Wisconsin Administrative Code
Department of Natural Resources
NR 400-499 - Environmental Protection - Air Pollution Control
Chapter NR 428 - Control Of Nitrogen Compound Emissions
Section NR 428.02 - Definitions
Current through November 25, 2024
The definitions contained in ch. NR 400 apply to the terms used in this chapter. In addition, the following definitions apply to the terms used in this chapter:
(1) "Biologically derived gaseous fuel" means a gaseous fuel resulting from biological processing of a carbon-based feedstock.
(1m) "Capacity factor" means one of the following:
(2) "Combined cycle system" means a system comprised of one or more combustion turbines, heat recovery steam generators and steam turbines configured to improve overall efficiency of electricity generation or steam production.
(3) "Combustion controls" has the meaning given in s. NR 409.02(21m).
(4) "Combustion optimization" means those activities necessary to maximize combustion efficiency while minimizing NO x emissions, including but not limited to the following: burner adjustments, fuel conditioning, fuel flow improvements, furnace design modifications and the application of combustion controls.
(5) "Combustion turbine" means an enclosed fossil or other fuel-fired device that is comprised of a compressor, a combustor and a turbine, and in which the flue gas resulting from the combustion of fuel in the combustor passes through the turbine, rotating the turbine.
(6) "Commencement of operation" means the beginning of any mechanical, chemical or electronic process, including, with regard to a unit, startup of a unit's combustion chamber.
(6m) "Integrated gasification process" means a high temperature process in which gaseous fuel is produced onsite from a carbon-based feedstock.
(7) "Kraft recovery boiler" means "recovery furnace", as defined in s. NR 440.45 (2) (L).
(7e) "Maximum theoretical emissions" means the quantity of NO x emissions that theoretically could be emitted by a stationary source without consideration of control devices based on the design capacity or maximum production capacity of the source and 8,760 hours of operation per year. When appropriate, and upon request by the source owner or operator, maximum theoretical emissions may be limited by the imposition of conditions in a federally enforceable permit. The conditions shall be used in place of design capacity or maximum production capacity in calculating the maximum theoretical emissions for the source and may include, among other things, the establishment of production limitations, capacity limitations, or limitations on the hours of operation of any emission source, or a combination of any limitations. Production or capacity limitations shall be established on the basis of no longer than one month and may allow for averaging for up to 12 consecutive months.
(7i) "Primary fuel" means the fuel types that provide the greatest amount of heat input, in terms of mmBtu, to a combustion unit. A combustion unit may have more than one primary fuel.
(7m) "Process heater" means an enclosed device using controlled flame, that is not a boiler, and that has a primary purpose to transfer heat indirectly to a process material or to a heat transfer material for use in a process unit, instead of generating steam. Process heaters may not include combustion equipment where the material being heated is in direct contact with the products of combustion, such as furnaces or kilns, any unfired waste heat recovery heater or units used for comfort heat or space heat, food preparation for onsite consumption, or autoclaves.
(7p) "Secondary fuel" means any fuel that is not a primary fuel.
(7u) "Simple cycle stationary combustion turbine" means any stationary combustion turbine that does not recover heat from the stationary combustion turbine exhaust gases.
(8) "Unit" means a solid fuel-fired or fossil fuel-fired combustion device.