Wisconsin Administrative Code
Department of Natural Resources
NR 500-599 - Environmental Protection - Solid Waste Management
Chapter NR 514 - Plan Of Operation And Closure Plans For Landfills
Section NR 514.05 - Engineering plans
Current through August 26, 2024
The plan of operation for all new landfills and expansions of existing landfills shall contain a set of engineering plans which are drawn in accordance with ss. NR 500.05 and 504.07 to 504.12, and the following requirements. Engineering plans shall be drawn on standard 24 inch by 36 inch plan sheets. If facility details cannot be shown on standard plan sheets at a 1:100 scale, the engineering plans may be drawn on 30 inch by 42 inch plan sheets. All plan sheets except the title sheet, existing conditions sheet, cross-sections and details sheets shall utilize the existing conditions sheet as a base map. For complex plans, existing conditions within the landfill area may be shown by lighter lines or may be eliminated.
(1) TITLE SHEET. A title sheet shall be included indicating the project title, who prepared the plans, the date the plans were prepared, the applicant for whom the plans were prepared, a table of contents, a map showing the location of the facility within the county or multicounty area, the location of the county or multicounty area within the state and the area to be served.
(2) EXISTING CONDITIONS. An existing conditions plan shall be included consisting of a detailed topographic map of the proposed facility landfill and all areas within 1,500 feet of the proposed limits of filling prior to development. The minimum scale shall be 1" = 200 feet with a maximum 2 foot contour interval. The contour interval selected shall be sufficiently small to clearly show surface water flow patterns within and around the landfill. All elevations shall be related to USGS datum. The plan shall identify and define the following:
(3) SUB-BASE GRADES AND BASE GRADES. Plan sheets shall be included which depict the sub-base grades, all sub-base appurtenances such as lysimeters or drain pipes, and the base grades.
(4) ENGINEERING DESIGN FEATURES. Separate plan sheets shall be included to depict the overall landfill area and the limits of liner construction and filling. The plan sheets shall depict the layout and slope of the liner system and leachate collection system including pipes, sumps, riser pipes on interior sideslopes, manholes, trenches, berms, lift stations, permanent storm water control structures, pipe cleanouts and other pertinent structures. Invert elevations shall be provided at any changes in grade for all leachate and groundwater collection and transfer systems.
(5) PHASING. A series of phasing plan sheets shall be included to show landfill development through time. The location of peripheral features such as support buildings, access roads, drainage ditches, sedimentation basins, any other storm water management features and screening berms shall be indicated on this plan. At a minimum, a separate plan sheet shall be provided for initial construction and for each subsequent phase of development or new area where substantial construction is to be performed. These subsequent phasing plan sheets shall present the final filling surfaces in the previous phases of development; the limits of clearing, grubbing and topsoil removal; the base grades of the new phase of filling; the anticipated surface contours of soil stockpiles at the time depicted on the plan sheet; and storm water management features. Each plan shall include a list of construction items and quantities necessary to prepare the phase of development indicated on the plan.
(6) STORM WATER MANAGEMENT. Plan sheets shall be included which depict the features to be constructed for storm water management at the time of initial construction, during phased development, and after closure of the landfill. Plan sheets shall include the locations of sediment basins, drainage ditches, auxiliary sediment traps, and the anticipated extent of cleared ground and stockpiles during each major phase of landfill development. Plan sheets shall include a list of anticipated actions and materials needed for sediment and erosion control.
(7) WASTE FINAL GRADES AND FINAL TOPOGRAPHY. A final waste grades plan sheet shall be included to indicate waste final grades, including daily and intermediate cover. A final topography plan sheet shall be included to indicate the appearance of the entire facility following closure including storm water drainage features and the location of gas extraction wells and all other penetrations of the final cover.
(8) MONITORING. A facility monitoring plan shall be included to show the location of the design management zone as determined under s. NR 140.22 and all devices for the monitoring of leachate quality and quantity, unsaturated zone water quality and flow rate, groundwater quality, storm water quality, gas production, gas migration, gas condensate and surface settlement.
(9) LONG-TERM CARE. A long-term care plan sheet shall be included showing the topography of the landfill following closure. This plan sheet shall list those items anticipated to be performed during the period of long-term care including the proposed schedule for monitoring and maintenance of the landfill. This information may be included on the final topography plan sheet if clarity is not compromised or reference may be made to the appropriate section of the operations manual and design report.
(11) DETAILS. Drawings showing details and typical sections shall be included for storm water control structures; access roads; fencing; final cover and base liner systems; leachate and gas control systems such as pipe bedding, manholes, transfer lines, force mains and storage tanks; leachate transfer lines which extend through the liner; groundwater and unsaturated zone monitoring devices; and buildings. This plan sheet shall include all other construction details such as leachate and refuse containment berms between subsequent phases of development.