Wisconsin Administrative Code
Department of Veterans Affairs
Chapter VA 5 - Wisconsin Veterans Museum
Section VA 5.03 - Director, duties and responsibilities
Current through November 25, 2024
The director under the direction of the secretary shall operate and conduct the Wisconsin veterans museum pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes. The director shall:
(1) Have charge and custody of the battle flags of Wisconsin Units in the Civil War and the Spanish American War and the war relics, books and mementos of the memorial collection of the Wisconsin veterans museum.
(2) Identify and prepare and maintain a current catalog of all articles in the memorial collection and all acquisitions thereto.
(3) Restore, preserve and safeguard all articles in the memorial collection. The director may not sell, mortgage, transfer or dispose of in any manner or remove from the museum, except for temporary purposes, any articles which are a part of the memorial collection, except that, upon the recommendation of the secretary, any duplicate articles or articles outside the field of the memorial collection may be sold or exchanged for the purpose of procuring additional materials for display.
(4) Procure by loan, gift, exchange or purchase additions to the memorial collection as may be necessary in order to develop a representative museum collection depicting and commemorating the service of Wisconsin men and women in the nation's wars.
(5) Display the memorial collection so as to make it instructive and attractive to visitors.
(6) Permit research to be conducted upon any materials in the memorial collection, whether on display or in storage, which is consistent with the preservation and safeguarding of such materials.
(7) Permit visitors to the museum to view the exhibits and displays of the memorial collection and provide information regarding the historical significance of the military service and the events they depict.
(8) Take such steps as may be necessary to protect visitors and the memorial collection from persons who would interfere with the peaceful enjoyment of the museum and the memorial collection including their ejectment.
(9) Protect the memorial collection from theft or vandalism and report promptly to the secretary and the police any evidence of theft or vandalism.
(10) Keep records on all matters affecting the museum and the memorial collection, including acquisitions, articles borrowed or loaned for research or display, and visitors to the museum.
(11) Prepare an annual report on the operation of the museum and make such other reports as the secretary may require.