Current through August 26, 2024
The plan of operation for all new landfills and expansions
of existing landfills shall include the following information where
REQUIREMENTS. The plan of operation for any landfill which includes a composite
liner, composite capping layer or utilizes a geomembrane for a liner or
utilizes a geomembrane or geomembrane-GCL for a capping layer shall provide the
following design details and specifications for the geosynthetic components.
The department may specify additional requirements for other geosynthetic
materials used in significant structural features of the landfill.
(a) A description of the proposed
geomembranes, GCLs and other geosynthetics to be used in construction of the
landfill, including resins and additives, physical properties, bentonite
characteristics, chemical resistance properties and potential suppliers. For
GCLs, this shall include identification of the geotextile properties and
(b) Design
calculations that demonstrate the stability of the landfill and its components
against failure along potential failure surfaces, such as the leachate
collection system and final cover, during operations as well as after closure.
Potential failure surfaces considered shall include the interfaces both below
and above the geomembrane in the liner and final cover. Potential failure
scenarios considered shall include both saturated and unsaturated conditions
for the cover. The design calculations may use typical data or specifications
from technical literature rather than values from testing of site specific
materials if the sources of the typical data or specifications and the test
methods used to generate them are cited with the calculations and a safety
factor of at least 1.3 is used to assess stability.
(c) Construction methods and supervisory
controls for preparing the surface of the topmost lift of compacted clay prior
to the installation of a geomembrane or soil barrier layer prior to
installation of a GCL. The plan of operation shall propose inspection methods
and removal of coarse gravel or cobbles after rolling the topmost lift of
compacted clay or soil barrier layer to achieve a smooth surface.
(d) A description of measures to be taken to
store and protect all geomembranes, GCLs and geocomposite drains, transport
geomembrane, GCL and geocomposite drain panels from storage to the working
area, and construction methods to be used to place geomembrane, GCL and
geocomposite drain panels.
(e) The
proposed orientation of all geomembrane and GCL panels for the landfill liner
and capping layer in relation to slope, collection trenches, penetrations,
anchor trench and phase boundaries, seaming methods and phased
(f) Typical design
details of geomembrane and GCL seams and seaming methods, anchor trenches,
patches, collars for all penetrations, installation in corners and leachate
collection trenches. The plan of operation shall describe acceptable working
conditions for geomembrane, GCL and geocomposite drain installation,
installation instructions for working under weather variations and extremes,
and criteria for halting or limiting GCL and geomembrane
(g) Proposed methods
for testing welds or other joining methods for geomembranes and other
components or penetrations if geomembranes used in previously constructed
phases are obtained from different manufacturers or are made from different
resins. The plan of operation shall also include measures to preserve the edges
of geomembranes and GCLs to be joined to future phases and describe measures to
repair all geomembrane, GCL and geocomposite drain defects, unacceptable
wrinkling, and unacceptable seams.
(h) Construction methods for placing the
leachate collection system, sump backfill, and sideslope riser over the
composite liner; the first 10 feet of wastes over the leachate collection
system; and subsurface drain layer and rooting zone soils over the composite
cap. The measures shall assure that the geomembrane and GCLs are not damaged by
construction of soil layers, placement or compaction of wastes, waste
consolidation or mass movements or puncturing of the geomembrane.
(i) A construction quality control plan that
will be followed by all contractors preparing the surface of the compacted clay
liner or soil barrier layer, constructing the geomembrane liner and placing
drainage blanket. The construction quality control plan shall include means for
determining and documenting: receipt of the proper geomembrane, GCL and
geocomposite drain material; acceptable subgrade and weather conditions for
work to occur; seamer qualifications and procedures for trial seams;
acceptability of test welds and machine settings; acceptable seaming practices;
achieved seam quality and procedures for dealing with failing tests; patching;
and sealing of geomembrane penetrations. The construction quality control plan
shall also describe how progress in construction, as well as any variations
from the approved plans, will be recorded and reported.
(j) A construction quality assurance plan
that will be followed by the registered professional engineer and qualified
technician responsible for evaluating the construction and ensuring that the
fabrication and installation meet design specifications. The construction
quality assurance plan shall include continuous observation of all aspects of
geomembrane, GCL and geocomposite drain installation activities by qualified
engineers or technicians. The construction quality assurance plan shall include
use of nondestructive and destructive testing of seams and samples and shall
propose a schedule of tests and associated frequencies in accordance with those
specified in ch. NR 516. The construction quality assurance plan shall include
proposed methods of verifying the acceptability of the prepared subgrade,
repairs, patches, penetrations, seams, and adaptations by the owner and
contractors to unforeseen conditions.
(k) An outline of the contents of the
anticipated preconstruction submittal which complies with the requirements of
s. NR 516.04 (5) concerning geomembrane and GCL construction and which will be
prepared and submitted prior to each construction event.
(l) A construction quality assurance plan for
conducting a leak location survey on the installed geomembrane. The leak
location survey shall be conducted after placement of the leachate collection
layer for a composite liner. The quality assurance plan shall include
continuous observation of all aspects of the leak location survey testing by
qualified professional engineers or technicians. The quality assurance plan
shall include use of nondestructive methods to detect, locate and verify
repairs of defects in geomembrane. The quality assurance plan may include
electrical resistivity testing or other testing methods acceptable to the
CODISPOSAL OF INDUSTRIAL SOLID wastes. The plan of operation for any landfill
which accepts municipal solid wastes shall describe measures to be taken for
the disposal of solid wastes from industrial sources, cleanups of spills and
contaminated sites, or other commercial activities. The plan of operation shall
propose lists of waste categories, testing protocols and schedules, and
disposal protocols. The plan of operation shall describe the format for
transmitting summary information to the department.
LINERS AND COMPOSITE CAPS. The plan of operation for any landfill which accepts
municipal solid wastes may propose to delay final cover placement for one or
more years after attaining final waste grades in each phase of closure provided
the following requirements are followed:
Intermediate cover consisting of a minimum of one foot of soil shall be placed
and the area shall be seeded as portions of a phase reach waste final
(b) No additional waste
placement shall occur in areas which have reached waste final grades and
received intermediate cover.
For landfills designed with active gas extraction systems, the components of
the active gas extraction system within each phase shall be installed and made
operational following attainment of waste final grades within that phase. The
blower, flare, driplegs, controls, condensate handling, and appurtenances of
the gas extraction system shall be installed prior to or as part of the
attainment of waste final grades within the first phase of waste
PAPERMILL SLUDGE LANDFILLS. The plan of operation for a landfill designed to
accept pulp and papermill sludges or other low-strength wastes may propose that
final cover placement be delayed after completing placement of the support
layer in each phase of closure. The time period of the delay shall be limited
to 2 years unless otherwise approved by the department. The proposal shall also
justify why the delay in final cover placement is warranted.
MANAGEMENT PLANS. The plan of operation for any landfill which proposes to
accept municipal solid waste combustor residue shall include a residue
management plan. The department may approve residue management plans for
facilities which have approved plans which are substantially equivalent to the
requirements of ss. NR 514.04 to 514.08.
All residue management plans shall contain the name and location of the
proposed sources and the expected volume from each source of municipal solid
waste combustor residue to be accepted.
(b) All residue management plans shall
establish a timetable for evaluating the results of the testing requirements of
s. NR 502.13 (8) and any trends in the results from previous testing periods to
determine the need for any changes to the proposed landfill design or
(c) The residue
management plan shall include plan sheets which address the design requirements
of s. NR 504.11 and include plan views, cross-sections and details as necessary
to illustrate the applicable design features of the portion of the landfill
which will be utilized for disposal of municipal solid waste combustor residue.
Phasing plan sheets shall also be included to show development of that portion
of the landfill through time.
The residue management plan shall contain an operations manual and design
report which describes the daily operation of the portion of the landfill to be
utilized for disposal of municipal solid waste combustor residue, including a
discussion of the timetable for the phases of development; waste types accepted
or excluded; typical waste handling techniques and methods for handling unusual
waste types; hours of operation; traffic routing; drainage and erosion control;
windy, wet and cold weather disposal operations; methods for dust control; and
direction of filling. Methods to maintain compliance with the requirements of
s. NR 506.15 shall also be described.
(e) The residue management plan shall propose
any modifications to the groundwater, unsaturated zone and leachate monitoring
program necessary to comply with the requirements of ch. NR 507.
of operation shall provide the following details and specifications, where
applicable. The department may specify additional requirements.
(a) Descriptions of alternative cover
materials to be used for daily or intermediate cover.
(b) Description of a 24 hour leak test for
the geomembrane component of lysimeters and sumps for sideslope risers.
Alternative leak detection methods, such as electrical resistivity may be
(c) Documentation of the
strength of the selected resin, diameter and wall thickness of the sideslope
riser pipe, with regard to maximum overburden weight over the sumps of
municipal solid waste or industrial waste at field capacity. The plan of
operation shall include a description of physical and hydraulic specifications
of commercially available pumps that are able to traverse any bend or elbow in
the riser pipe to reach design pump intake position, for both placement and
removal. The description shall include cross-sections of the riser pipe bends
and the pumps when wheels, connectors, hoses, electrical leads and head level
controls are attached. Pump selection shall be based on the maximum pumping
capacity needed for the highest calculated leachate flow rates, including
potential leachate recirculation.
of operation for any proposed landfill which is either a vertical or horizontal
overlay to an existing approved facility shall include a summary of all
applicable conditions of department issued, chs. NR 500 to 538, approvals or
orders that are active and subject to compliance at the time of the plan of
operation report submittal. The summary shall be submitted on forms provided by
the department and at a minimum shall contain all of the following:
(a) A chronological listing of all department
issued chs. NR 500 to 538 approvals, orders and expedited plan modifications
deemed as acceptable by the department under s. NR 514.09 for the existing
(b) A listing of all
approval conditions or order conditions that are active and subject to
compliance at the time of the plan of operation report submittal.
(c) The status of each condition listed in
par. (b) shall be identified as:
1. "Remain
active": The applicant intends to continue to meet the requirement of the
condition in the proposed expansion.
2. "Comparable code": The applicant believes
the requirement of the condition is addressed in chs. NR 500 to 538.
3. "Alternative proposed": The applicant
believes the condition is no longer required due to changes in the proposed
plan of operation report.
(d) Identification of specific applicable
codes, plan of operation report sections or further justification to support
the applicant's recommended status category in par. (c).
(e) The department shall provide a summary of
the facility's active approval conditions or order conditions as an
informational attachment to the plan of operation determination. This summary
shall consider the applicant's recommended status in par. (c) and any
applicable department issued conditions in the plan of operation determination.
A department summary under this paragraph does not relieve the applicant of the
compliance requirement of any condition prior to the issuance of the
RECIRCULATION PLANS. The plan of operation for any landfill that proposes to
recirculate leachate shall include a leachate recirculation plan. The leachate
recirculation plan shall include, at a minimum, the following elements:
(a) A narrative which explains the design
rationale for the proposed system. The design rationale shall address the
leachate loading rate; distribution frequency; leachate distribution system
including well or pipe spacing and placement, well or pipe length, screened
interval, sealing material and bedding material; anticipated flow
characteristics; and restricted areas where leachate will not be recirculated.
The design shall incorporate, as appropriate, the requirements of s. NR 504.095.
(b) Plan sheets to show
the conceptual layout of the leachate recirculation distribution system and
design details.
(c) Proposed
loading rates for leachate recirculation shall be calculated for each leachate
drainage basin. Calculation methods shall be defined so that supplemental
calculations can be performed to accommodate changes due to field observations,
waste characteristics, weather and other factors. Factors to be addressed shall
include recirculated volumes of leachate, precipitation based on local records
and on-site data, field capacities and absorptive capacities of the landfilled
waste, waste filling rates, separation distances and elevations of distribution
piping or wells, and loss of water by waste decomposition processes and water
vapor in landfill gas.
Calculation of effects on flow rates in the leachate collection system and
maximum leachate head on the liner. The location of leachate head level
monitoring devices relative to the collection pipes and base grade slope
lengths shall be used to determine the maximum leachate head in the facility.
Proposed loading rates for leachate recirculation shall be determined which
limit maximum leachate head on the liner to 12 inches.
(e) An operational plan which addresses the
daily operations; how leachate seeps, odors and build-up will be prevented or
contained and actions to be taken if nuisance conditions occur; how any
enhanced methane production will be managed by gas extraction systems; and care
and maintenance of the tanks, pumps and distribution systems.
(f) A description of warning symptoms and
failure thresholds which will be used to initiate investigation, stand-by,
termination and changes to the leachate recirculation system. The operational
plan shall identify warning symptoms and failure thresholds, including but not
limited to elevated leachate heads on the liner, significant and persistent
odors, excessively acidic leachate chemistry or other monitoring data indicate
poor waste decomposition conditions, seeps and other surface expressions of
recirculated leachate, excessive pressures within the waste mass, saturated
conditions in the waste mass, reduced shear strength of the waste mass and any
other warning symptom conditions appropriate to the site. Warning symptoms
shall result in a suspension of leachate recirculation, investigation and
changes to be implemented before resuming leachate recirculation. Failure
thresholds shall result in termination of leachate recirculation, investigation
and changes that will be submitted to the department for review and approval in
writing prior to resumption of leachate recirculation.
(g) A monitoring plan which tracks volumes of
leachate extracted and recirculated and volumes of precipitation in each
leachate drainage basin; leachate heads on the liner; gas volumes; and leachate
characteristics. The monitoring plan shall incorporate, as appropriate, the
requirements of s. NR 507.215.
A plan which specifies documentation and record-keeping of the construction,
operation and monitoring of the leachate recirculation system. This plan shall
specify the information that will be sent to the department and the frequency
of those submittals.
(i) The plan
of operation shall include diagrams and narrative concerning gas extraction
equipment, fittings and devices to be used to extract gas produced as a result
of leachate recirculation. The plan of operation shall contain a schedule of
operation of the gas extraction system in those cells which are subject to
leachate recirculation.
(j) A
description of the circumstances under which leachate will be diverted to a
wastewater treatment plant rather than recirculated.
(a) Landfills
shall meet the requirements of pars. (b) to (i) where they will accept
municipal solid waste and contain leachate collection lines that exceed 1,200
feet from the end of each cleanout to the toe of the opposite slope. Where the
requirements of this subsection differ from other requirements of this chapter,
these requirements shall take precedence.
(b) The design calculations required by s. NR 514.06 (14) shall include assessments of the landfill foundation for stability
and settlement, using parameters determined from samples taken from borings in
the subgrade below the proposed fill area.
(c) The report shall describe the design
rationale for the layout of the leachate collection system and its alignment.
This description shall include:
1. A
discussion of the pipe strength calculations for the design overburden weight
and the required pipe materials, including considerations for wet unit weights,
densified waste after consolidation and decomposition and the potential use of
leachate recirculation.
2. A
demonstration that the design minimizes changes in alignment of leachate
collection trenches and leachate collection pipe.
3. A hydraulic capacity analysis that
demonstrates the ability of the leachate collection system to contain design
flows within the collection trench and sump system. The hydraulic capacity
analysis shall include the following, at a minimum:
a. Design specifications for the leachate
collection blanket, leachate collection trench dimensions, backfill for the
leachate collection trench, slopes of landfill base and sideslopes, slopes of
pipe and trenches, and the liner area draining to each sump.
b. Active filling life assessment based on
precipitation rate of 2 inches per month, with and without leachate
c. Post-closure
assessment based on hydraulic conductivities of 10 percent or less of the
design hydraulic conductivities for the leachate collection blanket and
leachate collection trench backfill and an assumed annual leachate collection
rate of one inch per year.
d. Sump
dimensions and pump specifications selected to maintain maximum leachate
accumulation within the sumps and intersecting leachate collection trenches,
with examples of commercially available pumps.
(d) The report shall include the calculations
for the maximum anticipated overburden loads as calculated under s. NR 504.06(6) (e) and selected leachate collection pipe materials to comply with these
calculated loads. Calculations shall be performed demonstrating the leachate
collection pipe and bedding material as placed possess structural strength to
support maximum loads imposed by the overlying materials and equipment. The
calculations shall demonstrate that the pipe is designed to maintain its wall
integrity and not deform under expected maximum loads to the extent that the
loading or deformation negatively affect the performance and cleaning of the
leachate collection systems.
Specifications and construction methods for bedding of leachate collection
pipes shall be included, to maximize competent support of the pipes, eliminate
bridging and maintain design slope of the pipe.
(f) The report shall include specifications
for the use of sweep bends at all changes of alignment of leachate collection
pipes, construction methods to provide support for pipe and sweep bends, and
measures to be taken to minimize obstructions to or friction with pipe cleaning
(g) The report shall
include a construction quality assurance plan to be followed by the registered
professional engineer and qualified technician responsible for evaluating
construction of the collection trench and leachate collection piping and
ensuring that the fabrication and installation meet the design specifications.
The construction quality assurance plan shall include continuous observation of
all aspects of collection trench construction and collection pipe installation
activities by qualified engineers or technicians. The construction quality
assurance plan shall include use of observations, survey measurements, and
testing frequencies in accordance with those specified in ch. NR 516. The
quality assurance plan shall include proposed methods for verifying the
acceptability of the collection trench, collection pipe alignment, collection
pipe materials and sweep bends, and adaptations by the owner or contractors to
unforeseen conditions.
(h) The
report shall describe proposed equipment and methods which are capable of
inserting cleanout devices through all leachate collection pipes, from
insertion at each access point to, at a minimum, the toe of the opposite
(i) The report shall
include procedures for soil borings and laboratory consolidation testing to
verify settlement analyses.
(a) The
plan of operation for all new and expanded municipal solid waste landfills
submitted to the department after January 1, 2007 shall include a plan for
significantly reducing the amount of degradable organic material remaining
after site closing in order to materially reduce the amount of time the
landfill will take to achieve landfill organic stability. Owners and operators
of all municipal solid waste landfills that have a plan of operation approved
between January 1, 2004 and January 1, 2007 shall submit a plan modification to
the department no later than January 1, 2007 for significantly reducing the
amount of degradable organic material remaining after site closing in order to
materially reduce the amount of time the landfill will take to achieve landfill
organic stability. Owners and operators of all other municipal solid waste
landfills at which filling has not exceeded 50% of the landfill's approved
capacity by January 1, 2012, shall submit a plan modification to the department
no later than January 1, 2012, for significantly reducing the amount of
degradable organic material remaining after site closing in order to materially
reduce the amount of time the landfill will take to achieve landfill organic
stability. Waste that has already been disposed of prior to the date the plan
is approved by the department is not subject to the planning requirement, but
may be included in the plan at the discretion of the landfill operator.
Note: "Closing" is defined in s.
Stats., as "the time at which a solid or hazardous waste facility ceases to
accept wastes, and includes those actions taken by the owner or operator to
prepare the facility for long-term care and to make it suitable for other
(b) Landfill organic
stability plans required by this subsection shall include the following
1. An overview of the
2. An initial analysis of the
composition and quantity of materials that will be accepted by the landfill,
including a classification of organic materials and percentage of organically
inert materials, and a description of how the analysis was performed.
3. A description of measures to be undertaken
by the landfill owner or operator, or by others, including diversion to
non-landfill management of organic material, pre-landfill mechanical or
biological treatment of organic material, or in-landfill treatment of organic
material, that will significantly reduce the amount of degradable organic
material remaining after site closing and shorten the time the landfill will
take to achieve landfill organic stability.
4. A schedule for implementing the
5. The anticipated outcome of
implementing the plan, relative to the landfill organic stability goals in par.
(c) and the definition of landfill organic stability in s. NR 500.03(120g).
6. A description of how the
effectiveness of the implemented plan will be monitored and evaluated. Plans
shall include a description of the methods that will be used to monitor and
evaluate the progress of the facility in implementing the plan, and
measurements or milestones to be used in evaluating progress towards the goals
in par. (c) and the plan's anticipated outcome.
7. A contingency plan outlining measures to
be taken if periodic evaluation of the landfill organic stability efforts
indicate the facility is unlikely to achieve the goals in par. (c).
(c) The objective of landfill
organic stability plans is achievement of all of the measured goals in subds.
1. to 4. The department may not interpret the goals in subds. 1. to 4. as
enforceable environmental quality standards:
1. A monthly average total methane plus
carbon dioxide gas production rate less than or equal to 5% of the maximum
monthly average total gas production rate observed during the life of the
facility, or less than 7.5 cubic feet of total gas per year for each cubic yard
of waste in the facility.
2. A
steady downward trend in the rate of total methane plus carbon dioxide gas
3. Production of total
methane plus carbon dioxide gas cumulatively representing 75% or greater of the
projected total gas production of the landfilled waste.
4. Reduction of the time necessary to reach
landfill organic stability to 40 years or less after site closing.
(d) The landfill owner or operator
shall continually evaluate the performance of the implemented landfill organic
stability plan, and report progress, results, changes in waste composition and
problems to the department no less frequently than annually. The first annual
report is due 12 months after the department's approval of the landfill organic
stability plan. The department may approve an alternative reporting schedule.
Each annual report shall include an evaluation of whether changes are needed in
the plan to correct problems or improve results. In addition, the landfill
owner or operator may update the contingency plan.
(e) The landfill owner or operator shall
examine progress against the approved plan every 5 years to evaluate the
likelihood that the plan will enable the facility to reach the goals in par.
(c), and determine whether the contingency plan in par. (b) 7. will be
implemented. A report describing the evaluation and determination shall be
submitted to the department as part of the annual report for that year. The
department may require that the contingency plan be implemented if its review
finds that the progress the landfill has made is significantly different than
the approved plan.
(f) If the
landfill owner or operator submits the landfill organic stability plan as a
modification to an existing plan of operation, the department shall either
approve or disapprove the plan modification in writing within 90 days after
submission of a complete plan. If the landfill organic stability plan is
included by the operator as part of a new plan of operation, the review times
in s. NR 514.04 (5) shall apply.
LANDFILLS. The owner or operator of a new or existing CCR landfill or lateral
expansion of a CCR landfill shall update the plan of operation every 10 years
during the landfill's active life to comply with regulations in place at the
time of the update. The plan of operation update will be considered a plan of
operation modification, but shall follow the completeness, review times, and
pre-plan of operation submittal public meeting requirements under s. NR 514.04.
The plan of operation for all CCR landfills shall include all of the following:
(a) A CCR fugitive dust control plan in
accordance with all of the following:
1. The
plan shall identify and describe the CCR fugitive dust control measures the
owner or operator will use to minimize CCR from becoming airborne at the
facility. The owner or operator shall select and include in the CCR fugitive
dust control plan the CCR fugitive dust control measures that are most
appropriate for site conditions, along with an explanation of how the measures
selected are applicable and appropriate for site conditions. Control measures
may include any of the following:
a. Locating
CCR inside an enclosure or partial enclosure.
b. Operating a water sprayer or fogging
c. Reducing fall distances
at material drop points.
d. Using
wind barriers, compaction, or vegetative covers.
e. Establishing and enforcing reduced vehicle
speed limits.
f. Paving and
sweeping roads.
g. Covering trucks
transporting CCR.
h. Reducing or
halting operations during high wind events.
i. Applying a daily or intermediate
2. The plan shall
include procedures to wet CCR with water to a moisture content that will
prevent wind dispersal but will not result in free liquids. In lieu of water,
wetting of CCR may be accomplished with an appropriate chemical dust
suppression agent.
3. The plan
shall include a description of the procedures the owner or operator will follow
to periodically assess the effectiveness of the control plan. At a minimum, the
assessment shall include a visual inspection at least every 7 days, unless the
CCR landfill is inactive and all areas are covered by intermediate or final
4. The plan shall be
modified in accordance with s. NR 514.04 (6) whenever there is a change in
conditions that may substantially affect the plan of operation.
5. The plan shall address the preparation of
an annual fugitive dust control report in accordance with s. NR 506.20 (3) (a).
Note: The requirements under par. (a) apply in
addition to, not in place of, any applicable standards under the federal
Occupational Safety and Health Act.
(b) A run-on and run-off control system plan
that includes all of the following:
1. A
run-on and run-off control system designed in accordance with the requirements
under s. NR 504.12 (2).
2. Plan
sheets depicting the location of run-on and run-off control features, detail
drawings, and supporting engineering calculations.
3. Construction procedures and a schedule for
4. Modification every
5 years from the date of the most recent plan approval or whenever there is a
change in conditions that may substantially affect the written plan in effect.
The modification shall be requested by the owner or operator in accordance with
s. NR 514.04 (6) prior to the 5-year deadline.
(c) A written closure plan in accordance with
the requirements under s. NR 514.06 (10) and all of the following:
1. A narrative description of how the CCR
landfill will be closed, including a description of the steps necessary to
close the CCR unit at any point during the active life of the CCR unit,
consistent with recognized and generally accepted good engineering
2. A description of the
final cover system, designed in accordance with s. NR 504.07, and the methods
and procedures to be used to install the final cover.
3. A demonstration, including a narrative
discussion, of how final closure will meet the performance standards under s.
NR 506.083 (6).
4. An estimate of
the maximum volume in cubic yards of CCR that will be disposed on-site over the
active life of the CCR landfill.
An estimate of the largest area of the CCR landfill that will require a final
cover at any time during the CCR landfill's active life.
6. A schedule for completion of all closure
activities, including an estimate of the year in which all closure activities
for the CCR landfill will be completed. The schedule shall provide sufficient
information to describe the sequential steps that will be taken to close the
CCR landfill, including identification of major milestones such as coordinating
with other agencies and obtaining other necessary approvals or permits,
installation of the final cover system, and the estimated timeframes to
complete each step or phase of CCR landfill closure. If the estimated
timeframes to complete closure exceed the timeframes specified under s. NR 506.083 (3) (a), the plan shall include the site-specific information, factors
and considerations that support any time extension.
7. The plan shall be modified in accordance
with s. NR 514.04 (6) whenever there is a change in conditions that may
substantially affect the written closure plan or unanticipated events
necessitate a revision of the written closure plan. The modification shall be
submitted to the department in writing at least 60 days prior to a planned
change in the operation of the CCR landfill, or no later than 60 days after an
unanticipated event requires the need to revise an existing written closure
plan. If a written closure plan is revised after closure activities have
commenced for a CCR landfill, the owner or operator shall submit the
modification request to the department no later than 30 days following the
triggering event.
8. If closure of
the CCR landfill will be accomplished through removal of CCR from the CCR
landfill, the closure plan shall be modified and approved by the department
prior to implementation in accordance with s. NR 514.04 (6). The closure plan
shall include a description of the procedures to remove the CCR and
decontaminate all areas affected by the CCR landfill in accordance with s. NR 506.08 (5).
(d) A written
long-term care plan that addresses all of the following:
1. A description of the monitoring and
maintenance activities and the frequency at which those activities will be
performed. The activities shall include, at a minimum, all of the following:
a. Long-term care activities specified under
s. NR 514.06 (11).
b. Maintaining
the integrity and effectiveness of the final cover system, including making
repairs to the final cover as necessary to correct the effects of settlement,
subsidence, erosion or other events, and preventing run-on and run-off from
eroding or otherwise damaging the final cover.
c. Maintaining the effectiveness of the
leachate collection and removal system and operating the leachate collection
and removal system in accordance with the requirements under s. NR 504.12 (3)
d. Maintaining the groundwater
monitoring system and monitoring the groundwater in accordance with ch. NR 507
and the sampling plan approval.
2. The name, address, telephone number, and
email address of the person or office to contact about the facility during
long-term care.
3. A description of
the planned uses of the property during long-term care. Post-closure uses may
not disturb the integrity of the final cover, liner, or any other component of
the landfill, or the function of the monitoring systems unless approved in
writing by the department. A written request for approval as part of the plan
of operation submittal or a modification shall include a demonstration that
disturbance of the final cover, liner, or other component of the containment
system, including any removal of CCR, will not increase the potential threat to
human health or the environment. The demonstration shall be certified by a
professional engineer in accordance with s. NR 500.05 (4) (a).
(e) The long-term care plan under
par. (d) may be modified in accordance with s. NR 514.04 (6). The owner or
operator shall modify the long-term care plan whenever there is a change in the
operation of the CCR landfill that would substantially affect the written
long-term care plan in effect; or after long-term care activities have
commenced, when unanticipated events necessitate a revision of the written
long-term care plan. The modification shall be submitted to the department in
writing at least 60 days prior to a planned change in the operation of the CCR
landfill, or no later than 60 days after an unanticipated event requires the
need to revise an existing long-term care plan. If a written long-term care
plan is revised after long-term care activities have commenced for a CCR
landfill, the owner or operator shall submit the modification request to the
department no later than 30 days following the triggering