Wyoming Administrative Code
Agency 010 - Agriculture, Dept. of
Sub-Agency 0008 - Public Swimming Pools
Section 1-7 - Applicability and Terms Defined
Universal Citation: WY Code of Rules 1-7
Current through December 21, 2024
(a) The following terms are defined and apply in the interpretation and application of these Regulations.
(i) "Abrasion hazard" means a
sharp or rough surface or edge which could scrape the skin by chance during
normal use.
(ii) "Accessible" means
easily exposed for inspection and replacement of materials or parts with or
without the use of tools.
"Actual water level" means the specific level of water observed at any
(iv) "Administrative meeting"
means an informal meeting conducted by the Wyoming Department of Agriculture,
or local board of health for the purpose of facilitating a mutually agreed upon
plan of compliance for the license holder.
(v) "Air gap" means the unobstructed vertical
distance through the free atmosphere between the lowest opening from an inlet
pipe and the flood-level rim of a receptacle or floor drain.
(vi) "Air induction system" means:
(A) A system whereby a volume of air (only)
is induced into a hollow ducting in a spa floor, bench, or other location;
(B) The air induction system is
activated by a separate air power blower, or other means.
(vii) "Algae" means microscopic plant-like
organisms that contain chlorophyll and include green, blue-green or black,
brown and yellow-green (mustard) algae.
(viii) "Algaecide" means a natural or
synthetic substance used for killing, destroying, or controlling
(ix) "Alkalinity" means a
measure of the amount of bicarbonate, carbonate, or hydroxide compounds present
in a water solution.
(x) "ANSI"
means the American National Standards Institute.
(xi) "ANSI/NSPI-11991" means the American
National Standards Institute and National Spa and Pool Institute, Standards for
Public Swimming Pools.
"ANSI/NSPI-2" means the American National Standards Institute and National Spa
and Pool Institute, Standards for Public Spas.
(xiii) "Approved" means acceptable to the
regulatory authority based on determination of conformity with principles,
practices, and generally recognized standards that protect public
(xiv) "ARC" means the
American Red Cross.
(xv) "ASHRAE"
means the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning
Engineers, Inc.
(xvi) "ASME" means
the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
(xvii) "ASTM" means the American Society of
Testing Materials.
(xviii) "AWWA"
means the American Water Works Association.
(xix) "Backwash" means the process of
cleaning the filter medium and/or elements by the reverse flow of water through
the filter.
(xx) "Barrier" means a
fence, wall, or combination thereof, which completely surrounds the pool or spa
and obstructs access to the pool or spa.
(xxi) "Bather" means any person using a pool,
spa or similar installation and adjoining deck area for the purpose of water
sports, recreation, therapy or related activities.
(xxii) "Bathhouse" means a structure that
contains dressing rooms, showers and toilet facilities for use with an adjacent
public pool.
(xxiii) "Bather load"
means the number of persons in the pool, spa or similar installation at any
given moment or during any stated period of time.
(xxiv) "Beginners area" means water areas in
pools which are three (3) feet or less in depth.
(xxv) "Booster pump system" means:
(A) A system whereby one or more hydrotherapy
jets are activated by the use of a pump which is completely independent of the
filtration and heating system of a spa; or
(B) A device used to provide hydraulic
support for certain types of equipment such as cleaning systems, gas
chlorinators and solar systems.
(xxvi) "Breakpoint chlorination" means the
addition of a sufficient amount of chlorine to water to destroy the combined
compounds present.
"Bromine" means a chemical element that exists as a liquid in its elemental
form or as part of a chemical compound which is a biological agent used to
disinfect pool or spa water.
(xxviii) "Brominator" means a device to apply
or deliver a bromine disinfectant to water at a controlled rate.
(xxix) "Cartridge" means a depth, pleated, or
surface type filter component with fixed dimensions and designed to remove
suspended particles from water flowing through the filter.
(xxx) "Catch basin" means bodies of water
located at the termination of a manufactured water slide attraction provided
for the specific purpose of terminating the slide action and providing a means
for exit to a deck or walkway area.
(xxxi) "Certified Operator" means someone who
has successfully completed the Certified Pool Operator (CPO) course sanctioned
by the National Swimming Pool Foundation, the Aquatic Facility Operator (AFO)
course sanctioned by the National Recreation and Park Association, the NSPI
Tech I course sanctioned by the National Spa and Pool Institute Certification
Program or an equivalent course approved by the regulatory authority; and who
has been re-certified or obtained Continuing Education Units (CEU's), as
required by the sanctioning organization.
(xxxii) "Chemical feeder" means a mechanical
device used for applying chemicals to pool, spa or similar installation
(xxxiii) "Chloramine" means
a compound formed when chlorine combines with nitrogen or ammonia which may
cause eye and skin irritation and may have a strong objectionable
(xxxiv) "Chlorinator" means a
device used to apply or to deliver a chlorine sanitizer to water at a
controlled rate.
(xxxv) "Chlorine"
(A) A chemical element that exists as
a gas in its elemental form or as a part of a chemical compound which is an
(B) Chlorine is a biocidal
agent used to disinfect pool, spa or similar installation water.
(xxxvi) "Chlorine demand
compounds" means organic matter, chloramine and other such compounds that
chlorine reacts with and which depletes chlorine.
(xxxvii) "Chlorine generator" means equipment
that generates chlorine, hypochlorous acid, or hypochlorite on-site for
disinfection and oxidation of water contaminants.
(xxxviii) "Circulation equipment" means the
mechanical components which are a part of a circulation system on a pool or
(A) The components have separate
functions, but when connected to each other by piping, perform as a coordinated
system for purposes of maintaining pool or spa water in a clear, sanitary and
desirable condition.
Circulation equipment may include, but is not limited to:
(I) Categories of pumps;
(II) Hair and lint strainers;
(III) Filters;
(IV) Valves;
(V) Gauges;
(VI) Meters;
(VII) Heaters;
(VIII) Surface skimmers;
(IX) Inlet/outlet fittings; or
(X) Chemical feeding devices.
(xxxix) "Circulation
system" means the arrangement of mechanical equipment or components, connected
by piping to and from a pool or spa in a closed circuit.
(B) The circulation system function is to
direct water from the pool or spa, causing it to flow through the various
system components for purposes of:
(II) Heating;
(III) Purifying; and
(IV) Returning the water back to the original
body of water.
(xl) "Clarifier" means:
(A) A chemical which coagulates and
neutralizes suspended particles in water.
(B) Clarifier can also mean coagulant or
(C) A clarifier is:
(I) Inorganic salts of aluminum or iron;
(II) Water-soluble organic
polyelectrolyte polymers.
(xli) "Combined residual chlorine" means:
(A) The portion of the total residual
chlorine existing in water in chemical combination with ammonia, nitrogen,
and/or organic compounds, mostly comprised of chloramine.
(B) Combined residual chlorine plus free
residual chlorine equals total residual chlorine and is calculated from the
results of measuring the free and total residual chlorine with a test
(xlii) "Confirmed
disease outbreak" means a food or water borne disease outbreak in which
laboratory analysis of appropriate specimens identifies a causative agent and
epidemiological analysis implicates the food or water as the source of the
(xliii) "Contact
concentration" means the concentration of a chemical in a flow of water.
(A) Contact concentration depends on:
(I) The rate of addition;
(II) The flow rate of the water;
(III) The efficiency of the
(B) Contact
concentration is calculated using the equation:
(I) Amount of chemical (grams/hour)/water
flow rate (gpm) x 4.41 = contact concentration (mg/L).
(xliv) "Contaminant" means any
physical, chemical, biological or radiological substance or matter in
(xlv) "Coping" means the cap
on a pool or spa wall which provides a finishing edge around the pool or spa.
(A) Coping may be:
(I) Formed;
(II) Cast in place or pre-cast; or
(III) Pre-fabricated from metal, ceramic or
plastic materials.
(xlvi) "Cove" means the radius between the
pool or spa wall and the pool or spa floor.
(xlvii) "Covers" means material or structure
which covers, protects, or shelters a pool or spa.
(xlviii) "CPSC" means United States Consumer
Product Safety Commission.
"Critical item."
(A) "Critical item or
critical violation" means a provision of these Regulations, that, if in
noncompliance, is more likely than other violations to contribute to water
contamination, illness, or an environmental health or safety hazard.
(l) "Cross connection" means:
(A) The physical connection between the
potable water system and a non-potable water source such as a pool or spa;
(B) A physical connection
between a pool or spa and the sanitary sewer or waste water disposal system.
(li) "Cyanuric acid"
also called stabilizer, isocyanuric acid, conditioner or triazinetrione means a
chemical which helps reduce the excess loss of chlorine in water due to the
ultraviolet rays of the sun.
"Deck" means an area immediately adjacent to or attached to a pool, spa or
similar installation which are specifically constructed or installed for
sitting, standing or walking.
(liii) "Deep areas" means water depths in
excess of five (5') feet.
"Department" means the Wyoming Department of Agriculture.
(lv) "Depth" means the vertical distance
measured at three (3) feet from the pool, spa or similar installation wall from
the bottom of the pool, spa or similar installation to the design water level.
(lvi) "Design water level" means
the design water level defined in one of the following ways:
(A) Skimmer system:
(I) The design water level shall be at the
midpoint of the operating range of the skimmer.
(B) Overflow system:
(I) The design waterline shall be the top of
the overflow rim of the gutter system.
(lvii) "Diatomite" means the filtering medium
of a diatomaceous earth filter composed of microscopic fossil skeletons of the
diatom, a tiny freshwater aquatic plankton.
(lviii) "Director" means the director of the
Wyoming Department of Agriculture or his duly authorized representative.
(lix) "Disinfectant" means any
oxidant, including but not limited to, chlorine, chlorine dioxide, chloramines
and ozone added to water in any part of the treatment or distribution process
that is intended to kill or inactivate pathogenic microorganisms.
(lx) "Diving board" means a recreational
mechanism for entering a pool, consisting of a semi-rigid board which derives
its elasticity through the use of a fulcrum mounted below the board.
(lxi) "Diving equipment, competition" means
competitive diving boards and fulcrum setting diving stands intended to provide
adjustment for competitive diving.
(lxii) "DPD" means diethyl-phenylene diamine.
(B) DPD is a reagent and test method which
specifically measures bromine or free available and total residual
(C) DPD produces a series
of colors from pale pink to dark red.
(lxiii) "Effective filter area" means the
total surface area through which the designed flow rate will be maintained
during filtration.
"Effluent" means the water that flows out of the filter, pump or other
(lxv) "Employee" means the
license holder, person in charge, person having supervisory or management
duties, person on the payroll, family member, volunteer, person performing work
under contractual agreement, or other person working in a public swimming pool,
spa or similar installation.
(lxvi) "EPA" means the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency.
"Equalizer line" means a pipe from below the water level in a swimming pool or
spa to the body of the skimmer which is designed to automatically prevent air
from being drawn into the pump when the water level drops below the skimmer
(lxviii) "Facility" means
the pool, spa, or similar installation, restroom, dressing rooms, equipment
rooms, deck enclosure, and other appurtenances directly serving the pool, spa
or similar installation.
"Feet of head" means the basis for indicating the resistance in a hydraulic
system, equivalent to the height of a column of water that would cause the same
resistance (100 feet of head equals 43.29 pounds per square inch). The total
dynamic head is the sum of all resistances in a complete operating
(lxx) "Filter" means a
device designed to remove undissolved particles from water by recirculating the
water through a porous substance (a filter medium or element) such as:
(A) A medium filter which is a filter that
utilizes a medium such as sand, gravel or other medium that under normal use
will not have to be replaced frequently;
(B) A diatomaceous earth filter which is a
filter that utilizes a thin coating of diatomaceous earth over a porous
substructure as its filter medium;
(C) A cartridge filter which is a filter that
utilizes a porous element that acts as a filter medium in a cartridge,
(D) A vacuum filter which is a
filter that operates under a vacuum from the suction pump.
(lxxi) "Filter medium" means a
finely graded material, such as sand, diatomaceous earth, polyester fabric or
anthracite, used to trap solid particles from the influent water and return
clear water to the pool, spa or similar installation.
(lxxii) "Flotation tank" means a tank
designed for body immersion in skin-temperature salt water.
(lxxiii) "Flow rate" means the same as the
definition of "rate of flow."
(lxxiv) "Flow-through pool" means an
artificial or partially-artificial pool that depends on the natural flow of
water through it to maintain adequate water quality.
(lxxv) "Flume" means a recreational water
slide designed to provide a descending ride into a plunge-pool at the base of
the slide.
(lxxvi) "Free available
chlorine" means the portion of the total residual chlorine remaining in
chlorinated water that is not combined with ammonia or nitrogen compounds and
will react chemically with undesirable or pathogenic organisms.
(lxxvii) "General-use public pool" means any
pool other than limited-use public pools.
Public pools operated in conjunction with a companion facility but not limited
to use of the residents, patrons or members of the companion facility are
general-use pools.
(lxxviii) "Handrail" means a device which may
be gripped by a user for the purpose of resting or steadying themselves.
(A) A handrail may be located, but is not
limited to:
(I) Within or without the pool or
spa; or
(II) As part of a set of
steps or deck-installed equipment.
(lxxix) "Hardness" means the amount of
calcium and magnesium salts dissolved in water.
(A) Hardness is measured by a test kit and
expressed as parts per million (ppm) of equivalent calcium carbonate.
(lxxx) "Health Officer" means the
person appointed by the director of the Department of Health pursuant to
9-2-101(f) and
(lxxxi) "Heat exchanger" means a device with
coils, tubes or plates that absorb heat from any fluid, liquid or air, and
transfers that heat to another fluid without intermixing the fluids.
(lxxxii) "Heat pump" means a refrigeration
compressor, usually electrically driven, that is operated in reverse.
(A) A heat pump obtains heat by exposing the
evaporator side (cooling side) to warm water, air or ground; and
(B) The evaporator coil absorbs the heat from
this source and transfers it to the condenser coil where it discharges the heat
to the pool, spa or similar installation to be heated.
(lxxxiii) "Hydrotherapy spa" means a unit
that may have a therapeutic use but which is not drained, cleaned or refilled
for each individual.
(A) A hydrotherapy spa
may include but is not limited to:
Hydrotherapy jet circulation;
Hot water;
(VII) Cold
(VIII) Mineral
(IX) Air induction bubbles;
(X) Any combination
(B) A
hydrotherapy spa includes, but is not limited to:
(I) A therapeutic pool;
(II) A hydrotherapy pool;
(III) A whirlpool;
(IV) A hot spa; or
(V) A hot tub.
(lxxxiv) "Hot tub" means a spa
constructed of wood with sides and bottoms formed separately and joined
together by pressure from surrounding hoops, bands or rods, distinct from spa
units formed of plastic, concrete, metal or other materials.
(lxxxv) "IESNA" means the Illuminating
Engineering Society of North America.
(lxxxvi) "Influent" means water entering a
filter or other device.
"Jump board" means a recreational mechanism used for entering a pool that has a
coil spring or comparable device located beneath the board which is activated
by the force exerted in jumping on the board.
(lxxxviii) "Labeled" means:
(B) Equipment or material to which has been
attached a label, symbol, or other identifying mark of an organization that is
acceptable to the regulatory authority and concerned with product evaluation
that maintains periodic inspection of production labeled equipment of
materials; and
(C) By whose
labeling the manufacturer indicates compliance with appropriate standards or
performance in a specified manner.
(lxxxix) "Ladder" means:
(A) A deck ladder used in ascending from
ground level outside a pool, spa or similar installation to the level of a
deck; or
(B) An in-pool or in-spa
ladder located in a pool, spa or similar installation to provide ingress and
egress from the deck.
(xc) "Law" means applicable local, state, and
federal statutes, rules, regulations, and ordinances.
(xci) "License" means the document issued by
the regulatory authority that authorizes a person to operate a public swimming
pool, spa or similar installation.
(xcii) "License holder" means the entity
(A) Is legally responsible for the
operation of the public swimming pool, spa or similar installation such as the
owner, the owner's agent, or other person; and
(B) Possesses a valid license to operate a
public swimming pool, spa or similar installation.
(xciii) "Lifeguard" means an individual
qualified in water safety, lifesaving, and first aid who holds the appropriate
certificates approved by the regulatory authority.
(xciv) "Limited-use public pool" means any
pool located at and operated in connection with a companion facility but not
limited to, such as:
(A) A residential
housing facility having four or more living units;
(B) Travelers' accommodations;
(C) Mobile home parks;
(D) Recreation parks;
(E) Boarding schools;
(F) Organizational camps;
(G) Bed and breakfasts;
(H) Dude ranches; or
(I) A club or association where use of the
pool is limited to residents, patrons or members of the companion facility.
(xcv) "Listed" means:
(A) Equipment or materials included in a list
published by an organization acceptable to the regulatory authority and
concerned with product evaluation, that maintains inspection of production of
listed equipment or materials; and
(B) Whose listing states either that the
equipment or material meets appropriate designated standards or has been tested
and found suitable for use in a specified manner.
(xcvi) "Multiport control valve" means a
multi-port valve having a number of control positions for various filter
operations that combines in one unit the function of two (2) or more single
(xcvii) "NRPA" means the
National Recreation and Park Association.
(xcviii) "NSPF" means the National Swimming
Pool Foundation.
(xcix) "NEC" means
the National Electrical Code.
"NEMA" means the National Electric Manufacturers Association.
(ci) "NFPA" means the National Fire
Protection Association.
"Non-swimming area" means any portion of a pool or similar installation where
the water depth, offset ledges or similar irregularities would prevent normal
swimming activities.
(ciii) "NSFI"
means the National Sanitation Foundation International.
(cvi) "Operating water level range" means the
operating water level defined in one of the following, according to the type of
pool construction:
(A) Skimmer system - two
(2) inches above to two (2) inches below the midpoint of the operating range of
the skimmer throat, or manufacturer's maximum stated operating range;
(B) Overflow gutter system - the
manufacturer's maximum stated operating range above the design of water level.
(cvii) "Organic matter"
means perspiration, urine, fecal matter, saliva, suntan oil, cosmetics,
lotions, dead skin, and similar debris introduced into water by bathers and the
(cviii) "ORP" means
the oxidation reduction potential level produced by strong oxidizing,
sanitizing, or similar agents in a water solution.
(A) The oxidation level is measured in
millivolts by an ORP meter.
(cix) "Overflow system" means overflows,
gutters, surface skimmers, and surface collection systems of various design and
manufacture used for removal of pool or spa water.
(cx) "Parts per million (ppm)" means a unit
of measurement in chemical testing which indicates the parts by weight in
relation to one (1) million parts by weight of water.
(A) Parts per million as applied to pool and
spa water chemistry is identical to the term milligrams per liter (mg/l).
(cxi) "Person" means an
individual, partnership, corporation, association, other legal entity,
government, or governmental subdivision or agency.
(cxii) "Person in charge" means the
individual present at a public swimming pool, spa or similar installation who
is responsible for the operation at the time of inspection.
(cxiii) "Personal care items" means items or
substances that may be poisonous, toxic, or a source of contamination and are
used to maintain or enhance a person's health, hygiene, or appearance.
(A) "Personal care items" include items such
as medicines; first aid supplies; and other items such as cosmetics, and
toiletries such as toothpaste and mouthwash.
(cxiv) "pH" means the symbol for the negative
logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration, which is a measure of the degree
of acidity or alkalinity of a solution. Values between zero (0) and seven (7)
indicate acidity and values between seven (7) and fourteen (14) indicate
alkalinity. The value for pure distilled water is seven (7), which is
considered neutral.
(cxv) "Physical
facilities" means the structure and interior surfaces of a public swimming
pool, spa or similar installation including accessories such as soap and towel
dispensers and attachments such as light fixtures and heating or air
conditioning system vents.
"Plaster" means:
(A) A mixture of white
cement and aggregate used as a type of interior finish, which is white or
lightly tinted; and
(B) Is applied
to a concrete pool, spa or similar installation.
(cxvii) "Plumbing fixture" means a receptacle
or device that:
(A) Is permanently or
temporarily connected to the water distribution system of the premises and
demands a supply of water from the system; or
(B) Discharges used water, waste materials,
or sewage directly or indirectly to the drainage system of the premises.
(cxviii) "Plumbing
system" means the water supply and distribution pipes; plumbing fixtures and
traps; soil, waste, and vent pipes; sanitary and storm sewers and building
drains, including their respective connections, devices, and appurtenances
within the premises; and water-treating equipment.
(cxix) "Plummet" means a line perpendicular
to the water surface and extending vertically to a point located at the front
of the diving board and at the center line directly in front of the diving
(cxx) "Plunge pool" means
the pool located at the lower end of a flume.
(cxxi) "Poisonous or toxic materials" means
substances that are not intended for ingestion and are included in the
following four (4) categories:
(A) Cleaners
and sanitizers, which include cleaning and sanitizing agents and agents such as
caustics, acids, drying agents, polishes, and other chemicals;
(B) Pesticides except sanitizers, which
include substances such as insecticides and rodenticides;
(C) Substances necessary for the operation
and maintenance of the establishment such as non-food grade lubricants and
personal care items that may be deleterious to health; and
(D) Substances that are not necessary for the
operation and maintenance of the establishment and are on the premises for
retail sale, such as petroleum products and paints.
(cxxii) "Pool" means an artificial structure
containing water used for swimming, bathing, diving, surfing, wading or a
similar use and is operated by an owner, lessee, operator, licensee, or
concessionaire regardless of whether a fee is charged for use.
(cxxiii) "Precipitate" means a solid material
which is forced out of a solution by some chemical reaction and which settles
out or remains as a haze in suspension causing turbidity.
(cxxiv) "Premises" means:
(A) The physical facility, its contents, and
the contiguous land or property under the control of the license holder;
(B) The physical facility, its
contents, and the land or property not described under Subparagraph (A) of this
definition, if its facilities and contents are under the control of the license
holder and may impact the facility personnel, facilities, or operations, if the
facility is only one component of a larger operation such as a health care
facility, hotel, motel, school, recreational camp, or prison.
(cxxv) "Private-use pool" means
any constructed pool, permanent or portable, which is intended for
noncommercial use as a swimming pool by not over three owner families and their
guests, and which:
(A) Is over twenty-four
inches (24") in depth; and
(B) Has
a surface area exceeding two-hundred fifty (250) square feet; or
(C) A volume over three-thousand two-hundred
fifty (3,250) gallons.
(cxxvi) "PSI" means pounds per square
(cxxvii) "Public pool" means
a pool that is open to the public or a segment of the public.
(cxxviii) "Public water system" has the
meaning stated in 40 CFR
141 National Primary Drinking Water
Regulations, as amended.
"Pump" means a mechanical device, usually powered by an electric motor, which
causes hydraulic flow and pressure for the purpose of filtration, heating, and
circulation of pool, spa and similar installation water.
(cxxx) "Rate of flow" means the quantity of
water flowing past a designated point within a specified time, such as the
number of gallons flowing in during one minute.
(cxxxi) "Rated pressure" means pressure that
is equal to or less than the designed pressure and appears on the date plate of
the equipment.
(cxxxii) "Recessed
treads" mean a series of vertically spaced cavities in the pool, spa or similar
installation wall creating tread areas for stepholes.
(cxxxiii) "Recreational water" means a
facility or area together with associated buildings, appurtenances and
equipment, in conjunction with artificial or natural ponds, springs, lakes,
streams, or other bodies of water that is designated for public bathing,
recreational and swimming use.
(cxxxiv) "Regulatory authority" means the
local, state, or federal enforcement body or authorized representative having
jurisdiction over the public swimming pool, spa or similar
(cxxxv) "Removable"
means capable of being disassembled with the use of only simple tools such as a
screwdriver, pliers or wrench.
(cxxxvi) "Return inlet" means the aperture or
fitting through which the water under positive pressure returns into a pool,
spa or similar installation.
(cxxxvii) "Return piping" means piping which
is referred to as effluent.
(cxxxviii) "Ring buoy" means a ring-shaped
floating buoy capable of supporting a bather and having an outside diameter of
twenty (20) inches.
"Risk" means the likelihood that an adverse health effect will occur within a
population as a result of a hazard in the water of a public swimming pool, spa
or similar installation.
"Rope and float line" means a continuous line not less than one- half
(1/2) inch in diameter, which is supported by buoys and attaches to
opposite sides or ends of a pool to separate the deep and shallow ends or mark
exercise or racing lanes.
"Scale" means the precipitate that forms on surfaces in contact with water when
the calcium hardness, pH, or total alkalinity levels are too high.
(cxlii) "Self-closing or self-latching" means
a device which causes a gate to automatically fully close and latch without
human or electrical power.
"Separation tank" means a tank used in conjunction with a filter to facilitate
the separation of filtrate material for disposal.
(cxliv) "Sewage" means liquid waste
containing animal or vegetable matter in suspension or solution and may include
liquids containing chemicals in solution.
(cxlv) "Shallow areas" means pool water areas
which are less than five (5) feet deep.
(cxlvi) "Shock treatment" means the practice
of adding significant amounts of an oxidizing chemical to water to destroy
ammonia, nitrogenous and organic contaminants in the water.
(cxlvii) "Skimmer weir" means the part of a
skimmer which adjusts automatically to small changes in water level to assure a
continuous flow of water to the skimmer.
(cxlviii) "Slide" means a slide used in
conjunction with a pool twelve feet (12) or (3.66m) or less in height above the
pool water surface.
(cxlix) "Slip
resistant" means a surface which has been treated or constructed to
significantly reduce the chance of a bather slipping.
(cl) "Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl)" means a
clear liquid form of an inorganic chlorine compound obtainable in
concentrations of five (5) to one-hundred sixty (160) per zero (0) available
(cli) "Spa pool" means a
bathing facility such as, but not limited to, a hot tub or whirlpool designed
for recreational or therapeutic use and not designed to be drained, cleaned,
and refilled for each use.
(A) Spas are
designed to provide a means of agitation, and includes, but is not limited to:
(I) Hydrojet circulation;
(II) Hot water;
(III) Cold water;
(IV) Mineral baths;
(V) Air induction systems; or
(VI) Any combination thereof.
(clii) "Stabilizer"
means a chemical which helps reduce the excess loss of residual chlorine in
water due to the ultraviolet rays of the sun.
(cliii) "Steps" mean:
(A) A riser or tread or a series of risers or
treads extending down from the deck and terminating at the pool or spa
(B) Steps may include
recessed steps that have the risers located outside of user areas.
(cliv) "Suction piping" means
piping which is referred to as influent.
(clv) "Suction outlet" means the aperture or
fitting through which the water under negative pressure is drawn from the pool,
spa or similar installation.
(clvi) "Superclorination" means:
(A) The practice of adding a sufficient
amount of a chlorinating compound to water to destroy chlorine demand compounds
and any combined chlorine which is present.
(II) The level of chlorine added is generally
ten (10) times the level of combined residual chlorine in the water.
(clvii) "Surface
skimmer system" means a device installed in the wall of an in-ground pool, spa
or similar installation which permits the continuous removal of floating debris
and surface water to the filters.
(A) A
surface skimmer system may have the same meaning as a "through-wall system".
(clviii) "Swimming
pool" means a body of water, other than a natural swimming area, maintained
exclusively for swimming, recreative bathing or wading, and includes
appurtenances used in connection with the swimming pool.
(clix) "Temperature measuring device" means a
thermometer, thermocouple, thermistor, or other device that indicates the
temperature of food, air, or water.
(clx) "Test kit" means a device for
monitoring or measuring a specific chemical level in a pool, spa or similar
installation water.
(clxi) "This
act" means W.S. W.S.
35-28-101 through
(clxii) "Time clock" means a mechanical
device that automatically controls the periods which a pump, filter,
chlorinator, heater, blower and other electrical devices are in the on
(clxiii) "Total
alkalinity" means:
(A) The ability or
capacity of water to resist change in pH.
(B) Total alkalinity is also known as the
buffering capacity of water, and consists mainly of carbonates, bicarbonates
and hydroxides.
(C) Total
alkalinity is measured with a test kit and expressed as parts per million
(clxiv) "Total
available chlorine" means the sum of both the free available and combined
(clxv) "Total dissolved
solids" means a measure of the total amount of dissolved matter in water
including but not limited to:
(B) Magnesium;
(C) Carbonates;
(D) Bicarbonates; or
(E) Metallic compounds
(clxvi) "Turbidity" means a cloudy condition
of water due to the presence of extremely fine particulate materials in
suspension which interfere with the passage of light.
(clxvii) "Turnover rate" means the period of
time, usually in hours, required to circulate a volume of water equal to the
pool, spa or similar installation capacity.
(clxviii) "UFC" means the Uniform Fire Code.
(clxix) "Underwater light" means:
(A) A fixture designed to illuminate a pool,
spa or similar installation from beneath the water surface.
(B) A underwater light includes the
(I) A wet niche light.
(1.) A watertight and water-cooled light unit
placed in a submerged, wet niche in the pool, spa or similar installation wall;
(II) A dry niche
(1.) A light unit placed behind a
watertight window in the pool, spa or similar installation wall.
(clxx) "UL"
means Underwriters Laboratory.
(clxxi) "Vacuum" means:
(A) The reduction of atmospheric pressure
within a pipe, tank, pump or other vessel.
(B) Vacuum is measured in inches of mercury.
(I) One (1") inch of mercury is equivalent to
one point thirteen (1.13') feet of head.
(II) The practical maximum vacuum is thirty
(30) inches of mercury or 33.9 feet of head.
(clxxii) "Valve" means:
(A) Any device in a pipe that will partially
or totally obstruct the flow of water as in a ball, gate or globe valve, or
permit flow in one direction only, as in a check or foot valve.
(B) Valve types include:
(I) Bleeder valve, a device which allows air
to be vented from a closed system;
(II) Multi-port valve, a device which allows
the multi-directional control of the passage or flow of water through a system;
(III) Push-pull valve, a device
which allows the dual directional control or flow of water through a system.
"Variance" means a written document issued by the Wyoming Department of
Agriculture that authorizes a modification or waiver of one or more
requirements of these Regulations if, in the opinion of the regulatory
authority, a health or safety hazard or nuisance will not result from the
modification or waiver.
"Velocity" means the speed at which a liquid flows between two specified
points, expressed in feet per second.
(clxxv) "Wading pool" means a pool that
contains water two (2) feet, (6m) or less in depth.
(clxxvi) "Walls" mean the interior pool, spa
or similar installation wall surfaces consisting of surfaces from plumb to a
slope of eleven (11) degrees from plumb.
(clxxvii) "Waste water disposal system" means
a plumbing system used to dispose of backwash or other water from a pool, spa
or similar installation or from dressing rooms and other facilities associated
with a pool, spa or similar installation.
(clxxviii) "Waterline" means, when associated
(A) A skimmer system:
(I) The waterline at the midpoint of the
operating range of the skimmers when there are no users in the pool, spa or
similar installation; or
(B) An overflow system:
(I) The waterline at the top of the overflow
(clxxix) "Wave pool" means a pool with
artificial waves designed to be used for body or board surfing.
(clxxx) "Zero depth pool" means a pool in
which the pool floor intersects the water surface along at least one side of
the pool.
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