Wisconsin Administrative Code
Department of Natural Resources
NR 1-99 - Fish, Game and Enforcement, Forestry and Recreation
Chapter NR 19 - Miscellaneous Fur, Fish, Game And Outdoor Recreation
Subchapter I - Miscellaneous
Section NR 19.60 - Feeding of wild animals
Current through November 25, 2024
Note Section 29.614, Stats., states: Scientific collector permit. (1) Application for a scientific collector permit shall be submitted to the department. The department may issue a scientific collector permit if the department determines that the applicant is a natural person and is engaged in a bona fide program leading to increased, useful scientific knowledge.
Note Section 169.25, Stats., states: Scientific research license. (1) Issuance. (a) The department shall issue a scientific research license to any person who is engaged in a study or in research that the department determines will lead to increased, useful scientific knowledge and who files a proper application and who pays the applicable fee.
Note Section 340.01(54), Stats., "Roadway" means that portion of a highway between the regularly established curb lines or that portion which is improved, designed or ordinarily used for vehicular travel, excluding the berm or shoulder. In a divided highway, the term "roadway" refers to each roadway separately but not to all such roadways collectively.
These feeding rules do not apply to captive wild animals held and licensed under ch. 169, Stats.