Wisconsin Administrative Code
Department of Natural Resources
NR 200-299 - Environmental Protection - Wisconsin Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
Chapter NR 212 - Waste Load Allocated Water Quality Related Effluent Limitations
Subchapter III - Development of Total Maximum Daily Loads and Effluent Limitations Developed Through Wasteload Allocations
Section NR 212.76 - Establishing WQBELs for publicly and privately owned wastewater facilities or treatment works
Current through August 26, 2024
(1) WQBEL CALCULATION PROCEDURES. Calculation of WQBELs derived from TMDL wasteload allocations shall be derived consistent with the wasteload allocation and assumptions of an EPA-approved TMDL. The department shall use scientifically defensible methods to calculate these WQBELs. All of the following conditions shall apply when calculating WQBELs derived from TMDL wasteload allocations:
(2) WQBEL CALCULATION PROCEDURES IN GREAT LAKES BASIN. In addition to the requirements in sub. (1), WQBELs derived from TMDLs under ss. NR 212.74 and 212.75 shall also meet all of the following:
(3) MIXING ZONES FOR BIOACCUMULATIVE CHEMICALS OF CONCERN (BCCS). WQBELs derived from TMDL wasteload allocations for BCCs shall be consistent with and no less stringent than the mixing zone provisions under s. NR 106.06(2).
(4) EXPRESSION OF LIMITS. WQBELs derived from TMDL wasteload allocations shall be expressed consistent with the provisions specified in s. NR 205.065 unless impracticable or an alternative expression of limitations is determined appropriate by the department and is consistent with the assumptions of the TMDL.
(5) COMPLIANCE SCHEDULES. When a permit is issued, reissued, or modified with new WQBELs based on a TMDL established using the procedures in this subchapter, the department may include a compliance schedule to achieve compliance with the TMDL based limitation if the permittee's treatment system is unable to immediately comply with the limitation. The compliance schedule shall meet all of the following conditions:
(6) RELATIONSHIP OF WQBELS DERIVED FROM TMDL WASTELOAD ALLOCATIONS AND OTHER WQBELS. The department may include WQBELs derived from TMDL wasteload allocations in a permit in addition to, or in lieu of, other WQBELs.