Wisconsin Administrative Code
Department of Natural Resources
NR 200-299 - Environmental Protection - Wisconsin Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
Chapter NR 212 - Waste Load Allocated Water Quality Related Effluent Limitations
Subchapter II - Effluent Limitations for Biochemical Oxygen Demand Developed Through Wasteload Allocations for Specific Stream Segments
Section NR 212.13 - Flow reregulation
Current through August 26, 2024
(1) Total maximum loads established under this chapter may be calculated based on the use of flowre regulation techniques when WPDES permit applicants meet all of the following conditions:
(2) Flow reregulation may not be used to accommodate new discharges of pollutants either from new point sources or from the expansion of existing point sources.
(3) Flow reregulation may not be accomplished by the construction of new impoundments built for the primary purpose of increasing flows to accommodate pollution loadings.
(4) Flow reregulation may not be accomplished by flow augmentation practices which would increase the overall quantity of surface water in the basin. Prohibited practices include interbasin transfers or groundwater pumping.