over-
sized orders to each displayed market center's quote in proportion to
the individual market's center share of that total displayed share
(3) In the event an order routed to another market center is not
executed in its entirety, the remaining portion of the order shall be
returned to the System and, if upon return the order is marketable
against a System order then priced at the NBBO, it will be subjected to
Brut Book Process prior to any further routing.
(4) An order that has been routed to another market shall have no
time standing in the System execution queue relative to other orders in
the System. A request from a Participant to cancel an order while it is
outside the System shall be processed subject to the applicable rules
of the market center to which the order has been routed.
4906. Clearance and Settlement
All transactions executed in, or reported through, System shall be
cleared and settled by and between the System Participant and Brut,
through a registered clearing agency using a continuous net settlement
[[Page 4906]]
4907. Obligation To Honor System Trades
(a) If a Participant, or clearing member acting on a Participant's
behalf, is reported by the System, or shown by the activity reports
generated by the System, as constituting a side of a System trade, such
Participant, or clearing member acting on its behalf, shall honor such
trade on the scheduled settlement date.
(b) Brut and/or Nasdaq shall have no liability if a Participant, or
a clearing member acting on the Participant's behalf, fails to satisfy
the obligations in paragraph (a).
4908. Compliance With Rules and Registration Requirements
(a) Failure by a Participant to comply with any of the rules or
registration requirements applicable to the System identified herein
shall subject such Participant to censure, fine, suspension or
revocation of its registration a Participant or any other fitting
penalty under the Rules of the Association.
(b) If a Participant fails to maintain a clearing relationship to
honor its obligations under Rule 4906, it shall have its access to the
System restricted until such time as a clearing arrangement is
(c) The authority and procedures contained in paragraph (b) do not
otherwise limit the Association's authority, contained in other
provisions of the Association's Rules, to enforce its rules or impose
any fitting sanction.
4909. Adjustment of Open Orders
Except when a cash dividend or distribution is less than one cent
($0.01), on the ex-date of a corporate action, the System shall
automatically adjust the price and/or size of Good-till-Cancelled
Overnight orders resident in the System in response to issuer corporate
actions related to a cash dividend as follows:
(a) Sell Orders--Sell orders shall not be adjusted by the System
and must be modified, if desired, by the entering party,
(b) Buy Orders--Buy orders shall be reduced by the dividend amount.
To the extent that the dividend includes a sub-penny increment, the
order will be displayed and processed as set forth in Rule
4904(b)(3)(B). Open buy and sell orders that are adjusted by the System
pursuant to the above rules, and that thereafter continuously remain in
the System, shall retain the time priority of their original entry.
4910. Anonymity
(a) Transactions executed in the System shall be cleared and
settled with Brut. The transaction reports produced by the System will
indicate the details of the transactions, and shall not reveal contra
party identities other than Brut.
(b) Brut shall reveal a member's identity in the following
(1) When the National Securities Clearing Corporation (``NSCC'')
ceases to act for a member, or the member's clearing firm, and NSCC
determines not to guarantee the settlement of the member's trades;
(2) For regulatory purposes or to comply with an order of an
arbitrator or court;
4911. Clearly Erroneous Transactions
All matters related to clearly erroneous transactions executed in
the System shall be initiated and adjudicated pursuant to NASD Rule
[4912. Minimum Quotation Increment
The minimum quotation increment in the BRUT ECN System for
quotations of $1.00 or above in Nasdaq-listed securities and in
securities listed on a national securities exchange shall be $0.01. The
minimum quotation increment in the BRUT ECN System for quotations below
$1.00 in Nasdaq-listed securities and in securities listed on a
national securities exchange shall be $0.0001.]
4912. Normal Business Hours
The Brut System operates from 6:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eastern Time on
each business day.
4913. Limitation of Liability
The Association and its subsidiaries, as well as Nasdaq and Brut
and their subsidiaries, shall not be liable for any losses, damages, or
other claims arising out of the System or its use. Any losses, damages,
or other claims, related to a failure of the System to deliver,
display, transmit, execute, compare, submit for clearance and
settlement, adjust, retain priority for, or otherwise correctly process
an order, Quote/Order, message, or other data entered into, or created
by, the System shall be absorbed by the member, or the member
sponsoring the customer, that entered the order, Quote/Order, message,
or other data into the System.
II. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement of the Purpose of, and
Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule Change
In its filing with the Commission, Nasdaq included statements
concerning the purpose of, and basis for, the proposed rule change and
discussed any comments it received on the proposed rule change, as
amended. The text of these statements may be examined at the places
specified in Item IV below. Nasdaq has prepared summaries, set forth in
Sections A, B, and C below, of the most significant aspects of such
A. Self-Regulatory Organization's Statement of the Purpose of, and
Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule Change
1. Purpose
On September 7, 2004, Nasdaq completed its purchase of Brut, LLC
(``Brut''), a registered broker-dealer and member of the NASD, and
operator of the Brut ECN (the ``Brut System'' or ``System'').\4\
According to Nasdaq, as a member of the NASD, Brut remains subject to
all NASD rules applicable to its activities as a broker-dealer,
including those requiring its participation in market surveillance and
audit trail programs conducted by Nasdaq and the NASD. Nasdaq states
that, as an ECN, Brut participates in the Nasdaq Market Center system
as an Order-Delivery ECN pursuant to the NASD Rule 4700 Series, and as
an ITS Market Maker pursuant to the NASD Rule 5200 Series. Brut
continues to act as a counter-party to all trades taking place in its
system, for anonymity as well as clearance and settlement purposes.
Brut also continues to provide outbound order routing services to other
market centers for its subscribers. According to Nasdaq, to meet its
limit order display obligations, Brut currently provides the Nasdaq
Market Center its best single ``top-of-file'' priced orders in
individual securities Brut has within the System.
\4\ Nasdaq owns Brut via Nasdaq's 100% ownership interest in
Toll Associates LLC. Toll Associates LLC, in turn, owns 99.78% Brut
LLC and 100% of Brut Inc., which owns the remaining 0.22% of Brut
LLC. Both Toll Associates LLC and Brut Inc. conduct no business
other than serving as holding entities for their respective
ownership interests in Brut LLC, the entity that operates the Brut
Nasdaq states that, once purchased by Nasdaq, the Brut System
became a ``facility'' of a national securities association subject to
the standards set forth in Sections 15A and 19(b)(1) of the Exchange
Act.\5\ As such, Nasdaq is obligated to file with the Commission rules
to govern the operation of the Brut System. This filing is intended to
meet that obligation and includes a description of the Brut System, its
[[Page 4907]]
various features, order processing method, and a proposed set of Brut
System rules.
\5\ Nasdaq currently operates Brut pursuant to a Temporary
Conditional Exemption from Rule 19(b) of the Exchange Act issued by
the Commission. See Exchange Act Release No. 50311 (September 3,
2004), 69 FR 54818 (September 10, 2004).
The Brut System
1. Order Display/Matching System
The Brut System allows subscribers to enter market and priced limit
orders to buy and sell Nasdaq and Exchange-listed securities. Such
orders may be in round-lots, mixed-lots, or odd-lots of any size up to
1,000,099 shares up to a maximum single order dollar cap amount of
$25,000,000, and may be entered on a principal, riskless principal, or
agency basis. Nasdaq states that Brut acts only as an agent on behalf
of its subscribers and engages in no proprietary trading save that
necessary to correct system errors. Subscribers may enter multiple
orders at single or multiple price levels. Subscribers have the option
to have a portion of their order held in reserve and not displayed to
the marketplace. Brut, in turn, makes available to System subscribers
and market data vendors a data feed of all displayable orders on both
the bid and offer side of the market (excluding reserve size share
amounts) for all price levels at which shares are available within its
System. According to Nasdaq, to the extent that Brut displays orders in
the Nasdaq Market Center, those orders are displayed under the same
terms and conditions generally applicable to Nasdaq Quoting Market
Participants, including the rounding and aggregation procedures
contained in NASD Rule 4707. Although Brut currently provides only its
best top-of-file prices to the Nasdaq Market Center, Nasdaq proposes
that Brut be given the option to provide the Nasdaq Market Center
additional orders at other price levels, up to and including Brut's
full depth-of-book, so that Nasdaq Market Center users may have the
full benefit of Brut's liquidity.
Brut also currently accepts sub-penny amounts for orders priced
under $1.00 a share. Nasdaq states that, for orders priced $1.00 a
share and above, Brut accept orders only in penny increments.\6\ Sub-
penny order prices are viewable by System subscribers. If a sub-penny
order is required to be displayed via the Nasdaq Market Center, the
Brut system rounds such orders down (for bids) or up (for offers) to
the nearest $.01 increment. Sub-penny orders executed via the Nasdaq
Market Center, however, will be executed at their actual price, rather
than the rounded price at which they are displayed.\7\
\6\ See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 50956 (January 3,
2005), 70 FR 1746 (January 10, 2005) (NASD-2004-190).
\7\ This filing relocates the standards governing the Brut
System's acceptance and processing of sub-penny orders from current
NASD Rule 4912 to proposed NASD Rule 4904(b)(3)(B).
2. Access Standards
According to Nasdaq, to obtain access to the Brut System as a
system participant, a user must execute a Brut subscriber agreement and
be a participant in, or have an access arrangement with a participant
in, a Commission-registered clearing agency. In addition, the Brut
subscriber must also agree to:
a. Comply with all applicable rules of the NASD and the Commission;
b. Accept all Brut System trades identified by the System as being
effected by the subscriber.
Broker-dealers may also access System orders through the Nasdaq
Market Center, regardless of their status as a system participant as
described above, provided they have met the conditions for access to
the Nasdaq Market Center.
3. Order Types
The Brut System makes available to subscribers several order types.
These order types are described below.
Limit Order--an order to buy or sell a stock at a specified price
or better. This order type is available for Nasdaq-listed and Exchange-
listed securities.
Market Order--an un-priced order to buy or sell a stock at the
market's current best price. A market order may have a limit price
beyond which the order shall not be executed. This order type is
available for Nasdaq-listed and Exchange-listed securities.
Agency Away Order--an agency order that is designated by the
entering party as eligible for execution at a price inferior to the
then-current national best bid/offer. This order type is available for
Nasdaq-listed securities.
Principal Inside Only Order--a principal order that is designated
by the party as only eligible for execution at a price equal or better
than the then-current national best bid/offer. This order type is
available for Nasdaq-listed and Exchange-listed securities.
Brut Cross Order--an order that is displayed in Brut and executable
against marketable contra-side orders in any market center, including
the Brut System, at the time of receipt. If equally-priced executable
orders are available both in Brut and another market center, the order
will first execute against Brut System orders. Once a Brut Cross Order
is routed out in whole or in part to another market center, any
remaining unexecuted or returned portion of the order will be posted in
the Brut System and will no longer be routed out for potential
execution, unless the order is designated as an Aggressive Cross Order
or Super Aggressive Cross Order. This order type is available for
Nasdaq-listed and Exchange-listed securities.
The market is 10.00 bid--10.01 offer.
Brut receives a Brut Cross sell order, priced at 10.00.
Brut will route this order out to any crossing market center for
potential execution.\8\ If the routed order is only partially executed,
the outstanding shares remaining will be posted in the Brut book on the
offer at 10.00. Once posted, the order will no longer be routed out for
\8\ For all order type examples, the term ``market center''
refers to any trading venue other than Brut, including the Nasdaq
Market Center.
Directed Cross Order--an order that if, after entry into the Brut
System and after it has exhausted available liquidity in the Brut
System is routed by Brut to that specific market center for potential
execution. This order type is available for Nasdaq-listed and Exchange-
listed securities.
The market is 10.00 bid--10.01 offer.
Brut receives a Directed Cross sell order, priced at 10.00 and
directed to Market Center A.
After checking the Brut system for available liquidity, the system
will route this order to Market Center A for potential execution. If
the routed order is only partially executed, the outstanding shares are
returned to the entering party.
Aggressive Cross Order--a Brut Cross Order that if, after being
posted in the Brut System and after it has exhausted available
liquidity in the Brut System, has its price crossed by the displayed
quote of another market center is routed by Brut to that market center
for potential execution. This order type is available for Nasdaq-listed
and Exchange-listed securities.
The market is 10.00 bid--10.01 offer.
Brut receives an Aggressive Cross sell order, priced at 10.01.
Brut will first post this order on the offer at 10.01. Soon
thereafter, another market center posts a bid price at 10.02. Since
this 10.02 price is marketable against the Aggressive Cross Order's
limit price of 10.01, the order will be routed out by Brut to the other
market center for execution. If the liquidity priced at 10.02 is
depleted, and the Aggressive Cross Order still has outstanding shares
remaining, the order
[[Page 4908]]
will be re-posted in the Brut book at its price of 10.01. If the price
of returned shares is again crossed, the shares will again be routed
for potential execution.
Super Aggressive Cross Order--a Brut Cross Order that, if after
being posted in the Brut System, has its price locked or crossed by the
displayed quote of another market center, is routed by Brut for
potential execution. This order type is available for Nasdaq-listed and
Exchange-listed securities.
The market is 10.00 bid--10.01 offer
Brut receives a Super Aggressive Cross sell order, priced at 10.01.
Brut will first post this order on the offer at 10.01. Soon
thereafter, another market center posts a bid price at 10.01. Since
this 10.01 price is equal to the Super Aggressive Cross Order's limit
price of 10.01, the order will be routed out by Brut to the other
market center for execution. If the liquidity priced at 10.01 is
depleted, and the Super Aggressive Cross Order still has shares
remaining, the order will be re-posted in the Brut book at its price of
10.01. This same process would be followed if the other market center
had posted a price that crossed the Super Aggressive Cross Order. If
the price of returned shares is again locked or crossed, the shares
will again be routed for potential execution.
Thru Brut Order--an order that is directed to a market center other
than Brut for execution. This order type is available for Nasdaq-listed
and Exchange-listed securities.
To Brut Order--an order eligible for execution upon receipt solely
against Brut System orders, and displayed in the System to the extent
the order cannot be executed upon receipt. This order type is available
for Nasdaq-listed and Exchange-listed securities.
Hunter Order--an order that is not displayed in the System, but
will execute against available trading interest residing in the Brut
System or another market center. This order type is available for
Nasdaq-listed and Exchange-listed securities.
The market is 10.00 bid--10.02 offer.
Brut receives a Hunter Order to buy, priced at 10.01.
Since there is no liquidity at the 10.01 price, Brut will hold the
order undisplayed until marketable trading interest is available. If
thereafter an offer is posted at 10.01 either in Brut or in another
market center Brut will execute or route the Hunter Order to access
that liquidity. Any unexecuted shares will remain/return to the book
and wait undisplayed until another order is marketable against the
Hunter Order or the Hunter Order times out. If the returned shares of
the Hunter Order again become marketable, the shares will again be
routed for potential execution.
Pegged Order--a To Brut limit order that, after entry, has its
price automatically adjusted by the System in response to changes in
the Nasdaq Market Center (for Nasdaq-listed securities) or national
best bid or offer (for Exchange-listed securities), as appropriate.
Pegged Orders can specify that its price will either equal the inside
quote on the same side of the market or improves the inside quote by an
amount set by the entering party (a ``Regular Pegged Order''), or a
price that is offset from the inside quote on the contra side of the
market by an amount (the ``Offset Amount'') set by the entering party
(e.g., $0.01 less than the inside offer or $0.02 more than the inside
bid) (a ``Reverse Pegged Order''). The Pegged Order only moves towards,
or up to, the best price as appropriate. The entering party may
voluntarily specify a limit price at which pegging price changes of the
order will stop and the order will be permanently converted into an un-
pegged limit order at the limit price. This order type is available for
Nasdaq-listed and Exchange-listed securities. Pegged orders may not be
combined with other order processing designations.
The market is 10.00 bid--10.01 offer.
Brut receives a Regular Pegged buy order, with a peg limit of
Brut will post the order at 10.00. If the inside bid moves to
10.01, Brut will move the Pegged Order also to the 10.01 bid price.
This process will continue until the order is executed or its price
reaches the peg limit of 10.05.
Discretionary Order--an order that has both a displayed price, as
well as a non-displayed discretionary price range and size (which shall
be equal to or less than the order's reserve size) in which the
entering party, if necessary, is also willing to buy or sell. This
order type is available for Nasdaq-listed and Exchange-listed
The market is 10.00 bid--10.50 offer.
Brut receives a Discretionary buy order, with a limit price of
10.00 and a display quantity of 200 shares, a discretion price of 10.25
and a discretion quantity of 1,000 shares.
Brut posts the order at 10.00. Thereafter, another market
participant posts an offer for 1,000 shares at 10.20. Since this is
within the Discretionary Order's price range, Brut will route the full
discretion quantity (i.e., 1,000 shares) for potential execution while
the displayed portion remains in the Brut book.
Post Only Order--a To Brut Limit Order that, if marketable upon
receipt against an order then-displayed in the System, is rejected and
returned to the entering party. If the order is marketable against a
quote displayed outside of Brut, the price of the order is adjusted to
a price $0.01 inferior to the best bid (or offer, as appropriate) then
displayed in the Nasdaq Market Center, and then displayed in Brut. This
order type is available for Nasdaq-listed and Exchange-listed
The market is at 10.00 bid--10.01 offer. Brut is at the 10.00 bid.
Brut receives Post-Only sell order, priced at 10.00.
Normally, this order would execute against the Brut 10.00 bid, but
since the order is post-only, the order is rejected back to the
entering party. Had the 10.00 bid not been in Brut but another venue,
Brut would not reject the order but instead adjust the order's price
and post it in the Brut System.
4. Time in Force Designations
Orders entered into the Brut System may be designated by the
entering party to remain in force and available for display and/or
potential execution for varying periods of time. Unless cancelled
earlier, once these time periods expire, the order (or the unexecuted
portion thereof) is returned to the entering party. These ``time in
force'' designations are described below:
Immediate or Cancel (IOC)--limit orders with this designation are
returned to the sender if not immediately executed. If partially
executed, un-executed remainders of these orders are returned
immediately to the entering party.
Good-till-Canceled (GTC)--orders with this designation (or the
unexecuted portions of such orders) are held by the Brut System and
remain available for potential display/execution until 4 p.m. Eastern
Time on the day they are submitted unless cancelled before then by the
entering party.\9\
\9\ Currently, the Brut System processes orders designated as
GTC and Day in the exact same manner. In the near future, Nasdaq
states that Brut will modify the names of its order types to
eliminate this duplication.
Day (DAY)--orders with this designation (or the unexecuted portions
of such orders) are held by the Brut System and remain available for
potential display/execution until 4 p.m. Eastern Time on the day they
are submitted unless cancelled before then by the entering party. This
is the default
[[Page 4909]]
time in force where none is provided by the entering party.
Good-till-Canceled-Overnight (GTCO)--orders with this designation
(or the unexecuted portions of such orders) are treated like GTC
orders, but are held by the Brut System overnight and remain available
for potential display/execution until 4 p.m. of a date provided by the
entering party, or indefinitely, unless and until cancelled by the
entering party. GTCO orders are not eligible for execution between 4
p.m. and 8 p.m. Eastern Time.
End-of-Day (GTX)--orders with this designation (or the unexecuted
portions of such orders) are held by the Brut System and remain
available for potential display/execution until 8 p.m. Eastern Time on
the day they are submitted unless cancelled before then by the entering
Good-till-Time (GTT)--orders with this designation (or the
unexecuted portions of such orders) are held by the Brut System and
remain available for potential display/execution until the time
designated by the entering party. This time may be a relative time
(e.g., 30 minutes after receipt) or an actual time (e.g., 2 p.m.).
Effective Time (EFT)--orders with this designation (or the
unexecuted portions of such orders) are held by the Brut System and
only become available for potential display/execution at an actual time
during the trading day selected by entering party (e.g., 3 p.m.).
Nasdaq states that the Brut System normally operates between the
hours of 6:30 a.m. and 8 p.m. Eastern Time. Orders with the above time
in force designations may be entered into the Brut System, or
previously entered orders cancelled, starting at 6:30 a.m. Eastern
Time. With the exception of the GTC and DAY designations, which may
only be entered until 4 p.m. Eastern Time, all time in force
designations may be entered into Brut until 8 p.m. Eastern Time. Though
the entry of various time in force designations is permitted throughout
the System's hours of operation, the Brut System will not execute an
order in contravention of the time in force period selected by the
entering party, and instead will hold all such entries until they can
be processed in conformity with the time in force parameters selected
upon entry.
5. Routing
The Brut System provides the capability to route orders to other
available market centers between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m.
Eastern Time.\10\ The entering party designates, through the order type
it selects (e.g., Thru Brut, Brut Cross, Aggressive Cross, Super
Aggressive Cross, Directed Cross, or Hunter), whether the System should
first seek to execute the order against contra-side marketable orders
in the System prior to routing. Nasdaq states that in no event,
however, does the router give an order to a market center displaying an
inferior-priced order until the router has attempted to access better-
priced displayed orders in that or other market centers.\11\
\10\ Nasdaq states that Brut routes to other market centers
trading Nasdaq securities as well as to National Securities
Exchanges, including the American and New York stock exchanges and
other regional stock exchanges using the Intermarket Trading System
(``ITS''). Access to the New York Stock Exchange's DOT system is
currently provided to Brut through an agreement with NYSE-member
SunGuard Global Execution Services. As part of this access
arrangement, Brut allows subscribers to send orders for immediate
pass-through to SunGuard and then to DOT, including market on open/
close and limit on open/close orders and orders with the fill-or-
kill and all-or-none share amount designations.
\11\ According to Nasdaq, use of the Brut router is voluntary.
Users can select, by the type of order entered, if they want the
Brut System to route their order to another market center for
potential execution.
According to Nasdaq, with the exception of Thru Brut and Directed
Cross Orders that specifically direct which market center an order is
to be routed, orders routed out of the Brut System to other market
centers for potential execution are generally delivered to other market
centers in price/size priority. If the Nasdaq Market Center has
displayed shares at the best price level, the System will first deliver
to the displayed Nasdaq Market Center quote/order before routing to
other market centers. If the routed order is smaller in size than the
total combined displayed share amounts of accessible market centers at
the best price level, the Brut System delivers the routed order to the
available market centers in price/size priority. If the routed order is
larger than the total combined displayed share amounts of accessible
market centers at the best price level, the Brut System delivers over-
sized orders to each displayed market center's quote in proportion to
the individual market's center share of that total displayed share
amount. For example, if Market Center A is showing 60% of the total
amount of displayed shares across all markets at the best price level,
and Brut has a routable order greater in size than the total displayed
share amount across all markets, Brut will send an oversized order to
Market Center A representing 60% of the total amount of shares Brut is
attempting to execute via the routed order. The other market centers at
that price will likewise receive oversized orders in proportion to
their displayed amounts.
Nasdaq states that orders routed by Brut to another market do not
retain time priority with respect to other orders in Brut's System and
Brut continues to execute other orders while the routed order is away
at another market. Once routed by Brut, an order becomes subject to the
rules and procedures of the destination market including, but not
limited to, short-sale regulation and order cancellation.
6. Execution Algorithm
Nasdaq states that the Brut System has an execution algorithm of
price/time priority. For each order, among equally-priced trading
interest, the System executes against available contra-side displayed
share amounts in full, in price/time priority, before then moving to
reserve shares which are likewise executed in price/time priority.
After display and reserve size are exhausted at a particular price
level, the Brut System will then access, if available, share amounts of
Discretionary Orders within the Discretionary Order's discretionary
price range at that same price level, followed by executable Hunter
Orders before moving on to the next price level.
For example, assume the following orders in particular security at
the best price level in System:
2 p.m.--Order 1 BUY 100 at 20.00 (100 displayed, 0 reserved).
2:02 p.m.--Order 2 BUY 2,500 at 20.00 (1,500 displayed, 1,000
2:03 p.m.--Order 3 BUY 1,000 at 20.00 (discretion to 20.07)
(500 displayed, 500 reserved).
2:04 p.m.--Order 4 BUY 400 at 20.00 (Hunter Order) (0
displayed, 400 reserved).
2:05 p.m.--Order 5 BUY 500 at 20.00 (200 displayed, 300
Thereafter, the system receives a 10,000 share To Brut limit order
to sell at 19.99.
In the above situation, the System will match Order 1 for
100 shares, then match the 1,500 share displayed portion of Order
2, followed by the 500 share displayed portion of Order
3, and finally the 200 share displayed portion of Order
5 for a total of 2,300 shares. Since 7,700 shares are still
needed to fill the market sell order in full, the system will then
match the 1,000 share reserve amount of Order 2, and then 500
share displayed portion of Order 3, followed next by the 300
share reserve amount of Order 5.
[[Page 4910]]
Having determined which orders are eligible for execution via the
matching process, the Brut System then proceeds to decrement (reduce)
share amounts from those orders. These share amounts are decremented
from the matched orders starting with reserve size of the orders, if
any.\12\ (Order 1--no reserve, 100 shares display portion
decremented in full; Order 2--1,000 shares reserve decremented
followed by 500 shares of displayed 1,500 shares, leaving 1,000 shares
displayed; Order 3--500 shares (discretionary amount treated
as reserve = 500 executed, 500 share displayed portion remains); Order
5--300 shares reserve decremented by 200 shares, leaving 300
shares). Finally, the System will execute the 400 share Hunter Order
4. Having exhausted all trading interest at the best price
level in the system, the order would then move on to seek additional
shares at the next price level in the System.
\12\ This decrementation process differs from that of the Nasdaq
Market Center, which decrements shares directly from the matched
portion of quotes/orders and then refreshes those matched portions
from any remaining reserve share amounts. See NASD Rule 4710.
7. Clearly Erroneous Trade Procedures
According to Nasdaq, Brut adjudicates clearly erroneous trade
disputes for executions taking place exclusively within its System.
While generally reviewing clearly erroneous trade claims in response to
subscriber requests, Brut reserves the right to take action on its own
initiative if it determines that a trade is clearly erroneous and needs
to be modified or cancelled. Nasdaq states that, in the normal course,
Brut limits its clearly erroneous review to only those Brut System
trades that execute at prices that are a certain percentage or raw
dollar price away from the National Best Bid/Offer at the time of
execution. These parameters, which vary based on the execution price of
the asserted clearly erroneous trade, are summarized below:
Execution price Range away from the NBBO
$.01-$.99.............................. 10%.
$1-$19.99.............................. 5%.
$20 and above.......................... 1 Point.
According to Nasdaq, if a Brut-only trade satisfies the above, Brut
considers the trade potentially erroneous and conducts a facts and
circumstances analysis to determine what, if any, action should be
taken. In addition to the individual facts and circumstances of the
trade, Brut also considers other factors in evaluating clearly
erroneous trade claims including: If the trade created a new high or
low in the stock; if the trade consisted of an excessive number of
shares; if the trade took place in close proximity to news released on
the security; if the trade took place during a locked or crossed market
or during a period of extreme volatility; if the trade took place
before or after normal market hours; if the trade took place in close
proximity to halt and subsequent resumed trading in the security; how
soon after the trade the subscriber notified Brut of the potentially
erroneous trade; and if the trade or trades at issue involves a
security whose issuer was recently reorganized.
Nasdaq states that, while Brut follows the above procedures today,
when Brut operates pursuant to rules approved by the Commission, Brut
will automatically cease operating an independent clearly erroneous
review process and instead trades taking place in its System will
immediately become subject to NASD Rule 11890 that already governs
trades in the Nasdaq Market Center and grants authority to designated
Nasdaq officers ``to review any transaction arising out of the use or
operation of any execution or communication System owned or operated by
Nasdaq and approved by the Commission, * * *'' \13\
\13\ See NASD Rule 11890(a)-(b) and proposed NASD Rule 4911.
Telephone conversation between Thomas Moran, Associate General
Counsel, Nasdaq, and David Liu, Attorney, Division of Market
Regulation, Commission, on January 25, 2005.
8. Other System Features and Standards
As part of the proposed set of rules governing its Brut Facility,
Nasdaq is also proposing to codify current Brut system functions and,
where appropriate, establish similar standards regarding operational
issues between the Nasdaq Market Center and Brut. For example, Nasdaq
is proposing that the Brut System have a limitation of liability rule
substantially similar to that already in place for the Nasdaq Market
Center.\14\ Nasdaq is also proposing that the Brut system adjust open
orders in its system in a manner substantially similar to the way they
are adjusted in the Nasdaq Market Center,\15\ as well codifying
standards regarding the obligation of users to honor system trades,\16\
and the removal of users for fail