Current through August 26, 2024
Testing shall be performed during the construction and
closure of any landfill areas. At a minimum, this testing shall include:
CONSTRUCTION. For all recompacted clay soil construction, the following tests
shall be performed:
(a) Dry density and
as-placed moisture content shall be determined on an approximate 100-foot grid
pattern for each one-foot thickness of clay placed. The grid pattern shall be
offset on each subsequent layer of tests. A minimum of 2 density and moisture
content tests for each one-foot thickness of clay placed shall be performed to
fully define the degree of soil compaction obtained in confined areas where
equipment movement is hindered or hand compaction is necessary.
(b) One moisture-density curve or line of
optimums analysis shall be developed for every 5,000 cubic yards or less of
clay placed and for each major soil type utilized. At least 5 points shall be
established on each curve. If a line of optimums analysis is performed, at
least 2 curves shall be included for each analysis. A representative sample for
every 5,000 cubic yards or less of clay placed shall be analyzed for grain size
distribution through the .002 millimeter particle size and for Atterberg
limits. If apparent changes in soil quality are observed during clay placement,
a one-point Proctor analysis shall be utilized to verify the applicability of
previously analyzed moisture-density curves.
(c) A minimum of one undisturbed sample for
each acre or less for every one-foot thickness of clay placement shall be
retrieved and analyzed for Atterberg limits, grain size distribution through
the .002 millimeter particle size, moisture content and dry density. Laboratory
hydraulic conductivity tests using effective stresses less than or equal to 5
psi and hydraulic gradients less than or equal to 30 shall be performed on
every third undisturbed sample. The department may require that a portion of
the hydraulic conductivity testing for liner documentation be performed using
AND BERM COMPACTION. For all recompacted soil used in subgrade and berm
construction, the following tests shall be performed:
(a) Dry density and as-placed moisture
content shall be determined on an approximate 100 foot grid pattern for each
one foot thickness of soil placed. The grid pattern shall be offset on each
subsequent layer of tests. A minimum of 2 density and moisture content tests
for each one foot thickness of soil placed shall be performed to fully define
the degree of soil compaction obtained in confined areas where equipment
movement is hindered or hand compaction is necessary.
(b) One moisture-density curve or line of
optimums analysis shall be developed for every 5,000 cubic yards or less of
soil placed and for each major soil type utilized. At least 5 points shall be
established on each curve. If a line of optimums analysis is performed, at
least 2 curves shall be included for each analysis. A representative sample for
every 5,000 cubic yards or less of soil placed shall be analyzed for grain size
distribution through the .002 millimeter particle size and for Atterberg
limits. If apparent changes in soil quality are observed during soil placement,
a one-point Proctor analysis shall be utilized to verify the applicability of
previously analyzed moisture-density curves.
(2) GEOMEMBRANE. For all geomembrane
installations the following testing shall be performed. The testing shall be
performed by the quality assurance engineer or another laboratory not
affiliated with the quality control testing.
(a) Conformance sampling and testing shall be
conducted on geomembrane materials delivered on site and used in construction.
Sampling shall be conducted by the quality assurance engineer or qualified
1. Geomembrane thickness shall be
measured at the facility in a minimum of 5 places per roll to ensure that the
material delivered meets the approved specifications.
2. Geomembrane tensile properties shall be
tested at a minimum of one test per 100,000 ft2 of
geomembrane installed and a minimum of one test on rolls from each batch of
resin used to manufacture rolls delivered on site. Tensile properties shall
include strength and elongation in yield and break. If the selected resin does
not exhibit a distinct yield point, tensile properties shall include strength
and elongation in break.
Geomembrane density and melt index of the polymer shall be tested at a rate of
one test per 100,000 ft2 of geomembrane installed
and a minimum of one test for each batch of resin used to manufacture rolls
delivered on site, unless documentation is provided which shows the
manufacturer performed testing at the same frequencies.
4. Geomembrane environmental stress cracking
resistance documentation shall be provided which shows that the manufacturer
performed a minimum of one test for each batch of resin used to manufacture
rolls delivered on site.
(b) Pre-qualification tests for geomembrane
fusion and extrusion welding machines shall be conducted by pre-qualification
seams run on each welding machine by each seaming technician performing
geomembrane welding with that machine. At least one test shall be performed at
the start of each work day for each machine to be used and by each technician
that will be using the machine. The test shall be repeated at intervals of no
greater than 5 hours and with additional test runs following work
interruptions, weather changes, changes to machine settings for temperature or
speed or as directed by the quality assurance engineer or qualified technician.
A portion of each pre-qualification specimen shall be tested in the field for
acceptable tensile strength. Test results shall be collated for documentation
along with notes on date, ambient temperature, the technician and seaming
machine used to make the seam, welding temperature, machine speed setting, and
results of field tests. Testing of prequalification weld samples shall be
conducted using the requirements of par. (c) 4. Acceptable test results shall
meet the requirements of par. (c) 5.
(c) Constructed geomembrane seam testing and
sampling shall be completed by or observed by the quality assurance engineer or
qualified technician.
1. Nondestructive field
seam testing shall be performed on all seams of geomembrane attached by welding
or by mechanical attachments to other geomembrane sheet, plastic plate and pipe
2. Destructive seam
test samples shall be taken at a rate of one sample per 500 feet of fusion seam
accomplished, unless another frequency or spacing is approved by the
department. For landfills conducting leak location testing in accordance with
par. (d), destructive seam test samples shall be taken at a rate of one sample
per 1,000 feet of fusion seam accomplished, unless another frequency or spacing
is approved by the department. A portion of the sample shall be tested both in
the field and in the laboratory for shear and peel with a minimum of 5 samples
for each test type. The quality assurance engineer or qualified technician
shall choose the location of the destructive seam samples.
3. Destructive samples shall be taken from at
least one end of each fusion weld greater than 100 feet long and tested.
Samples shall be subjected to a minimum of one field test each in shear and
peel mode.
4. Field shear and peel
tests of geomembrane seams and geomembranes shall be performed using
standardized specimen sizes in tensile testing machines. The tensile testing
machine shall be equipped with electrically controlled and smoothly moving jaw
separation apparatus, shall be capable of adjustments and defined settings for
jaw separation rate, and shall display jaw separation rates and tensile
loadings exerted on the geomembrane samples. Tensile testing machines shall be
accompanied by documentation for calibration conducted within 3 months of the
start of geomembrane installation. Geomembrane samples shall be prepared for
field analyses by use of templates and cutting tools that prepare uniformly
sized samples.
5. Field and
laboratory shear and peel testing of geomembrane seam samples shall include a
minimum of 5 peel tests and 5 shear tests. Fusion welds shall be tested on both
sides of the air channel track. Acceptable test results shall be defined by a
minimum of 4 of the 5 samples for peel and shear testing meeting or exceeding
minimum tensile strength and elongation requirements and 5 of the 5 samples
exhibiting acceptable weld separation behavior.
(d) Leak location testing of the installed
geomembrane shall be completed by or observed by the quality assurance engineer
or qualified technician. Leak location testing shall be conducted after the
leachate collection layer has been placed on the base grades and lower half of
the sideslopes. Documentation of the testing method shall include description
of the procedures and photo documentation. Documentation of all detected
defects and repairs shall include the testing data for geomembrane sheet and
welding and photo documentation of the defect prior to and after
the GCL and soil barrier layer. At a minimum, this testing shall include:
(a) Testing of the GCL material delivered to
the site shall include the following, unless documentation is provided for
testing performed by the GCL manufacturer prior to shipping panels to the
1. Clay mass per unit area shall be
tested at a rate of one test per 40,000 ft2 of GCL
installed; results shall be reported at 0% moisture content.
2. Grab and peel tensile strength, expressed
as machine direction and cross direction, shall be tested using ASTM-D6768-02
at a rate of one test per 100,000 ft2 of GCL
3. Index flux shall be
tested using ASTM-D6496-99 at a rate of one test per 100,000
ft2 of GCL installed.
4. Bentonite recovered from GCL sample shall
be tested for free swell at a rate of one test per 100,000
ft2 of GCL installed.
(b) Testing of the soil barrier layer shall
be conducted as follows:
1. Dry density and
as-placed moisture content shall be determined on an approximate 100-foot grid
pattern for each one-foot thickness of soil placed. The grid pattern shall be
offset on each subsequent layer of tests. A minimum of 2 density and moisture
content tests for each one-foot thickness of soil placed shall be performed to
fully define the degree of soil compaction obtained in confined areas where
equipment movement is hindered or hand compaction is necessary.
2. One moisture-density curve or line of
optimums analysis shall be developed for every 5,000 cubic yards or less of
soil placed and for each major soil type utilized. At least 5 points shall be
established on each curve. If a line of optimums analysis is performed, at
least 2 curves shall be included for each analysis. A representative sample for
every 5,000 cubic yards or less of soil placed shall be analyzed for grain size
distribution through the .002 millimeter particle size and for Atterberg
limits. If apparent changes in soil quality are observed during soil placement,
a one-point Proctor analysis shall be utilized to verify the applicability of
previously analyzed moisture-density curves.
(3) DRAINAGE BLANKET. During placement of the
leachate drainage blanket over the liner or the granular drain layer in the
final cover, the following testing shall be performed:
(a) If sand is used, one grain size
distribution to the #200 sieve for each 1,000 cubic yards of material placed.
For lesser volumes, a minimum of 4 samples shall be tested. If washed stone or
gravel is used, one grain size distribution to the #200 sieve for each 5,000
cubic yards of material placed. For smaller landfills where construction of a
liner or cap area involves lesser volumes, a minimum of 2 samples shall be
(b) One remolded
laboratory hydraulic conductivity test for each 2,500 cubic yards of sand
drainage material placed. The samples shall be tested at the anticipated field
density. The moisture content and density of each sample shall be recorded. The
department may require that a portion of the hydraulic conductivity tests be
performed using leachate. For smaller landfills where construction of a liner
or cap area involves lesser volumes, a minimum of 2 samples shall be tested. No
hydraulic conductivity tests are required if washed stone or gravel is
(c) The department may
require that chemical durability testing of the material when exposed to
leachate be performed.
(4) BEDDING MATERIAL. During placement of
leachate collection pipes, lysimeter pipes, and groundwater collection pipes,
the following tests shall be performed on the backfill material:
(a) One grain size distribution to the #200
sieve for each 1,000 linear feet of trench. For construction projects with
combined trench lengths of less than 3,000 feet, a minimum of 3 grain size
analyses shall be conducted. Bedding for solid wall piping associated with
transfer of leachate, groundwater or lysimeter fluids shall be tested at the
same frequency but only to the #4 sieve.
(b) One grain size distribution to the #200
sieve for each 500 cubic yards of drainage material placed in collection
(c) The department may
require that chemical durability testing of the material when exposed to
leachate and laboratory hydraulic conductivity testing be performed.
(5) FINAL COVER. During
construction of the final cover system, the following tests shall be performed:
(a) Thickness of a support layer in the final
cover for landfills which accept primarily papermill sludge or other low
strength wastes on a 100-foot grid. The source and composition of the support
layer shall be documented by a description of the materials used in the support
(b) One grain size
distribution to the #200 sieve for each 1,000 cubic yards of gravel used for
pipe bedding and drain outlets for the drain layer and toe drain.
(c) The department may require testing of
samples of geotextiles, geocomposite drains or other geosynthetic materials
used in construction of the final cover system.