Wisconsin Administrative Code
Department of Natural Resources
NR 500-599 - Environmental Protection - Solid Waste Management
Chapter NR 512 - Feasibility Reports For Landfills
Section NR 512.11 - Data presentation
Current through November 25, 2024
The results from the subsurface investigations shall be presented on 24 inch x 36 inch plan sheets, unless an alternative size is approved by the department in writing, as follows:
(1) EXISTING CONDITIONS. A detailed topographic survey of the proposed landfill and all areas within a distance of 1,500 feet from the proposed limits of filling. The minimum scale shall be 1"= 200 feet with a maximum 2 foot contour interval. The contour interval selected shall be sufficiently small to clearly show surface water flow patterns within and around the proposed landfill. This plan sheet shall show the following features:
(2) GEOLOGIC CROSS-SECTIONS. Cross-sections shall be constructed through all borings, both perpendicular and parallel to the proposed landfill's baseline. For a proposed contiguous, horizontal or vertical expansion of an existing landfill, the cross-sections shall be expanded to include all the previous borings for the existing landfill. At least one cross-section shall be constructed parallel to groundwater flow. Where more than one interpretation can be reasonably made when evaluating heterogeneities within unconsolidated deposits, assume that the heterogeneities are continuous. The following information and where applicable, the information required by s. NR 512.14(2) (b), shall be presented on the geologic cross-sections:
(3) WATER TABLE MAPS. At least 2 water table contour maps shall be submitted. One map shall be based on the highest set of monthly water table elevations measured in the observation wells installed at the proposed landfill's location and the other map shall be based on the lowest set of monthly water table elevations measured in the observation wells installed at the proposed landfill's location. For each sampling round, all water level elevations shall be measured on the same day. The water table maps shall show all observation wells and the measured water level elevation at each observation well. Any observed variations in flow direction shall be discussed in the narrative of the report. For a contiguous, horizontal or vertical expansion of an existing landfill, the water table contour maps shall be expanded to include the observation wells and measured water table elevations at each observation well for the existing landfill. Inferred contours made beyond the extent of the observation well field shall be shown with dashed lines. If 3 or more bedrock wells are installed, a bedrock piezometric map shall be prepared.
(4) BEDROCK MAP. If at least 3 borings have been extended into bedrock, a bedrock contour map shall be prepared from specific and regional data.
(5) FLOW NET. A flow net shall be constructed parallel to the direction of groundwater flow to show the distribution of recharge and discharge.