(a) If any Normal
Access Area within a structure is found or assumed to contain Target Compound
residues levels above the AL, the area shall be remediated to reduce the Target
Compound concentration to a level below the AL prior to further use, entry,
lease, renting, or occupancy. If any Low Access Area within a structure is
found or assumed to contain Target Compound residues levels above the AL-LAA,
the area shall be remediated to reduce the Target Compound concentration to a
level below the AL-LAA prior to further use, entry, lease, renting, or
occupancy. Part or all of the structure may be disposed of or demolished in
lieu of remediation, in compliance with all other applicable
(b) The following
procedures shall be used during remediation.
(i) Only qualified remedial contractors as
defined in Section 4 shall be used to perform Clanlab remediation.
(ii) All work shall be performed in
accordance with a written specification of the scope and methods to be used,
prepared and stamped by the CIH/PE in advance of remediation.
(iii) The remedial contractor shall ensure
that the structure(s) being remediated are secure from unauthorized entry
throughout the remediation process until clearance is achieved.
(iv) Remediation supervision shall be
provided by an experienced supervisor who is on-site at all times while work is
being performed.
(v) Personal
protective equipment shall be used in accordance with the employer's site
specific written health and safety program.
(vi) Access points to the zone of remediation
shall be labeled with appropriate signs indicating that Clanlab hazards exist
within. They shall be barricaded with a triple z-flap entrance constructed of
six-mil polyethylene.
(vii) The
work area(s) shall be ventilated with four air changes per hour using a HEPA
filtration system, exhausted outside the structure, when the remediation is
producing airborne dust, or whenever remediation work is being performed
adjacent to areas that are not contaminated. Existing ventilation systems shall
be de-activated.
(viii) Any areas
adjacent to the zone of non-compliance shall be sealed in a manner where no
significant air movement will occur.
(ix) Any chemicals that may qualify as
hazardous shall be handled, packaged, transported, and disposed of in
accordance with federal, state and local requirements.
(x) All movable items and porous materials
shall be removed unless sample results indicate that the residue level(s) on
them are less than the Allowable Level(s).
(xi) Chemical oxidants shall not be used for
initial cleaning unless manufacturer's data demonstrate that the product will
reduce by-products to the same percent reduction as the Target Compound is
reduced. However, if two cleanings are performed with non-oxidizing cleaning
agents, and the average reduction from initial residue levels is at least 90%
and no more than three times the AL in Normal Access Areas or AL-LAA for Low
Access Areas, whichever is more stringent, then oxidants may be used for final
(xii) If any surfaces
were painted prior to clearance testing, the paint layer that was applied shall
be removed or the substrate removed.
(xiii) Unless testing indicates no Target
Compound is detectable, soils within areas that exceed allowable levels shall
be removed to a depth of two inches and a vapor barrier installed or be removed
to a depth that is below the target level.
(xiv) All waste materials, including but not
limited to contents and demolition waste, shall be promptly containerized and
disposed of in accordance with all applicable regulatory requirements. All
haulers or handlers and landfills shall be notified in writing, and acknowledge
receipt in writing, that the waste contains target compound residues. A receipt
from the landfill shall be obtained to document the location where wastes were
(xv) All plumbing systems
shall be flushed clean with water.
(xvi) HVAC systems shall be cleaned or
demolished (removed). If HVAC systems are cleaned for clearance testing, the
following steps shall be used.
(A) A sketch of
the system layout shall be prepared.
(B) All components of the system shall be
cleaned by hand or with pneumatic or electrical agitators.
(C) Negative pressure with HEPA filtration
shall be applied to a section of the ductwork prior to agitation.
(D) Portions of the ductwork system that are
not comprised of sheet metal shall be opened and cleaned, e.g., joist spaces,
drywall spaces, etc.
(E) A
certification shall be prepared that all parts of the system as sketched were
(F) The CIH/PE shall be
notified that the structure is ready for clearance testing.
(xvii) After clearance sampling
indicates that all portions of the facility that were part of the required
remediation are in compliance, the CIH/PE shall notify the building owner and
incident commander in writing. At that time, the incident commander shall
determine if the warning signs shall be removed and the site declared
(xviii) The remedial
contractor shall provide a project report to the CIH/PE for compilation with
the sampling report including the following information: date(s) of work,
method(s) of work, daily personnel sign-in logs, training certificates, all
chemicals used, a narrative description of daily work completed, disposal
methods, landfill location, copies of all disposal certificates, materials and
items removed, sketches of HVAC system, certification that all work was
performed in accordance with regulations and specification, certification that
all parts of HVAC system were cleaned.