requirements. The owner or operator of an affected source that is
located at a major source site shall submit a summary report to the department
to document the ongoing compliance status of the affected source. The report
shall contain the information identified in par. (c), and shall be submitted
semiannually except under one of the following conditions:
1. The department determines on a
case-by-case basis that more frequent reporting is necessary to accurately
assess the compliance status of the source.
2. The monitoring data collected by the owner
or operator of the affected source in accordance with s.
NR 463.07 show that the emission limit has been exceeded,
in which case quarterly reports shall be submitted. Once an owner or operator
of an affected source reports an exceedance, ongoing compliance status reports
shall be submitted quarterly until a request to reduce reporting frequency
under par. (b) is approved.
Request to reduce frequency of
ongoing compliance status reports.1.
An owner or operator who is required to submit ongoing compliance status
reports on a quarterly or more frequent basis may reduce the frequency of
reporting to semiannual if all of the following conditions are met:
a. For one full year, the ongoing compliance
status reports, which may, for example, be quarterly or monthly, demonstrate
that the affected source is in compliance with the relevant emission
b. The owner or operator
continues to comply with all applicable recordkeeping and monitoring
requirements of ch. NR 460 and this subchapter.
c. The department does not object to a
reduced reporting frequency for the affected source, as provided in subds. 2.
and 3.
2. The frequency
of submitting ongoing compliance status reports may be reduced only after the
owner or operator notifies the department in writing of the owner or operator's
intention to make such a change, and the department does not object to the
intended change. In deciding whether to approve a reduced reporting frequency,
the department may review information concerning the source's entire previous
performance history during the 5-year recordkeeping period prior to the
intended change, or the recordkeeping period since the source's compliance
date, whichever is shorter. Records subject to review may include performance
test results, monitoring data and evaluations of an owner or operator's
conformance with emission limitations and work practice standards. The
information may be used by the department to make a judgment about the source's
potential for noncompliance in the future. If the department disapproves the
owner or operator's request to reduce reporting frequency, the department shall
notify the owner or operator in writing within 45 days after receiving notice
of the owner or operator's intention. The notification from the department to
the owner or operator will specify the grounds on which the disapproval is
based. In the absence of a notice of disapproval within 45 days, approval is
automatically granted.
3. As soon
as the monitoring data required by s.
NR 463.07 show that the source is not in compliance with
the relevant emission limit, the frequency of reporting shall revert to
quarterly, and the owner shall state this exceedance in the ongoing compliance
status report for the next reporting period. After demonstrating ongoing
compliance with the relevant emission limit for another full year, the owner or
operator may again request approval from the department to reduce the reporting
frequency as allowed by this paragraph.
Contents of ongoing compliance
status reports. The owner or operator of an affected source for which
compliance monitoring is required in accordance with s.
NR 463.07 shall prepare a summary report to document the
ongoing compliance status of the source. The report shall contain all of the
following information:
1. The company name
and address of the affected source.
2. An identification of the operating
parameter that is monitored for compliance determination, as required by s.
NR 463.07.
The relevant emission limitation for the affected source, and the operating
parameter value, or range of values, that correspond to compliance with this
emission limitation as specified in the notification of compliance status
required by sub. (5).
4. The
beginning and ending dates of the reporting period.
5. A description of the type of process
performed in the affected source.
6. The total operating time of the affected
source during the reporting period.
7. If the affected source is a hard chromium
electroplating tank and the owner or operator is limiting the maximum
cumulative rectifier capacity in accordance with s.
NR 463.04(3) (b), the actual cumulative
rectifier capacity expended during the reporting period, on a month-by-month
8. A summary of operating
parameter values, including the total duration of excess emissions during the
reporting period as indicated by those values, the total duration of excess
emissions expressed as a percent of the total source operating time during that
reporting period, and a breakdown of the total duration of excess emissions
during the reporting period into those that are due to process upsets, control
equipment malfunctions, other known causes and unknown causes.
9. A certification by a responsible official
that the work practice standards in s.
NR 463.05 were followed in accordance with the operation
and maintenance plan for the source.
10. If the operation and maintenance plan
required by s.
NR 463.05(2) was not followed, an
explanation of the reasons for not following the provisions, an assessment of
whether any excess emission or parameter monitoring exceedances are believed to
have occurred, and a copy of the report or reports required by s.
NR 463.05(2)
(d) documenting that the operation and
maintenance plan was not followed.
11. A description of any changes in
monitoring, processes or controls since the last reporting period.
12. The name, title and signature of the
responsible official who is certifying the accuracy of the report.
13. The date of the report.