Wyoming Administrative Code
Agency 206 - Education, Dept. of
Sub-Agency 0002 - General Agency, Board or Commission Rules
Section 47-4 - Indicators for Traditional Schools serving grades three through eight

Universal Citation: WY Code of Rules 47-4

Current through December 21, 2024

(a) Academic Achievement.

(i) The school's achievement score is the percent of proficient or above proficient test scores in mathematics, English language arts, and science on the statewide summative assessment rounded to a whole number, for all students enrolled for a full academic year. In this section, "full academic year" means enrollment in the same school from the first weekday in October until a spring accountability date set by the Department each year during the state summative test window.

(ii) Schools with an achievement score equal to or greater than 68 are in the exceeds target level category on the academic achievement indicator.

(iii) Schools with an achievement score equal to or greater than 51, but below 68, are in the meets target level category on the academic achievement indicator.

(iv) Schools with an achievement score lower than 51 are in the below target level category on the academic achievement indicator.

Below Target (1 point)

Meets Target (2 points)

Exceeds Target (3 points)

School's Achievement Score

< 51

> = 51 and < 68

> = 68

(b) Growth.

(i) Growth is measured in schools serving grades four through eight. In order to compute growth scores, students must have at least two consecutive years of state test scores from a Wyoming school district. Growth is computed separately for math and reading on the state test for students in grades four through eight.

(ii) The model implemented to measure growth produces student growth percentiles (SGPs). SGPs indicate how an individual student's growth compared with that of all Wyoming public school students from that particular year in the same grade who had similar math or reading scores in previous years as determined by quantile regression analysis.

(iii) The school's mean growth percentile (MGP) is the mean of all reading and math SGPs for students enrolled for a full academic year at the school rounded to a whole number. In this section "full academic year" is defined as enrollment in the same school from the first weekday in October until a spring accountability date set by the Department each year during the state summative test window.

(iv) Schools with an MGP equal to or greater than 60 are in the exceeds target level category on the growth indicator.

(v) Schools with an MGP equal to or greater than 48, but below 60, are in the meets target level category on the growth indicator.

(vi) Schools with an MGP lower than 48 are in the below target level category on the growth indicator.

Below Target (1 point)

Meets Target (2 points)

Exceeds Target (3 points)

School's MGP

< 48

> = 48 and < 60

> = 60

(c) Equity.

(i) Students enrolled in the current year for a full academic year who had low performance in either math or reading or both on the prior year's state test are assigned to a consolidated subgroup. In this section, "full academic year" means enrollment in the same school from the first weekday in October until a spring accountability date set by the Department each year during the state summative test window. Low performance is based upon a score that falls below the cut-scores reported in Table 4.1.

(ii) Students are identified for the consolidated subgroup membership for only the subject areas where they scored below the cut-scores in Table 4.1 in the prior year.

Table 4.1. Statewide Summative Assessment Cut-Scores for Consolidated Subgroup Identification.

Content Areas



Grade 3



Grade 4



Grade 5



Grade 6



Grade 7



(iii) The Department shall calculate each school's equity score as follows:
(A) First, based on the SGPs of students in grades four through eight, the Department shall compute separate MGPs for (a) the consolidated subgroup and (b) all students not in the consolidated subgroup.

(B) Second, the MGP for the consolidated subgroup is then multiplied by 0.80, and the MGP for the students not in the consolidated subgroup is multiplied by 0.20.

(C) Third, the Department shall add these weighted MGPs and round the sum to a whole number to produce the school's equity score.

(iv) Schools with a school equity score that is equal to or greater than 60 are in the exceeds target level category on the equity indicator.

(v) Schools with a school equity score that is equal to or greater than 48, but below 60, are in the meets target level category on the equity indicator.

(vi) Schools with a school equity score that is lower than 48 are in the below target level category on the equity indicator.

Below Target (1 point)

Meets Target (2 points)

Exceeds Target (3 points)

School's Equity Score

< 48

> = 48 and < 60

> = 60

(d) English Language Proficiency.

(i) The English Language Proficiency (ELP) indicator measures whether English learners (EL) are making expected progress toward becoming English proficient. English proficiency is defined as earning a composite performance level (CPL) of at least 4.6 on the ACCESS and a literary performance level (LPL) of at least 4.3.

(ii) A student's target year for English proficiency is calculated based on the CPL the student earns in the first year that the student takes the ACCESS test as illustrated in Table 4.2.

Table 4.2. Year One Composite Performance Level and the Corresponding Target Year for English Proficiency.

Year One Composite Performance Level Score

Target Year (for English Proficiency)

At Least 4.6

Year One

4.0 to 4.5

Year Three

3.0 to 3.9

Year Four

2.0 to 2.9

Year Five

1.0 to 1.9

Year Six

(iii) The English language progress target for any EL student in a given year is the answer to the following formula rounded to the nearest whole number: ((end-year CSS - current year CSS)/years to target year) + current year CSS = English language progress target.
(A) The end-year composite scale score (CSS) is the CSS score that is equivalent to a CPL of 4.6 for the grade of the student's target-year for English proficiency as determined by Table 4.2.

(B) The years to target shall be calculated by taking the student's initial year CPL and using Table 4.2 above to determine how many years until the student is expected to be proficient. Every subsequent year the student's years to target is reduced by one.

(iv) Once the EL student reaches the target year, and every year thereafter until the EL student demonstrates English proficiency, the EL student's annual progress target is English proficiency. This means the student must have a CPL of at least 4.6 and an LPL of at least 4.3.

(v) The school score for the ELP indicator is the percentage of EL students at a school who meet their annual English proficiency progress target rounded to the nearest whole number.

(vi) For schools serving grades three through eight:
(A) Schools with an ELP score that is equal to or greater than 60 are in the exceeds target level category on the ELP indicator.

(B) Schools with an ELP score that is equal to or greater than 36, but below 60, are in the meets target level category on the ELP indicator.

(C) Schools with an ELP score that is lower than 36 are in the below target level category on the ELP indicator.

Below Target (1 point)

Meets Target (2 points)

Exceeds Target (3 points)

School's ELP Score

< 36

> = 36 and < 60

> = 60

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