Wisconsin Administrative Code
Department of Natural Resources
NR 1-99 - Fish, Game and Enforcement, Forestry and Recreation
Chapter NR 5 - Boat Rules And Registration
Section NR 5.14 - Jurisdiction of municipal water safety patrols
Current through November 25, 2024
The Wisconsin department of natural resources hereby defines by rule, pursuant to s. 30.79(4), Stats., the following waters which may be patrolled by the respective water safety patrol units mentioned:
(1) The waters of Wallace lake, located in section 1, township 11 north, range 19 east and section 6, township 11 north, range 20 east in Washington county, by a water safety patrol operated by the town of Trenton.
(2) The portion of Golden Lake, described herein, located in sections 30 and 31, township 7 north, range 17 east, Waukesha county, by a water safety patrol unit operated by the town of Summit: all of Golden lake except that portion in section 25, township 7 north, range 16 east, Jefferson county, which lies to the west of the easterly boundary of section 25; said boundary marked by a north-south line drawn between two certified land corner monuments; the north concrete monument being located 1167.5 feet south from the northeast corner of section 25 and the south concrete monument being located 576.7 feet north from the southeast corner of section 25.