Wisconsin Administrative Code
Department of Natural Resources
NR 200-299 - Environmental Protection - Wisconsin Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
Chapter NR 207 - Antidegradation and Antibacksliding
Subchapter II - Antibacksliding
Section NR 207.11 - Definitions
Current through November 25, 2024
In addition to the definitions in ch. NR 205, the following definitions apply to this subchapter:
(1) "Best professional judgment limitation" means technology based effluent limitations established on a case-by-case basis by the permit drafter when there are no applicable promulgated effluent guidelines for the category of discharge. These limitations are established under s. NR 220.21 and 33 USC 1342(a)(1)B.
(2) "Effluent limitation guidelines" or "effluent guideline standard" or "ELGs" means guidelines for establishing technology based effluent limitations under 33 USC 1313(b) including, but not limited to, guidelines for best practicable control technology currently achievable, best conventional pollutant control technology, best available technology economically achievable, and new source performance standards.
(3) "Impaired water" has the meaning in s. NR 151.002(16m).
(4) "State technology based treatment standard" means a technology based treatment standard promulgated by the state that is not an ELG.
Note: The department's state statutory authority for establishing technology based guidelines and standards is found in ss. 283.11, 283.13, 283.19, and 283.21, Stats. An example of a state treatment technology based standard is a standard promulgated under s. 283.11(3) or (4), Stats.
(5) "Total maximum daily load" or "TMDL" has the meaning in s. NR 151.002(46m).