Wisconsin Administrative Code
Department of Natural Resources
NR 200-299 - Environmental Protection - Wisconsin Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
Chapter NR 212 - Waste Load Allocated Water Quality Related Effluent Limitations
Subchapter II - Effluent Limitations for Biochemical Oxygen Demand Developed Through Wasteload Allocations for Specific Stream Segments
Section NR 212.70 - Determination of Peshtigo river water quality related effluent limitations
Current through August 26, 2024
Effluent limitations for point sources discharging BOD5 to the Peshtigo river shall be calculated according to the procedures contained in this section. These limitations shall apply from May 1 to October 31 annually.
(1) Determine baseline loads for each point source subject to the wasteload allocation.
Baseline load = (Q) (8.34) (60) + (BPT) (Production)
Where Q = The year 2000 flow projection of the domestic contribution of the influent to the treatment plant expressed in millions of gallons per day
8.34 = Conversion factor
60 = Concentration of BOD 5 expressed in milligrams per liter
BPT = The final best practicable waste treatment effluent limitations for the industrial contribution of the influent to the treatment plant as provided in ch. NR 284 expressed as pounds of BOD5 per ton of production. If ch. NR 284 does not apply, the best practicable waste treatment effluent limitations as determined under ch. NR 220 shall apply.
Production = The annual average off-machine production during January 1 to December 1, 1978 expressed as tons per day
Baseline load = (BPT) (Production)
Where BPT = The final best practicable waste treatment effluent limitations for the point source which is not discharged to a publicly-owned treatment system as provided in ch. NR 284 expressed as pounds of BOD5 per ton of production. If ch. NR 284 does not apply, the best practicable waste treatment effluent limitations as determined under ch. NR 220 shall apply.
Production = The annual average off-machine production during January 1 to December 1, 1978 expressed as tons per day.
(2) Determine the allocation for each point source.
(3) The flow and temperature conditions used to determine compliance with permit effluent limits shall be the representative average measurements of the flow and temperature of the previous day.