Current through December 21, 2024
(a) The referee
shall enforce all Commission's rules which apply to the execution, performance
and conduct of contestants' and seconds while in the ring.
(b) Referee Qualifications:
(i) Referee experience may be demonstrated by
one of the following:
(A) Evidence of
completion of Commission approved training, which must be completed every
twenty four months; or
(B) One year
of professional experience as a referee from a State Athletic Commission, or a
Tribal Commission that is a member of the Association of Boxing Commissions, or
upon approval of the Commission.
(ii) Other requirements for Referees:
(A) Prior to licensure, a referee must attest
that they have read and understand the laws and rules covering professional
kickboxing, bare knuckle fighting, boxing, and MMA in this state;
(B) The referee must have also read and
understand the rules of the various sanctioning bodies; and
(C) A written test and a physical examination
may be required at the discretion of the Commission to determine fitness to
Referees, if they so choose, and if they can demonstrate to the Commission that
they need prescription eyewear, shall only wear eyewear appropriate for a
sporting event. Appropriate in this situation means eyewear that will not
easily dislodge from his face and will not break, shatter, interfere with
referee's duties, or in any way unreasonably increase the risk of danger to the
(d) The Commission or
its designee shall approve the referee for each bout and the decision shall be
final. The amount of money paid to the referee shall be negotiated between the
promoter and the referee; however, it shall not be less than $150 per event,
plus mileage. Referees are to be paid by the promoter. The Commission shall
never be required to pay for referees but may do so at its
(e) Additional Duties.
(i) The referee shall inspect the gloves of
the contestants in all events and make sure that no foreign substances have
been applied to the gloves or bodies of the contestants that might be
detrimental to an opponent.
Before the start of each bout, the referee will check with each judge and the
timekeeper to determine if they are prepared to start the bout.
(iii) The referee is responsible for
determining who will act as the chief second in each corner and shall hold them
responsible for all conduct in the corners.
(iv) The referee in their discretion shall
warn the seconds of rule violations, and if they do not comply, the referee
shall warn them that further violations will result in point deductions,
disqualification of their contestant, and subject them to disciplinary
(v) The referee shall
instruct the judges to mark their scorecards accurately at all times.
(vi) The referee shall ensure that a bout
moves to its proper conclusion. It should not be stopped or delayed, except in
cases of damaging fouls or health and safety concerns.
(vii) The referee shall penalize contestants
who delay or use avoiding tactics by deducting points or by immediate
(viii) At the
conclusion of all bouts and upon the announcement of the winner, the referee
shall raise the winner's hand.
(f) Sole Arbiter.
(i) The referee is the sole arbiter of a bout
and is the only individual authorized to stop a bout.
(ii) Referees shall stop a bout when they
deem the following:
(A) The physical
condition of a contestant so requires;
(B) When a contestant is out-classed;
(C) A contestant is not
demonstrating their best efforts.
(iii) In the event of any injury, the referee
may seek a recommendation from the physician whether the bout should be
(g) Forfeiture
and Withholding of a Contestants Purse. The referee shall recommend to the
Commission or Commission Representative, the forfeiture or the withholding of
half of a contestant's purse whenever a contestant fails to perform in good
faith or maximum effort when competing.
(h) Knockdown Counts (does not apply to mixed
martial arts or bare knuckle mixed combat).
(i) When a contestant is knocked down as a
result of a legal strike in a kickboxing, boxing, bare knuckle fighting, or
leithwei bout, the referee shall order the opponent to a neutral corner and may
pick up the count from the timekeeper.
(ii) The referee shall audibly announce the
passing of the count and accompany the count with motions of the referee's arm.
The referee's count is the official count.
(iii) During any count, the opponent shall go
to the farthest neutral corner and remain in that neutral corner until signaled
by the referee. Should the opponent fail to stay in the neutral corner, the
referee shall cease the count until the contestant returns to the corner, then
the referee shall continue with the count from the point at which the count was
(iv) The eight count
is mandatory for a knockdown in a kickboxing, boxing, bare knuckle fighting, or
leithwei bout and a contestant may not resume fighting until the referee has
finished counting to eight. The contestant may take the count either on the
floor or standing.
(v) If the
referee calls the count of ten during a knockdown in a kickboxing, boxing, bare
knuckle fighting, or leithwei bout or the referee determines that a contestant
is not able to continue, the referee shall wave both arms to indicate a
knockout. A full count of ten (10) is not necessary when the health/safety of a
contestant is at risk.
(vi) A
contestant who has been knocked down by legal blows shall not be saved by the
(vii) The referee will have
sole discretion in determining a knockdown versus a slip. If a fighter goes
down from what a referee indicates is a slip but fails to rise after the
referee's repeated commands, the referee will initiate a count, and follow the
procedures of a knockdown. If the fighter does not rise at the count of ten, it
will be considered a TKO.
There is no standing eight count.
(ix) In a boxing, kickboxing, bare knuckle
fighting, and lethwei bout, a contestant may be stopped at any time by the
referee to protect the health and safety of either contestant. A contestant who
has been ruled by the referee to have been knocked down three times in the same
round shall lose by TKO. The three-knockdown rule may be waived at the sole
discretion of the Commission Representative.
(x) In a boxing and kickboxing bout, before a
contestants resumes after having been knocked, fallen, or slipped to the floor,
the referee shall wipe any accumulated debris from the contestant's
(i) When a
fallen contestant rises and falls again, without being hit again, in a
kickboxing, boxing, leithwei, or bare knuckle fighting bout the referee shall
continue the original count, rather than starting a new count.
(j) Contestants Down at the Same Time. If
both contestants are considered down at the same time in a boxing, kickboxing,
leithwei, or bare knuckle fighting bout, the count
shall continue as long as one of them is still down. If both contestants remain
down until the count of ten, the bout shall be stopped and the result shall be
a technical draw.
(k) If both
contestants fail to rise after being knocked out, the result shall be
considered a technical draw.
Leaving the Ring or Cage.
(i) A contestant
shall not leave the ring or, if the bout is being held in a fenced area, the
fenced area, during any period of rest that follows each round. If any
contestant fails or refuses to resume competing when the bell sounds signaling
the commencement of the next round, the referee shall award a decision of
technical knockout to the contestant's opponent at the round that has last been
finished, unless the circumstances indicate to the Commission or Commission
Representative the need for investigation or punitive action, in which case the
referee shall not give a decision and shall recommend that the purse or purses
of either or both contestants be withheld.
(ii) If a contestant has been knocked or has
fallen through the ropes and over the edge of the ring platform during a bout,
both of the following shall apply:
(A) The
contestant may be helped back by anyone except the contestant's seconds or
manager. The referee shall stop the clock, assess the contestant's condition,
and resume time once the contestant is able to safely reenter the
(B) The contestant shall be
given twenty seconds to return to the ring.
(iii) For a contestant who has been knocked
or has fallen on the ring platform outside the ropes but not over the edge of
the ring platform, both of the following shall apply:
(A) The contestant shall not be helped back
by anyone, including the contestant's second and manager. The referee may stop
the clock and assess the situation until the contestant is able to return to
the ring.
(B) The contestant shall
be given ten seconds to regain the contestant's feet and get back into the
(iv) If the second
or manager of a contestant who has been knocked down or has fallen helps the
contestant back into the ring, this help may be cause for
(v) If one
contestant has fallen through the ropes, the other contestant shall retire to
the farthest corner and stay there until ordered by the referee to continue the
(vi) Any contestant who
deliberately wrestles or throws an opponent from the ring or who hits an
opponent when the opponent is partly out of the ring and is prevented by the
ropes from assuming a position of defense may be penalized.
(vii) In a boxing bout, the following
additional rules shall apply:
(A) A
participant shall receive a twenty second count if they are knocked out of the
ring and onto the floor by a legal strike. The participant is to be unassisted
by the second(s). If assisted by the second(s), the participant shall be
(B) A participant who
has been wrestled, pushed, or has fallen through the ropes during a contest may
be helped back by anyone and the referee shall allow reasonable time for the
(C) When on the ring apron
outside the ropes, the participant shall enter the ring immediately.
(D) Should the participant stall for time
outside the ropes, the referee shall start the count without waiting for the
participant to reenter the ring.
(E) When one participant has fallen through
the ropes, the other participant shall retire to a designated corner and remain
there until ordered to continue the bout.
(F) A participant who deliberately wrestles
or throws an opponent from the ring, or who punches their opponent when they
are partly out of the ring and prevented by the ropes from assuming a position
of defense may be penalized, disqualified, and subject to disciplinary
Assessing Fouls.
(i) The referee must weigh
the cause as well as the act in assessing fouls.
(ii) When a foul is unintentionally
inflicted, but intentionally received, it is applied to the deliberate
(iii) If a contestant
receives a low blow as determined by the referee, the referee may use their
discretion to permit a rest period for the recipient. Such period shall not
exceed five minutes. During the rest period, seconds may not assist or coach
either contestant.
(iv) The
offending contestant shall go to a neutral corner.
(v) The referee will give a warning for a low
blow to the offending contestant if the contestant who received the low blow
indicates they are ready to continue the bout.
(vi) The referee will give the command to
continue after the end of the rest period. If the offended contestant refuses
to continue after the rest period, their opponent may be named the
(n) Penalty for
(i) Referees may penalize or
disqualify a contestant after any foul or a flagrant foul.
(ii) Fouls result in a point(s) being
deducted by the official scorekeeper from the offending contestant's score.
(The judges should only make notations of points deducted by the referee, for
each round.)
(iii) If a foul is
(A) The referee may call
(B) The referee shall check
the fouled contestant's condition and safety and provide adequate time for the
contestant to recuperate and resume fighting. Such time shall not exceed five
(C) The referee shall then
assess the foul to the offending contestant, deduct points, and notify the
seconds, judges, and official scorekeeper.
(iv) For mixed martial arts bouts only, the
fight will continue if a contestant in a bottom position commits a foul, unless
the contestant in the top position is injured.
(A) The referee will verbally notify the
bottom contestant of the foul.
When the round is over, the referee will assess the foul and notify both
seconds, the judges, and the official scorekeeper.
(C) The referee may terminate a bout based on
the severity of a foul. For such a flagrant foul, a contestant shall lose by
(o) Injuries Sustained by Fair Blows or
(i) Fair Blows: If injury is severe
enough to terminate a bout, the injured contestant loses by TKO.
(ii) Intentional Fouls:
(A) If injury is severe enough to terminate a
bout, the contestant causing the injury immediately loses by
(B) If an injury
occurs and the bout is allowed to continue, the referee will notify the
seconds, judges, and scorekeeper and may deduct points from the contestant who
committed the foul. In boxing bouts, point deductions for intentional fouls
will be mandatory, and the deduction shall be two points from the boxer who
caused the foul.
(C) If injury
results in the bout being stopped in a later round, the injured contestant will
win by Technical Decision, if the injured contestant is ahead on the score
(D) If injury results in the
bout being stopped in a later round, the bout will result in a Technical Draw,
if the injured contestant is behind or even on the score cards.
(E) If a contestant injures himself while
attempting to foul his opponent, the referee will not take any action in his
favor, and the injury will be the same as one that occurs by a fair
(iii) Accidental
(A) Any injury severe enough for the
referee to immediately stop the bout will result in a "No Contest" if stopped
before a majority of rounds has been completed.
(B) Any injury severe enough for the referee
to immediately stop the bout after a majority of the second round in a three
round bout, or a majority of the third round in a five round bout have
occurred, the bout will result in a "Technical Decision," awarded to the
contestant who is ahead on the score cards at the time the bout is
(C) If an injury stoppage
occurs, an incomplete round will be scored.
(D) If an injury stoppage occurs, and the
referee penalizes either contestant, the point(s) shall be deducted from the
final score.
(E) In a boxing bout,
if the judge(s) believes that a contestant did not engage in any action, the
round should be scored as an even round at the discretion of the judges. A
contestant who is hit with an accidental low blow must continue after a
reasonable amount of time but no more than five minutes or the contestant will
lose by Technical Knockout (TKO).
(p) Low Blows - Recipient Named Winner. A
contestant cannot be named the winner of a bout as a result of receiving a low
blow unless the referee determines the blow was delivered deliberately and was
of such force to seriously incapacitate the offended contestant so that they
could not continue to compete. Under this condition, the offender shall be
disqualified immediately.
Deliberate Actions to Gain Advantage - Penalties.
(i) The referee shall warn or penalize
contestants who use the ropes or deliberately dislodge their mouthpiece or use
other unfair tactics to gain an advantage.
(ii) The referee shall not permit unfair
tactics that may cause injuries to contestants.
(r) Physician Engagement with Contestants
During a Bout.
(i) No person other than the
contestants and the referee shall enter the ring or cage during a bout. A
second shall not stand or engage in any distracting actions while the bout is
in progress. For each contestants' seconds, a combined total of two warnings
for violating any requirement of this subsection shall result in the removal of
the seconds from the ring or cage area, all of whom may be subject to
discipline by the Commission or Commission Representative.
(ii) Before the referee requests the
physician to aid or examine a contestant, the referee shall direct the
timekeeper to stop the clock until otherwise directed by the referee. For bare
knuckle fighting only, the time-out shall be limited to approximately thirty
(30) seconds, absent extenuating circumstances approved by the
(iii) Any serious cuts or
injuries to either contestant shall be treated by the physician. The physician
shall determine whether to continue the bout as follows:
(A) The physician may enter the ring or cage
if requested by the referee to examine an injury to a contestant.
(B) If serious cuts or injuries to either
contestant occur, the referee shall summon the physician, who shall aid the
contestant and decide if the bout will be stopped. The final authority to
determine whether to continue the bout shall rest with the physician.
(C) If the physician determines that a
contestant who is cut or injured by legal blows cannot continue, the referee
shall announce that contestant loses by a technical knockout.
(D) The referee may request that the
attending physician examine a contestant during the bout. The physician may
order the referee to stop the bout and time shall be called. The referee shall
then render the appropriate decision regarding the outcome of the
(E) Except at the request of
the physician, no second shall be permitted to aid a stricken contestant.
(iv) If a contestant
loses a dental appliance or mouthpiece during a round, the referee may call a
time-out. If the referee calls a time-out for this reason, the referee may
direct the contestant's second to replace the dental appliance or