Wisconsin Administrative Code
Department of Natural Resources
NR 400-499 - Environmental Protection - Air Pollution Control
Chapter NR 463 - National Emission Standards For Hazardous Air Pollutants For Metals Treating And Processing
Subchapter I - Chromium Emissions from Hard and Decorative Chromium Electroplating and Chromium Anodizing Tanks
Section NR 463.05 - Operation and maintenance practices

Universal Citation: WI Admin Code ยง NR 463.05

Current through November 25, 2024

(1) WORK PRACTICE STANDARDS. All owners or operators subject to the standards in s. NR 463.04(3) and (4) are subject to the following work practice standards:

(a) At all times, including periods of startup, shutdown and malfunction, owners or operators shall operate and maintain any affected source, including associated air pollution control devices and monitoring equipment, in a manner consistent with good air pollution control practices, consistent with the operation and maintenance plan required by sub. (2).

(b) Malfunctions shall be corrected as soon as practicable after their occurrence in accordance with the operation and maintenance plan required by sub. (2).

(c) Determination of whether acceptable operation and maintenance procedures are being used will be based on information available to the department, which may include, but is not limited to, monitoring results; review of the operation and maintenance plan, procedures and records; and inspection of the source.

(d) Based on the results of a determination made under par. (c), the department may require that an owner or operator of an affected source make changes to the operation and maintenance plan required by sub. (2) for that source. Revisions may be required if the department finds that the plan does any of the following:
1. Does not address a malfunction that has occurred.

2. Fails to provide for the proper operation of the affected source, the air pollution control techniques, or the control system and process monitoring equipment during a malfunction in a manner consistent with good air pollution control practices.

3. Does not provide adequate procedures for correcting malfunctioning process equipment, air pollution control techniques or monitoring equipment as quickly as practicable.

Table 1 Summary of Work Practice Standards

Control technique

Work practice standards


Composite mesh-pad (CMP) system

1. Visually inspect device to ensure there is proper drainage, no chronic acid buildup on the pads, and no evidence of chemical attack on the structural integrity of the device.

1. 1/quarter.

2. Visually inspect back portion of the mesh pad closest to the fan to ensure there is no breakthrough of chromic acid mist.

2. 1/quarter.

3. Visually inspect ductwork from tank to the control device to ensure there are no leaks.

3. 1/quarter.

4. Perform washdown of the composite mesh-pads in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations.

4. Per manufacturer.

Packed-bed scrubber (PBS)

1. Visually inspect device to ensure there is proper drainage, no chromic acid buildup on the packed beds, and no evidence of chemical attack on the structural integrity of the device.

1. 1/quarter.

2. Visually inspect back portion of the chevron blade mist eliminator to ensure that it is dry and there is no breakthrough of chromic acid mist.

2. 1/quarter.

3. Same as number 3 for CMP system.

3. 1/quarter.

4. Add fresh makeup water to the top of the packed beda,b.

4. Whenever makeup is added.

PBS/CMP system

1. Same as for CMP system.

1. 1/quarter.

2. Same as for CMP.

2. 1/quarter.

3. Same as for CMP system.

3. 1/quarter.

4. Same as for CMP system.

4. Per manufacturer.

Fiber-bed mist eliminatorc

1. Visually inspect fiber-bed unit and prefiltering device to ensure there is proper drainage, no chromic acid buildup in the units, and no evidence of chemical attack on the structural integrity of the devices.

1. 1/quarter.

2. Visually inspect ductwork from tank or tanks to the control device to ensure there are no leaks.

2. 1/quarter.

3. Perform washdown of fiber elements in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations.

3. Per manufacturer

Air pollution control device not listed in rule

To be proposed by the source for approval by the department.

To be proposed by the source for approval by the department.

Monitoring Equipment

Pitot tube

Backflush with water, or remove from the duct and rinse with fresh water. Replace in the duct and rotate 180 degrees to ensure that the same zero reading is obtained. Check pitot tube ends for damage. Replace pitot tube if cracked or fatigued.



Follow manufacturer's recommendations.

a If greater than 50% of the scrubber water is drained, for purposes such as maintenance, makeup water may be added to the scrubber basin.

b For horizontal-flow scrubbers, top is defined as the section of the unit directly above the packing media such that the makeup water would flow perpendicular to the air flow through the packing. For vertical-flow units, the top is defined as the area downstream of the packing material such that the makeup water would flow countercurrent to the air flow through the unit.

c Work practice standards for the control device installed upstream of the fiber-bed mist eliminator to prevent plugging do not apply as long as the work practice standards for the fiber-bed unit are followed.


(a) The owner or operator of an affected source subject to the work practices of this section shall prepare an operation and maintenance plan to be implemented no later than the compliance date. The plan shall be incorporated by reference into the source's part 70 permit, if and when a part 70 permit is required under ch. NR 407. The plan shall include all the following elements:
1. The plan shall specify the operation and maintenance criteria for the affected source, the add-on air pollution control device, if such a device is used to comply with the emission limits, and the process and control system monitoring equipment, and shall include a standardized checklist to document the operation and maintenance of this equipment.

2. For sources using an add-on air pollution control device or monitoring equipment to comply with this subchapter, the plan shall incorporate the work practice standards for that device or monitoring equipment, as identified in Table 1 of this subchapter, if the specific equipment used is identified in Table 1.

3. If the specific equipment used is not identified in Table 1 of this subchapter, the plan shall incorporate proposed work practice standards. These proposed work practice standards shall be submitted to the department for approval as part of the submittal required under s. NR 463.08.

4. The plan shall specify procedures to be followed to ensure that equipment or process malfunctions due to poor maintenance or other preventable conditions do not occur.

5. The plan shall include a systematic procedure for identifying malfunctions of process equipment, add-on air pollution control devices, and process and control system monitoring equipment and for implementing corrective actions to address the malfunctions.

(b) If the operation and maintenance plan fails to address or inadequately addresses an event that meets the characteristics of a malfunction at the time the plan is initially developed, the owner or operator shall revise the operation and maintenance plan within 45 days after the event occurs. The revised plan shall include procedures for operating and maintaining the process equipment, add-on air pollution control device, or monitoring equipment during similar malfunction events, and a program for corrective action for the events.

(c) Recordkeeping associated with the operation and maintenance plan is identified in s. NR 463.103(2). Reporting associated with the operation and maintenance plan is identified in s. NR 463.106(7) and (8) and par. (d).

(d) If actions taken by the owner or operator during periods of malfunction are inconsistent with the procedures specified in the operation and maintenance plan required by par. (a), the owner or operator shall record the actions taken for that event and shall report by phone the actions within 2 working days after commencing actions inconsistent with the plan. This report shall be followed by a letter within 7 working days after the end of the event, unless the owner or operator makes alternative reporting arrangements, in advance, with the department.

(e) Each owner or operator shall keep the written operation and maintenance plan on record after it is developed to be made available for inspection, upon request, by the department for the life of the affected source or until the source is no longer subject to the provisions of this subchapter. In addition, if the operation and maintenance plan is revised, the owner or operator shall keep previous versions of the operation and maintenance plan on record to be made available for inspection, upon request, by the department for a period of 5 years after each revision to the plan.

(f) To satisfy the requirements of this subsection, the owner or operator may use applicable standard operating procedure manuals, OSHA plans or other existing plans, provided the alternative plans meet the requirements of this subchapter.

(3) CHROMIC ACID BATH STANDARDS NOT MET BY USING REDUCING AGENT. The standards in s. NR 463.04 and this section that apply to chromic acid baths may not be met by using a reducing agent to change the form of chromium from hexavalent to trivalent.

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