Wisconsin Administrative Code
Department of Natural Resources
NR 100-199 - Environmental Protection General
Chapter NR 193 - Surface Water Grant Program
Subchapter I - General Provisions
Section NR 193.05 - DNR cost-share percentages and maximum grant award amounts
Current through August 26, 2024
Grants awarded under this chapter cover a percentage of total eligible project costs up to a maximum grant award amount, as outlined in Table 1 for each grant subprogram in this chapter. The grantee shall be responsible for contributing the grantee match as specified in s. NR 193.07 and any project costs that exceed the grant award amount.
Surface Water Grant Project Cost Share Table
This table lists the DNR cost-share percentage, maximum grant award, grantee match, maximum grant advance possible as a percentage of the grant award amount, and lake public access requirements of each project type under this chapter. |
Grant Category |
Project Type |
DNR Cost Share |
Maximum Grant Award |
Grantee Match |
Maximum Grant Advance |
Public Lake Access Required |
Education and Planning Grantsa |
Surface Water Education |
67% |
$5,000 |
33% |
75% |
No |
Surface Water Planning |
$10,000 |
Comprehensive Planning for Lakes & Watersheds |
$25,000 |
County Lake Grants |
$50,000 |
Management Grants |
Healthy Lakes & Rivers |
75% |
$25,000 |
25% |
25% |
Project-specific |
Surface Water Restoration (Lakes) |
$50,000 |
Surface Water Restoration (Rivers) |
$25,000 |
Management Plan Implementation (Lakes & Watersheds) |
$200,000 |
25% not to exceed $25,000 |
Management Plan Implementation (Rivers) |
$50,000 |
25% |
Ordinance Development |
$50,000 |
No |
AIS Prevention |
$24,000b |
Yes |
AIS Early Detection and Response |
$25,000 |
Project-specific |
AIS Large-scale Population Management |
$150,000 |
25% not to exceed $25,000 |
Yes |
AIS Small-scale Population Management |
$50,000 |
25% |
AIS Research and Demonstration |
$500,000c |
25% not to exceed $25,000 |
No |
Fee Simple Land and Easement Acquisition (Lakes) |
$200,000 |
100% of approved land value at escrow closing |
Nod |
Fee Simple Land and Easement Acquisition (Rivers) |
$50,000 |
Wetland Restoration Incentive |
100% |
$10,000 |
0% |
0% |
No |
Lake Monitoring & Protection Network |
100% |
Up to 25% of lakes & AIS appropriation |
0% |
N/A |
No |
a. The maximum amount of combined Education and Planning grant awards to a lake, river, or grantee may not exceed $50,000 in one state fiscal year as specified in s. 281.68(2) (a), Stats.
b. The watercraft inspection program provides $4,000 for inspection activities carried out on each landing or pair of landings.
c. A maximum of $500,000 may be awarded annually for projects under this subprogram.
d. A grantee acquiring property through title in fee simple or rights to a property via a conservation easement shall ensure that the property provides for public access as provided in s. 281.71, Stats., unless the department determines, and documents in writing, that the property may be closed to public access to protect wild animals, plants or other natural features in accordance with s. 281.71(1) (c), Stats.