Current through November 25, 2024
(ad) A person required to be
licensed under s.
Stats., to conduct commercial fishing operations on Lake Michigan, Green Bay,
or Lake Superior, or fishing as a treaty fisher, shall submit a daily fishing
report to the department by means of the electronic fish reporting system that
includes all of the following:
1. The
licensee's name, address, license number or fleet reporting number.
2. The date.
3. The name and number of the boat
4. The licensee's fishing
location and depth.
5. The
licensee's fishing effort.
6. The
gear used.
7. The estimated pounds
of each fish species harvested for each fishing trip, excluding estimated
pounds of lake trout taken in Lake Superior.
8. The number of lake trout taken in Lake
9. The weighed pounds of
10. The weighed catch by
species for commercial fish.
The number of incidentally caught fish of the species and waters that the
department annually specifies.
All other information called for on the report form.
(ah) A licensee shall report all fishing
activities for the day under par. (ad) before 11:59 p.m. of each day during
which the licensee engages in on-water fishing activity. Reports shall be
submitted in the English language on electronic forms provided for this purpose
by the department and include such information as may be deemed necessary by
the department for management of the fishery and to prevent depletion of the
fish supply. Except as provided under par. (c), the daily report shall be
submitted using an electronic communication device operated by the licensee or
a licensee's crew member. The daily fishing report, which may include a record
of the report on an electronic communication device, shall accompany the fish
to the dock or shore and be made available to a department representative upon
(ap) The department shall
issue unique login credentials to the licensee and, upon request of the
licensee, to any licensee crew member in order to access the electronic fish
reporting system and submit reports. A person shall only enter or submit a
record into the electronic fish reporting system using their own department
issued login credentials.
(at) The
licensee or member of the licensee's crew may submit the report in any of the
following ways:
1. By direct input through an
electronic communication device to the electronic fish reporting system after
completing the last net lift of the day but before starting for the dock or
shore, and no later than 11:59 p.m. that same day.
2. By recording all required information on a
daily paper report form supplied by the department after completing the last
net lift of the day but before starting for the dock or shore, then submitting
this information through an electronic communication device to the electronic
fish reporting system no later than 11:59 p.m. that same day.
Note: Pursuant to s.
29.519(4) (d), Stats., the licensee is responsible for
all acts of crew members conducting commercial fishing activities for the
Reports submitted using the electronic fish reporting system are considered
approved by the licensee upon submittal.
(c) If the electronic communication device
malfunctions or is unable to connect to the electronic fish reporting system,
the licensee or a licensee's crew member shall complete a paper copy of the
report for that day after completing the last net lift of the day but before
starting for the dock or shore, and before 11:59 p.m. the same day. The paper
copy of the fishing report shall accompany the fish to dock or shore. After
each trip's information has been recorded, the report may not be transported
for the rest of the day in such a way that it can be altered except to record
information pertaining to additional fishing trips taken that day. Upon
reestablishing the functionality of the electronic communication device or
reestablishing connection with the electronic fish reporting system, the
licensee or licensee's crew member shall enter the daily fishing activity
information and information from any paper reports completed under this
paragraph and shall submit them electronically to the department. The paper
copy of the report shall be retained as part of the licensee's records required
under s.
29.519(5) (dm), Stats., and made available to a
department representative upon request.
Note: Pursuant to s.
Stats., all records of commercial fishing activity are subject to inspection
upon request of a duly authorized department representative. This includes
electronic records on a portable electronic communication device.
Note: Paper report forms are provided by the
department to each licensee at the beginning of the license year. Additional
forms may be obtained by writing: DNR, 110 South Neenah Avenue, Sturgeon Bay,
WI 54235.
(e) Except for
reporting trawl fish harvest under par. (g), when the landed catch cannot be
weighed by the end of the day, the licensee or crew member shall note in the
comment box of the report form submitted under this section that the landed
catch cannot be weighed and reported until the next business day. The licensee
or crew member shall then weigh the landed catch the next business day and
report the weight by fish species and other information required by the
department on the form of the electronic fish reporting system before 11:59 pm
of that day.
(f) In addition to the
other requirements in this subsection, each person required to be licensed
under s.
Stats., to conduct commercial whitefish fishing operations on Lake Michigan or
Green Bay, or a member of the licensee's crew, shall report the name of the
lifted trap net pursuant to s. NR 25.09 (3) (f) to the department after lifting
the trap net and before starting for the dock or shore through the electronic
fish reporting system in accordance with par. (at).
(g) When fishing with trawls in Lake Michigan
or Green Bay, the following electronic reporting requirements also apply:
1. After the last lift of the trip and prior
to returning to dock or port, a licensee or crew member fishing by trawl shall
record the estimated pounds of each fish species harvested by zone as provided
under par. (f).
2. Before 11:59
p.m. each day, the licensee or a crew member fishing by trawl on the waters of
Green Bay shall report to the department the landed pounds of smelt and pounds
of incidental catch.
3. A licensee
or crew member fishing by trawl on the waters of Lake Michigan other than Green
Bay, within 24 hours of landing the catch on all days except non-work days and
days immediately preceding non-work days, shall electronically report to the
department the landed pounds of chubs and roe intended for human consumption,
pounds of smelt, and pounds of incidental catch. When trawl caught fish are
landed on days that immediately precede non-work days and on non-work days, the
commercial fisher or crew member shall report the landed catch within 48 hours
of the estimated catch entry.
(h) Unless otherwise authorized in writing by
the department, no licensee, crew member, agent, wholesale fish dealer, or
other person may transport, cause to be transported, deliver, receive, or offer
to deliver or receive for transportation to a location outside of Wisconsin,
any fish or fish parts taken from outlying waters unless the fish have been
reported as part of a weighed catch as required under this
(6) FISH
INTENDED FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION. The weight in pounds of any fish that in whole
or in part is ultimately used for or intended for human consumption shall be
reported as part of the commercial fisher's individual catch quota harvest or
chub zone permit harvest by the commercial fisher who caught it.
(7) DISPOSITION RECORDS. Each commercial
fisher shall maintain a printed disposition record in the English language of
all fish harvested by the commercial fisher as required by s.
29.519(5) (a) and (c), Stats., that includes all of the
(a) The complete name, address and
commercial fishing license number of the commercial fisher.
(b) For each wholesale sale, each retail sale
over 15 pounds and each donation over 15 pounds: the complete name, address and
wholesale fish dealer license number, if any, of the buyer or recipient; the
weight in pounds of each species of fish; condition of the fish and the date of
each sale or donation.
(c) For each
retail sale of 15 pounds or less and donation of 15 pounds or less, the
condition of the fish, weight in pounds of each species of fish and the date of
each sale or donation.
(d) For fish
spoiled or otherwise destroyed or utilized, the condition of the fish, weight
in pounds of each species of fish and the date of disposal or
UNRECORDED OR UNREPORTED FISH. No person may possess, control, transport or
cause to be transported any fish which has not been recorded or reported as
required under ss.
29.503 and
Stats., and this chapter.
(a) Each commercial fisher
required to be licensed under s.
Stats., shall complete an annual inventory of fish in possession, ownership or
under control, including fish in cold storage facilities, and report that
inventory to the department within 15 days of completion as required under s.
Stats. The inventory report shall be on forms available from the department and
shall include the species, condition and weight in pounds of fish, the location
of the fish by street address, date of the inventory, the commercial fishing
license number or fleet reporting number, signature of the licensee and any
other information required on the inventory report form.
(b) Each commercial fisher shall complete the
inventory required by par. (a) and submit the inventory report to the
department. The commercial fisher shall designate the month and day in which
annual inventory reports will be submitted. The licensee shall thereafter
complete the annual inventory within 10 working days preceding that designated
month and day.
(c) Within 30 days
after the transfer of a commercial fishing license, the transferee shall
complete an inventory of fish and submit an inventory report as required under
par. (a). At the time the inventory report is submitted, the transferee shall
designate and advise the department of the month and day on which the
transferee will subsequently submit the annual inventory report. The transferee
shall thereafter complete the annual inventory within 10 working days preceding
that designated month and day.
Upon written request to the department, a licensed commercial fisher may
request a change in the date of the designated annual inventory report
submittal. The effective date for the change may not be more than 15 months
from the previous designated inventory report submittal date. A change in the
annual inventory report submittal date may not be requested more than once per
12 months.
(e) A commercial fisher
who does not possess, own or control any Great Lakes fish or sturgeon on the
date of the annual inventory shall submit the inventory report to the
department as required by pars. (a) and (b) indicating that the commercial
fisher does not have any Great Lakes fish or sturgeon in possession, ownership
or under control, including in cold storage facilities on the date of the
(10) HIGH
VALUE SPECIES. In addition to the reporting requirements contained under sub.
(2), when fishing for a high value species, each commercial fisher or
designated crew member shall file a float plan each day prior to the start of
the day's fishing activity by calling a department designated telephone
addition to the reporting requirements contained under sub. (2), any person
convicted of 2 or more violations of s.
29.503 or
Stats., or this chapter is subject to the enhanced reporting requirements of
this section in addition to any court-ordered penalties, at the following
(a) For conviction of harvesting more
than 1,000 pounds of fish in excess of the person's annual quota, failing to
report more than 2,000 pounds of catch during a 12-month period, fishing during
the closed season, or possessing 200 pounds or more of fish in violation of ch.
29, Stats., or this chapter, the commercial fisher or designated crew member
shall file a float plan each day prior to the start of the day's fishing
activity by calling a department designated telephone number.
(b) For 3 or more violations of s.
29.503 or
Stats., or this chapter within a 36-month period, the commercial fisher or
designated crew member shall file a float plan each day prior to the start of
the day's fishing activity by calling a department designated telephone
(c) For more than 5
violations of s.
29.503 or
Stats., or this chapter within a 36-month period or 3 or more violations of s.
29.503 or
Stats., or this chapter within a 12-month period, in addition to the
requirements of par. (b), upon returning to the dock, the commercial fisher or
crew member shall weigh the catch not more than 30 minutes after landing and
prior to loading or moving the fish from the dock or landing site, and enter
and save the species and weight in pounds of the fish in a paper biweekly
report form or the electronic fish reporting system. If the actual weight in
pounds of the fish is saved in a paper biweekly report form or the electronic
fish reporting system prior to returning to shore, the commercial fisher or
crew member is exempt from this paragraph.
(d) In the event that the weight of the fish
cannot be entered or saved due to mechanical failure or other problems
associated with the electronic communication device:
1. The commercial fisher or crew member shall
immediately notify the department of the problem and verbally provide the date,
time, licensee's name, commercial fishing license number or fleet reporting
number, boat name, zone of fishing and the weight in pounds of fish by species
by calling a department designated telephone number.
2. If the commercial fisher or crew member is
unable to reach the department designated telephone number, the commercial
fisher or crew member shall immediately complete a report on a paper form
available from the department upon weighing the fish, but before loading the
fish for transport. The report shall include the date, licensee's name,
commercial fishing number or fleet reporting number, boat name, zone of fishing
and the weight in pounds of the fish by species and grid, and the signature of
the individual completing the report. The report shall be presented to a
department representative upon request and shall be retained as part of the
commercial fisher's records under s.
3. Upon reestablishing the
functionality of the electronic reporting unit, the licensee shall enter the
weighed catch and other requested daily fishing activity data for the date and
submit it electronically to the department as required under sub. (2)
(e) A commercial
fisher shall remain under the enhanced reporting requirements of this
subsection for a period of 24 months from the date of conviction of the offense
triggering this subsection.
See the table of Appellate Court Citations for Wisconsin
appellate cases citing s. NR 25.13.