Wyoming Administrative Code
Agency 051 - Livestock Board
Sub-Agency 0003 - State Veterinarian
Section 15-11 - Trichomoniasis Infected Bovine and Herd Units
Current through September 21, 2024
(a) The sale, lease, or movement of Bovine from a Trichomoniasis Infected Herd Unit for reproductive purposes is strictly prohibited.
(b) Any Bovine testing positive to an Official Trichomoniasis Test and the Infected Herd Unit shall immediately be placed under Quarantine by the Board. Quarantine is considered in effect at the time that the herd owner is notified of a positive test.
(c) The owner, lessor, manager, or other person who has charge over a Trichomoniasis Infected Bovine shall provide the State Veterinarian the names and addresses of all owners of Bovine which the Trichomoniasis Infected Bovine may have had commingling or fenceline contact with, and notify all adjacent landowners in writing of the herd infection within seven (7) days of the positive Official Trichomoniasis Test results.
(d) A Trichomoniasis Quarantine Release Plan shall be developed by the State Veterinarian and the herd owner.
(e) The owner of a Trichomoniasis Infected male Bovine shall apply a V Brand on any infected Bovine within seven (7) days of notification of positive test results and prior to moving the Trichomoniasis Infected male Bovine from the Quarantined Premises. Trichomoniasis Exposed male Bovine that are moved from an Infected Herd unit without testing are also required to be V Branded.
(f) Any Trichomoniasis Infected male Bovine must move in Direct Movement for Slaughter at a Recognized Slaughter Establishment or for feeding in a Designated Feedlot immediately followed by Direct Movement for Slaughter at a Recognized Slaughter Establishment accompanied with a VS Form 1-27.
(g) All bulls in an Infected Herd Unit shall be held under Quarantine until Certified Trichomoniasis Negative. Pooled Samples shall not be used in Trichomoniasis infected herds.
(h) The following are exemptions to this requirement upon written approval of the Wyoming State Veterinarian:
(i) The herd owner/manager is required to inform the State Veterinarian of the total number of bulls and the total number of sexually intact female Bovine in the Infected Herd Unit.
(j) The Infected Herd Unit owner or manager shall assist the State Veterinarian in determining the destination of all sexually intact non-virgin male Bovine sold during the twelve (12) months prior to the diagnosis of Trichomoniasis. The State Veterinarian shall undertake all reasonable efforts to notify the recipients of the Bovine.