Wisconsin Administrative Code
Department of Natural Resources
NR 200-299 - Environmental Protection Wisconsin Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
Chapter NR 274 - Nonferrous metals manufacturing
Subchapter XXX - Primary and Secondary Titanium
Section NR 274.304 - New source performance standards
Any new source subject to this subchapter shall achieve the following standards:
Table 30-31
Primary and Secondary Titanium Chlorination Off-gas Wet Air Pollution Control
Maximum for any 1 day |
Maximum for monthly average |
Pollutant or pollutant property |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of titanium tetrachloride produced |
Chromium |
0.346 |
0.140 |
Lead |
0.262 |
0.122 |
Nickel |
0.515 |
0.346 |
Titanium |
0.496 |
0.215 |
Oil and grease |
9.360 |
9.360 |
Total suspended solids |
14.040 |
11.230 |
pH |
(1) |
(1) |
(1) Within the range of 7.5 to 10.0 at all times.
Table 30-32
Primary and Secondary Titanium Chlorination Area-vent Wet Air Pollution Control
Maximum for any 1 day |
Maximum for monthly average |
Pollutant or pollutant property |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of titanium tetrachloride produced |
Chromium |
0.385 |
0.156 |
Lead |
0.291 |
0.135 |
Nickel |
0.572 |
0.385 |
Titanium |
0.551 |
0.239 |
Oil and grease |
10.400 |
10.400 |
Total suspended solids |
15.600 |
12.480 |
pH |
(1) |
(1) |
(1) Within the range of 7.5 to 10.0 at all times.
Table 30-33
Primary and Secondary Titanium Titanium Tetrachloride Handling Wet Air Pollution Control
Maximum for any 1 day |
Maximum for monthly average |
Pollutant or pollutant property |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of titanium tetrachloride handled |
Chromium |
0.069 |
0.028 |
Lead |
0.052 |
0.024 |
Nickel |
0.103 |
0.069 |
Titanium |
0.099 |
0.043 |
Oil and grease |
1.870 |
1.870 |
Total suspended solids |
2.805 |
2.244 |
pH |
(1) |
(1) |
(1) Within the range of 7.5 to 10.0 at all times.
Table 30-34
Primary and Secondary Titanium Reduction Area Wet Air Pollution Control
Maximum for any 1 day |
Maximum for monthly average |
Pollutant or pollutant property |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of titanium produced |
Chromium |
1.528 |
0.620 |
Lead |
1.156 |
0.537 |
Nickel |
2.272 |
1.528 |
Titanium |
2.198 |
0.950 |
Oil and grease |
41.300 |
41.600 |
Total suspended solids |
61.950 |
49.560 |
pH |
(1) |
(1) |
(1) Within the range of 7.5 to 10.0 at all times.
Table 30-35
Primary and Secondary Titanium Melt Cell Wet Air Pollution Control
Maximum for any 1 day |
Maximum for monthly average |
Pollutant or pollutant property |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of titanium produced |
Chromium |
0.787 |
0.319 |
Lead |
0.595 |
0.276 |
Nickel |
1.169 |
0.276 |
Titanium |
1.127 |
0.489 |
Oil and grease |
21.260 |
21.260 |
Total suspended solids |
31.890 |
25.510 |
pH |
(1) |
(1) |
(1) Within the range of 7.5 to 10.0 at all times.
Table 30-36
Primary and Secondary Titanium Chlorine Liquefaction Wet Air Pollution Control
Maximum for any 1 day |
Maximum for monthly average |
Pollutant or pollutant property |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of titanium produced |
Chromium |
0.000 |
0.000 |
Lead |
0.000 |
0.000 |
Nickel |
0.000 |
0.000 |
Titanium |
0.000 |
0.000 |
Oil and grease |
0.000 |
0.000 |
Total suspended solids |
0.000 |
0.000 |
pH |
(1) |
(1) |
(1) Within the range of 7.5 to 10.0 at all times.
Table 30-37
Primary and Secondary Titanium Sodium Reduction Container Reconditioning Wash Water
Maximum for any 1 day |
Maximum for monthly average |
Pollutant or pollutant property |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of titanium produced |
Chromium |
0.474 |
0.192 |
Lead |
0.359 |
0.167 |
Nickel |
0.705 |
0.474 |
Titanium |
0.679 |
0.295 |
Oil and grease |
12.820 |
12.820 |
Total suspended solids |
19.230 |
15.380 |
pH |
(1) |
(1) |
(1) Within the range of 7.5 to 10.0 at all times.
Table 30-38
Primary and Secondary Titanium Chip Crushing Wet Air Pollutant Control
Maximum for any 1 day |
Maximum for monthly average |
Pollutant or pollutant property |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of titanium produced |
Chromium |
0.000 |
0.000 |
Lead |
0.000 |
0.000 |
Nickel |
0.000 |
0.000 |
Titanium |
0.000 |
0.000 |
Oil and grease |
0.000 |
0.000 |
Total suspended solids |
0.000 |
0.000 |
pH |
(1) |
(1) |
(1) Within the range of 7.5 to 10.0 at all times.
Table 30-39
Primary and Secondary Titanium Acid Leachate and Rinse Water
Maximum for any 1 day |
Maximum for monthly average |
Pollutant or pollutant property |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of titaniu m produced |
Chromium |
4.381 |
1.776 |
Lead |
3.351 |
1.539 |
Nickel |
6.512 |
4.381 |
Titanium |
6.275 |
2.723 |
Oil and grease |
118.400 |
118.400 |
Total suspended solids |
177.600 |
142.100 |
pH |
(1) |
(1) |
(1) Within the range of 7.5 to 10.0 at all times.
Table 30-40
Primary and Secondary Titanium Sponge Crushing and Screening Wet Air Pollution Control
Maximum for any 1 day |
Maximum for monthly average |
Pollutant or pollutant property |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of titanium produced |
Chromium |
0.000 |
0.000 |
Lead |
0.000 |
0.000 |
Nickel |
0.000 |
0.000 |
Titanium |
0.000 |
0.000 |
Oil and grease |
0.000 |
0.000 |
Total suspended solids |
0.000 |
0.000 |
pH |
(1) |
(1) |
(1) Within the range of 7.5 to 10.0 at all times.
Table 30-41
Primary and Secondary Titanium Acid Pickle and Wash Water
Maximum for any 1 day |
Maximum for monthly average |
Pollutant or pollutant property |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of titanium pickled |
Chromium |
0.023 |
0.009 |
Lead |
0.017 |
0.008 |
Nickel |
0.034 |
0.023 |
Titanium |
0.032 |
0.014 |
Oil and grease |
0.610 |
0.610 |
Total suspended solids |
0.915 |
0.732 |
pH |
(1) |
(1) |
(1) Within the range of 7.5 to 10.0 at all times.
Table 30-42
Primary and Secondary Titanium Scrap Milling Wet Air Pollution Control
Maximum for any 1 day |
Maximum for monthly average |
Pollutant or pollutant property |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of titanium milled |
Chromium |
0.000 |
0.000 |
Lead |
0.000 |
0.000 |
Nickel |
0.000 |
0.000 |
Titanium |
0.000 |
0.000 |
Oil and grease |
0.000 |
0.000 |
Total suspended solids |
0.000 |
0.000 |
pH |
(1) |
(1) |
(1) Within the range of 7.5 to 10.0 at all times.
Table 30-43
Primary and Secondary Titanium Scrap Detergent Wash Water
Maximum for any 1 day |
Maximum for monthly average |
Pollutant or pollutant property |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of scrap washed |
Chromium |
6.684 |
2.710 |
Lead |
5.058 |
2.348 |
Nickel |
9.935 |
6.684 |
Titanium |
9.574 |
4.155 |
Oil and grease |
180.600 |
180.600 |
Total suspended solids |
271.000 |
216.000 |
pH |
(1) |
(1) |
(1) Within the range of 7.5 to 10.0 at all times.
Table 30-44
Primary and Secondary Titanium Casting Crucible Wash Water
Maximum for any 1 day |
Maximum for monthly average |
Pollutant or pollutant property |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of titanium cast |
Chromium |
0.176 |
0.072 |
Lead |
0.134 |
0.062 |
Nickel |
0.262 |
0.176 |
Titanium |
0.253 |
0.110 |
Oil and grease |
4.770 |
4.770 |
Total suspended solids |
7.155 |
5.724 |
pH |
(1) |
(1) |
(1) Within the range of 7.5 to 10.0 at all times.
Table 30-45
Primary and Secondary Titanium Casting Contact Cooling Water
Maximum for any 1 day |
Maximum for monthly average |
Pollutant or pollutant property |
mg/kg (pounds per million pounds) of titanium cast |
Chromium |
27.000 |
10.950 |
Lead |
20.430 |
9.486 |
Nickel |
40.140 |
27.000 |
Titanium |
38.680 |
16.780 |
Oil and grease |
729.700 |
729.700 |
Total suspended solids |
1,095.000 |
875.700 |
pH |
(1) |
(1) |
(1) Within the range of 7.5 to 10.0 at all times.