Wyoming Administrative Code
Agency 006 - Administration and Information, Dept. of
Sub-Agency 0012 - State Building Commission
Section 5-4 - Uniform Standards for Assessing and Approving Agency Building and Other Space Needs
Current through December 21, 2024
(a) Uniform standards for building and space needs are for planning purposes only; and are not intended to be regulatory/mandatory, i.e., agency compliance is not required:
(b) GSD shall assess agency building requirements/requests and other space needs, according to the following needs assessment procedures:
(c) GSD shall forecast building longevity and future agency space requirements based on information obtained from the needs assessment.
(d) Needs assessments shall be utilized in the prioritization of capital construction requests.
(e) Needs assessments shall be used to evaluate renovation needs for each state building. Information obtained from the "Building Survey" shall be used to determine if a cost/benefit analysis shall be conducted.
(f) Needs assessments shall specify construction and renovation requirements for a 5 year period. A prioritization of all statewide requests shall be developed by GSD each year. GSD shall generate a current fiscal year list of construction/renovation projects and a list of projects for the 4 succeeding years.
(g) On or before November 1st of each year and based upon the needs assessment, the SBC shall establish and prioritize construction, renovation and leasing needs. They shall identify and prioritize potential projects to be studied for inclusion in the Wyoming public buildings construction program. Construction and renovation needs shall be prioritized for the current fiscal year and each of the following 4 fiscal years.
(h) On or before December 1st of each year, the SBC shall provide this information to members of the legislature.