Format Requirements. For
sites required to be included on the department database following a response
action, the local governmental unit or economic development corporation shall
submit the information in par. (b) to the department, in accordance with s.
NR 700.11(3g). Maps and cross-sections
shall be to scale, and include a graphic scale and a north arrow.
Note: Under s.
NR 700.11(3g), one paper copy and one
electronic copy shall be submitted to the department, unless otherwise directed
by the department. Electronic copies files may not be locked or password
protected. All documents shall have a minimum resolution of 300 dots per inch.
All documents except deeds and legal descriptions shall be digital format
versions rather than scanned versions. Deeds and legal descriptions may be
scanned versions. All information submitted shall be legible.
Database Information.
The information for the department database shall be submitted in the following
order and format.
1. The geographic position
of the property on which a response action was taken, as well as for any other
properties affected by the release, in accordance with the requirements of s.
NR 716.15(5)
Note: The geographic position, provided in WTM
coordinates, can be obtained by using RR Sites Map, at
using the XY button.
2. A
description of the response actions taken at the site or facility.
3. A copy of any required maintenance plan if
a continuing obligation is required as part of the response action.
4. For sites or facilities with a cover or
other performance standard, a structural impediment, a vapor mitigation system
or a fence, or as otherwise required by the department on a case-by-case basis;
one or more photographs documenting the condition and extent of the feature at
the conclusion of the response action required. Pertinent features shall be
visible and discernible. Photographs shall be submitted with a title related to
the site name and location, and the date on which it was taken.
5. A copy of the most recent deed which
includes the legal description of each property, except that, in situations
where a buyer has purchased property under a land contract and has not yet
received a deed, a copy of the land contract which includes the legal
description shall be submitted.
Note: Copies of deeds, or other documents with
legal descriptions, are not required to be submitted for contaminated
public-street or highway rights-of-way or railroad rights-of-way. It is only in
the situation where the source of the contamination is in the right-of-way,
that a right-of-way will be listed on the department database as a separate
6. A copy of the
certified survey map or the relevant portion of the recorded plat map for those
properties where the legal description in the most recent deed or land contract
refers to a certified survey map or a recorded plat map. In cases where the
certified survey map or recorded plat map are not legible or are unavailable, a
copy of a parcel map from a county land information office may be substituted.
A copy of a parcel map from a county land information office shall be legible,
and the parcels identified in the legal description shall be clearly identified
and labeled with the applicable parcel identification number.
7. The parcel identification number or
numbers for each property.
8. A
statement that the deeds with legal descriptions of all affected properties
have been submitted.
9. A site
location map that outlines each property within or partially within the
contaminated site boundaries on a United States geographic survey topographical
map or plat map in sufficient detail to permit the parcels to be located
easily. This map shall identify the location of all municipal and potable wells
within 1200 feet of the site. If there is only one parcel, this map may be
combined with the map required in subd. 10.
10. If available, a map of each property
within or partially within the contaminated site boundaries, showing buildings,
roads, property boundaries, contaminant sources, utility lines, monitoring
wells, and potable wells. This map shall also show the location of all
contaminated public-street and highway rights-of-way and railroad rights-of-way
in relation to the source property and in relation to the boundaries of
contamination exceeding applicable standards.