Determination of Competency. Competence in the use and handling of
restricted-use pesticides by a private applicator will be determined by
procedures set forth below. As a minimum requirement for certification, a
private applicator must show that he possesses a practical knowledge of the
pest problems and pest control practices associated with his agricultural
operation; proper storage, use, handling and disposal of the pesticide and
containers and his related legal responsibility.
(b) General standards of competency for all
categories of certified private applicators.
(i) Recognize common pests to be controlled
and damage caused by them.
Read and understand the label and labeling information, including the common
name of the pesticide(s) being used, the crop, animal or site to which the
pesticide is being applied, pest(s) to be controlled, timing and methods of
application, safety precautions, any harvest, grazing or restricted entry
restriction(s), and any specific disposal procedures.
(iii) Apply pesticides in accordance with
label instructions and warnings, including the ability to prepare the proper
concentrations of pesticide to be used under particular circumstances, taking
into account such factors as area to be covered, speed at which application
equipment will be operated, and the quantity of product dispersed in a given
period of operation.
(iv) Recognize
local environmental situations that must be considered during application in
order to avoid any possible contamination.
(v) Recognize poisoning symptoms and
procedures to follow in case of a pesticide accident.
(c) Specific standards of competency for each
category of certification. Private applicators, when certifying in a specific
category, shall be particularly qualified in that category as elaborated below:
(i) Cat. 01001 General Certification.
Applicators shall demonstrate practical knowledge of agricultural commodities,
and the specific weeds, insects and diseases of those agricultural commodities
on which they may use restricted use pesticides. Practical knowledge is
required concerning relevant soil and water problems, pre-harvest intervals,
restricted entry intervals, phytotoxicity, and potential for e n v i r o n m e
n t a l contamination a n d non-target i n j u r y . Applicators shall also
demonstrate practical knowledge of animals and their associated pests, and
pesticide toxicity and residue potential.
(ii) Cat. 01002 Product Specific. Applicators
shall demonstrate practical knowledge of the specific pest to be controlled and
the potential impact on the environment of the specific pesticide being used.
The applicator must also demonstrate practical knowledge concerning pertinent
factors influencing application methods, hazards to the applicator and the
public and any other factors which the Board of Certification deems of
importance for the specific pesticide.
(iii) Cat. 01003 M-44(Sodium Cyanide).
Applicators shall demonstrate practical knowledge on the use of the M-44 device
to control coyotes, including the history of the M-44 device, toxic effects of
sodium cyanide, first aid for cyanide poisoning, M-44 parts and their use,
preparation of the M-44 for use, setting the M-44, the use of baits and
attractants, selecting M-44 use sites, EPA use restrictions and all reporting
and record keeping requirements pertaining to the use of M-44's. Applicators
shall also demonstrate knowledge of basic coyote information, characteristics
of predatory species and use of alternative methods for predator control.
Certification in this category shall require separate and specific training,
examination and certification.
Cat. 01004 Livestock Protection Collar. Applicators shall demonstrate practical
knowledge on the use of the LP Collar to control coyotes, including criteria
for applicators, specific certification requirements for applicators,
monitoring protocols and labeling and the use of the technical bulletin on the
LP Collar. Applicators shall also demonstrate knowledge of procedures for
evaluating predation on livestock and wildlife and all reporting and record
keeping requirements pertaining to the use of the LP Collar. Certification in
this category shall require separate and specific training, examination and
(v) Cat. 01005
Chemigation. Applicators shall demonstrate practical knowledge of equipment
associated with chemigation, including calibration techniques and use of an
anti-back flow/check valve to prevent contamination of water supplies. They
shall demonstrate knowledge of labeling requirements of products registered for
chemigation, including posting requirements. Further, they shall demonstrate
knowledge of the appropriate use of personal protective equipment associated
with this type of application.