PLAN. Any person required to submit an application for a grading permit under
this chapter shall develop a site specific erosion control plan in accordance
with s.
NR 216.46.
(2) SITE MAP REQUIREMENTS. Each grading site
map shall include all of the following:
Existing topography and drainage patterns, roads, waterways, wetlands, property
and floodplain boundaries.
(b) Two
foot pre- and post-construction contours for project sites of one acre or
(c) Location, description and
elevation of a reference benchmark.
(d) Horizontal and vertical scale and north
(e) Approximate
identification of the ordinary high water mark.
(f) Area and distance between the grading
project and the navigable waterway to be left undisturbed.
(g) Boundaries of the construction site,
including the area of land disturbing construction activity.
(h) Drainage patterns and approximate slopes
anticipated after grading activities, including the existing and proposed slope
of the bank and the water level of the existing waterway.
(i) Area of soil disturbance in square
(j) Volume of earth to be
added or removed in cubic yards.
(k) Location of any disposal area for dredged
or excavated materials.
Location of major structural and non-structural controls identified in the
erosion control plan.
(m) Location
of areas where stabilization practices will be employed.
(n) Areas that will be vegetated following
land disturbing construction activities.
(o) A vegetation plan that provides for a
self-sustaining vegetative cover of at least 70% for all pervious areas, and is
sufficient to provide for bank stability, maintenance of fish habitat and
filtering of pollutants from upslope overland flow areas under sheet flow
(p) Areas used for
infiltration of post-construction stormwater runoff.
(q) An alphanumeric or equivalent coordinate
system for the entire grading site for sites of one acre or more.
(r) Cross sections of pre- and
post-construction contours, sufficient to show slope variability across the
site with a minimum of one for every 50 feet of shoreline frontage. If the site
is uniform, only one cross section is necessary.
(s) Where wetlands are present, a wetland
delineation report.
Note: Many of the requirements for a grading project site map
are identical to the construction site map requirements of s.
NR 216.46. A site map prepared to meet the requirements
of s.
NR 216.46 will need to add the information requested in
pars. (b) to (f), (j), (k), (o), (r) and (s).
(a) The erosion control
plan shall include a description of appropriate erosion and sediment control
best management practices that will be installed and maintained from the start
of land disturbing construction activities until final stabilization of the
grading site. The erosion control plan shall clearly describe the appropriate
erosion and sediment control best management practices for each land disturbing
construction activity and the timing during the period of land disturbing
construction activity that the erosion and sediment control best management
practices will be implemented. The erosion and sediment control best management
practices shall be designed in accordance with s.
NR 216.46(6).
(b) Erosion control measures shall meet or
exceed the technical standards for erosion control approved by the department
under subch. V of ch. NR 151. Any area where topsoil is exposed during
construction shall be immediately seeded and mulched or riprapped to stabilize
disturbed areas and prevent soils from being eroded and washed into the
Note: These standards can be found at the following website:
(c) Unless part of a permanent
stormwater management system, all temporary erosion and sediment control
practices shall be removed upon final site stabilization. Areas disturbed
during removal shall be restored.