(a) Affected employers shall
complete and submit compliance plans to the department using forms provided by
the department.
(b) Separate
worksites of the same affected employer which are within 2 miles of each other
may submit a combined compliance plan upon prior approval of the
(c) Two or more
affected employers may submit a combined compliance plan upon prior approval of
the department for separate worksites which are located within 2 miles of each
other. Each affected employer submitting a combined compliance plan shall
comply with sub. (2) (b).
department's bureau of air management shall provide general guidance to assist
employers in understanding the requirements of the employee commute options
program, including guidance related to the completion of forms that must be
submitted as part of an affected employer's compliance plan. The compliance
plans submitted to the department under this chapter shall include the
following information:
(a) The name and
address of the worksite or worksites, and the names and addresses of the
employee transportation coordinator or other personnel who will be responsible
for compliance plan development and implementation.
(b) A letter to the department signed by the
chief executive officer or the highest ranking official at the worksite
certifying the accuracy of the information in the compliance plan and a
commitment to implement the alternative means of commuting in the compliance
plan approved by the department.
(c) Documentation indicating that the
employee transportation coordinator has completed a department approved
training program and any subsequent training as may have been required by the
(d) Documentation of
the number of employees employed at the worksite or worksites, using forms
prescribed by the department.
(e) A
calculation of the worksite average passenger occupancy rate using the results
of the survey required under sub. (3).
(f) A profile of worksite employee
characteristics as they pertain to the development of the compliance plan using
forms prescribed by the department.
(g) A profile of the worksite transportation
access characteristics using forms prescribed by the department.
(h) An employer plan for providing
alternative means of commuting incentives or single occupancy vehicle commuting
disincentives or both to its employees which are sufficient to achieve or
maintain the target average passenger occupancy rate by November 15, 1996 or
within 2 years of the employer's initial compliance plan submittal if it is due
after November 15, 1994. The employer shall include a time schedule for
implementing the commuter transportation incentives or disincentives or both
which will promote alternative means of commuting by its employees. The
schedule may include contingency strategies and trial periods to test
alternative means of commuting. The alternative means of commuting strategies
shall be in effect throughout the year. Employers may augment the strategies in
an approved compliance plan during the ozone season. The alternative means of
commuting strategies may include one or more of the following commuter
transportation incentives or disincentives or other strategies approved by the
1. Establishment of a
transportation allowance policy which provides financial incentives for
employees to choose alternative means of commuting.
2. A parking fee structure or preferential
parking policy or both for employees which encourages alternative means of
commuting and discourages single occupancy vehicle trips.
3. Financial or fringe benefit incentives for
using buspools, carpools and vanpools and for walking or biking to the
4. Subsidies for employee
use of public transit or buspools.
5. Establishment of employer buspool, carpool
and vanpool information and matching programs and coordination with similar
public programs.
6. Employer
sponsored vehicles for buspool, carpool and vanpool commuting, work related
travel and employee personal travel needs.
7. A guaranteed ride home program for
8. Telecommuting and
work at home options for employees.
9. Promotion of compressed work schedules for
10. Facility
improvements which promote biking and walking to work by employees.
11. Promotion of flexible work schedules
which facilitate the use of alternative means of commuting.
12. Promotion of the use of clean fuel
vehicles for commuting.
Dissemination of general information to employees on the environmental,
financial and other benefits of alternative means of commuting.
14. Provision of worksite amenities which
promote the use of alternative means of commuting.
15. Assessment by survey or other means of
the types of alternative means of commuting incentive and disincentive
strategies employees feel would most likely result in attaining and maintaining
the target average passenger occupancy rate.
16. Promotion of programs and policies which
encourage employees to reside close to their worksite.
SURVEY REQUIREMENTS. Affected employers shall determine the average passenger
occupancy by conducting a survey of affected employees using forms and methods
provided or approved by the department. The survey shall be taken over a
consecutive 5 day period which begins on Monday and which does not include a
holiday, follow a week which includes a Friday holiday, or precede a week which
includes a Monday holiday. Surveys which are used to demonstrate compliance
with the target average passenger occupancy rate shall be taken during the
ozone season. The employer shall tabulate and report the results of the survey
to the department for each worksite and include the following information:
(a) The number of affected employees
reporting to the worksite during the peak travel period on each day of the
Monday through Friday workweek and the number of affected employees absent,
having a scheduled day off due to a compressed work schedule, working at home
or reporting to an alternative worksite.
(b) The number of affected employees using
each mode of travel in commuting to work during the peak travel period,
including the use of single occupancy vehicles, public transit, buspooling,
carpooling or vanpooling, clean fueled vehicles and other alternative means of
commuting. The following guidelines shall apply to the computation of the
average passenger occupancy for each survey day:
1. An employee who reports to the worksite
alone in a vehicle not considered a clean fuel vehicle shall be counted as one
person reporting to the worksite in one vehicle.
2. An employee who reports in a carpool or
vanpool shall be counted as reporting to the worksite in a fraction of a
vehicle proportionate to the number of people sharing a ride to their
3. An employee who
reports by public transit or buspool shall be counted as one person reporting
to the worksite in zero vehicles.
4. An employee telecommuting or working at
home and who does not commute to the worksite shall be counted as one person
reporting to the worksite in zero vehicles.
5. An employee working full-time on a
compressed work schedule shall be counted as one person reporting to the
worksite on their compressed weekday off in zero vehicles.
6. An employee who reports to the worksite by
walking or riding a nonmotorized bicycle from the employee's residence shall be
counted as one person reporting to the worksite in zero vehicles.
7. An employee who transfers to a carpool,
vanpool, buspool or public transit vehicle at a transit or rideshare collection
point or to a bicycle or to walking shall make the transfer a minimum of 2
miles from the worksite in order to be counted as reporting to the worksite in
a carpool, vanpool, buspool or public transit vehicle, or by walking or
bicycling. If the transfer point is less than 2 miles from the worksite, the
employee shall be counted as reporting to the worksite according to the mode of
travel to the transfer point.
8. An
employee who reports to the worksite in a clean fuel vehicle shall be counted
as one person reporting to the worksite in a fraction of a vehicle according to
a formula prescribed by the department.
9. An employee who reports to the worksite in
a vehicle that is continuing to another worksite shall be counted as one person
reporting to the worksite in accordance with subd. 2.
The forms referred to in this section are available on
request from the following address: Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources,
Bureau of Air Management, Employee Commute Options Program, PO Box 7921,
Madison WI 53707.