NOTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS. No person may establish or construct an intermediate
size construction and demolition waste landfill for disposal of more than
50,000 cubic yards but no more than 250,000 cubic yards of material after July
1, 1996, unless the following requirements have been met.
(a) The applicant shall publish a public
notice in the local newspaper which identifies the applicant's name, business
address and phone number; the location, design capacity, and anticipated
operational life of the proposed landfill; and the name, address and telephone
number of the department representative to whom public comments may be
submitted orally or in writing. A copy of the proposed public notice shall be
provided to the department office located in the area of the proposed landfill
prior to submission to the newspaper for publication.
(b) The applicant shall provide a press
release to the local newspaper which includes the information required in par.
(a) as well as a description of the proposed operation.
(c) The applicant shall provide individual
letters of notification to all landowners and residents located within 1/4 mile
of the proposed limits of filling which includes the information required in
par. (a). This requirement may be satisfied by local zoning notification
procedures if all landowners and residents within 1/4 mile are contacted.
(d) The applicant shall provide a
letter of notification to the clerk of all townships and municipalities in
which the landfill is to be located and all townships and municipalities
located within 1200 feet of the proposed waste limits which includes the
information required in par. (a).
(e) All of the requirements in this
subsection shall be satisfied prior to submitting a plan of operation under
sub. (2). Documentation that the requirements have been met shall be provided
in the plan of operation.
may establish, construct, operate or maintain an intermediate size construction
and demolition waste landfill prior to receiving approval from the department
of a plan of operation. Any person intending to establish or construct an
intermediate size construction and demolition waste landfill shall submit a
plan of operation to the department for approval which contains the information
specified in this subsection. The proposal shall address the alternatives
considered, including reuse, recycling and disposal at a licensed solid waste
landfill, the reasons why other economically feasible alternatives are not
available, and the potential environmental impacts that may occur. The report
shall adequately characterize site conditions and contain the complete plans
and specifications necessary for construction, operation, monitoring, closing
and long-term care of the landfill. These plans as approved by the department
shall be used for the day-to-day construction, operation and closure of the
landfill and shall be presented in a manner that is clear and understandable.
The department shall either approve or disapprove the report in writing within
90 days after submission of a complete report. Any proposed changes to the
approved report shall be submitted to and approved by the department in writing
prior to implementation.
(a) The report shall
identify the project title; name, address and phone number of the primary
contacts including the proposed landfill's owner and operator and any
consultants; present property owner; proposed landfill location by
quarter-quarter section; total acreage of the property and proposed limits of
filling; proposed landfill life and design capacity; anticipated waste sources,
types and characteristics; anticipated volumes of each major waste stream and
any seasonal fluctuations taking into account waste reduction, reuse,
recycling; anticipated cover frequency; mode of operation; anticipated
sub-base, base and final grades; and documentation demonstrating that the
requirements of sub. (1) have been satisfied.
(b) The report shall include a discussion of
land uses at the proposed landfill location and within at least one mile of the
anticipated limits of filling and waste handling areas. A thorough discussion
of land uses which may have an impact on the suitability of the property for
waste disposal or on groundwater quality shall be included. The report shall
address all areas where land use may affect or be affected by the proposed new
landfill or a proposed expansion to an existing landfill. The discussions shall
be supplemented with land use maps. At a minimum, the report shall specifically
address the following items:
1. Landowners
whose property is contiguous to the proposed landfill's property boundaries,
and all residences within 1/4 mile of the anticipated limits of filling, shall
be identified and located on a map. This information may be presented on a plat
map unless sufficient detail cannot be shown. However, any changes in ownership
shown on the plat map shall be noted.
2. A discussion of land use zoning shall be
included. Particular attention shall be given to areas where zoning variances
will be required, where agricultural impact statements may be required, or
where floodplain, conservancy, shoreland or wetland zoning is designated. A
copy of any zoning variances that have been granted or conditions that have
been imposed shall be included in the report.
3. A description of the current land uses
shall be included. Particular emphasis shall be put on the discussion of known
recreational, historical, archaeological, state and local natural areas;
national, state and county forest lands; and critical habitat.
4. The existing or proposed transportation
routes and access roads including any weight restrictions shall be delineated.
Note: Limits of filling is defined in s.
NR 500.03(127).
(c) The report shall include a
discussion of the regional setting of the proposed landfill to provide a basis
for comparison and interpretation of information obtained through field
investigations. This discussion may be limited to information available from
publications such as a hydrologic investigations atlas, water supply papers,
informational circulars and technical bulletins published by the Wisconsin
geological and natural history survey, the United States geological survey and
the natural resources conservation service. The regional setting to be
discussed is the area which may affect or be affected by the proposed landfill.
At a minimum, the report shall consider the area within one mile of the
anticipated limits of filling. The discussions shall be supplemented with
available regional bedrock and glacial geology maps, USGS topographic maps,
NRCS soil maps and regional water table maps. Specifically, the following items
shall be discussed:
1. The existing
topography including predominant topographic features.
2. The surface water drainage patterns and
significant hydrologic features such as surface waters, springs, surface water
drainage basins, divides and wetlands.
3. The origin, nature and distribution of
bedrock; the origin, texture, thickness and distribution of the unconsolidated
units; and the texture and classification of the surficial soils.
4. The depth to groundwater, groundwater flow
directions, groundwater divides and aquifers and identification of the aquifers
used by public and private wells.
5. Information on groundwater and surface
water quality which is available from the USGS, WGNHS, DNR, UW-Extension and
regional planning commissions.
(d) The applicant shall perform field
investigations to define the subsurface soils, depth to bedrock, type of
bedrock, depth to groundwater and groundwater flow direction at the proposed
landfill's location. The results of this investigation shall be described in
the narrative section of the report. All raw data collected for borings, well
construction and borehole abandonment shall be submitted on forms in accordance
with s.
NR 507.14(5). All raw data for
laboratory tests and water level measurements shall be included in the report
appendix. At a minimum, the investigations specified in subds.1. to 4. shall be
performed unless an alternative geotechnical investigation program is approved
by the department in writing before the geotechnical investigation program for
the report is initiated. Documentation of any alternative geotechnical
investigation approved by the department and justification for any reductions
to the requirements in this section shall be included in the report. At a
minimum, the field investigation shall include the following:
1. As specified in Table 2, borings shall be
drilled in 5 separate locations for the first 20 or less acres of the
anticipated limits of filling and one additional boring shall be drilled for
each additional 10 or less acres. All borings shall be extended a minimum of 25
feet below the anticipated sub-base grade. If the boring is located outside the
anticipated limits of filling, the applicable sub-base grade is the elevation
of the bottom of the anticipated liner system nearest to the borehole. The
borings shall be distributed on a grid pattern across the proposed site
location and the anticipated limits of filling. All borings shall be located in
or within 300 feet of the anticipated limits of filling. Samples shall be
collected and retained and boring logs shall be prepared in accordance with s.
NR 507.05(2) and
(3). Borings not converted to wells shall be
abandoned in accordance with ss.
NR 141.25 and 507.08.
2. As specified in Table 2, wells shall be
installed to adequately define the depth to groundwater and in a configuration
that allows groundwater flow direction to be determined.
a. At a minimum, 3 water table observation
wells shall be installed for the first 20 or less acres of the anticipated
limits of filling and one additional water table observation well shall be
installed for each additional 10 or less acres. Based on existing information,
the observation wells shall be constructed such that the water table intersects
the well screen at all times during the year.
b. At a minimum, in a fine-grained soil
environment for each 20 or less acres of the anticipated limits of filling, a
piezometer shall be installed adjacent to a water table observation well to
create a well nest.
Note: A fine-grained soil environment is defined in s.
NR 500.03(86).
c. All wells shall be located no more than
300 feet from the proposed limits of filling and be designed, installed,
developed and documented in accordance with ch. NR 141 and ss.
NR 507.06, 507.07 and 507.08. Alternative methods of well
design and installation which achieve comparable results shall be approved by
the department prior to well construction.
3. A professional geologist or qualified
technician who is directly supervised by a professional geologist shall observe
and direct the drilling of all borings and the installation, development and
abandonment of all wells. The professional geologist or qualified technician
who is directly supervised by a professional geologist shall also visually
describe and classify all geologic samples.
Table 2
Minimum Number of Required Borings &
Non-Fine-Grained Soil
Observation wells
First 20 or less acres
Each additional 10 or less acres
Fine-Grained Soil Environments
Observation wells
First 20 or less acres
Each additional 10 or less acres
Each 20 or less acres
Laboratory and field analyses conducted to identify the specific geologic and
hydrogeologic conditions at the proposed landfill's location shall:
a. Include testing a minimum of one
representative sample from each major soil unit encountered. Each
representative sample shall be analyzed for grain-size distribution using
mechanical and hydrometer methods and Atterberg limits as appropriate for the
particular type of material and be classified according to the unified soil
classification system.
Note: A major soil unit is defined in s.
NR 500.03(138).
b. All available groundwater or surface water
quality data which has been obtained from sampling at the proposed landfill
location shall be submitted in the report. Any environmental monitoring data
included in the report shall be submitted electronically.
(e) Unless an alternative size is
approved by the department, the results of the subsurface investigations shall
be presented on 24 inch x 36 inch plan sheets as follows:
1. A topographic map of the area within 1/4
mile of the anticipated limits of filling shall be submitted showing the
anticipated limits of filling, property boundaries, homes, buildings, cultural
features, water supply wells, and the location of soil borings and wells. For a
proposed contiguous, horizontal or vertical expansion of an existing landfill,
the topographic map shall also include the location of all borings and wells
for the existing landfill. The base map may consist of an enlarged 7.5 minute
USGS map or other map having a minimum scale of 1" = 500' with contour
intervals sufficient to show relief.
2. Geologic cross-sections shall be
submitted. For a proposed contiguous, horizontal or vertical expansion of an
existing landfill, all borings and wells for the existing landfill shall be
included on the geologic cross-sections. Where more than one interpretation can
be reasonably made when evaluating heterogeneities within the unconsolidated
deposits, assume that the heterogeneities are continuous. The following
information shall be presented on the geologic cross-sections:
a. A dashed line or question mark for
inferred lithostratigraphic boundaries, a number or symbol to label major soil
units and a key containing a description of the soil units.
b. The anticipated sub-base, base and final
grades for the proposed landfill.
c. All boring logs, the USCS classifications
and the geologic origin for each major soil unit.
d. Well construction details shown to scale
including the well screen and filter pack length, the location of the upper and
lower seals, and stabilized water level elevations measured on the same day.
When 2 or more water table observation wells are presented on a cross-section,
a line representing the water table elevation shall be drawn. The date the
measurements were taken shall be specified in the key.
3. A water table contour map shall be
submitted. The map shall be based on stabilized water levels recorded on the
same day from all observation wells installed at the proposed landfill's
location and show the wells and the measured water level at each well. For a
proposed contiguous, horizontal or vertical expansion of an existing landfill,
the water table contour map shall include the water table observation wells and
measured water table elevations at each well for the existing landfill. The
topographic map shall be used as a base map. If more than one set of water
levels has been taken, the water table contours shall be based on the set of
data which indicates the highest water table. Any observed variations in flow
direction shall be discussed in the narrative of the report. Inferred contours
made beyond the extent of the well field shall be shown with dashed
(f) The report
shall include an analysis of the results from the sub-surface investigations,
regional geotechnical information, land use information, and include a
discussion of the following items:
1. The
potential for the proposed landfill to meet the locational criteria and
performance standards in s.
NR 503.04.
A discussion of the geologic environment including those factors which may
affect the development, design or operation of the proposed landfill.
3. For a proposed contiguous, horizontal or
vertical expansion of an existing landfill, the compliance status and
performance of the existing landfill shall be evaluated.
(g) The report shall contain a set of
engineering plans which are drawn in accordance with ss.
NR 500.05(6) and 504.07 to 504.11 and the following requirements.
Engineering plans shall be drawn on standard 24 inch by 36 inch plan sheets. If
landfill details cannot be shown on standard plan sheets at a 1:100 scale, the
engineering plans may be drawn on 30 inch by 42 inch plan sheets. All plan
sheets except the title sheet, existing conditions sheet, cross-sections and
details sheets shall utilize the existing conditions sheet as a base map. For
complex plans, existing conditions within the landfill area may be shown by
lighter lines or may be eliminated. At a minimum, the engineering plans shall
include the following:
1. A title sheet shall
be included indicating the project title, who prepared the plans, the date the
plans were prepared, the applicant for whom the plans were prepared, a table of
contents, a map showing the location of the landfill within the county or
multi-county area, the location of the county or multi-county area within the
state and the area to be served.
An existing conditions plan shall be included consisting of a detailed
topographic map of the proposed landfill and all areas within 1,200 feet of the
proposed limits of filling prior to development. The minimum scale shall be 1'
= 200 feet with a maximum 2 foot contour interval. The contour interval
selected shall be sufficiently small to clearly show surface water flow
patterns within and around the landfill. All elevations shall be related to
USGS datum. The plan shall identify and define the following:
a. Surface waters including intermittent and
ephemeral streams and wetlands.
Property boundaries, the proposed landfill boundary and the proposed limits of
c. A north arrow, landfill
survey grid, a formula for converting grid locations to the state plane
coordinate system and the locations of all existing and proposed survey
d. Residential and
commercial structures and other buildings.
e. Locations of all soil borings, all
existing and abandoned groundwater monitoring wells, all public and private
water supply wells and the general locations of all known septic system drain
fields within 1,000 feet of the landfill area or within 500 feet of any
monitoring well.
f. The locations
of all other landfills, and all other solid waste facilities for the
processing, storage or composting of solid wastes.
g. Utility lines, underground pipelines and
electrical lines, access control and other constructed topographic and drainage
3. Plan sheets
shall be included which depict the sub-base grades, all sub-base appurtenances
such as lysimeters or drain pipes and the base grades.
4. Separate plan sheets shall be included to
depict the overall landfill area and the limits of liner construction and
filling. The plan sheets shall depict the layout and slope of the liner system
and leachate collection system including pipes, sumps, riser pipes on interior
sideslopes, manholes, trenches, berms, lift stations, permanent storm water
control structures, pipe cleanouts and other pertinent structures. Invert
elevations shall be provided at any changes in grade for all leachate and
groundwater collection and transfer systems.
5. A series of phasing plan sheets shall be
included to show landfill development through time. The location of peripheral
features such as support buildings, access roads, drainage ditches,
sedimentation basins, any other storm water management features, and screening
berms shall be indicated on this plan. At a minimum, a separate plan sheet
shall be provided for initial construction and for each subsequent phase of
development or new area where substantial construction is to be performed.
These subsequent phasing plan sheets shall present the final filling surfaces
in the previous phases of development; the limits of clearing, grubbing and
topsoil removal; the base grades of the new phase of filling; the anticipated
surface contours of soil stockpiles at the time depicted on the plan sheet; and
storm water management features. Each plan shall include a list of construction
items and quantities necessary to prepare the phase of development indicated on
the plan.
6. Plan sheets shall be
included which depict the features to be constructed for storm water management
at the time of initial construction, during phased development, and after
closure of the landfill. Plan sheets shall include the locations of sediment
basins, drainage ditches, auxiliary sediment traps, and the anticipated extent
of cleared ground and stockpiles during each major phase of landfill
development. Plan sheets shall include a list of anticipated actions and
materials needed for sediment and erosion control.
7. A final topography plan sheet shall be
included to indicate the appearance of the entire landfill following closure
including surface water drainage features and the location of gas vents and all
other penetrations of the final cover.
8. A landfill monitoring plan shall be
included to show the location of the design management zone as determined under
NR 140.22(3) and all devices for the
monitoring of leachate quality and quantity, unsaturated zone water quality and
flow rate, groundwater quality, surface water quality, gas production, gas
migration and surface settlement.
9. A long-term care plan sheet shall be
included showing the topography of the landfill following closure. This plan
shall list those items anticipated to be performed during the period of
long-term care including the proposed schedule for monitoring and maintenance
of the landfill. This information may be included on the final topography plan
sheet if clarity is not compromised or reference may be made to the appropriate
section of the operations manual and design report.
10. A minimum of 2 cross-sections drawn
perpendicular and parallel to the landfill baseline through the major
dimensions of the landfill shall be included. These cross-sections shall be
drawn on the cross-section plans required under sub. (2) (e) 2. The location of
the cross-sections shall be illustrated by a reduced scale plan view on each
cross-section. Each combined engineering and geologic cross-section shall show:
a. Existing grades.
b. Sub-base, base, top of leachate collection
blanket grades and final grades.
Soil borings and monitoring wells which the section passes through or is
adjacent to.
d. Soil and bedrock
types. For clarity, a number or symbol shall be used to label major soil units
instead of extensive shading.
Stabilized water table contours.
Leachate collection and monitoring systems.
g. Gas venting or extraction and monitoring
h. Limits of waste
i. Erosion, storm water
and sediment control structures.
Access roads and ramps on the perimeter of the disposal area and within the
active fill area.
k. The filling
sequence or phasing interfaces, and other landfill features.
11. Cross sections shall be
included to illustrate all important construction features of the liner, final
cover, lysimeters, leachate collection trenches and sumps, liner penetrations,
sideslope risers, piping systems for gas and gas condensate and drainage
systems for storm water.
Detailed plan view sheets shall be included for header lines or drain lines
outside the limits of filling, with notations of pipe slope and intersection
elevations with appurtenances such as manholes, lift stations and collection
13. Drawings showing details
and typical sections shall be included for storm water control structures;
access roads; fencing; final cover and base liner systems; leachate and gas
control systems such as pipe bedding, manholes, transfer lines, force mains and
storage tanks; leachate transfer lines which extend through the liner;
groundwater and unsaturated zone monitoring devices; and buildings. This plan
sheet shall include all other construction details such as leachate and waste
containment berms between subsequent phases of development.
(h) The report shall contain an
operations manual and design section which shall comply with ss.
NR 500.05 and 504.05 to 504.11 and, at a minimum, shall
contain the following information:
1. A
discussion of the considerations and rationale behind design of the
discretionary aspects of the major engineering features which are not
explicitly required by state or federal regulations. This shall include base
grade configuration and relationship to subsurface conditions, liner design,
phases of landfill development and closure, traffic routing, storm water
management, erosion, and sediment control measures, gas ventilation systems,
final cover systems and monitoring systems. Specific attention shall be given
to sidewall penetrations, sideslope riser and sump areas, and piping located
outside of the limits of filling. In addressing each of the items in this
subdivision, the report shall indicate how the anticipated waste types and
characteristics influenced the chosen design.
2. A discussion of initial preparations and
construction methods relating to clearing and grubbing, topsoil stripping and
other excavations; soil storage and visual screening development; storm water
control features; base liner and granular drainage layers; leachate collection
and gas venting systems; access roads and entrance area screening and fencing;
environmental monitoring device installation and other special design
3. A description of storm
water management at the time of initial construction, during phased development
and after closure of the landfill. The report shall include narrative
demonstrating compliance with s.
NR 504.09. The report shall describe in detail temporary
and permanent erosion and sediment control measures and indicate how these
measures will accomplish the concepts in s.
NR 504.09(1) (b). The report shall
include the specifications for design of sediment basins, culverts, drainage
ditches, auxiliary sediment traps, and the anticipated extent of cleared ground
and stockpiles during each major phase of landfill development. The report
shall include a list of anticipated actions and materials needed for sediment
and erosion control. The report shall describe a maintenance and follow-up
program designed to meet the concepts in s.
NR 504.09(1) (b). The report shall
include schedules for the following activities: cleaning sediment basins and
ditches; seeding and stabilization of stockpiles and drainage channels; and
topsoiling, seeding and stabilization of disturbed areas and areas affected by
4. Specifications for the
proposed gradations of soil materials and the proposed size of the perforations
used in the leachate collection system piping. The report shall include an
analysis of the pipe and soil materials to demonstrate whether the gradation of
sand and gravel and the pipe opening sizes are stable and self-filtering. The
report shall describe the use of filter layers or other mechanisms used to
maintain the porosity in the leachate collection blanket, collection trenches
and sumps.
5. A description of the
daily landfill operations including a discussion of the timetable for the
construction of each phase of liner or final cover; waste types accepted or
excluded; typical waste handling techniques and methods for handling unusual
waste types; hours of operation; traffic routing; storm water management;
sediment and erosion control; windy, wet and cold weather disposal operations;
fire protection equipment; anticipated staffing requirements; methods for
vector, dust and odor control; daily cleanup; leachate removal during hours of
operation as well as nights, weekends and holidays; direction of filling;
salvaging; record keeping; and parking for visitors, users and employees. The
report shall describe any limitations or operational practices necessary due to
the presence of other open or closed landfills, processing facilities, storage
facilities, composting facilities or any other solid waste facilities located
on the same property.
6. A
description of landfill operations and the development of subsequent phases.
This discussion shall define the critical stage of waste disposal for each
phase as it relates to the start of construction of subsequent phases. The
scheduling of future construction shall take into account the length of the
construction season, limitations imposed by weather and season, and the
capacity remaining in existing phases such that an orderly transition is
maintained. The report shall describe the anticipated construction in each
phase for storm water management, monitoring, abandonment of fill areas, and
the installation and maintenance of gas and leachate control
7. A description of the
waste inspection and rejection procedures, including use of the inspection pad
for dumping and inspecting all incoming waste, actions to be taken to reject
unacceptable waste, and movement of non-salvageable material from the pad to
the landfill. The report shall also describe the procedures for identifying
salvageable material and moving it from the inspection pad to the adjacent
salvageable material storage area, and schedules for removing salvageable
material to markets.
8. A
description of landfill operations, actions taken when phases of the landfill
reach waste final grades, and closure of phases at waste final grades. The
report shall include a discussion of the anticipated sequence of the required
events for closure of the landfill and a discussion of those actions necessary
to prepare the landfill for long-term care and final use.
9. A proposed long-term care schedule
describing the procedures to be utilized for the inspection and maintenance of
cover vegetation; storm water control structures; waste or ground surface
settlement or siltation; erosion damage; gas and leachate control features;
gas, leachate and groundwater monitoring; and other long-term care needs. The
report shall include a final use plan for the landfill.
10. Specifications for construction,
operation and closure of the landfill. These specifications shall include
detailed instructions to the operator and any contractors for all aspects of
construction and operation. References to specifications on the plan sheets
shall be described. This may include information such as tank manufacturer
installation instructions and pump performance criteria, materials and
construction methods for sideslope risers, sidewall penetrations, sump areas
and all piping located outside the limits of filling.
11. An explanation of all design calculations
to facilitate department review and provide the necessary information on
financial responsibility for closure and long-term care of the landfill. The
report shall include a discussion of all calculations, such as waste to cover
balance computations, base liner and final covering soils materials needs
related to available borrow soil volumes, stockpile sizing estimates, shear
resistance calculations for geosynthetic materials and soil layers, design of
the storm water management system, infiltration and leachate collection and
leakage volumes. All calculations shall be summarized with the detailed
equations presented in the appendix of the report. References to the
appropriate plan sheets, from which variables are obtained for these
calculations shall be included in these summaries.
12. A detailed analysis in accordance with
ch. NR 520 shall be made of the costs associated with closure of the landfill
and of performing each year of long-term care. All assumptions used in
developing the cost estimates shall be listed, including sources of the cost
estimates and rationale for the selected cost factors. The anticipated
operating life and replacement schedule of all engineering design features
shall be addressed and reflected in the cost estimates. The proposed methods of
establishing proof of financial responsibility for closure and long-term care
under ch. NR 520 shall also be specified.
13. An appendix shall be included which lists
the references used and includes any additional data not previously presented,
supplemental design calculations, material specifications, operating agreements
and any miscellaneous agreements such as easements, documents related to
long-term care funding and other appropriate information. At a minimum, the
appendix of the report shall include the following written agreements:
a. A draft leachate treatment
b. A signed clay
procurement agreement or option for acquisition of the borrow source property
for the volumes necessary to construct and close the first major phase of the
14. Proposed
environmental monitoring plan which, at a minimum, complies with the
requirements of sub. (7).
(3) DESIGN REQUIREMENTS. Intermediate size
construction and demolition waste landfills shall be designed to contain and
collect leachate to the maximum practical extent. This shall be accomplished by
designing the landfill to meet the standards contained in the applicable
portions of this subsection unless the department approves an alternate design
which provides equal or greater protection.
(a) If the applicant does not complete
construction of the first major phase of the landfill within 2 years from the
date of the report approval, the applicant shall reapply to the department for
approval to construct the landfill. The department may require additional
conditions of approval and require redesign of the landfill in accordance with
state-of-the-art design criteria.
(b) Except as provided in par. (c), all
landfills regulated under this section shall be designed with a clay liner
which meets the following requirements:
Soil for a clay liner shall meet the following specifications:
a. A minimum of 50% by weight which passes
the 200 sieve.
b. A saturated
hydraulic conductivity of 1x10-7 cm/sec or less, when compacted to required
moisture contents and densities based on the modified Proctor method, standard
Proctor method, or a department-approved line of optimums method.
c. An average liquid limit of 25% or greater
with no values less than 20%.
d. An
average plasticity index of 12% or greater with no values less than
2. The separation
distance between the seasonal high groundwater table and the bottom of the clay
liner shall be at least 10 feet except for zone-of-saturation
3. The separation
distance between the competent bedrock surface and the bottom of the clay liner
shall be at least 10 feet.
4. The
slope of the clay liner surface toward the leachate collection lines shall be
at least 2%.
5. The minimum
thickness of the clay liner at all locations shall be 3 feet.
6. The clay liner shall be constructed in the
following manner:
a. All clay layers in the
liner shall be constructed in lift heights no greater than 6 inches after
compaction using footed compaction equipment having feet at least as long as
the loose lift height. As needed, clay shall be disked or otherwise
mechanically processed prior to compaction to break up clods and allow for
moisture content adjustment. Clod size shall be no greater than 4
b. A sufficient number of
passes of the compaction equipment shall be made over each lift of clay to
ensure complete remolding of the clay.
c. All clay shall be compacted to 90%
modified or 95% standard Proctor density at a moisture content at least 2% wet
of optimum if using the modified Proctor method and wet of optimum if using the
standard Proctor method, based on the characteristics of the appropriate
Proctor curve for the clay being placed. As clay placement proceeds, the
minimum density and moisture content targets shall be adjusted as necessary.
The department may approve alternate methods of determining the quality of clay
7. The slope
of the interior sidewalls of a landfill may not exceed 3 horizontal to one
vertical nor be less than 5 horizontal to one vertical.
8. The clay liner in adjacent phases shall be
keyed together to form a continuous clay seal. This shall be accomplished by
excavating steps along the edge of the existing lined phase and overlapping the
lifts of clay being placed for the liner of the new phase with the steps in the
existing clay liner. A minimum of 4 steps shall be included, with the total
width of the spliced area measuring a minimum of 15 feet.
(c) All landfills regulated under this
section which are proposed with base grades beneath the groundwater table shall
meet the following requirements:
1. The
landfill shall be located in a fine-grained soil environment.
Note: Fine grained soil environment is defined in s.
NR 500.03(86).
2. The landfill shall meet the requirements
in par. (b) 1., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7. and 8.
3. An analysis shall be performed of the
effect which groundwater flow may have on uplift of the liner. The analysis
shall evaluate the effect of an underdrain or other dewatering
(d) All
landfills regulated under this section shall be designed with leachate
collection systems which incorporate the following design features:
1. A leachate collection system shall be
included in each horizontal phase of the landfill. This system shall be
designed to route leachate to the perimeter of the landfill in the most direct
manner possible and limit the average leachate head level on the liner to one
foot or less. The piping layout shall be such that leachate flows no more than
130 feet across the base of the liner before encountering a perforated leachate
collection pipe.
2. The minimum
slope on all leachate collection pipes at the base of the landfill shall be a
constant 0.5%. The department strongly recommends that greater pipe slopes be
utilized whenever possible.
3. The
minimum diameter of all leachate collection or transfer pipes shall be 6
inches. Schedule 80 PVC pipe or an approved substitute shall be used.
4. Leachate collection trenches for clay
liners shall be designed as rectangular trenches. A geotextile shall be used to
line the base and sidewalls of all leachate collection trenches and shall be
placed directly over the clay liner. The geotextile shall have a minimum weight
of 12 oz/yd2, and may not be overlapped over the top of the trench.
5. The bedding material utilized in
backfilling the leachate collection pipe trenches shall have a uniformity
coefficient of less than 4, a maximum particle diameter of 1 1/2 inches, a
maximum of 5% of the material which passes the number 4 sieve and consist of
rounded to subangular gravel. A minimum depth of 4 inches of gravel shall be
placed in the trenches prior to installation of the leachate pipes. The
backfill shall also be placed so that a minimum of 6 inches of material exists
above the top of the pipe and within the trenches. An additional 6 inches of
material shall be mounded above the trench. In cases where the particle size of
the drainage blanket is significantly less than the collection trench bedding,
a properly designed graded soil filter or geotextile shall be utilized to
minimize the migration of the drainage blanket material into the collection
trenches. Limestone and dolomite may not be used in the leachate collection
system unless no other suitable material is reasonably available.
6. The sizing of sand, gravel, geotextiles
and pipe openings shall be analyzed for control of piping of soil materials.
The gradation of sand and gravel, the apparent opening size of geotextiles and
the pipe opening sizes shall be selected to achieve a stable and self-filtering
structure under all conditions of leachate flow.
7. All leachate collection lines shall have
cleanout access points installed on both ends of each line and may not exceed
1,200 feet from the end of one cleanout to the toe of the opposite
8. Leachate lines, manholes
and other engineering structures may not penetrate the liner in the vertical
direction. Leachate transfer lines may penetrate the liner in the horizontal
direction only. The number of liner penetrations shall be kept to a
9. Any leachate line that
penetrates a clay liner shall have a 3 foot by 3 foot anti-seep collar placed
around it. A minimum of 3 feet of compacted clay, as measured from the pipe,
shall be placed around the collar in all directions.
10. All leachate lines transporting leachate
out of the landfill shall be constructed with valves so the flow of leachate
can be controlled. The valves shall be compatible with the leachate and be
capable of being operated from the ground surface.
11. All leachate transfer lines located
outside of the clay lined area shall be designed to assure groundwater
protection through the use of double-cased pipe or by using another approved
secondary containment method. All leachate transfer line piping shall be
pressure tested prior to use. Unless otherwise approved by the department, the
upslope end of the secondary pipe shall be sealed and the downslope end shall
be open to allow any collected liquid to flow into the manhole.
12. All leachate transfer lines, manholes,
lift stations and other structures which transfer or store leachate outside the
limits of waste shall be designed as shallow as practical and located far
enough from the limits of filling so that excavations associated with repair of
these devices would not infringe on the landfill cover system or sidewall
liner. Each of these devices shall be constructed above the seasonal high
groundwater table unless it is not technically feasible to do so and the design
meets the requirements of subd. 11.
13. Leachate collection tanks and manholes
shall be designed with a secondary containment system to prevent the discharge
of leachate to ground and surface waters in the event of a leak or spill. Means
shall be provided to monitor the tank and manholes within the secondary
containment system unless other means for leak detection are approved by the
14. All leachate
collection tanks shall be designed to contain the volume of leachate which is
generated by the landfill over a 4 day period and to withstand the soil and
liquid loads that will be encountered during installation and use. The
installation of the tanks shall follow the recommendations of the consultant
and manufacturer.
15. Measures
shall be proposed to prevent accidental discharges at the leachate loadout
station from entering groundwater or surface water. Unless an alternate method
is approved by the department, the leachate loading station shall be paved with
a concrete or asphalt pad and sloped to a catch basin to direct all spills back
into the leachate holding tank.
All manholes and enclosed structures for leachate and gas control systems shall
be designed to allow for proper venting and access control.
17. All control systems such as pumps, valves
and meters shall be designed to be operated from the ground surface.
18. All leachate and groundwater collection
systems shall be designed to accurately monitor the volume of liquid removed by
the system.
19. A minimum one foot
thick granular drainage blanket shall be placed on top of the clay-lined base
and sidewalls. The granular drainage blanket shall contain no more than 5%
material by weight which passes the number 200 sieve, have a uniformity
coefficient of less than 4 for gravel soils and less than 6 for sandy soils,
and a hydraulic conductivity which is greater than or equal to 1x10-2 cm/sec at
the anticipated field density.
All major horizontal clay lined phases above the saturated zone shall be
designed with a collection basin lysimeter to monitor the unsaturated
(e) All landfills
regulated under this section shall be designed with final cover systems to
minimize leachate generation by limiting the amount of percolation through the
cap system, reduce landfill maintenance by stabilizing the final surface
through design of compatible slopes and establishment of vegetation, account
for differential settlement and other stresses on the capping layer, minimize
the climatic effects of freeze-thaw and desiccation on the clay capping layer
of the final cover system, and provide removal of leachate and venting of gas
from those landfills which accept wastes with a high moisture content or which
readily biodegrade. Unless it is established to the satisfaction of the
department that portions of the final cover system are not needed, all new
landfills and expansions of existing landfills regulated under this section
shall be designed with a final cover system meeting the following requirements.
1. A minimum 6 inch thick grading layer shall
be designed over the final waste elevation to attain the required slope and
provide for a stable base for subsequent system components. Daily and
intermediate cover may be used for this purpose.
2. A minimum 2 foot thick clay cap shall be
designed to provide a low hydraulic conductivity barrier to percolation. Clay
used for this layer shall meet the specifications in par. (b) 1. The clay
capping layer shall be constructed in accordance with s.
NR 504.06(2) (f).
3. A minimum 2.5 foot thick drainage and
rooting zone layer shall be designed above the clay capping layer. This layer
shall include a rooting zone to provide additional rooting depth for vegetation
and to protect the clay capping layer from freeze-thaw damage and other
environmental effects. It shall also include a drainage layer as specified in
subd. 4. to allow for the drainage of liquid infiltrating through the cap.
Soils available on or near the proposed landfill property may be proposed for
the rooting zone layer. This layer may not be densely compacted.
4. A drainage layer shall be designed
immediately above the clay capping layer. The drainage layer shall consist of a
minimum of one foot of sand with a minimum hydraulic conductivity of 1x10-3
cm/sec or a geosynthetic drain layer of equivalent or greater transmissivity. A
perimeter drain pipe shall be placed at the low end of all final cover
sideslopes. The drain pipe shall be surrounded by a minimum of 6 inches of
gravel or sand with a minimum hydraulic conductivity of 1x10-2 cm/sec. A series
of outlets at spacings no further than every 200 feet shall be designed around
the perimeter. Modeling which supports the proposal of a different spacing may
be submitted to the department.
A minimum of 6 inches of topsoil shall be designed over the drainage and
rooting zone layer to support the proposed vegetation. Fertilizer and lime
shall be added in accordance with section 630, 2003 edition of the Wisconsin
department of transportation standard specifications for highway and structure
construction and the 2004 supplemental specifications in order to establish a
thick vegetative growth.
6. The
seed type and amount of fertilizer applied shall be proposed depending on the
type and quality of topsoil and compatibility with both native vegetation and
the final use. Unless otherwise approved by the department in writing, seed
mixtures and application rates shall be in accordance with section 630, 2003
edition of the Wisconsin department of transportation standard specifications
for highway and structure construction and the 2004 supplemental
specifications. Application rates for fertilizer and mulch shall also be
Note: Copies of 2003 edition of the Wisconsin department of
transportation standard specifications for highway and structure construction
and any annual supplemental specifications are available at
or can be obtained from the department of natural resources, bureau of waste
management, 101 S. Webster Street, P.O. Box 7921, Madison, WI 53707-7921, (608)
266-2111, waste.management@dnr.state.wi.us. Copies are also available for
inspection at the offices of the legislative reference bureau and the secretary
of state.
7. The proposed
final use shall be compatible with protection of the final cover
8. The landfill shall be
designed with a system which allows gas venting from the entire landfill
surface unless the landfill will utilize an active gas recovery system. An
analysis shall be performed to determine the spacing needed between gas venting
trenches for an effective system. The system shall be designed with a
continuous layer below the capping layer which allows surficial venting from
the waste final surface. This layer may be part of the grading layer required
in subd.1. if the specifications in this subdivision are met. This layer shall
consist of a minimum of one foot of granular soil with a minimum hydraulic
conductivity of 1x10-3 cm/sec, a series of flexible, perforated pipes connected
to a series of outlets. A minimum of one gas monitoring well shall be located
on each side of the landfill. The wells shall be constructed in accordance with
NR 507.11.
(f) All landfills regulated under this
section shall be designed with storm water drainage ditches, structures and
sedimentation basins designed to control rainfall runoff and limit entrained
sediment from reaching surface water bodies. At a minimum, the storm water
control system shall comply the following:
All landfills shall incorporate the following concepts in the design of both
temporary and permanent erosion and sediment control measures:
a. Grading and construction shall be
scheduled to minimize soil exposure.
b. Existing vegetation shall be retained
whenever feasible.
c. Disturbed
areas shall be vegetated and mulched.
d. Runoff shall be diverted away from
disturbed areas and active fill areas.
e. Runoff velocities shall be
f. Drainageways and
outlets shall be prepared to handle concentrated or increased runoff.
g. Sediment shall be trapped on
h. Runoff control structures
shall be inspected and maintained.
2. Storm water drainage ditches, structures
and sedimentation basins shall be designed to be constructed during the initial
stages of construction.
3. All
temporary and permanent storm water drainage ditches, swales, conveyance
channels, channel linings, outlet protections, culverts and other storm water
control structures shall be designed using a 25 year, time of concentration
storm event to determine peak flow rates. The design calculations shall each be
performed for the period in the landfill's development where the combination of
surface conditions and contributing acreage would result in the greatest runoff
4. Temporary and permanent
sediment control measures shall be designed to settle 0.015 mm size particles
for all storms up to and including the 25 year, 6-hour storm event. The surface
area for sediment basins shall be calculated using the average rainfall
intensity over the 25 year, 6-hour storm event for the landfill. Principal
spillway, emergency spillway and outlet protection for sediment basins shall be
designed to pass a 25 year, time of concentration storm event. Emergency
spillways for sedimentation basins shall be designed to pass a 100 year, time
of concentration storm event. The design of the dewatering structures for
sediment basins shall be selected such that the basin is dewatered in no less
than 3 days. An analysis shall be performed to document compliance with this
requirement. The design calculations shall be performed for the period in the
landfill's development where the combination of surface conditions and
contributing acreage would result in the greatest runoff volume.
5. Storm water shall be diverted away from
the active fill area of the landfill and any borrow areas to a sedimentation
control structure. The design calculations shall be performed for the period in
the landfill's development where the combination of surface conditions and
contributing acreage would result in the greatest runoff volume.
6. Containment berms placed around active
fill areas shall be designed to control and collect the liquid volume resulting
from the 25 year, 24-hour storm event. The design shall consider the volume of
liquid generated from active fill areas which shall include areas with exposed
solid waste or areas with waste covered by daily cover. Storm water in contact
with active fill areas shall be handled and treated as leachate in accordance
with ch. NR 506.
7. Storm water
drainage ditches, structures and sedimentation basins shall discharge along
existing drainage patterns capable of accepting the anticipated flow volume. An
analysis shall be performed to determine the amount and velocity of runoff
prior to landfill development and to document compliance with this
8. Storm water
diversion and construction at a landfill shall be designed to minimize impacts
on adjacent property, such as erosion, sedimentation and flooding.
Note: Design of storm water management features shall include
consideration of other applicable requirements of the department. Requirements
include, but are not limited to, ch. NR 103, and permits required by ch. 30,
(g) All
landfills regulated under this section shall be designed with an inspection pad
and storage areas for salvageable material as follows:
1. The inspection pad shall be located
outside of the landfill's lined area. It shall consist of a permanent, all
weather surface which is not readily permeable. The surface of the pad shall be
concrete, asphalt or an alternative material approved by the
2. The pad shall be
designed to be of sufficient size to allow dumping of waste material directly
from waste hauling vehicles and prevent delaying subsequent trucks waiting to
dump loads.
3. Storage areas for
salvageable material shall be designed adjacent to or in close proximity to the
inspection pad. At a minimum, storage areas shall be designated for clean soil,
broken concrete and pavement, and clean wood.
4. The department may require the
construction of storage pads and storm water control structures for the
salvageable material storage areas.
(h) All landfills regulated under this
section shall be designed to meet the following requirements:
1. A method of controlling any dust or
windblown debris shall be included in the landfill design. The factors which
will be considered by the department when evaluating alternative provisions for
controlling dust and windblown debris include the remoteness of the landfill,
natural screening, windbreaks and waste types.
2. All access roads which are used by over
the highway vehicles shall be designed with a maximum grade no greater than
10%. The intersection of the landfill access road with an existing highway
shall be designed to provide sufficient sight distance and minimum interference
with traffic on the highway.
3. The
landfill shall be designed so that final grades in each phase are reached as
soon as possible, and the open area used for waste filling is
4. The final slopes
shall be equal to or greater than 5%, but may not exceed 25%.
5. A minimum of 2 leachate head wells shall
be proposed for each major horizontal phase of the landfill unless otherwise
approved by the department.
6. All
landfills shall be designed with properly protected permanent benchmarks for
horizontal and vertical control. Elevations shall be tied to USGS datum and
horizontal control shall be referenced to the property boundary.
REQUIREMENTS. No person may operate or maintain a new or existing landfill
under this section except in conformance with the approved plan of operation
and the following minimum requirements:
Daily operations shall be in conformance with the following:
1. Daily disposal of solid waste shall be
confined to as small an area as practical.
2. Provisions shall be made to confine
windblown material within the active disposal area.
3. At the conclusion of each day of
operation, all windblown material shall be collected and properly disposed of
in the active area in accordance with the provisions of this subsection unless
the operator establishes, to the satisfaction of the department, that all
windblown material cannot be collected using reasonable efforts because of
conditions beyond the control of the operator, and windblown material which can
be collected using a reasonable effort has been collected and properly disposed
and nuisance conditions do not exist.
4. Unless otherwise directed by the
department, all waste shall be compacted, at a minimum, on a daily basis. The
department may require that waste be completely covered at the end of each
operating day with a compacted layer of at least 6 inches of soil or other
material approved in writing by the department.
5. Unless otherwise approved by the
department in writing, any portion of a landfill which has been used for solid
waste disposal but may not receive additional solid waste for a period
exceeding 6 months shall be covered with one foot of fine grained intermediate
cover. A specific soil type may be specified by the department for this one
foot layer. The intermediate cover shall be compacted and adequately sloped to
allow storm water runoff. The slopes shall be no less than 5% and no greater
than 33%. The department may require that intermediate slopes be vegetated
depending on the length of time they will remain open.
6. Access to the landfill shall be restricted
through the use of fencing, natural barriers or other methods approved in
writing by the department.
Effective means shall be taken to limit access to the active disposal area to
minimize exposure of the public to hazards.
8. Effective means shall be taken to control
birds, flies, rodents, deer and other animals.
9. Equipment shall be available on-site to
control accidental fires and arrangements shall be made with the local fire
protection agency to acquire its services when needed.
10. A facility manager or certified site
operator as required in s.
NR 524.05 shall be present at the landfill during all
hours of operation as defined in s.
NR 524.03(3). A list of names of
certified operators and certified facility managers shall be maintained at the
landfill in accordance with s.
NR 506.17.
11. A gate shall be provided at the entrance
to the operation and it shall be kept locked when an operator is not on
12. The gate area shall be
policed at the beginning of each day of operation to remove any solid waste
which has been placed there during periods when the landfill was
13. A sign acceptable to
the department shall be posted at the entrance of any landfill operated for
public use which indicates the landfill name, the hours of operation, waste
types accepted, penalty for unauthorized use, necessary safety precautions and
any other pertinent information.
14. The landfill shall be surrounded with
rapidly growing trees, shrubbery, fencing, berms or other appropriate means to
screen it from the surrounding area and to provide a wind break.
15. Fugitive dust shall be controlled in
accordance with s.
NR 415.04 from all areas of the landfill.
16. Provisions shall be made for back-up
equipment in the event of operating equipment breakdown.
17. A minimum separation distance of 100 feet
shall be maintained between the limits of solid waste filling and adjacent
property. The department may require additional separation distance if
necessary to provide for vehicle access, drainage, monitoring, gas migration
control, separation to adjacent homes or other landfill development
18. All topsoil within the
landfill construction limits shall be salvaged and stored within the property
boundaries for use in landfill closure. All stockpiled soil material which is
not anticipated to be used within 6 months shall be seeded.
19. All access roads to the active area of
the operation shall be of all-weather construction and shall be maintained in
good condition.
(b) All
areas of the landfill property, including areas of temporary disturbance, with
the potential for off-site migration of sediment shall be designed,
constructed, operated and maintained according to the applicable requirements
of s.
NR 503.09(4), and technical standards
developed under subch. V of ch. NR 151, which include the following:
1. Storm water shall be diverted away from
the working area and areas already filled with solid waste.
2. Storm water from upslope areas shall be
diverted around disturbed areas to minimize erosion, entrained sediment and the
amount of water contacting the disturbed area.
3. The size and duration of disturbances
shall be minimized, to the extent practicable, to minimize off-site sediment
4. While the site is
disturbed, temporary measures shall be used to trap sediment and off-site
sediment migration. This could include gravel breaks or the equivalent to
minimize the transport of sediment off-site.
5. Runoff channels shall be protected to
prevent scour and erosion that generates sediment.
Note: The technical standards developed by the Wisconsin
department of natural resources, runoff management program are available at
can be obtained from the department of natural resources, bureau of waste
management, 101 S. Webster Street, P.O. Box 7921, Madison, WI 53707-7921, (608)
266-2111, waste.management@dnr.state.wi.us. Copies are also available for
inspection at the offices of the legislative reference bureau and the secretary
of state.
Storm water drainage ditches, structures and sedimentation basins shall be
cleaned and maintained so that they properly control storm water and limit
entrained sediment in accordance with approved engineering designs. The
department may waive this requirement on a case-by-case basis for existing
(d) All areas of the
landfill which do not contain solid waste and are planned for vegetative cover
shall be topsoiled, seeded and mulched as soon as practical, but no later than
90 days after completion of construction or by October 15, whichever is earlier
and, if construction is completed after September 15, no later than June 15 of
the following year. This includes, but is not limited to, the landfill
entrance, drainage ditches and surrounding areas. Erosion control measures
shall be placed within 30 days after completion of construction. The seed type
and amount of fertilizer applied shall be selected according to the type and
quality of topsoil, its compatibility with native vegetation, and the final
use. Unless otherwise approved by the department in writing, seed mixtures and
sowing rates shall be those specified for right-of-ways according to section
630, 2003 edition of the Wisconsin department of transportation standard
specifications for highway and structure construction and the 2004 supplemental
Note: The 2003 edition of the Wisconsin department of
transportation standard specifications for highway and structure construction
and any annual supplemental specifications are available at
can be obtained from the department of natural resources, bureau of waste
management, 101 S. Webster Street, P.O. Box 7921, Madison, WI 53707-7921, (608)
266-2111, waste.management@dnr.state.wi.us. Copies are also available for
inspection at the offices of the legislative reference bureau and the secretary
of state.
(e) Disposal of
solid waste shall begin at the edge of each phase. Solid waste shall be pushed
out over the granular blanket. Vehicles may not be driven directly on the
granular blanket. Disposal operations shall be conducted as follows:
1. Except for portions of the sideslope
greater than 10 feet above the base liner, a layer of solid waste at least 4
feet thick or an adequate amount of other frost protection material shall be
placed over the granular blanket in all portions of the lined area prior to
December 1st of the year following the year the clay liner was constructed.
After this date, solid waste may not be placed on any portion of the liner or
lower 10 feet of the sideslope not covered with a 4-foot thick layer of solid
waste or other adequate frost protection material. Those portions of the liner
or lower 10 feet of sideslope not covered with a 4-foot thick layer of solid
waste or other frost protection material by this date shall be investigated for
effects from freeze-thaw as specified by the department and shall be repaired
and recertified during the next construction season, prior to waste placement.
The requirements of this paragraph may be waived by the department.
2. To provide for maximum compaction after
the initial 4-foot lift of waste is placed, each single layer of solid waste
shall be spread and compacted in 2-foot layers. An alternative plan for
compaction of waste may be approved by the department.
(f) Effective means shall be utilized to
prevent the migration of explosive gases generated by the waste fill. At no
time may the concentration of explosive gases in any landfill structure,
excluding the leachate collection system or gas control system components
exceed 25% of the lower explosive limit for those gases. At no time shall the
concentration of explosive gases in the soils or air within 200 feet of or
beyond the landfill property boundary exceed the lower explosive limit for
those gases. The department may require that the concentration of explosive
gases not exceed the detectable levels for that gas at the landfill property
(g) Leachate shall be
removed from all collection tanks, manholes, lift stations, sumps or other
structures used for leachate storage as it is produced, including hours when
the landfill is closed, such as overnight and weekends. Leachate shall be
managed as follows:
1. All leachate removed
from a leachate collection system shall be disposed of at a wastewater
treatment facility approved by the department and capable of accepting the
leachate in accordance with the requirements of its WPDES permit. The landfill
owner or operator shall immediately notify the department of any change in the
availability of the designated wastewater treatment facility to accept or
dispose of the leachate removed from the landfill. Waste may not be accepted at
the landfill unless leachate is being managed in accordance with the landfill's
approved plan of operation and the requirements of this section.
2. Any liquid which comes in contact with
waste or accumulates in a portion of the landfill where active waste disposal
operations are occurring shall be handled as leachate and properly treated as
specified in subd. 1. unless otherwise approved by the department in writing.
3. All leachate collection lines
shall be cleaned with a water jet cleanout device with a maximum pressure of
10,000 pounds per square inch immediately after construction, and annually
Documentation for soil borrow sources shall comply with the requirements of s.
NR 504.075.
(i) For all landfills that do not have a
department-approved plan for phased development and closure, by October 15th of
each year, all areas that are at final grades shall be capped, topsoiled and
seeded unless otherwise approved by the department.
(j) Any person who maintains or operates a
landfill, or who permits use of property for that purpose shall, when the fill
area or portion thereof reaches final grade, or when the department determines
that closure is required, cease to accept solid waste and close the landfill or
portion thereof in accordance with the plan approval issued by the department
and the following minimum practices unless otherwise approved by the department
in writing:
1. At least 120 days prior to
closing the landfill, the owner or operator shall notify the department in
writing of the intent to close the landfill and the expected date of closure.
Prior to department notification, the owner or operator shall notify all users
of the landfill of the intent to close the landfill so that alternative
disposal options can be arranged.
2. Signs shall be posted at all points of
access to the landfill at least 30 days prior to closure indicating the date of
closure and alternative disposal landfills. Landfills which are operated by and
serve only a single waste generator and are not open to the public are exempt
from this provision.
3. Notice of
the upcoming closure shall be published in a local newspaper at least 30 days
prior to closure and a copy of the notice shall be provided to the department
within 10 days after the date of publication. Landfills which are operated by
and serve only a single waste generator and are not open to the public are
exempt from this provision.
Within 10 days after ceasing to accept solid waste, the owner or operator shall
restrict access by the use of gates, fencing or other appropriate means to
insure against further use of the landfill. If the final use allows access,
access shall be restricted until closure has been completed and approved by the
5. Closure activities
shall begin within 30 days after ceasing to accept solid waste.
6. Within 180 days after ceasing to accept
solid waste or, if solid waste disposal operations terminate after September
15, by June 15 of the following year, the owner or operator shall complete
seeding, fertilizing and mulching of the finished surface. The seed type and
amount of fertilizer applied shall be selected depending on the type and
quality of topsoil and compatibility with both native vegetation and the final
use. Unless otherwise approved by the department in writing, seed mixtures and
sowing rates shall be those specified for right-of-ways according to section
630, 2003 edition of the Wisconsin department of transportation standard
specifications for highway and structure construction and the 2004 supplemental
Note: The 2003 edition of the Wisconsin department of
transportation standard specifications for highway and structure construction
and any annual supplemental specifications are available at
can be obtained from the department of natural resources, bureau of waste
management, 101 S. Webster Street, P.O. Box 7921, Madison, WI 53707-7921, (608)
266-2111, waste.management@dnr.state.wi.us. Copies are also available for
inspection at the offices of the legislative reference bureau and the secretary
of state.
The owner or operator of the landfill shall maintain the final cover. Repairs
to the final cover shall be made as soon as possible after damage to the cap
occurs. The following activities are prohibited at solid waste disposal
facilities which are no longer in operation unless specifically approved by the
department in writing:
1. Use of the waste
disposal area for agricultural purposes.
2. Establishment or construction of any
buildings over the waste disposal area.
3. Excavation of the final cover or any waste
(l) An owner
or operator of a landfill may not accept waste containing free
(m) Owners and operators
of landfills shall implement a program at the landfill for detecting and
preventing the disposal of waste not specifically approved for acceptance. The
program shall include the following:
Inspections shall be made of every incoming load of solid waste unless the
owner or operator receives approval in writing from the department to take
other steps to insure that incoming loads do not contain wastes not
specifically approved for acceptance.
2. Landfill personnel shall be trained in
accordance with ch. NR 524 to recognize waste not approved for
3. Each load of waste
shall be dumped on a permanent inspection pad which is located outside of the
waste fill area. Material which is salvageable may be moved to approved storage
areas located adjacent to the inspection pad. The remaining material shall be
inspected by the certified facility manager or site operator and all material
which is approved for disposal at the landfill shall be moved to the active
disposal area on the same day on which it is received.
4. Waste which is not approved for acceptance
at the landfill shall be rejected. The waste shall be reloaded in the vehicle
which delivered the waste or placed in a waste container such as a roll off box
or dumpster. This material shall be handled in accordance with all applicable
regulations including but not limited to those relating to the transportation,
storage, treatment and disposal of the rejected material.
5. If waste not approved for disposal is
discovered and is suspected of being hazardous or containing PCB's at a
concentration of 50 ppm or greater, the owner or operator of the landfill shall
notify the department's district or area solid waste or hazardous waste
management specialist in writing within 2 days.
(n) The owner or operator of a landfill shall
maintain a written operating record at the landfill during the operating life
and 40 year long term care period of the landfill. The department may approve
an alternate location for maintaining the record. The record shall contain
information on all landfill locational criteria restrictions, inspection
records, training procedures, notification procedures, plan approvals, closure
and post closure plans and financial responsibility, and all demonstrations,
certifications, findings, monitoring, testing, and analytical data required
under chs.
NR 500 to
538. Tonnage information shall be
submitted to the department in accordance with s.
NR 520.14.
Load inspection records shall be maintained for a minimum of 3 years. The
operating record shall be made available to the department upon
(o) The department may
deny, suspend or revoke the approval of a landfill for failure to pay fees
required under ch. 289, Stats., or for grievous and continuous failure to
comply with the approved plan of operation or to comply with any requirement of
NR 500 to
538. Any failure to comply with
any requirement or condition on 5 or more days within any 30 successive
calendar days and which consists of action or inaction which may cause
pollution as defined in s.
Stats., or which may otherwise create nuisance conditions, is a grievous and
continuous failure to comply with the requirement or condition.
report documenting all aspects of construction shall be prepared for the
initial construction of the landfill; the construction of all subsequent phases
or portions thereof; the construction of any storm water, groundwater, leachate
or gas control structures; the implementation of remedial actions; and the
closure of each major disposal area. Approval of a report which documents the
construction of any portion of the base of a landfill shall be obtained from
the department prior to initiating disposal operations in the newly established
area, unless the department does not respond within 60 days after receiving a
complete submittal, along with the appropriate review and construction
inspection fees specified in ch. NR 520. Construction and closure of all
landfills shall comply with the following:
(a) A registered professional engineer or
qualified technician who is directly supervised by a professional engineer
shall be continuously on-site throughout the construction and performing
quality assurance duties relating to the following: placement and testing of
the clay component of the liner and cover systems, manhole and tank
installation, and burying piping prior to covering. The department may require
that a registered professional engineer be present during other critical
construction activities.
Substitution of personnel under par. (a) shall only occur due to substandard
performance, vacations or uncontrollable circumstances such as injury, illness,
employee termination or resignation. Where justified by the size of the
construction project, multiple registered professional engineers or qualified
technicians may be deployed concurrently.
(c) A certification section shall be included
as the first section of any construction documentation report prepared for the
construction or closure of a portion of a landfill and shall include the
1. The signed certification
statement contained in s.
NR 500.05(4) as well as the seal of all
registered professional engineers who either performed quality assurance work
on the project or supervised qualified technicians who did so.
2. A table clearly identifying each
registered professional engineer and qualified technician who performed quality
assurance during the construction; which aspects of construction each person
provided on site quality assurance for; the number of days each was present at
the landfill; and the total hours each spent at the site. The table shall also
clearly identify the registered professional engineer supervising each
qualified technician.
3. A second
table identifying who prepared each portion of the construction documentation
report including both narrative and plan sheets.
4. Separate signed statements by the
professional engineers identified in subd. 2. certifying to the best of their
knowledge, information and belief that the construction, of each item
identified as follows, was accomplished in conformance with the approved plans
and all applicable solid waste administrative code requirements. All observed
deviations shall be explicitly noted and discussed including any changes in
materials. This certification may not be construed to be either an implied or
express guarantee or warranty regarding the performance of the construction
documented in this report. No further qualifications to the certification
statement may be made and each statement shall also clearly identify the
personal observations, knowledge or other information on which the
certification is based. The certification shall include the following items:
a. The clay component of a liner or cap. The
statement shall specifically address the quality of clay material used and the
methods utilized in its placement; connections with previously placed clay
layers; preparation of leachate collection trenches, sumps, gas header trenches
and any pipe penetrations through the clay liner; and placement of soil
materials over the clay liner or clay capping layer.
b. Elements of the construction relating to
leachate or storm water routing, collection, storage and transportation as well
as gas extraction systems. The statement shall include but not be limited to:
construction of leachate collection and transfer lines, side slope risers for
leachate pumping, all liner penetrations, collection tanks, manholes, lift
stations, lysimeters, gas extraction system construction and leachate
(d) The department may, under s.
289.91, Stats.,
inspect construction projects for the purpose of determining compliance with
ch. 289, Stats., and chs.
NR 500 to
538. The department's district and
central office staff shall be notified, by telefax, telephone or letter, at
least one week prior to beginning each of the construction events specified by
the department. A fee shall be paid to the department for each required
inspection in accordance with s.
NR 520.04(5). The inspection fees shall
be paid at the time the construction documentation review fee is submitted to
the department.
(e) Reports
documenting the construction of all new landfill areas shall contain a set of
24 inch by 36 inch engineering plan sheets, or alternative size if approved by
the department in writing, prepared in accordance with s.
NR 500.05 and containing:
1. A plan view documenting the constructed
grades for the sub-base, sidewalls, leachate collection trench undercuts and
all sub-base appurtenances such as lysimeters and drain pipes, prior to liner
placement. Documentation of the grades shall consist of spot elevations taken
on a maximum 50-foot grid pattern, with leachate collection trench undercut
elevations at least every 25 linear feet. If a total station or laser equipment
is used to set elevations, the elevations may be taken every 50 linear feet.
The approved sub-base grades shall also be shown for the same area in a clear
and legible manner.
2. Plan view
drawings showing the locations of all the various soil testing performed. Each
test location shall be clearly labeled with appropriate identification codes.
The plan view drawings shall clearly show any areas where removal and
recompaction of clay was necessary in order to attain the minimum required
specifications. Multiple plan views may be shown on a single plan sheet if
legibility is not compromised.
3. A
plan sheet documenting the constructed elevations for the liner system. This
plan sheet shall contain spot elevations of the base, sidewalls and leachate
collection trenches. Documentation of grades shall include spot elevations
taken on a maximum 50-foot grid pattern, with leachate collection trench
elevations taken every 25 linear feet. If a total station or laser equipment is
used to set elevations, the elevations may be taken every 50 linear feet. The
approved base grades shall be shown for the same area in a clear and legible
4. A plan view drawing
showing the constructed base grades as well as the locations and elevations of
all leachate collection and transfer piping, manholes, lift stations, culverts,
berms and the location of all unsaturated zone, groundwater, gas, leachate
monitoring and cleanout devices, surface drainage features and other pertinent
structures. This information may be shown on the plan sheet required in subd.
3. if legibility is not compromised.
5. A minimum of 4 cross-sections through the
constructed area parallel and perpendicular to the base line of the landfill, 2
of which shall be in each direction. Additional cross-sections shall be
prepared as necessary to add clarification. Each of the cross-sections shall
show actual and design sub-base and base grade contours, the top of the
granular drainage blanket, leachate pipe elevations and the actual base and
sub-base contours of adjacent filled areas. The design sub-base and base grade
contours do not need to be shown if there is not an observable variation from
the design grades.
6. Detail
drawings, both plan view and cross-sections, of all manholes, lift stations,
storage tanks, sumps and sideslope risers or locations where leachate transfer
piping exits the lined area and the secondary containment of these features as
well as leak detection monitoring points and other pertinent construction
details. At a minimum, these drawings shall show base and top elevations, the
invert elevations of all associated piping, pump details, float level
elevations and the extent of recompacted clay placed around and below the
structures. If float elevations are not available at the time of submittal of
the construction documentation report, they shall be provided to the department
when they are available.
7. Cross
section details shall be included to illustrate all important construction
features of the liner, lysimeters, leachate collection trenches and sumps, and
sediment control and storm water management systems.
8. Detail drawings shall be included for
leachate header lines or drain lines located outside the limits of waste in
critical areas of below-ground piping such as where several pipes cross or
meet, to illustrate sufficient pipe location and invert information.
9. Additional plan sheets, patterned after
those specified in subds.1. to 8., shall be included for those landfills
designed with multiple liners, groundwater gradient control systems or other
nonstandard design features.
(f) The report shall contain a detailed
narrative describing the construction of the area in a logical fashion.
Particular emphasis shall be given to any deviations from the approved plan of
operation and to the explicit construction methods used for all locations where
leachate transfer piping exits the lined waste fill area. This report shall
include the following information at a minimum:
1. An analysis and discussion of all soil
testing work performed. All density and moisture content testing results shall
clearly indicate which Proctor curve is applicable to the soil being compacted.
Any changes in the referenced Proctor curve shall be identified as to when they
occurred and why the change was made. All raw data from the soil testing
performed shall be included in an appendix to the construction documentation
report unless other arrangements were previously approved by the department.
The raw data shall be summarized using a tabulated format.
2. A table containing thicknesses of each
layer in the liner system on a 100-foot grid pattern.
3. Documentation of the initial leachate
collection pipe cleanout and pressure testing of force mains and leachate
storage tanks. All provisions used to seal pipe connections, manhole sections
and leachate storage tanks including protective coatings and corrosion
protection shall be described. The manufacturer's recommendations for the
installation of all equipment shall be included. Any deviations from the
recommendations shall be discussed.
4. A series of properly labeled 35 millimeter
color photographs documenting all major aspects of landfill construction. This
shall include close-up photographs of the construction process including clay
liner placement, leachate pipe placement including all places where transfer
piping exits the lined waste fill area or sideslope riser installation,
drainage blanket placement and the installation of all manholes, sumps,
sideslope risers, lift stations and storage tanks. Panoramic views shall be
included showing the prepared sub-base and the completed liner before and after
granular blanket placement.
(g) All construction documentation reports
for the closure of landfill areas shall contain a set of 24 inch by 36 inch
engineering plan sheets, unless an alternative size is approved by the
department in writing, prepared in accordance with s.
NR 500.05 and shall include:
1. A plan sheet documenting the final waste
grades, including daily or intermediate cover. Documentation of grades shall
include spot elevations taken on a maximum 100-foot grid after grading has been
performed to establish uniform slopes. For areas less than 4 acres, a 50-foot
grid shall be used.
2. A plan view
drawing for each one-foot thickness of clay placed showing the locations of the
various soil testing performed at each test location. Multiple plan views may
be presented on a single engineering plan sheet if legibility is not
3. A plan sheet
documenting the final landfill surface following topsoil placement.
Documentation of grades shall include spot elevations taken on a maximum
100-foot grid. The approved final grades shall also be shown in a clear and
legible manner. This plan sheet shall also show the locations of all manholes,
lift stations, risers, head wells, gas venting systems, surface settlement
monitoring points, storm water management and sediment control structures,
environmental monitoring points and other appurtenances. For areas less than 4
acres, a 50-foot grid shall be used.
4. A minimum of 4 cross-sections through the
closed area which are constructed parallel and perpendicular to the base line
of the landfill, 2 of which shall be in each direction. Each of the
cross-sections shall show all surficial and subsurface features encountered
including gas vents, leachate lines, and other landfill structures and shall be
tied into the grades of adjacent previously filled areas. At a minimum, each
cross section shall show sub-base grades, base grades, final waste grades and
final topsoil grades.
5. Detail
drawings, plan view and cross-section of the gas venting system, manholes, lift
stations and collection tanks.
Cross section details shall be included to illustrate all important
construction features of the final cover, including sediment control and storm
water management structures.
(h) The report shall contain a detailed
narrative describing the closure of the area in a logical fashion. Particular
emphasis shall be placed on any deviations from the approved plans. This report
shall also include the following information at a minimum:
1. An analysis and discussion of all soil
testing work performed. All density and moisture content testing results shall
clearly indicate which Proctor curve or line of optimums is applicable to the
soil being compacted. Any changes in the referenced Proctor curve or line of
optimums shall be identified as to when they occurred and why the change was
made. All raw data from the soil testing performed shall be included in an
appendix to the closure documentation report unless previously approved by the
department. The raw data shall be summarized using a tabulated format. Also
included shall be the make, model, weight and foot length of each piece of
equipment used to compact clay.
When the auger method is used to determine soil layer thickness, a discussion
of how the auger boreholes were backfilled and the materials used.
3. A table containing thicknesses of each
layer in the cover system on a 100-foot grid pattern. When determining soil
thickness by using surveying information, the table shall contain elevations
before and after soil layer placement on the 100-foot grid. For areas less than
4 acres, a 50-foot grid shall be used. As an alternative to the survey method,
soil thickness shall be controlled using settlement plates and grade stakes,
and clay thickness shall be established on a 100-foot grid using auger borings.
Boreholes shall be backfilled with a soil-bentonite mix such that the in-place
permeability of the backfilled material is equal to or less than the
surrounding clay cap.
4. The rates
and types of fertilizer, seed and mulch applied. Liming requirements shall also
be included along with the actual rate of application.
5. A series of properly labeled 35 millimeter
color photographs which document all major aspects of landfill closure. This
shall include panoramic views of the closed area as well as close-up photos of
the construction process and completed engineering structures such as gas
vents, cleanout ports, manholes and other pertinent structures.
(i) Testing shall be performed
during the construction and closure of all landfill areas. At a minimum, this
testing shall include:
1. For all recompacted
clay soil construction the following tests shall be performed:
a. Dry density and as-placed moisture content
shall be determined on an approximate 100-foot grid pattern for each one-foot
thickness of clay placed. The grid pattern shall be offset on each subsequent
layer of tests. A minimum of 2 dry density and moisture content tests for each
one-foot thickness of clay placed shall be performed to fully define the degree
of soil compaction obtained in confined areas where equipment movement is
hindered or hand compaction is necessary.
b. One moisture-density curve shall be
developed for every 5,000 cubic yards or less of clay placed and for each major
soil type utilized. At least 5 points shall be established on each curve. If a
line of optimums analysis is performed, at least 2 curves shall be included for
each analysis. A representative sample for every 5,000 cubic yards or less of
clay placed shall be analyzed for grain size distribution through the .002
millimeter particle size and for Atterberg limits. If apparent changes in soil
quality are observed during clay placement, a one-point Proctor analysis shall
be utilized to verify the applicability of previously analyzed moisture-density
c. A minimum of one
undisturbed sample for each acre or less for every one-foot thickness of clay
placement shall be retrieved and analyzed for Atterberg limits, grain size
distribution through the .002 millimeter particle size, moisture content and
dry density. Laboratory hydraulic conductivity tests using effective stresses
less than or equal to 5 psi and hydraulic gradients less than or equal to 30
shall be performed on every third undisturbed sample. The department may
require that a portion of the hydraulic conductivity testing for liner
documentation be performed using leachate.
2. During placement of the leachate drainage
blanket over the liner or the granular drain layer in the final cover, the
following testing shall be performed:
a. If
sand is used, one grain size distribution to the #200 sieve for each 1,000
cubic yards of material placed. For lesser volumes, a minimum of 4 samples
shall be tested. The department may allow a reduction in the testing frequency
if a uniform gravel material is used. If washed stone or gravel is used, one
grain size distribution to the #200 sieve for each 5,000 cubic yards of
material placed. For lesser volumes, a minimum of 2 samples shall be
b. One remolded laboratory
hydraulic conductivity test for each 2,500 cubic yards of material placed. The
samples shall be tested at the anticipated field density. The moisture content
and density of each sample shall be recorded. The department may require that a
portion of the hydraulic conductivity tests be performed using leachate. For
lesser volumes, a minimum of 2 samples shall be tested. The department may
allow a reduction in testing frequency if a uniform gravel material is used. No
hydraulic conductivity tests are required if washed stone or gravel is
c. The department may require
that chemical durability testing of the material when exposed to leachate be
3. During
placement of all leachate or groundwater collection pipe bedding material, the
following tests shall be performed:
a. One
grain size distribution to the #200 sieve for each 1,000 linear feet of trench.
For construction projects with combined trench lengths of less than 3,000 feet,
a minimum of 3 grain size analyses shall be conducted. Bedding for solid wall
piping associated with transfer of leachate shall be tested at the same
frequency but only to the #4 sieve.
b. One grain size distribution to the #200
sieve for each 500 cubic yards of drainage material placed in collection
c. Chemical durability
testing of the material when exposed to leachate and laboratory hydraulic
conductivity testing be performed if required by the department.
4. During construction of the
final cover system, the following tests shall be performed:
a. One grain size distribution to the #200
sieve for each 1000 cubic yards of gravel used for pipe bedding and drain
outlets for the drain layer and toe drain.
b. Testing of samples of geotextiles,
geocomposite drains or other geosynthetic materials used in construction of the
final cover system if required by the department.
in accordance with this section shall establish proof of financial
responsibility for closure and long-term care of the landfill using methods
listed in s.
NR 520.06.
(a) The
owner of a landfill approved in accordance with this section shall submit,
prior to beginning disposal operations and annually thereafter for the period
of active landfill life, proof of financial responsibility to ensure compliance
with the closure requirements of the approved report.
(b) The owner of a landfill approved in
accordance with this section shall provide proof of financial responsibility
for the long-term care of the landfill for 40 years after landfill closure. An
owner responsible for long-term care shall submit, prior to beginning disposal
operations and annually thereafter for the period of active landfill life,
proof of financial responsibility to ensure compliance with the long-term care
requirements of the approved report.
(c) Any person acquiring rights of ownership,
possession or operation of a landfill approved in accordance with this section
shall be subject to all requirements of the plan of operation for the landfill
and shall provide any required proof of financial responsibility to the
department in accordance with ch. NR 520. The previous owner shall maintain
proof of financial responsibility until the person acquiring ownership,
possession or operation of the landfill obtains department approval of proof of
financial responsibility.
landfill regulated under this section shall establish an environmental
monitoring program which, at a minimum, includes the requirements of this
subsection. The department may require installation of additional monitoring
devices, additions to the groundwater and leachate sampling and analysis
programs, gas monitoring and provisions to protect against the detrimental
effects of leachate and gas migration.
Baseline water quality shall be established at all monitoring wells for all the
parameters listed in Table 3.
(b) A
minimum of 4 samples, with at least 30 days between sampling rounds, shall be
collected and analyzed for all parameters in Table 3 except VOCs and the
results shall be submitted with the proposal for constructing the landfill.
Four additional samples, with at least 30 days between sampling rounds, shall
be collected and analyzed for any parameter listed in Table 3 which attained or
exceeded the preventive action limit established in Table 1 of ch. NR 140
during 2 or more of the first 4 rounds or attained or exceeded the enforcement
standard established in Table 1 of ch. NR 140 during one or more of the first 4
(bg) Baseline groundwater
quality for VOCs shall be established for all VOCs listed in ch. NR 507
Appendix III, at all monitoring wells outside the proposed limits of filling.
(br) Samples shall be collected for
VOC analysis from each well at the same time as the first and second sampling
rounds are collected to establish baseline for the other Table 3 parameters. If
any well has VOC parameters in concentrations above the limit of detection in
either of the first 2 sampling rounds, that well shall be sampled for VOCs 2
additional times for a total of 4 sampling rounds. The results shall be
submitted with the proposal for constructing the landfill and in accordance
with s.
NR 507.26(3).
(c) If additional samples are required under
par. (b) or (br) the results of the 4 additional samples shall be submitted in
the construction documentation report for the landfill.
(d) Collection, handling and analysis of
samples shall be performed in accordance with ss.
NR 507.16 and 507.17.
(e) A detection groundwater monitoring
program shall be established at each monitoring well beginning with the first
sampling period following acceptance of waste. Each well shall be sampled
semi-annually for the parameters listed in column 1 of Table 3 unless otherwise
approved in writing by the department.
Table 3
Groundwater Sampling for Intermediate Size
Construction & Demolition Waste Landfills
Parameters for Detection and Baseline
Groundwater Sampling
Parameters for Baseline Groundwater Sampling
Field Conductivity
Field pH
Groundwater elevation
A leachate monitoring program shall be established beginning with the first
sampling period following acceptance of waste in accordance with Table 4 or as
approved by the department in writing.
(g) A minimum of one leachate point shall be
sampled for the parameters in Table 4 according to the frequency indicated in
Table 4 unless otherwise approved by the department. Leachate volume pumped
shall be recorded monthly. The parameters listed in column 2 in Table 4 shall
be sampled semi-annually for 2 years beginning with the first sampling period
following acceptance of waste. The parameters listed in column 3 in Table 4
shall be sampled annually following the first 2 years of sampling.
Table 4
Leachate Sampling for Intermediate Size Construction
& Demolition Waste Landfills
Monthly Leachate Sampling
Leachate Sampling for 2 years
Annual Leachate
Sampling following first 2
Leachate Volume Pumped
Field Conductivity
Field pH
Field pH
Ammonia Nitrogen
Ammonia Nitrogen
Total kjeldahl nitrogen
Total kjeldahl nitrogen
Total suspended solids
Total suspended solids
(a) Any person who wishes to expand an
existing intermediate size construction and demolition waste landfill shall
comply with all provisions of this section. The department shall interpret
expansions to include the establishment of any new landfill within 1/4 mile of
an existing landfill. In no case may the combined design capacity of the
landfill and all subsequent expansions exceed 250,000 cubic yards. The
department may deny any request for an expansion if, in the department's
opinion, the disposal of additional waste may result in a detrimental effect on
surface or groundwater or cause or exacerbate an attainment or exceedance of
any standard in ch. NR 140. The local geology, hydrogeology and topography
shall be considered in this decision.
(b) Any person who wishes to expand a small
size construction and demolition waste landfill which was in existence prior to
July 1, 1996, into an intermediate size construction and demolition waste
landfill shall comply with all provisions of this section. In no case may the
combined design capacity of the existing landfill and the subsequent expansion
exceed 250,000 cubic yards. If the existing small size construction and
demolition waste landfill is not designed with a clay liner, a separation
distance of at least 100 feet shall be maintained between the existing landfill
and the proposed expansion. A small size construction and demolition landfill
which was not in existence before July 1, 1996, may not be expanded into an
intermediate size construction and demolition waste landfill.