Wisconsin Administrative Code
Department of Natural Resources
NR 300-399 - Environmental Protection - Water Regulation
Chapter NR 328 - Shore Erosion Control Structures In Navigable Waterways
Subchapter III - Shore Erosion Control Structures on Rivers and Streams
Section NR 328.38 - Data requirements and site assessment methods
Current through November 25, 2024
Applicants and department staff shall adhere to the following data requirements and site assessment methods:
(1) IDENTIFICATION OF ECOREGIONS AND URBAN AREAS. Ecoregions and urban areas identified in Figure 1 are based on scientific literature characterizing the ecology of Wisconsin streams (Lyons et al. 1996; Wang et al.1997; Lyons et al. 2001; Wang et al. 2003; and Weigel et al. 2006), Omernik 1987, and Omernik et al. 2000. The department shall provide applicants with maps and internet-based location tools for the purpose of determining ecoregion and urban watersheds.
Note: Lyons, J., L. Wang, and T. Simonson. 1996. Development and Validation of an index of biotic integrity for coldwater streams in Wisconsin. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 16: 241-265.
Lyons, J., R.R. Piette, and K.W. Niermeyer. 2001. Development, validation, and application of a fish-based index of biotic integrity for Wisconsin's large warmwater rivers. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 130:1077-1094.
Omernik, J.M., 1987, Ecoregions of the conterminous United States (map supplement): Annals of the Association of American Geographers, v. 77, no. 1, p.
Omernik, J. M., Chapman, S. S., Lillie, R. A., Dumke, R. T. (2000) "Ecoregions of Wisconsin" Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters 88: 77-103
Wang, L., J. Lyons, P. Kanehl, and R. Gatti. 1997. Influences of watershed land use on habitat quality and biotic integrity in Wisconsin streams. Fisheries 22(6):6-12.
Wang, L., J. Lyons, P. Rasmussen, P. Seelbach, T. Simon, M. Wiley, P. Kanehl, E. Baker, S. Niemela, and P.M. Stewart. 2003. Watershed, reach, and riparian influences on stream fish assemblages in the Northern Lakes and Forest Ecoregion, U.S.A. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 60: 491-505.
Weigel, B.M, J. Lyons, and P. Rasmussen. 2006. Relative influence of environmental variables at multiple spatial scales on fishes in Wisconsin's warmwater nonwadeable rivers. American Fisheries Society Symposium 48:493-511.
(2) CALCULATION OF STREAM BANK EROSION INTENSITY INDEX. The department shall provide applicants with worksheets and internet-based computer software for the purpose of calculating the bank erosion potential index (BEPI). When the department or applicants assess erosion at the bank stabilization site, they shall apply methods outlined in Table 1 to calculate a bank erosion potential index (BEPI) score. For each continuous treatment site of 300 feet or less, applicants shall submit at least one BEPI assessment. For continuous treatments greater than 300 feet, applicants shall conduct and submit BEPI assessments at 150 foot intervals along the treatment site.
Table 1
Bank Erosion Potential Index (Bepi) Score Worksheet
Applicants and department staff shall use this worksheet to calculate erosion intensity pursuant to s. NR 328.38(2).
DESCRIPTIVE CATEGORIES Erosion Intensity Value is Located in Parenthesis at Bottom of Each Category Box. |
Bank Materials - predominance of bank materials at toe (between bed and 1OHWM on bank face). |
Bedrock Outcrop Stop assessment BEPI=0 |
Cobble >3 inches (-10 points) |
Silt/Clay (0 points) |
Gravel <3 inches (5 points) |
Sandy Gravel (7 points) |
Non plastic sands and silts (10 points) |
Hydraulic Influence of Upstream Structures - distance (number of channel widths) to bridges, culverts, or dams. Calculation: Number of Channel Widths= Stream Distance to Structure / Average Channel Width |
10+ channel widths (1 point) |
5.1-10 channel widths (2 points) |
2.1-5 channel widths (3 points) |
0-2 channel widths (4 points) |
2Max Bank Height (feet) Divided by the OHWM Height (feet) Calculation: Max Bank Height / OHWM Height |
1 - 1.19 Very Low or Low (2 points) |
1.2 - 1.5 Medium (5 points) |
1.6 - 2.0 High (7 points) |
2.1 - 2.8 Very High (8 points) |
>2.8 Extreme (10 points) |
3Bank Slope (degrees) - measure rise/run and translate into angle degree Calculation: Bank Slope= Inverse Tangent (Rise/ Run) |
0 - 20 Very Low (1 point) |
21 - 60 Low (3 points) |
61 - 80 Moderate (5 points) |
81 - 90 Vertical (7 points) |
91+ Undercut (10 points) |
4Stratification/ Bank Layering-type of soil layering occurring on the bank face. |
No stratification (0 points) |
No stratification, seepage present (3 points) |
Stratified above OHWM (4 points) |
Stratified above OHWM with seepage present, or stratified below OHWM (7 points) |
Stratified below OHWM with visual seepage (10 points) |
5Bank Vegetation - abundance of the vegetation, roots, and tree-falls occurring between the OHWM and the bank lip. |
Rock outcrop bank-unable to support vegetation. (-7 points) |
Dense vegetation <30% bare soil visible (-4 points) |
Clumps of vegetation 30-59% bare soil visible (0 points) |
Sparse vegetation 60-90% bare soil visible (4 points) |
Vegetation absent >90% bare soil visible (7 points) |
6Thalweg Location - deepest part of the channel and the location of stream current. |
Located across the stream, against opposite bank (0 points) |
Flowing down the center of the stream channel (2 points) |
Immediately adjacent to bank proposed for erosion control (8 points) |
Bank Erosion Potential Index (BEPI) Score |
Note: Table 1 is adapted from Rosgen, David L. "A Practical Method of Computing Streambank Erosion Rate", Wildland Hydrology Inc., Pagosa Springs, CO, 10 pp.
(3) BANK EDGE RECESSION MEASUREMENTS. Methods of measuring bank edge recession shall include all of the following: establishment of a physical measurement reference line between at least 2 headstakes; date-imbedded photographs showing the initial installation of the reference line and headstakes; reference distance measures to the bank lip shall be reported on department supplied forms; and time between separate measurements shall equal or exceed 3 months during the open-water season.