Wisconsin Administrative Code
Department of Natural Resources
NR 1-99 - Fish, Game and Enforcement, Forestry and Recreation
Chapter NR 51 - Administration Of Stewardship Grants
Subchapter XI - Governmental Units
Section NR 51.906 - Application and grant award procedures
Current through August 26, 2024
(1)Project sponsors shall submit applications on prescribed department forms to the appropriate region office delivered or postmarked no later than May 1 of each year.
Note: Copies of application forms and instructions are available from the DNR, Bureau of Community Assistance, Box 7921, Madison, WI 53707.
(2)The department shall evaluate, score, and rank completed applications to determine which sponsors shall receive grants under subchapters XII, XIII, XIV, and XV of this chapter.
(3)The department shall fund projects in rank order within each grant program until all grant funds available within a grant program have been awarded.
(4)The department may notify all sponsors of the status of their grant application, and if awarded, the department shall provide a grant contract to the successful applicant.
(5)Property acquisition and development projects may not begin prior to the project period start date except as provided in s. NR 51.907(1) (b) for retroactivity of land acquisition costs and s. NR 51.907(2) (a) 4. for retroactivity of engineering and planning fees.
(6)Project activities and costs incurred shall be within the project period, scope and amount as shown in the grant contract.
(7)A sponsor may request a change in project period, scope, or grant amount prior to the project period end date.
(8)The department may make a conditional decision to approve a project or award a grant, but withhold a final decision or grant payment until all identified contingencies are satisfied.