(1) GAS MIGRATION. The department may require
the owner or operator to install gas monitoring devices, to prepare and submit
gas sampling and analysis programs and to monitor for gas migration. If
explosive gases are detected in any gas monitoring well located outside of the
limits of filling, the department may require any or all of the following: more
frequent monitoring, monitoring for pressure or other parameters, and the
installation of additional gas monitoring wells which may include nests of
wells screened over shorter vertical intervals. Where monitoring is required,
the owner or operator shall comply with all of the following:
Sampling parameters. The
owner or operator shall sample gas monitoring wells quarterly for percent
methane and percent oxygen. Each time a well is sampled, the following shall be
recorded: temperature, ground condition, barometric pressure, information as to
whether the barometric pressure is rising or falling, and initial and
stabilized methane levels. Initial readings are not required to be reported
unless the stabilized reading for a particular monitoring point drops to
Sampling. Sampling shall be performed with properly calibrated
instruments. When a gas monitoring well is being sampled, the gas monitoring
instrument shall be attached to the well prior to opening the valve on the gas
monitoring well.
Notification and remediation. The owner or operator shall
immediately notify the department and take all necessary steps to protect
public health and welfare if a stabilized reading exceeds the lower explosive
limit of any explosive gas generated by the waste fill in the soils outside of
the limits of filling or air within 200 feet of the landfill property boundary
or beyond the landfill property boundary, or 25% of the lower explosive limit
in any facility structure, excluding gas control or recovery system components.
Within 30 days of determining that the applicable gas level was exceeded, the
owner or operator shall submit a remediation plan to the department describing
the degree and extent of the problem and the proposed remedy. Within 60 days of
determining that the applicable gas level was exceeded, the owner or operator
shall implement the remediation plan. As additional requirements for owners or
operators of landfills meeting the requirements of s.
NR 507.15(2), within 7 days of
determining that the applicable gas level was exceeded, the operating record
shall be updated to indicate the level detected and the steps taken to protect
public health. The proposed remediation plan and notification of its
implementation shall also be placed in the operating record. The department may
upon written request, approve alternate schedules for submittal and
implementation of the remediation plan.
(2) GAS EXTRACTION. The department may
require the owner or operator to install monitoring ports and conduct
monitoring activities to determine the effectiveness of any gas extraction or
venting system.
Unless otherwise approved by the department, the owner or operator shall report
gas monitoring results to the department no less frequently than semi-annually
and in accordance with s.
NR 507.26(3).