Wisconsin Administrative Code
Department of Natural Resources
NR 400-499 - Environmental Protection - Air Pollution Control
Chapter NR 432 - Allocation of clean air interstate rule NOx allowances
Section NR 432.04 - Compliance supplement pool
Current through August 26, 2024
In addition to the CAIR NOx allowances allocated under s. NR 432.03, the department may allocate for calendar year 2009 only, additional allowances from the compliance supplement pool up to the amount designated by the EPA in 40 CFR 97.143 for Wisconsin for the purposes identified in this section.
ER is the amount of CAIR NOx allowances a CAIR designated representative may request based on early emission reductions in 2007 and 2008 rounded to the nearest ton
HI2007 is the total heat input to the unit for the calendar year 2007 in mmBtu
HI2008 is the total heat input to the unit for the calendar year 2008 in mmBtu
2000 is a conversion factor in lb/ton
DEM2007 and DEM2008 are the differences between the actual emission rates for 2007 and 2008 respectively and the target emission rate for early reductions in lbs NOx/mmBtu. If the unit's actual average emission rate for the calendar year is greater than 0.25, DEMyear is equal to 0. If the unit's actual average emission rate for the calendar year is equal to or less than 0.25, then DEMyear is calculated using equation 7
Actualyear is the unit's actual average emission rate for calendar year for 2007 or 2008 in lbs NOx/mmBtu determined in accordance with 40 CFR part 97, Subpart HH
0.25 is the target emission rate for early reductions in lbs NOx/mmBtu
(2) ELECTRIC RELIABILITY. The department may allocate CAIR NOx allowances from the compliance supplement pool to any CAIR NOx unit for which the unit's CAIR designated representative demonstrates that compliance with the CAIR NOx allocation under s. NR 432.03, Table 1 for calendar year 2009 would create an undue risk to the reliability of electricity supply during 2009. The CAIR designated representative of the unit may request the allocation of CAIR NOx allowances from the compliance supplement pool in order to avoid an undue risk to the reliability of electricity supply during 2009 in accordance with the following requirements:
(3) ALLOCATION PROCEDURE. The department shall review each request submitted under subs. (1) and (2) and shall allocate CAIR NOx allowances for calendar year 2009 to CAIR NOx units covered by the requests as follows:
Zi is the amount of CAIR NOx allowances allocated to unit i from the state's compliance supplement pool rounded to the nearest whole ton, adjusted by the department as needed to ensure that the sum of the allowances to all units does not exceed the CSP
Yi is the amount of CAIR NOx allowances requested for unit i under subs. (1) and (2), as determined eligible under par. (a)
CSP is the amount of CAIR NOx allowances in the state's compliance supplement pool as provided in 40 CFR 97.143
k is the number of units which the department deemed eligible for requests made under subs. (1) and (2)
(d) By November 15, 2009, the department shall determine the allocations under par. (b) or (c), as applicable. The department shall make available to the public each determination of CAIR NOx allowances under par. (c) and shall provide an opportunity for submission of objections to the determination. Objections shall be limited to addressing whether the determination is in accordance with sub. (1) or (2) and par. (b) or (c) and data correction. Based on any objections, the department may adjust each determination to the extent necessary to ensure that it is in accordance with sub. (1) or (2) and par. (b) or (c) and the data is correct. (e) By December 15, 2009, the department shall notify the administrator of the allocations made under par. (d).