board of supervisors may assign administration of the private water systems
program to any appropriate county office, department, committee, board or
commission that shall have the authority and the duty to administer and enforce
the provisions of the county ordinance adopted under sub. (1)(a) and (c).
Qualifications of the
administrator for the private water systems ordinance.
1. To be eligible for appointment as
administrator of the private water systems ordinance, a person shall be
knowledgeable about the principles and practices of private well construction
and abandonment and pump installation. The department recommends that the
administrator take the examination and attend the training sessions
commensurate with the level or levels of authorized county
2. If the administrator
has a personal interest in the construction or modification of any private well
or pump installation subject to the provisions of ch. 280, Stats., ch. NR 812
or the county ordinance, the county board shall, after consultation with the
department, designate another knowledgeable person to examine the application,
to issue the required permits and to make any or all of the necessary
Duties. It shall be the duty of the administrator or her or
his designated representative to enforce the county ordinance and perform the
following duties commensurate with the level or levels of the county's
delegation authority:
1. Record all permits,
fees, inspections and other official actions.
Submit copies of the processed permits, forms or correspondence within the
timeframes specified in Table 1.
Table 1
Delegation Authority |
Permits, Forms, Correspondence |
Timeframe 7 days 30 days |
Level 1 |
Well Location Permit Application |
Yes |
Field Inspection Forms |
Yes |
Corrective, Enforcement Letters and Orders (Well
Location and Abandonment) |
Yes |
Level 2 |
New and Existing Pump Installation
Permits |
Yes |
Field Inspection Forms |
Yes |
Corrective, Enforcement Letters and Orders
(Noncomplying Pump Installations) |
Yes |
Level 3 |
Well and Pump Installation Field Inspection
Forms |
Yes |
Corrective, Enforcement Letters and Orders
(Non-Complying Welland Pump Installations) |
Yes |
All Follow-up Letters Involving Noncommunity Water
Systems |
Yes |
Correspondence pertaining to well water samples with
chemical or radiological contaminants exceeding drinking water
standards. |
Yes |
Correspondence pertaining to confirmed unsafe water
samples |
Yes |
Inventory Information and Sample Results Form for
Noncommunity Water Systems |
Yes |
Drinking Water Analyses, Except Bacti, from County
or Private Laboratories |
Yes |
Level 4 |
Well Construction Field Inspection
Form |
Yes |
Corrective, Enforcement Letters and Orders
(Noncomplying Well Constructions) |
Yes |
Level 5 |
Field Inspection Forms |
Yes |
Corrective Enforcement Letters and Orders for Well
Abandonment |
Yes |
All counties shall submit samples of routine county information correspondence
not identified in Table 1 to the department. Thereafter, copies of county
correspondence, having samples on file at the department, need not be sent to
the department. If significant modifications are made to routine county
information correspondence or new correspondence letters formulated, sample
copies shall be sent to the department.
c. After a one-year period of county
participation in level 3, the department may modify portions of the level 3
copy submittal requirements. The central office shall make this decision on a
case-by-case basis.
d. The
department may review or request a copy of any inspection report,
correspondence or water quality data pertaining to the county's delegation
level. The department may require the use of standardized forms for reporting
water quality data.
e. The
department may reinstitute, increase or decrease delegation level
correspondence submittal requirements for participating counties as deemed
necessary by the central office. The department shall provide the county 30
days notice, in writing, of any reinstituted, increased or decreased submittal
f. The department
will provide standardized private water system permit application and field
inspection forms for use in the delegation program.
Note: The forms are available from the Department of Natural
Resources, 101 S. Webster, P.O. Box 7921, Madison, WI 53707-7921.
3. Submit a summary
report to the department, upon request, by the 60th day following the end of
the calendar year. The summary report shall include:
a. Number of permits issued;
b. Number of permits denied;
c. Number of inspections completed;
d. Number of compliance orders
e. Number of compliance
orders complied with;
f. Number of
complaints investigated; and
g. Any
other information requested by the department.
4. Inspect private water systems upon
completion or during installation using the procedures set forth in the uniform
private water systems guidance manual and record the inspections on forms
provided by the department. If the county's level of delegation does not
authorize the inspection of the entire private water system, the county shall
complete the inspection in accordance with the authorized delegation level.
Inspections beyond a county's authorized delegation level shall be the
responsibility of the department.
Note: The forms are available from the Department of Natural
Resources, 101 S. Webster Street, P.O. Box 7921, Madison, WI 53707-7921.
5. Require the abandonment of
wells or drillholes in accordance with standards established in ch. NR 812. A
county may require the abandonment of a well with water exceeding a primary
drinking water standard listed in ch. NR 809, or a state health advisory limit
issued by the department, after consultation with and approval by the
6. Investigate cases
involving noncompliance with the private water systems ordinance, ch. 280,
Stats., or ch. NR 812, issue orders to abate the noncompliance and submit
complaints to the district attorney or corporation counsel for
7. Investigate and
record all private water system complaints related to the county's delegation
8. Refer complaints and
cases of noncompliance that are believed to be or known to be beyond the scope
of the county's delegation level to the department.
9. Cooperate with all other governmental
units and agencies in the enforcement of all state and local laws and
regulations of matters related to this chapter.
10. Assist the department in:
a. Conducting studies to determine the cause
or extent of a groundwater contamination incident.
b. Investigating the activities of
unregistered well constructors and pump installers.
c. Investigating the use of questionable
materials or methods by well constructors or pump installers.
d. Inspecting private water
e. Collecting water
samples within the scope of resources available to the county.
11. Refer variance requests and
actions which require department approval to the department.
12. Advise owners not to drink or use water
from private water systems under the following conditions:
a. Private wells producing
bacteriologically-unsafe water as described in the uniform private water
systems guidance manual from samples submitted to the state laboratory of
hygiene or a laboratory certified by the department of agriculture, trade and
consumer protection under ch. ATCP 77.
b. Private wells, except noncommunity, having
a level of contamination exceeding a primary drinking water standard specified
in ch. NR 809 or a state health advisory limit issued by the department in 2
separate samples submitted to a laboratory certified or registered under s.
Stats., and ch. NR 149, or the state laboratory of hygiene.
c. Other cases of private well contamination
after consultation with and approval by the department.