Wisconsin Administrative Code
Department of Natural Resources
NR 400-499 - Environmental Protection - Air Pollution Control
Chapter NR 463 - National Emission Standards For Hazardous Air Pollutants For Metals Treating And Processing
Subchapter I - Chromium Emissions from Hard and Decorative Chromium Electroplating and Chromium Anodizing Tanks
Section NR 463.05 - Operation and maintenance practices
Current through November 25, 2024
(1) WORK PRACTICE STANDARDS. All owners or operators subject to the standards in s. NR 463.04(3) and (4) are subject to the following work practice standards:
Table 1 Summary of Work Practice Standards
Control technique |
Work practice standards |
Frequency |
Composite mesh-pad (CMP) system |
1. Visually inspect device to ensure there is proper drainage, no chronic acid buildup on the pads, and no evidence of chemical attack on the structural integrity of the device. |
1. 1/quarter. |
2. Visually inspect back portion of the mesh pad closest to the fan to ensure there is no breakthrough of chromic acid mist. |
2. 1/quarter. |
3. Visually inspect ductwork from tank to the control device to ensure there are no leaks. |
3. 1/quarter. |
4. Perform washdown of the composite mesh-pads in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. |
4. Per manufacturer. |
Packed-bed scrubber (PBS) |
1. Visually inspect device to ensure there is proper drainage, no chromic acid buildup on the packed beds, and no evidence of chemical attack on the structural integrity of the device. |
1. 1/quarter. |
2. Visually inspect back portion of the chevron blade mist eliminator to ensure that it is dry and there is no breakthrough of chromic acid mist. |
2. 1/quarter. |
3. Same as number 3 for CMP system. |
3. 1/quarter. |
4. Add fresh makeup water to the top of the packed beda,b. |
4. Whenever makeup is added. |
PBS/CMP system |
1. Same as for CMP system. |
1. 1/quarter. |
2. Same as for CMP. |
2. 1/quarter. |
3. Same as for CMP system. |
3. 1/quarter. |
4. Same as for CMP system. |
4. Per manufacturer. |
Fiber-bed mist eliminatorc |
1. Visually inspect fiber-bed unit and prefiltering device to ensure there is proper drainage, no chromic acid buildup in the units, and no evidence of chemical attack on the structural integrity of the devices. |
1. 1/quarter. |
2. Visually inspect ductwork from tank or tanks to the control device to ensure there are no leaks. |
2. 1/quarter. |
3. Perform washdown of fiber elements in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. |
3. Per manufacturer |
Air pollution control device not listed in rule |
To be proposed by the source for approval by the department. |
To be proposed by the source for approval by the department. |
Monitoring Equipment |
Pitot tube |
Backflush with water, or remove from the duct and rinse with fresh water. Replace in the duct and rotate 180 degrees to ensure that the same zero reading is obtained. Check pitot tube ends for damage. Replace pitot tube if cracked or fatigued. |
1/quarter. |
Stalagmometer |
Follow manufacturer's recommendations. |
a If greater than 50% of the scrubber water is drained, for purposes such as maintenance, makeup water may be added to the scrubber basin.
b For horizontal-flow scrubbers, top is defined as the section of the unit directly above the packing media such that the makeup water would flow perpendicular to the air flow through the packing. For vertical-flow units, the top is defined as the area downstream of the packing material such that the makeup water would flow countercurrent to the air flow through the unit.
c Work practice standards for the control device installed upstream of the fiber-bed mist eliminator to prevent plugging do not apply as long as the work practice standards for the fiber-bed unit are followed.
(3) CHROMIC ACID BATH STANDARDS NOT MET BY USING REDUCING AGENT. The standards in s. NR 463.04 and this section that apply to chromic acid baths may not be met by using a reducing agent to change the form of chromium from hexavalent to trivalent.