(1) All wastewater
treatment plant sludge incineration and drying plants for which mercury
emissions exceed 1.6 kg (3.5 lbs) per 24-hour period, demonstrated either by
stack sampling or sludge sampling according to s.
NR 446.21(4), shall monitor mercury
emissions at intervals of at least once per year in accordance with Method 105
and the procedures specified in s.
NR 446.21(4) (f). The results of
monitoring shall be reported to the department by registered letter dispatched
before the close of the next business day following the monitoring. The results
shall be retained at the source and shall be made available for inspection by a
department representative for a minimum of 2 years.
(2) The owner or operator of each mercury
cell chlor-alkali plant-hydrogen and end-box ventilation gas streams shall:
(a) Perform a mercury emission test that
demonstrates compliance with the emission limits in s.
NR 446.20(1) on the hydrogen stream by
Method 102 and on the end-box stream by Method 101 for the purpose of
establishing limits for parameters to be monitored, within one year after June
1, 1994 or within one year of startup for a plant with initial startup after
February 1, 1984.
(b) Monitor and
record manually or automatically at least once every 15 minutes during the
tests specified in par. (a) all of the following control device parameters,
except as provided in par. (c):
1. The exit
gas temperature from uncontrolled streams.
2. The outlet temperature of the gas stream
for the final cooling system when no control devices other than coolers and
demisters are used.
3. The outlet
temperature of the gas stream from the final cooling system when the cooling
system is followed by a molecular sieve or carbon adsorber.
4. Outlet concentration of available
chlorine, pH, liquid flow rate and inlet gas temperature of chlorinated brine
scrubbers and hypochlorite scrubbers.
5. The liquid flow rate and exit gas
temperature for water scrubber.
The inlet gas temperature of carbon adsorption systems.
7. The temperature during the heating phase
of the regeneration cycle for carbon adsorbers or molecular sieves.
(c) Average the parameters
recorded in par. (b) over a minimum 6 hour test period. The highest temperature
reading that is measured in par. (b) 7. is to be identified as the reference
temperature for use in par. (f) 2.
(d) Monitor and record manually or
automatically immediately after the completion of the emission tests specified
in par. (a) the following:
1. The parameters
specified in par. (b) 1. to 6. at least once per hour.
2. The temperature specified in par. (b) 7.
during each heating phase of the regeneration cycle.
(e) Operate, maintain and calibrate
monitoring devices according to the manufacturer's instructions. Monitoring
devices used in accordance with pars. (b) and (d) shall be certified by their
manufacturer to be accurate to within 10%. Records of the certifications and
calibrations shall be retained at the chlor-alkali plant and made available for
inspection by the department as follows: certification, for as long as the
device is used for this purpose; and calibration, for a minimum of 2
(f) Notify the department
within 10 days when:
1. The hourly value of a
parameter monitored in accordance with par. (d) 1. exceeds, or, in the case of
liquid flow rate and available chlorine, falls below, the value of that same
parameter determined in par. (b) for 24 consecutive hours, and
2. The maximum hourly value of the
temperature measured in accordance with par. (d) 2. is below the reference
temperature recorded according to par. (c) for 3 consecutive regeneration
(g) Submit
semiannual reports to the department indicating the time and date on which the
hourly value of each parameter monitored according to par. (d) 1. and 2. fell
outside the value of that same parameter determined under par. (c) and
corrective action taken, and the time and date of the corrective action.
Parameter excursions shall be considered unacceptable operation and maintenance
of the emission control system. In addition, while compliance with the emission
limits is determined primarily by conducting a performance test according to
the procedures in s.
NR 446.21(2), reports of parameter
excursions may be used as evidence in judging the duration of a violation that
is determined by a performance test.
(h) Submit semiannual reports required in
par. (g) to the department on September 15 and March 15 of each year. The first
semiannual report is to be submitted following the first full 6 month reporting
period. The semiannual reports due on September 15 and March 15 shall include
all excursions monitored during the 6 calendar months previous to the report
(3) The owner or
operator of a facility subject to sub. (2) may develop and submit for the
department's approval a plant-specific monitoring plan as an alternative to the
monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting requirements of sub. (2) (a) to (g).
Approval of an alternative plan shall ensure compliance with the emission
limits of s.
NR 446.20(1), and proper operation and
maintenance of emissions control systems. Any site-specific monitoring plan
shall, at a minimum, include all of the following:
(a) Identification of the critical parameter
or parameters for the hydrogen stream and for the end-box ventilation stream
that are to be monitored and an explanation of why the critical parameters
selected are the best indicators of proper control system performance and of
mercury emission rates.
Identification of the maximum or minimum value of each parameter that is not to
be exceeded. The levels shall be directly correlated to the results of a
performance test, conducted no more than 180 days prior to submittal of the
plan, when the facility was in compliance with the emission limits of s.
NR 446.20(1).
(c) Designation of the frequency for
recording the parameter measurements, with justification if the frequency is
less than hourly. A longer recording frequency shall be justified on the basis
of the amount of time that could elapse during periods of process or control
system upsets before the emission limits would be exceeded, and consideration
is to be given to the time that would be necessary to repair the
(d) Designation of the
immediate actions to be taken in the event of an excursion beyond the value of
the parameter established in par. (b).
(e) Provisions for reporting, semiannually,
parameter excursions and the corrective actions taken, and provisions for
reporting within 10 days any significant excursion.
(f) Identification of the accuracy of the
monitoring devices or of the readings obtained.
(g) Recordkeeping requirements for
certifications and calibrations.
The owner or operator of a mercury cell chlor-alkali
plant, cell room ventilation system determining cell room emissions, shall
maintain records of any leak or spill of mercury. The records shall indicate
the amount, location, time and date when the leak or spill occurred, identify
the cause of the leak or spill, state the immediate steps taken to minimize
mercury emissions and steps taken to prevent future occurrences and provide the
time and date on which corrective steps were taken. The results of monitoring
shall be recorded, retained at the source and made available for inspection by
the administrator for a minimum of 2 years.