Wisconsin Administrative Code
Department of Natural Resources
NR 800 - Environmental Protection - Water Supply
Chapter NR 812 - Well Construction And Pump Installation
Subchapter IV - Standards for Existing Installations
Section NR 812.42 - Criteria for evaluation
Current through August 26, 2024
Each existing water system shall be viewed as an individual unit and its acceptability for use as a source of water shall be determined on the basis of its location, construction, installation, pump discharge piping arrangement, water quality, and sanitary condition. The owner shall provide written documentation verifying the date of construction or installation or both. Existing installations shall meet all of the following requirements:
Source |
Prior to Oct. 1, 1975 |
Oct. 1, 1975 to Sept. 30, 1981 |
Oct. 1, 1981 to Jan 31, 1991 |
Feb. 1, 1991 to Sept. 30, 1994 |
Oct. 1, 1994 to Sept. 30, 2014 |
Oct. 1, 2014 to June 30, 2020 |
Absorption Unit (field), soil [See Soil Absorption Unit] (Also known as a POWTS dispersal component) |
50' |
50' |
50' |
50' |
50' |
50' |
Agricultural crop field Note: Not a requirement-only a recommendation |
None |
None |
None |
None |
None |
25' recommended |
Air shaft-heating/air conditioning (Vertical, Below grade) |
None |
None |
None |
None |
25' |
25' |
Animal Barn |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
50' |
Animal Barn Pen |
None |
25' |
25' |
25' |
25' |
- |
Animal Shelter (not including small residential pet shelter or pet kennel housing 5 or fewer adult pets) |
None |
50' |
50' |
50' |
50' |
50' |
Animal Yard-Includes Calf Hutch (but not including residential lot dog kennel enclosing 5 or fewer adult pets) |
None |
50' |
50' |
50' |
50' |
50' |
Barn, Animal |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
50' |
Barn Gutter |
None |
25' |
25' |
25' |
25' |
50' |
Building Overhang (from centerline of well) |
2' |
2' |
2' |
2' |
2' |
None |
Cemetery Grave Sites |
None |
100' |
100' |
50' |
50' |
50' |
Cistern |
10' |
10' |
10' |
8' |
8' |
8' |
Coal Storage (greater than 500 tons) |
None |
None |
None |
1,200' |
1,200' |
1,200' |
Composting Site (See Solid Waste Processing Facility) |
None |
None |
None |
None |
250' |
250' |
Culvert, stormwater |
None |
None |
None |
None |
None |
8' |
Discharge to ground from a Water Treatment Device |
None |
None |
None |
25' |
25' |
None |
Ditch-Edge of |
None |
None |
None |
None |
25' |
8' |
Doghouse or kennel housing 5 or fewer adult pets on residential lot |
None |
None |
None |
50' |
8' |
8' |
Downspout Outlet (Rainwater, including the discharge therefrom) |
10' |
10' |
10' |
8' |
8' |
None |
Drain - Sanitary building (having pipe conforming to ch. SPS 384) (Buried) |
10' |
8' |
8' |
8' |
8' |
8' |
Drain - Sanitary building (not having pipe conforming to ch. SPS 384) (Buried) |
10' |
25' |
25' |
25' |
25' |
25' |
DRAIN (any material) (Buried) |
- Clear Water Drain |
10' |
10' |
10' |
8' |
8' |
None |
- Building-Foundation Drain |
10' |
10' |
10' |
8' |
8' |
None |
- Building-Foundation Drain-Sewer Connected |
15' |
15' |
15' |
8' |
8' |
None |
Drillhole used for the underground placement of any waste, surface water or any substance as defined in s. 160.01(8), Stats. |
None |
None |
None |
None |
100' |
100' |
Fertilizer or Pesticide Storage Tank (any size, surface or buried) (This distance applies only for nonpotable wells) |
None |
None |
None |
8' |
8' |
8' |
Fertilizer or Pesticide, any size Buried Storage Tank Surface tank 1,500 gal (This distance applies only for potable wells) |
None |
None |
None |
100' |
100' |
100' |
Filter Strip |
None |
None |
None |
50' |
50' |
50' |
Fuel Oil Tank-Buried |
None |
100' (25' Allowed for Private Res. Lots Only) |
100' (25' Allowed for Private Res. Lots Only) |
100' (Including any associated buried piping) (25' allowed for tanks serving single family residences) |
100' (Including any associated buried piping) (25' allowed for tanks serving single family residences) |
100' (Including any associated buried piping) (25' allowed for tanks serving single family residences) |
Fuel Oil Tank Serving a Single -Family Residence |
None |
25' Allowed for Private Res. Lots Only |
25' Allowed for Private Res. Lots Only |
25' |
25' |
25' (Including any associated piping) |
Fuel Oil Tank-Surface (1,500 gallons) (including any associated piping) |
None |
None |
None |
100' |
100' |
100' (Including any associated piping) |
Fuel Oil Tank-Surface (1,500 gallons) |
None |
None |
None |
None |
None |
25' |
Fertilizer or Pesticide (Dry) Storage Area or Building (more than 100 pounds) |
None |
None |
None |
None |
100' |
100' |
Gasoline or Other Petroleum or Liquid Product Tank - Buried (Does not apply to separation distance between Liquid Propane tanks and wells serving single family residences) |
None |
100' |
100' |
100' (Including any associated buried piping) |
100' (Including any associated buried piping) |
100' (Including any associated piping) |
Gasoline or Other Petroleum or Liquid Product Tank-Surface ( 1,500 gallons, including any associated buried piping) |
None |
None |
None |
None |
None |
25' |
Gasoline or Other Petroleum or Liquid Product Tank-Surface (1,500 gallons, including any associated buried piping) |
None |
None |
None |
100' |
100' |
100' |
Glass Lined Feed Storage Facility (Harvester-Type Silos) |
None |
25' |
25' |
50' |
50' |
50' |
Grease Interceptor (Trap) (Buried) |
25' |
25' |
25' |
25' |
25' |
25' |
Hazardous Waste Treatment Facility Regulated by the department |
None |
None |
None |
1,200' |
1,200' |
1,200' |
Heat exchange drillhole |
None |
None |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Holding Tank (Wastewater) (Also known as a POWTS holding component) |
None |
25' |
25' |
25' |
25' |
25' |
Infiltration basin or system, Stormwater |
None |
None |
None |
None |
100' |
100' |
Junkyard or Scrap Yard |
None |
None |
None |
250' |
250' |
250' |
Kennel on residential lot enclosing 5 or fewer adult pets |
None |
None |
None |
50' |
8' |
8' |
Kennel, other than above |
None |
None |
None |
50' |
50' |
50' |
Lagoon, Treatment (See liquid waste disposal system) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
-- |
Lake Shoreline (Measured to the edge of the floodway) |
None |
25' |
25' (60' For Schools and High Cap. Wells) |
25' |
25' |
25' |
Landfills (existing, proposed or abandoned) (Distance to Nearest Fill Area of abandoned landfills if Known; Otherwise to the Property Line) |
None |
400 yards |
400 yards |
1,200' |
1,200' |
1,200' |
Lift Station |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
100' |
100' |
Liquid Propane (L.P.) gas tank (buried) (Applies only to wells serving a single-family residence. For other wells see s. NR 812.04(4) (d) 1.) |
None |
None |
None |
None |
None |
8' |
Liquid Waste Disposal System |
None |
250' |
250'-300' |
250' |
250' |
250' |
Manure Hopper or Reception Tank-Liquid-Tight |
None |
75' |
75'-150' |
50' |
50' |
50' |
Manure Loading Area |
None |
None |
None |
None |
50' |
50' |
Manure Stack -Temporary |
None |
100' |
100' |
250' |
150' |
150' |
Manure-Storage Structure (Earthen, Excavated or Non-liquid tight) |
None |
250' |
250'-300' |
250' |
250' |
250' |
Manure Storage Structure (Fabricated, Liquid-Tight) |
None |
100' |
100'-175' |
100' |
100' |
100' |
Manure-Storage Basin-Liquid-Tight Concrete Floor with an Acceptable Drainage Facility |
None |
100' |
150'-300' |
Now in category of Manure Storage Structure |
Now in category of Manure Storage Structure |
Now in category of Manure Storage Structure |
Milk house drain outlet |
None |
None |
None |
None |
None |
50' |
Mound System (Measured to the toe of the mound) (Also known as POWTS dispersal component.) |
50' |
50' |
50' |
50' |
50' |
50' |
Nonpotable Well |
None |
None |
None |
8' |
8' |
8' |
Pesticide or Fertilizer (Dry) Storage Area or Building (More than 100 Pounds) |
None |
None |
None |
None |
100' |
100' |
Pesticide or Fertilizer Storage Tank (not buried)-less than 1,500 gallons (this distance applies only for non-potable wells) |
None |
None |
None |
8' |
8' |
8' |
Pesticide or Fertilizer Storage Tank-Buried tank, any size, or any surface tank 1,500 gal (this distance applies only for potable wells) |
None |
None |
None |
100' |
100' |
100' |
Pet Waste Pit Disposal Unit |
None |
50' |
50' |
50' |
50' |
50' |
Pet animal shelter or kennel on residential lot and housing not more than 5 adult pets. |
None |
None |
None |
50' |
8' |
8' |
Pet animal shelter or kennel housing more than 5 adult pets or not on residential lot. |
None |
None |
None |
50' |
50' |
50' |
Petroleum Product Tank-Surface - less than 1,500 gallons capacity |
None |
None |
None |
None |
None |
25' |
Petroleum Product Tank-Surface - greater than or equal to 1,500 gallons capacity |
None |
None |
None |
None |
None |
100' |
Pits-Noncomplying |
None |
10' |
10' (20' For Schools, WWTPs, and High Capacity-Including Approved Pits) |
8' |
8' |
8' |
Plastic Silage Storage and Transfer Tube |
None |
None |
None |
8' |
8' |
50' |
Pond (Measured to nearest high-water edge) |
None |
None |
None |
None |
None |
25' |
Pond, Stormwater detention (Edge of) |
None |
None |
None |
None |
25' |
25' |
Pond, synthetically-lined decorative yard pond on a residential lot |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
None |
Pond, treatment (See liquid waste disposal system) |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
POWTS holding component (Also known as a holding tank.) |
25' |
25' |
25' |
25' |
25' |
25' |
POWTS treatment component (Includes septic tanks, aerobic treatment units or filters) |
25' |
25' |
25' |
25' |
25' |
25' |
POWTS dispersal component (Also known as a soil absorption unit or mound.) |
50' |
50' |
50' (200' for schools) |
50' (200' for schools) |
50' (200' for schools) |
50' (200' for schools) |
Privy (Also known as pit privy) |
50' (Sewage Disposal Units) |
50' |
50' |
50' |
50' |
50' |
Quarry (See s. NR 812.12(4) for well casing depth well construction requirements for wells to be constructed within 500 feet of a quarry or within 1,200 prior to October 1, 2014) |
- |
- |
- |
1200' |
1200' |
500' |
Recycling Facility |
None |
None |
None |
None |
None |
100' |
Reservoir-Noncomplying |
10' (Cistern) |
10' |
10' |
8' |
8' |
8' |
Ridge and Furrow System (See liquid waste disposal system) |
River or Stream Edge (Measured to the edge of the floodway) |
None |
25' |
25' (60' For Schools and High Cap. Wells) |
25' |
25' |
25' |
Salt or Deicing Material Storage Area (Including structure and area surrounding where material is transferred to vehicles) (This category includes sand & salt mixtures if salt content of mixture is 5% or more) |
None |
None |
None |
250' |
250' |
250' |
Salvage Yard |
None |
None |
None |
250' |
250' |
250' |
Scrap Metal Processing Facility |
None |
None |
None |
None |
None |
100' |
Septage Landspreading Area |
None |
None |
None |
None |
None |
25' |
Note: Not a requirement-only a recommendation |
recommended |
Septic Tank (Also known as a POWTS treatment component) |
25' |
25' |
25' |
25' |
25' |
25' |
SEWER (ch. SPS 384 Materials) (Buried) |
-Manure/Gravity sewer |
8' |
8' |
8' |
25' |
25' |
25' |
-Manure/Pressurized sewer |
8' |
8' |
25' |
25' |
25' |
25' |
-Sanitary Building/Gravity sewer |
8' |
8' |
8' |
8' |
8' |
8' |
-Sanitary Building/Pressurized sewer |
8' |
25' |
25' |
25' |
25' |
25' |
-Sanitary Collector sewer (Serving = 4 living units or = 6''diameter) |
8' |
50' |
50' |
50' |
25' |
25' |
-Sanitary Collector sewer (Serving 4 living units or 6'' diameter) |
8' |
50' |
50' |
50' |
50' |
50' |
-Influent sewer |
50' |
50' |
50' |
50' |
50' |
50' |
-Storm Collector sewer (=6'' diameter) |
8' |
50' |
50' |
50' |
25' |
8' |
-Storm Collector sewer ( 6'' diameter) |
8' |
50' |
50' |
50' |
50' |
8' |
SEWER (not ch. SPS 384 Materials) (Buried) |
-Manure/Gravity sewer |
25' |
25' |
25' |
25' |
25' |
25' |
-Manure/Pressurized sewer |
25' |
50' |
50' |
50' |
50' |
50' |
-Sanitary Building/gravity sewer |
25' |
25' |
25' |
25' |
25' |
25' |
-Sanitary Building/Pressurized sewer |
25' |
25' |
25' |
25' |
50' |
50' |
-Storm Building sewer |
25' |
25' |
25' |
25' |
8' |
None |
-Sanitary Collector sewer |
25' |
50' |
50' |
50' |
50' |
50' |
-Storm Collector sewer |
25' |
50' |
50' |
50' |
50' |
8' |
-Influent sewer |
50' |
50' |
50' |
50' |
50' |
50' |
Shoreline-Lake, River or Stream [Measured as indicated in subd. (4) (b) 7.] |
None |
25' |
25' (60' For Schools and High Capacity Wells) |
25' |
25' |
25' |
Silage Storage, Earthen Trench or Pit |
None |
100' |
100'- 175' |
250' |
250' |
250' |
Silage Storage Structure (Fabricated liquid-tight) (In-ground or surface) |
None |
None |
None |
None |
100' |
100' |
Silage Storage-Surface, Uncovered |
None |
None |
None |
None |
100' |
100' |
Silage Storage Tube (Plastic) |
None |
None |
None |
8' |
8' |
50' |
Silo With Pit |
None |
50' |
50' |
50' |
50' |
50' |
Silo Without Pit But With Concrete Floor and Drain |
None |
25' |
25' |
50' |
50' |
50' |
Single application landspreading of petroleum-contaminated soil |
- |
- |
- |
- |
250' |
250' |
Sludge Drying Bed, Liquid-tight |
None |
None |
None |
None |
None |
100' |
Sludge Landspreading or Drying Area |
None |
200' |
200' |
250' |
250' |
25' |
Note: Not a requirement-only a recommendation |
recommended |
Soil Absorption Unit (=12,000 gal/day, includes alternate unit) (Also known as POWTS dispersal component) |
50' |
50' |
50' (200' for schools as of 1978) |
50' (200' for schools) |
50' (200' for schools) |
50' (200' for schools) |
Soil Absorption Unit (=12,000 gal/day, existing or abandoned) (Also known as POWTS dispersal component) |
50' |
50' |
50' (200' for schools as of 1978) |
250' |
250' |
250' |
Solid Waste Processing Facility (Including composting facilities) |
None |
None |
None |
None |
250' |
250' |
Solid Waste Site (Distance to Nearest Fill Area or Proposed Fill Area If Known; Otherwise to the Property Line) (See Landfill) |
None |
400 yards |
400 yards |
1,200' |
1,200' |
1,200' |
Solid Waste Transfer Facility |
None |
None |
None |
None |
250' |
250' |
Spray Irrigation Waste Disposal Site (See liquid waste disposal system) |
Stormwater detention pond or basin |
None |
None |
None |
None |
25' |
25' |
Stormwater infiltration basin or system |
None |
None |
None |
None |
100' |
100' |
Sump Clear water |
None |
None |
None |
8' |
8' |
None |
Sump-Wastewater (Watertight) (formerly cast-iron equivalent) |
None |
8' |
8' |
25' |
25' |
8' |
Sump-Wastewater (not watertight or equivalent to cast iron) |
None |
25' |
25' |
25' |
25' |
25' |
Swimming Pool (from edge of water) |
None |
25' (Below ground) |
25' (Below ground) |
25' (Below ground) |
8' (above or below ground) |
8' (above or below ground) |
Temporary Manure Stack |
None |
100' |
100' |
250' |
150' |
150' |
Vegetated Treatment Area (Previously known as a Filter Strip) |
None |
None |
None |
50' |
50' |
50' |
Waste Disposal Site (See Landfill) |
Wastewater Treatment Plant Effluent Pipe |
None |
None |
None |
50' |
50' |
50' |
Wastewater Treatment Plant Structure, Conveyance or Treatment Unit |
None |
None |
150' |
100' |
100' |
100' |
Well or drillhole used for underground placement of any waste, surface water or any substance as defined in s. 160.01, Stats. |
None |
None |
None |
None |
100' |
100' |
Yard Hydrant |
None |
10' |
10' |
8' |
8' |
None, but not allowed to be installed in or on well. |
(2) PITS AND ALCOVES. Existing well or pressure tank pits and alcoves constructed after April 10, 1953 shall comply with the minimum requirements specified in s. NR 812.36(2). When a well in a pit is filled and sealed, the pit shall be filled in accordance with s. NR 812.26(5) (m) unless the pit is a complying valve pit. If a building is constructed over a well pit or alcove, the well shall meet the requirements of a basement well as specified in s. NR 812.42(9). Pits and alcoves constructed on or before April 10, 1953 shall meet the following minimum requirements:
(3m) VALVE PITS AND ALCOVES. Existing pits and alcoves used only for the housing of valves are exempt from the requirements of this section except that a pit or alcove used for this purpose shall be watertight, may not be connected to a sewer, shall be drained to permeable soil or to the ground surface, and may not be subject to flooding.
(5) DUG WELLS. An existing dug well may be continued in service only if it produces water free from coliform bacteria and free from contaminant levels in excess of the standards specified in s. NR 812.06. Use of dug wells is not recommended by the department. A dug well may not be reconstructed without approval under s. NR 812.09(4) (m). Existing dug wells shall meet the following minimum construction requirements:
(6) PUMP AND PUMP DISCHARGE INSTALLATIONS. Pump installations installed prior to February 1, 1991 shall conform to the following requirements:
Note: Unprotected buried suction lines have never been allowed by the Wisconsin Well and Pump Code.
Note: Nonpressurized conduits to protect buried suction lines were only allowed before February 1, 1991 and then only for installations serving three or fewer homes.
(10) DRIVEWAY RAMPS. A well may terminate within a driveway ramp if the installation complies with the requirements for driveway ramps in s. NR 812.36(3).
(13) DISINFECTION, FLUSHING AND SAMPLING. When working on existing water wells or pump installations, the well and water system shall be: