Wisconsin Administrative Code
Department of Natural Resources
NR 400-499 - Environmental Protection - Air Pollution Control
Chapter NR 422 - Control Of Organic Compound EmissionsFrom Surface Coating, Printing And Asphalt Surfacing Operations
Section NR 422.04 - Methods of compliance
Current through November 25, 2024
(1) IN-LINE AVERAGING. Compliance with the emission limitations of this chapter may be achieved through a daily volume-weighted average of all coatings or inks applied by emission units in a process line subject to the same numerical emission limitation. Any owner or operator achieving compliance by means of this subsection shall comply with the reporting requirements of s. NR 439.03(7) and the recordkeeping requirements of s. NR 439.04(5) (g).
VOCA is the volume-weighted average VOC content of 2 or more coatings applied on a coating line during any day in kilograms per liter (pounds per gallon) of coating, excluding water
i is the subscript denoting an individual coating
n is the number of different coatings subject to the same numerical emission limitation applied during any day on a coating line
Ci is the VOC content of each coating (i) as applied during any day on the coating line in kilograms per liter (pounds per gallon) of coating, excluding water
Vi is the volume of each coating (i), excluding water, as applied during any day on the coating line in liters (gallons)
VT is the total volume of all n coatings subject to the same emission limitation, excluding water, applied during any day on the coating line in liters (gallons)
VOCB is the volume-weighted average VOC content of 2 or more inks applied on a printing line during any day in percent VOC by volume of the volatile fraction
i is the subscript denoting an individual ink
n is the number of different inks subject to the same emission limitation applied during any day on a printing line
Ci is the VOC content in percent VOC by volume of the volatile fraction in each ink (i) as applied
Li is the volume of each ink (i) as applied in liters (gallons)
VVFi is the volume fraction volatile content in each ink (i) as applied
VOCC is the volume-weighted average VOC content of 2 or more inks applied on a printing line during any day in percent VOC by volume, excluding water
i is the subscript denoting an individual ink
n is the number of different inks subject to the same emission limitation applied during any day on a printing line
Ci is the VOC content of each ink (i) applied during any day on the printing line in percent VOC by volume, excluding water
Vi is the volume of each ink (i), excluding water, applied during any day on the printing line in liters (gallons)
VT is the total volume of all n inks subject to the same emission limitation, excluding water, applied during any day on the printing line in liters (gallons)
(2) GENERAL METHODS. The surface coating or printing emission limitations shall be achieved by one of the following:
(4) CAPTURE SYSTEMS. The design, operation and efficiency of any capture system used in conjunction with sub. (2) (b), (c) or (d) shall be certified in writing by the owner or operator. The efficiency of the capture system is subject to approval by the department. For sources subject to an emission limitation under this chapter which is expressed in units of pounds VOC per gallon of coating or ink, excluding water, the efficiency of the capture system shall be great enough to insure that for any day either 95% overall control is achieved or the emissions from the controlled line are less than or equal to the amount determined using the following equation:
E is the total allowable daily emissions of VOCs in kilograms (pounds) from all coatings or inks subject to the same numerical emission limitation and applied on the controlled line
i is the subscript denoting an individual coating or ink
n is the number of different coatings or inks applied
Ai is the allowable emission rate for the coatings or inks pursuant to the requirements of this chapter in kilograms per liter (pounds per gallon) of coating or ink, excluding water, delivered to the applicator
Bi is the amount of coating material or ink in liters (gallons), delivered to the applicator during the actual production day
Ci is the volume fraction of solids in the coating or ink, delivered to the applicator during the actual production day
Di is the theoretical volume fraction of solids in the coating or ink necessary to meet the allowable emission rate pursuant to the requirements of this chapter calculated from:
Pi is the density of the VOC used in the coating or ink delivered to the applicator during the actual production day in kilograms per liter (pounds per gallon). If the coating or ink does not contain any VOCs, or if the actual VOC density cannot be demonstrated by the owner or operator, a value of 0.88 kilograms per liter (7.36 pounds per gallon) shall be used for P.