Wisconsin Administrative Code
Department of Natural Resources
NR 800 - Environmental Protection - Water Supply
Chapter NR 811 - Requirements For The Operation And Design Of Community Water Systems
Subchapter VII - Treatment
Section NR 811.44 - Pilot testing
Current through August 26, 2024
Pilot testing is required to establish effective treatment and operation requirements for new treatment methods, if revisions are proposed to existing treatment methods, if the water quality poses significant treatment issues, and if design parameters need to be determined for the first time or for the specific site conditions. The department may waive the pilot testing requirement if information on other locations where the proposed treatment methods using similar water quality are already in place and operating successfully is available or if other justification necessary to support the proposed treatment processes is submitted to the department. Pilot testing shall address the following requirements:
(1) Plans, specifications, and an engineering report detailing the proposed pilot plant design, operation, sampling, lab analyses, and any waste disposal shall be submitted to the department and the written approval of the department shall be obtained prior to constructing or operating the pilot plant. At minimum, the pilot plant proposal shall address the following issues, where they apply:
(2) A report summarizing the results of the pilot plant testing and making recommendations for any full scale water system improvements shall be submitted to the department for review and comment by the owner or the owner's representative prior to or along with the submittal of plans and specifications for any permanent installations.
The department recommends the submittal of pilot plant results reports prior to submittal of final plans and specifications for treatment vessels.