(a) For affected sources that elect to
demonstrate compliance with any of the emission limits of this chapter through
performance testing, your initial compliance requirements include conducting
performance tests according to sub. (3) and Table 5 of this chapter, conducting
a fuel analysis for each type of fuel burned in your boiler or process heater
according to sub. (4) and Table 6 of this chapter, establishing operating
limits according to sub. (7) and Table 7 of this chapter, and conducting CMS
performance evaluations according to sub. (6).
(b) For affected sources that elect to
demonstrate compliance with the emission limits for HCl, mercury or TSM through
fuel analysis, your initial compliance requirement is to conduct a fuel
analysis for each type of fuel burned in your boiler or process heater
according to sub. (4) and Table 6 of this chapter and establish operating
limits according to sub. (7) and Table 8 of this chapter.
(c) For affected sources that have an
applicable work practice standard, your initial compliance requirements depend
on the subcategory and rated capacity of your boiler or process heater. If your
boiler or process heater is in any of the limited use subcategories or has a
heat input capacity less than 100 mmBtu per hour, your initial compliance
demonstration is conducting a performance test for carbon monoxide according to
Table 5 of this chapter. If your boiler or process heater is in any of the
large subcategories and has a heat input capacity of 100 mmBtu per hour or
greater, your initial compliance demonstration is conducting a performance
evaluation of your continuous emission monitoring system for carbon monoxide
according to sub. (6) (a).
(d) For
existing affected sources, you shall demonstrate initial compliance no later
than 180 days after the compliance date that is specified for your source in s.
NR 462.01(5) and according to the
applicable provisions in s.
NR 460.06(1)
(b) as cited in Appendix DDDDD in ch. NR
(e) If your new or
reconstructed affected source commenced construction or reconstruction between
January 13, 2003 and November 12, 2004, you shall demonstrate initial
compliance with either the proposed emission limits and work practice standards
or the promulgated emission limits and work practice standards no later than
180 days after November 12, 2004 or within 180 days after startup of the
source, whichever is later, according to s.
NR 460.06(1)
(f) If your new or reconstructed affected
source commenced construction or reconstruction between January 13, 2003 and
November 12, 2004, and you chose to comply with the proposed emission limits
and work practice standards when demonstrating initial compliance, you shall
conduct a second compliance demonstration for the promulgated emission limits
and work practice standards within 3 years after November 12, 2004 or within 3
years after startup of the affected source, whichever is later.
(g) If your new or reconstructed affected
source commences construction or reconstruction after November 12, 2004, you
shall demonstrate initial compliance with the promulgated emission limits and
work practice standards no later than 180 days after startup of the
(a) You shall conduct all applicable
performance tests according to sub. (3) on an annual basis, unless you follow
the requirements listed in pars. (b) to (d). Annual performance tests shall be
completed between 10 and 12 months after the previous performance test, unless
you follow the requirements listed in pars. (b) to (d).
(b) You may conduct performance tests less
often for a given pollutant if your performance tests for the pollutant -
particulate matter, HCl, mercury or TSM - for at least 3 consecutive years show
that you comply with the emission limit. In this case, you do not have to
conduct a performance test for that pollutant for the next 2 years. You shall
conduct a performance test during the third year and no more than 36 months
after the previous performance test.
(c) If your boiler or process heater
continues to meet the emission limit for particulate matter, HCl, mercury or
TSM, you may choose to conduct performance tests for these pollutants every
third year, but each performance test shall be conducted no more than 36 months
after the previous performance test.
(d) If a performance test shows noncompliance
with an emission limit for particulate matter, HCl, mercury or TSM, you shall
conduct annual performance tests for that pollutant until all performance tests
over a consecutive 3-year period show compliance.
(e) If you have an applicable work practice
standard for carbon monoxide and your boiler or process heater is in any of the
limited use subcategories or has a heat input capacity less than 100 mmBtu per
hour, you shall conduct annual performance tests for carbon monoxide according
to sub. (3). Each annual performance test shall be conducted between 10 and 12
months after the previous performance test.
(f) You shall conduct a fuel analysis
according to sub. (4) for each type of fuel burned no later than 5 years after
the previous fuel analysis for each fuel type. If you burn a new type of fuel,
you shall conduct a fuel analysis before burning the new type of fuel in your
boiler or process heater. You shall still meet all applicable continuous
compliance requirements in s.
NR 462.06(2).
(g) You shall report the results of
performance tests and fuel analyses to the department within 60 days after the
completion of the performance tests or fuel analyses. This report shall also
verify that the operating limits for your affected source have not changed or
provide documentation of revised operating parameters established according to
sub. (7) and Table 7 of this chapter, as applicable. The reports for all
subsequent performance tests and fuel analyses shall include all applicable
information required in s.
NR 462.07(2).
(a) You shall conduct all
performance tests according to s.
NR 460.06(2),
(3), (5) and (7). You shall also develop a
site-specific test plan according to the requirements in s.
NR 460.06(2) if you elect to demonstrate
compliance through performance testing.
(b) You shall conduct each performance test
according to the requirements in Table 5 of this chapter.
(c) New or reconstructed boilers or process
heaters in one of the liquid fuel subcategories that burn only fossil fuels and
other gases and do not burn any residual oil shall demonstrate compliance
according to s.
NR 462.04(2)
(d) You shall conduct each performance test
under the specific conditions listed in Tables 5 and 7 of this chapter. You
shall conduct performance tests at the maximum normal operating load while
burning the type of fuel or mixture of fuels that have the highest content of
chlorine, mercury and total selected metals, and you shall demonstrate initial
compliance and establish your operating limits based on these tests. These
requirements may result in the need to conduct more than one performance
(e) You may not conduct
performance tests during periods of startup, shutdown or malfunction.
(f) You shall conduct 3 separate test runs
for each performance test required in this subsection, as specified in s.
NR 460.06(4)
(c). Each test run shall last at least one
(g) To determine compliance
with the emission limits, you shall use the F-factor methodology and equations
in sections 12.2 and 12.3 of EPA Method 19 of Appendix A to 40 CFR part 60, incorporated by reference in s.
NR 484.04(13), to convert the measured
particulate matter concentrations, the measured HCl concentrations, the
measured TSM concentrations and the measured mercury concentrations that result
from the initial performance test to pounds per million Btu heat input emission
(a) You
shall conduct fuel analyses according to the procedures in pars. (b) to (e) and
Table 6 of this chapter, as applicable.
(b) You shall develop and submit a
site-specific fuel analysis plan to the department for review and approval
according to the procedures and requirements in subds. 1. and 2.
1. You shall submit the fuel analysis plan no
later than 60 days before the date that you intend to demonstrate
2. You shall include
the information contained in subd. 2. a. to f. in your fuel analysis plan.
a. The identification of all fuel types
anticipated to be burned in each boiler or process heater.
b. For each fuel type, notification of
whether you or a fuel supplier will be conducting the fuel analysis.
c. For each fuel type, a detailed description
of the sample location and specific procedures to be used for collecting and
preparing the composite samples if your procedures are different from those in
par. (c) or (d). Where possible, samples should be collected at a location that
most accurately represent the fuel type. Samples shall be collected at a point
prior to mixing with other dissimilar fuel types.
d. For each fuel type, the analytical
methods, with the expected minimum detection levels, to be used for the
measurement of selected total metals, chlorine or mercury.
e. If you request to use an alternative
analytical method other than those required by Table 6 of this chapter, a
detailed description of the methods and procedures that will be used.
f. If you will be using fuel analysis from a
fuel supplier in lieu of site-specific sampling and analysis, assurance that
the fuel supplier will use the analytical methods required by Table 6 of this
At a minimum, you shall obtain 3 composite fuel samples for each fuel type
according to the procedures in subd. 1. or 2.
1. If sampling from a belt or screw feeder,
collect fuel samples according to subd. 1. a. and b.
a. Stop the belt and withdraw a 6-inch wide
sample from the full cross-section of the stopped belt to obtain a minimum 2
pounds of sample. Collect all the material, including fine and coarse material,
in the full cross-section. Transfer the sample to a clean plastic
b. Each composite sample shall
consist of a minimum of 3 samples collected at approximately equal intervals
during the testing period.
2. If sampling from a fuel pile or truck,
collect fuel samples according to subd. 2. a. to c.
a. For each composite sample, select a
minimum of 5 sampling locations uniformly spaced over the surface of the
b. At each sampling site, dig
into the pile to a depth of 18 inches. Insert a clean flat square shovel into
the hole and withdraw a sample, making sure that large pieces do not fall off
during sampling.
c. Transfer all
samples to a clean plastic bag for further processing.
(d) Prepare each composite sample
according to the procedures in subds. 1. to 7.
1. Thoroughly mix and pour the entire
composite sample over a clean plastic sheet.
2. Break sample pieces larger than 3 inches
into smaller sizes.
3. Make a pie
shape with the entire composite sample and subdivide it into 4 equal
4. Separate one of the
quarter samples as the first subset.
5. If this subset is too large for grinding,
repeat the procedure in subd. 3. with the quarter sample and obtain a
one-quarter subset from this sample.
6. Grind the sample in a mill.
7. Use the procedure in subd. 3. to obtain a
one-quarter subsample for analysis. If the quarter sample is too large,
subdivide it further using the same procedure.
(e) Determine the concentration of pollutants
(mercury, chlorine, and total selected metals) in the fuel in units of pounds
per million Btu of each composite sample for each fuel type according to the
procedures in Table 6 of this chapter.
(a) As an alternative to
meeting the requirements of s.
NR 462.03(2), if you have more than one
existing large solid fuel boiler located at your facility, you may demonstrate
compliance by emission averaging according to the procedures in this
(b) For each existing
large solid fuel boiler in the averaging group, the emission rate achieved
during the initial compliance test for the HAP being averaged may not exceed
the emission level that was being achieved on November 12, 2004, or the control
technology employed during the initial compliance test may not be less
effective for the HAP being averaged than the control technology employed on
November 12, 2004.
(c) You may
average particulate matter or TSM, HCl and mercury emissions from existing
large solid fuel boilers to demonstrate compliance with the limits in Table 1
of this chapter if you satisfy the requirements in pars. (d), (e) and
(d) The weighted average
emissions from the existing large solid fuel boilers participating in the
emissions averaging option shall be in compliance with the limits in Table 1 of
this chapter at all times following the compliance date specified in s.
NR 462.01(5).
(e) You shall demonstrate initial compliance
according to subd. 1. or 2.
1. You shall use
Equation 1 to demonstrate that the particulate matter or TSM, HCl and mercury
emissions from all existing large solid fuel boilers participating in the
emissions averaging option do not exceed the emission limits in Table 1 of this
AWER is the average weighted emission rate for particulate
matter or TSM, HCl or mercury, in units of pounds per million Btu of heat
Er is the emission rate, as calculated according to Table 5
of this chapter, or fuel analysis as calculated by the applicable equation in
sub. (7) (d) for boiler, i, for particulate matter or TSM, HCl or mercury, in
units of pounds per million Btu of heat input
Hm is the maximum rated heat input capacity of boiler, i, in
units of million Btu per hour
n is the number of large solid fuel boilers participating in
the emissions averaging option
2. If you are not capable of monitoring heat
input, you may use Equation 2 as an alternative to using Equation 1 to
demonstrate that the particulate matter or TSM, HCl and mercury emissions from
all existing large solid fuel boilers participating in the emissions averaging
option do not exceed the emission limits in Table 1 of this chapter.
AWER is the average weighted emission rate for particulate
matter or TSM, HCl or mercury, in units of pounds per million Btu of heat
Er is the emission rate, as calculated according to Table 5
of this chapter, or fuel analysis as calculated by the applicable equation in
sub. (7) (d) for boiler, i, for particulate matter or TSM, HCl or mercury, in
units of pounds per million Btu of heat input
Sm is the maximum steam generation by boiler, i, in units of
Cf is the conversion factor, calculated from the most recent
compliance test, in units of million Btu of heat input per pounds of steam
n is the number of large solid fuel boilers participating in
the emissions averaging option
(f) You shall demonstrate continuous
compliance on a 12-month rolling average basis determined at the end of every
month (12 times per year) according to subds. 1. and 2. The first 12-month
rolling-average period begins on the compliance date specified in s.
NR 462.01(5).
1. For each calendar month, you shall use
Equation 3 to calculate the 12-month rolling average weighted emission rate
using the actual heat capacity for each existing large solid fuel boiler
participating in the emissions averaging option.
AWER is the 12-month rolling average weighted emission rate
for particulate matter or TSM, HCl or mercury, in units of pounds per million
Btu of heat input
Er is the emission rate, as calculated during the most recent
compliance test according to Table 5 of this chapter, or fuel analysis as
calculated by the applicable equation in sub. (7) (d) for boiler, i, for
particulate matter or TSM, HCl or mercury, in units of pounds per million Btu
of heat input
Hb is the average heat input for each calendar month of
boiler, i, in units of million Btu
n is the number of large solid fuel boilers participating in
the emissions averaging option
2. If you are not capable of monitoring heat
input, you may use Equation 4 as an alternative to using Equation 3 to
calculate the 12-month rolling average weighted emission rate using the actual
steam generation from the large solid fuel boilers participating in the
emissions averaging option.
AWER is the 12-month rolling average weighted emission rate
for particulate matter or TSM, HCl or mercury, in units of pounds per million
Btu of heat input
Er is the emission rate, as calculated during the most recent
compliance test according to Table 5 of this chapter, or fuel analysis as
calculated by the applicable equation in sub. (7) (d) for boiler, i, for
particulate matter or TSM, HCl or mercury, in units of pounds per million Btu
of heat input
Sa is the actual steam generation for each calendar month by
boiler, i, in units of pounds
Cf is the conversion factor, as calculated during the most
recent compliance test, in units of million Btu of heat input per pounds of
steam generated
n is the number of large solid fuel boilers participating in
the emissions averaging option
(g) You shall develop and submit an
implementation plan for emission averaging to the department for review and
approval according to the procedures and requirements in subds. 1. to 4.
1. You shall submit the implementation plan
no later than 180 days before the date that the facility intends to demonstrate
compliance using the emission averaging option.
2. You shall include the information required
in subd. 2. a. to g. in your implementation plan for all emission sources
included in an emission averaging group.
The identification of all existing large solid fuel boilers in the averaging
group, including for each boiler either the applicable HAP emission level or
the installed control technology.
b. The process parameter, either heat input
or steam generated, that will be monitored for each averaging group of large
solid fuel boilers.
c. The specific
control technology or pollution prevention measure to be used for each emission
source in the averaging group and the date of its installation or application.
If the pollution prevention measure reduces or eliminates emissions from
multiple sources, the owner or operator shall identify each source.
d. The test plan for the measurement of
particulate matter or TSM, HCl or mercury emissions in accordance with the
requirements in sub. (3).
e. The
operating parameters to be monitored for each control system or device and a
description of how the operating limits will be determined.
f. If you request to monitor one or more
alternative operating parameters pursuant to sub. (6), a description of the
parameter or parameters to be monitored, an explanation of the criteria used to
select the parameter or parameters and a description of the methods and
procedures that will be used to demonstrate that the parameter indicates proper
operation of the control device. You shall also include the frequency and
content of monitoring, reporting and recordkeeping requirements and a
demonstration, to the satisfaction of the department, that the proposed
monitoring frequency is sufficient to represent control device operating
g. A demonstration that
compliance with each of the applicable emission limits will be achieved under
representative operating conditions.
3. Upon receipt, the department shall review
and approve or disapprove the plan according to both of the following criteria:
a. Whether the content of the plan includes
all of the information specified in subd. 2.
b. Whether the plan presents sufficient
information to determine that compliance will be achieved and
4. The
department may not approve an emission averaging implementation plan containing
any of the following provisions:
a. Any
averaging between emissions of differing pollutants or between differing
b. The inclusion of any
emission source other than an existing large solid fuel boiler.
(a) If you have an applicable work practice
standard for carbon monoxide and your boiler or process heater is in any of the
large subcategories and has a heat input capacity of 100 mmBtu per hour or
greater, you shall install, operate and maintain a continuous emission
monitoring system (CEMS) for carbon monoxide according to the procedures in
subds. 1. to 6. by the compliance date specified in s.
NR 462.01(5).
1. Each CEMS shall be installed, operated and
maintained according to Performance Specification (PS) 4A of 40 CFR part 60,
Appendix B, incorporated by reference in s.
NR 484.04(21), and according to the
site-specific monitoring plan developed according to s.
NR 462.04(1)
2. You shall conduct a performance evaluation
of each CEMS according to the requirements in s.
NR 460.07
and according to PS 4A of 40 CFR part 60, Appendix B, incorporated by reference
in s.
NR 484.04(21).
3. Each CEMS shall complete a minimum of one
cycle of operation, which includes sampling, analyzing and data recording, for
each successive 15-minute period.
4. The CEMS data shall be reduced as
specified in s.
NR 460.07(7)
5. You shall calculate and record a 30-day
rolling average emission rate on a daily basis. A new 30-day rolling average
emission rate is calculated as the average of all of the hourly CO emission
data for the preceding 30 operating days.
6. For purposes of calculating data averages,
you may not use data recorded during periods of monitoring malfunctions,
associated repairs, out-of-control periods, required quality assurance or
control activities or when your boiler or process heater is operating at less
than 50% of its rated capacity. You shall use all the data collected during all
other periods in assessing compliance. Any period for which the monitoring
system is out of control and data are not available for required calculations
constitutes a deviation from the monitoring requirements.
(b) If you have an applicable opacity
operating limit, you shall install, operate, certify and maintain each
continuous opacity monitoring system (COMS) according to the procedures in
subds. 1. to 7. by the compliance date specified in s.
NR 462.01(5).
1. Each COMS shall be installed, operated and
maintained according to PS 1 of 40 CFR part 60, Appendix B, incorporated by
reference in s.
NR 484.04(21).
2. You shall conduct a performance evaluation
of each COMS according to the requirements in s.
NR 460.07
and according to PS 1 of 40 CFR part 60, Appendix B, incorporated by reference
in s.
NR 484.04(21).
3. As specified in s.
NR 460.07(3) (d)
1., each COMS shall complete a minimum of one
cycle of sampling and analyzing for each successive 10-second period and one
cycle of data recording for each successive 6-minute period.
4. The COMS data shall be reduced as
specified in s.
NR 460.07(7)
5. You shall include in your site-specific
monitoring plan procedures and acceptance criteria for operating and
maintaining each COMS according to the requirements in s.
NR 460.07(4). At a minimum, the
monitoring plan shall include a daily calibration drift assessment, a quarterly
performance audit and an annual zero alignment audit of each COMS.
6. You shall operate and maintain each COMS
according to the requirements in the monitoring plan and the requirements of s.
NR 460.07(5). Identify periods the COMS
is out of control, including any periods that the COMS fails to pass a daily
calibration drift assessment, a quarterly performance audit or an annual zero
alignment audit.
7. You shall
determine and record all the 6-minute averages, and one-hour block averages, as
applicable, collected for periods during which the COMS is not out of
(c) If you have
an operating limit that requires the use of a CMS, you shall install, operate
and maintain each continuous parameter monitoring system (CPMS) according to
the procedures in subds. 1. to 5. by the compliance date specified in s.
NR 462.01(5).
1. The CPMS shall complete a minimum of one
cycle of operation for each successive 15-minute period. You shall have a
minimum of 4 successive cycles of operation to have a valid hour of
2. Except for monitoring
malfunctions, associated repairs and required quality assurance or control
activities, including, as applicable, calibration checks and required zero and
span adjustments, you shall conduct all monitoring in continuous operation at
all times that the unit is operating. A monitoring malfunction is any sudden,
infrequent, not reasonably preventable failure of the monitoring to provide
valid data. Monitoring failures that are caused in part by poor maintenance or
careless operation are not malfunctions.
3. For purposes of calculating data averages,
you may not use data recorded during monitoring malfunctions, associated
repairs, out of control periods or required quality assurance or control
activities. You shall use all the data collected during all other periods in
assessing compliance. Any period for which the monitoring system is
out-of-control and data are not available for required calculations constitutes
a deviation from the monitoring requirements.
4. Determine the 3-hour block average of all
recorded readings, except as provided in subd. 3.
5. Record the results of each inspection,
calibration and validation check.
(d) If you have an operating limit that
requires the use of a flow measurement device, you shall meet the requirements
in par. (c) and subds. 1. to 4.
1. Locate the
flow sensor and other necessary equipment in a position that provides a
representative measurement of the flow.
2. Use a flow sensor with a measurement
sensitivity of 2% of the flow rate.
3. Reduce swirling flow or abnormal velocity
distributions due to upstream and downstream disturbances.
4. Conduct a flow sensor calibration check at
least semiannually.
If you have an operating limit that requires the use of a pressure measurement
device, you shall meet the requirements in par. (c) and subds. 1. to 6.
1. Locate the pressure sensor in a position
that provides a representative measurement of the pressure.
2. Minimize or eliminate pulsating pressure,
vibration and internal and external corrosion.
3. Use a gauge with a minimum tolerance of
1.27 centimeters of water or a transducer with a minimum tolerance of one
percent of the pressure range.
Check pressure tap for blockages or plugging daily.
5. Using a manometer, check gauge calibration
quarterly and transducer calibration monthly.
6. Conduct calibration checks any time the
sensor exceeds the manufacturer's specified maximum operating pressure range or
install a new pressure sensor.
(f) If you have an operating limit that
requires the use of a pH measurement device, you shall meet the requirements in
par. (c) and subds. 1. to 3.
1. Locate the pH
sensor in a position that provides a representative measurement of scrubber
effluent pH.
2. Ensure that the
sample is properly mixed and representative of the fluid to be
3. Check the pH meter's
calibration on at least 2 points every 8 hours of process operation.
(g) If you have an operating limit
that requires the use of equipment to monitor voltage and secondary current, or
total power input, of an electrostatic precipitator (ESP), you shall use
voltage and secondary current monitoring equipment to measure voltage and
secondary current to the ESP.
If you have an operating limit that requires the use of equipment to monitor
sorbent injection rate, such as a weigh belt, weigh hopper or hopper flow
measurement device, you shall meet the requirements in par. (c) and subds. 1.
to 3.
1. Locate the device in a position that
provides a representative measurement of the total sorbent injection
2. Install and calibrate the
device in accordance with manufacturer's procedures and
3. At least
annually, calibrate the device in accordance with the manufacturer's procedures
and specifications.
If you elect to use a fabric filter bag leak detection system to comply with
the requirements of this chapter, you shall install, calibrate, maintain and
continuously operate a bag leak detection system as specified in subds. 1. to
1. You shall install and operate a bag
leak detection system for each exhaust stack of the fabric filter.
2. Each bag leak detection system shall be
installed, operated, calibrated and maintained in a manner consistent with the
manufacturer's written specifications and recommendations and in accordance
with the guidance provided in EPA-454/R-98-015, September 1997, incorporated by
reference in s.
NR 484.06(4)
3. The bag leak detection system shall be
certified by the manufacturer to be capable of detecting particulate matter
emissions at concentrations of 10 milligrams per actual cubic meter or
4. The bag leak detection
system sensor shall provide output of relative or absolute particulate matter
5. The bag leak detection
system shall be equipped with a device to continuously record the output signal
from the sensor.
6. The bag leak
detection system shall be equipped with an alarm system that will sound
automatically when an increase in relative particulate matter emissions over a
preset level is detected. The alarm shall be located where it is easily heard
by plant operating personnel.
For positive pressure fabric filter systems that do not duct all compartments
or cells to a common stack, a bag leak detection system shall be installed in
each baghouse compartment or cell.
8. Where multiple bag leak detectors are
required, the system's instrumentation and alarm may be shared among
(a) You shall demonstrate initial compliance
with each emission limit and work practice standard that applies to you by
either conducting initial performance tests and establishing operating limits,
as applicable, according to sub. (3) (c) and Tables 5 and 7 of this chapter OR
conducting initial fuel analyses to determine emission rates and establishing
operating limits, as applicable, according to sub. (4) (d) and Tables 6 and 8
of this chapter.
(b) New or
reconstructed boilers or process heaters in one of the liquid fuel
subcategories that burn only fossil fuels and other gases and do not burn any
residual oil shall demonstrate compliance according to s.
NR 462.04(2)
(c) If you demonstrate compliance through
performance testing, you shall establish each site-specific operating limit in
Tables 2 to 4 of this chapter that applies to you according to the requirements
in sub. (3), Table 7 of this chapter, and subd. 4., as applicable. You shall
also conduct fuel analyses according to sub. (4) and establish maximum fuel
pollutant input levels according to subds. 1. to 3., as applicable.
1. You shall establish the maximum chlorine
fuel input (Cinput) during the initial performance testing according to the
procedures in subd. 1. a. to c.
a. You shall
determine the fuel type or fuel mixture that you could burn in your boiler or
process heater that has the highest content of chlorine.
b. During the performance testing for HCl,
you shall determine the fraction of the total heat input for each fuel type
burned (Qi) based on the fuel mixture that has the highest content of chlorine
and the average chlorine concentration of each fuel type burned (Ci).
c. You shall establish a maximum chlorine
input level using Equation 5.
Cinput is the maximum amount of chlorine entering the boiler
or process heater through fuels burned in units of pounds per million
Ci is the arithmetic average concentration of chlorine in
fuel type, i, analyzed according to sub. (4), in units of pounds per million
Qi is the fraction of total heat input from fuel type, i,
based on the fuel mixture that has the highest content of chlorine. If you do
not burn multiple fuel types during the performance testing, it is not
necessary to determine the value of this term. Insert a value of "1" for
n is the number of different fuel types burned in your boiler
or process heater for the mixture that has the highest content of
2. If
you choose to comply with the alternative TSM emission limit instead of the
particulate matter emission limit, you shall establish the maximum TSM fuel
input level (TSMinput) during the initial performance testing according to the
procedures in subd. 2. a. to c.
a. You shall
determine the fuel type or fuel mixture that you could burn in your boiler or
process heater that has the highest content of TSM.
b. During the performance testing for TSM,
you shall determine the fraction of total heat input from each fuel burned (Qi)
based on the fuel mixture that has the highest content of total selected metals
and the average TSM concentration of each fuel type burned (Mi).
c. You shall establish a baseline TSM input
level using Equation 6.
TSMinput is the maximum amount of TSM entering the boiler or
process heater through fuels burned, in units of pounds per million Btu
Mi is the arithmetic average concentration of TSM in fuel
type, i, analyzed according to sub. (4), in units of pounds per million
Qi is the fraction of total heat input from fuel type, i,
based on the fuel mixture that has the highest content of TSM. If you do not
burn multiple fuel types during the performance test, it is not necessary to
determine the value of this term. Insert a value of "1" for Qi.
n is the number of different fuel types burned in your boiler
or process heater for the mixture that has the highest content of TSM
3. You shall establish
the maximum mercury fuel input level (Mercuryinput) during the initial
performance testing using the procedures in subd. 3. a. to c.
a. You shall determine the fuel type or fuel
mixture that you could burn in your boiler or process heater that has the
highest content of mercury.
During the compliance demonstration for mercury, you shall determine the
fraction of total heat input for each fuel burned (Qi) based on the fuel
mixture that has the highest content of mercury, and you shall determine the
average mercury concentration of each fuel type burned (HGi).
c. You shall establish a maximum mercury
input level using Equation 7.
Mercury input is the maximum amount of mercury entering the
boiler or process heater through fuels burned, in units of pounds per million
HGi is the arithmetic average concentration of mercury in
fuel type, i, analyzed according to sub. (4), in units of pounds per million
Qi is the fraction of total heat input from fuel type, i,
based on the fuel mixture that has the highest mercury content. If you do not
burn multiple fuel types during the performance test, it is not necessary to
determine the value of this term. Insert a value of "1" for Qi.
n is the number of different fuel types burned in your boiler
or process heater for the mixture that has the highest content of
4. You
shall establish parameter operating limits according to subd. 4. a. to d.
a. For a wet scrubber, you shall establish
the minimum scrubber effluent pH, liquid flow rate and pressure drop, as
defined in s.
NR 462.02(32) to (34), as your operating
limits during the 3-run performance test. If you use a wet scrubber and you
conduct separate performance tests for particulate matter, HCl and mercury
emissions, you shall establish one set of minimum scrubber effluent pH, liquid
flow rate and pressure drop operating limits. The minimum scrubber effluent pH
operating limit shall be established during the HCl performance test. If you
conduct multiple performance tests, you shall set the minimum liquid flow rate
and pressure drop operating limits at the highest minimum values established
during the performance tests.
For an electrostatic precipitator, you shall establish the minimum voltage and
the minimum secondary current or the minimum total power input, as defined in
NR 462.02(36), as your operating limits
during the 3-run performance test.
c. For a dry scrubber, you shall establish
the minimum sorbent injection rate, as defined in s.
NR 462.02(35), as your operating limit
during the 3-run performance test.
d. The operating limit for boilers or process
heaters with fabric filters for which you choose to demonstrate continuous
compliance through bag leak detection systems is that a bag leak detection
system be installed according to the requirements in sub. (6), and that each
fabric filter shall be operated such that the bag leak detection system alarm
does not sound more than 5% of the operating time during a 6-month
If you elect to demonstrate compliance with an applicable emission limit
through fuel analysis, you shall conduct fuel analyses according to sub. (4)
and follow the procedures in subds. 1. to 5.
1. If you burn more than one fuel type, you
shall determine the fuel mixture you could burn in your boiler or process
heater that would result in the maximum emission rates of the pollutants for
which you elect to demonstrate compliance through fuel analysis.
2. You shall determine the 90th percentile
confidence level fuel pollutant concentration of the composite samples analyzed
for each fuel type using the one-sided z-statistic test described in Equation
P90 is the 90th percentile confidence level pollutant
concentration, in pounds per million Btu
mean is the arithmetic average of the fuel pollutant
concentration in the fuel samples analyzed according to sub. (4), in units of
pounds per million Btu
SD is the standard deviation of the pollutant concentration
in the fuel samples analyzed according to sub. (4), in units of pounds per
million Btu
t is the t distribution critical value for 90th percentile
(0.1) probability for the appropriate degrees of freedom (number of samples
minus one) as obtained from a Distribution Critical Value Table
3. To demonstrate compliance with
the applicable emission limit for HCl, the HCl emission rate that you calculate
for your boiler or process heater using Equation 9 shall be less than the
applicable emission limit for HCl.
HCl is the HCl emission rate from the boiler or process
heater in units of pounds per million Btu
Ci90 is the 90th percentile confidence level concentration of
chlorine in fuel type, i, in units of pounds per million Btu as calculated
according to Equation 8
Qi is the fraction of total heat input from fuel type, i,
based on the fuel mixture that has the highest content of chlorine. If you do
not burn multiple fuel types, it is not necessary to determine the value of
this term. Insert a value of "1" for Qi.
n is the number of different fuel types burned in your boiler
or process heater for the mixture that has the highest content of
1.028 is the molecular weight ratio of HCl to chlorine
4. To demonstrate compliance with
the applicable emission limit for TSM, the TSM emission rate that you calculate
for your boiler or process heater using Equation 10 shall be less than the
applicable emission limit for TSM.
TSM is the TSM emission rate from the boiler or process
heater in units of pounds per million Btu
Mi90 is the 90th percentile confidence level concentration of
TSM in fuel, i, in units of pounds per million Btu as calculated according to
Equation 8
Qi is the fraction of total heat input from fuel type, i,
based on the fuel mixture that has the highest content of total selected
metals. If you do not burn multiple fuel types, it is not necessary to
determine the value of this term. Insert a value of "1" for Qi.
n is the number of different fuel types burned in your boiler
or process heater for the mixture that has the highest content of TSM
5. To demonstrate compliance with
the applicable emission limit for mercury, the mercury emission rate that you
calculate for your boiler or process heater using Equation 11 shall be less
than the applicable emission limit for mercury.
Mercury is the mercury emission rate from the boiler or
process heater in units of pounds per million Btu
HGi90 is the 90th percentile confidence level concentration
of mercury in fuel, i, in units of pounds per million Btu as calculated
according to Equation 8
Qi is the fraction of total heat input from fuel type, i,
based on the fuel mixture that has the highest mercury content. If you do not
burn multiple fuel types, it is not necessary to determine the value of this
term. Insert a value of "1" for Qi.
n is the number of different fuel types burned in your boiler
or process heater for the mixture that has the highest mercury content
(e) You shall submit
the Notification of Compliance Status containing the results of the initial
compliance demonstration according to the requirements in s.
NR 462.07(1)