Wisconsin Administrative Code
Department of Natural Resources
NR 1-99 - Fish, Game and Enforcement, Forestry and Recreation
Chapter NR 2 - Procedure And Practice
Section NR 2.195 - Public records and information
Current through November 25, 2024
(1) It is vital that the public receive factual information on the affairs of state government through all forms of communication. Whether the information is requested by media representatives or individual citizens, department employees shall assist in securing facts necessary to allow understanding of and participation in government and government agencies.
(2) Department employees are authorized to answer questions within their competency, whether these are asked by the public or by representatives of the news media. Employees are responsible for the factual accuracy of the information they provide. Requests to inspect department records shall be referred to the custodian of the records.
(3) In cases where the regional or bureau directors are concerned that the public interest in withholding inspection outweighs the public interest in permitting it, the file or requested information shall be provided to the secretary, deputy secretary or division administrator for review with the bureau of legal services and for determination.
(4) Regional and bureau directors are designated as custodians of their respective department regional and central office records and files and are delegated the responsibility for them as well as the authority to provide copies or inspection as provided herein.