Wyoming Administrative Code
Agency 053 - Workforce Services, Department of
Sub-Agency 0021 - Workers' Compensation Division
Section 2-8 - Safety Program; Employer Discount
Current through September 21, 2024
(a) Pursuant to W.S. § 27-14-201(o) employers may receive a premium base rate discount, as determined through the Division's premium rate setting process for its employment classification, by participating in a safety program.
(b) Employers must have at least one (1) employee to participate in the program, establish and maintain certificates of good standing with Wyoming Workers' Compensation, Unemployment Insurance, and the Secretary of State. Certificates of good standing shall be reviewed on an annual basis to ensure compliance. If certificates of good standing cannot be established and maintained by the employer, that employer shall be disqualified from the program until such time as the employer reapplies for the program and all program requirements have been met.
(c) Pursuant to W.S. § 27-14-803 and in accordance with Section 5 of this chapter, the Division may investigate and examine the employer's documentation as pertains to compliance with its approved health and safety program(s). If the Division finds the employer to be in noncompliance after reviewing the relevant documentation, participation in the employer base rate discount program may be revoked or reduced.
(d) This program shall comply with some or all of the following provisions dependent on the level of discount participation:
(e) Applications to participate in this program may be submitted to the Division at any time, and upon approval, premium base rate discounts shall be implemented in the subsequent calendar quarter.
(f) Upon receipt of a complete application, the Division shall review the application for compliance with these rules and either approve or deny the application. The Division shall deny an application if an applicant fails to meet all of the requirements of these rules. The Division shall also refuse to renew an application if the employer no longer meets or has violated any provision of these rules.
(g) Premium base rate discount renewals shall be in effect each year only in the event that a renewal application has been submitted along with any updates to the employer's Health and Safety policy. If an audit is conducted and the employer is found to be out of compliance with any of the previous requirements the employer shall be removed from the program until such time as the employer reapplies for the program and all program requirements have been met.